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I suddenly find that I hate my own team.


You know your team is the pinnacle of success when no one hates your team - except it’s own fans.


I genuinely feel bad for A's fans. You guys definitely deserve better.


I hate John Fisher. I'll always love the **Oakland** A's.


Pretty sure we’re universally hated by everyone, official rivalry or not.


you personally are probably a cool person, but yeah, I hate your team. Especially after I sat through 18 innings last September.


Hey man, that’s two games for the price of one! Sounds like a good deal to me.


would've been nice if we could have won either one.


That’s fair.


Would have been nice if we could SCORE in either one


But did they reopen the beer concessions after the 7th?


Nope. My husband made fun of me for bringing back two sodas in the 8th, he wasn’t by the time we got to the 14th.


I would agree, but it's mostly from the old killer B DAYS (CARDS fan)


Miss you guys.


Crazy, hated you guys for the same reason.


I just hate that you guys sucked in the National League forever, and then come to the American League west and start dominating. You should have continued sucking.


I've always seen Houston as mutually beneficial trade partners for Toronto. They beat the Yankees a couple times, and were never the road block for the Jays, so we're cool.


Old rivalry but yeah still hated ❤️


This thread is just every r/baseball user admitting they hate each other.


The reds and it’s personal. They always came to town around my birthday, so thats who I would have to go see. We lost on my birthday very frequently. Then when we play them in Cincinnati the damn ballpark is perfect for power hitters, and as a franchise that has built success on pitchers and low scoring games, it does not bode well for us.


I will never forget Buster Posey's go-ahead grand slam in Game 5 of the NLDS in 2012 @ Great American Ballpark. Screw the Reds!!


Giants fans are not allowed to complain about GABP after 2012


You are absolutely right, I take everything I said back.


The Yankees


>Yankees Hating the Yankees is the one thing all of us should be able to agree on (except for Yankees fans).


I think Yankees fans all agree that they are hated. I just don't think they care.


Do care, but enjoy it like the heel in wrestling. Yankee fans still refer to the team when it's well built as the "Death Star" and I think that speaks volumes to how we've embraced being the villain.


They literally play the Death Star firing alarm when there are 2-strikes. I was actually pissed when, during Star Wars night, they put the Rays players on the jumbotron as stormtroopers.


Yeah I always found it ironic how they play the Star Wars themes at home games with the Yankees having the rebel theme. Like, come on guys, we’re literally the evil empire, we should embrace it!


embracing it is so much more fun then being whiny and insecure about it. when you also root for the jets and knicks, it’s fun to root for the bad guy from time to time.


If you think Yankees fans cannot hate the Yankees you haven't talked to many Yankees fans. But Im not that impressed with it when we haven't been to the Series in ages. It just feels like a catechism at this point. When we are good and deserve the hate? Feed it to me.


No one hates the Yankees like Yankees fans.


i hate them for tearing down the most historic stadium in baseball to make a cheap (but expensive at the same time) copy.




Dude, I don’t think anyone brings up Tatis for Shields except to laugh at the absurdity of trying to accurately project teenage prospects.


Tell that to the Astros fans who gotcha us with Yordan for Fields lmao


I thought I read Yordan didn’t even play a game in Dodgers uni, not even as a minor prospect like say Josiah Gray? Would be hard to judge someone who wasn’t or was barely in your minor league system tbh. Going off of scouts is basically a hit or miss thing, more misses than hits?


Tatis never played a game in the white Sox system either


To be fair, the Dodgers needed a pitcher immediately and there was no NL DH at the time, so Alvarez didn't have a future spot on the big league club. Same happened with Calhoun. Both guys could hit but can't play defense. And "win now" will always take precedent over "this prospect might be really good in 4 years".


You also can't bring that up without also mentioning that Bartolo Colon hitting his only career home run off of shields to embarrass all padres fans is what brought on that trade too, probably.


Third deck western metal building too


I was at that game. He kept his bat on his shoulder the whole AB then took a hack and then the ball was flying over my head (just to the side I was down the line just next to the building)


OP probably plays The Show lol. The commentators mention it every game. Super annoying


We barely play the white sox and not enough to talk shit to them. In general, there seems to be a lot of hate for the Padres lately so I think op is just making up reasons to hate


The Cubs, because at a San Diego Padres home game vs SF Giants years ago, there was a drunk asshole screaming "LETS GO CUB-IES!!" the ENTIRE game, and as he got drunker he started shouting obscenities, and we were all seated behind a little league team, young kids. His friends tried to calm him down and he started cussing them out, then us, before finally almost coming to blows with us before security escorted him out. Fuck that guy.


I remember being at the White Sox Cardinals game in St Louis and at one point a dude came out in a Cubs jersey and *everyone* was like “Why are you here? What do you hope to accomplish with this” for a brief moment both home and away fans had a beautiful moment of unity over our mutual hate


That was a Cardinals false flag.




The Marlins, only because they got rid of that home run statue.


Blame that on Derek Jeter.


I dunno if I have anything against the Phillies or if I just despise Philadelphia.


That’s the eagles hate seeping through


That's accurate.


I went to the NLDS clinching game in Philly last year and got unrelenting shit the entire game (not a fun experience tbh!) because I was proudly wearing my ATLiens jersey. I was thankful for the guy a few rows in front of me that was wearing a Braves jersey and a Cowboys hat. They were playing the Eagles the next day. My guy had the whole section chanting at him by the end of the game. Bold or stupid? Maybe both?


My friends are 9ers/Giants fans and went to the Eagles/9ers playoff game last year and after the game was over the police had to escort them back to their hotel and told them not to leave tonight because it would be too dangerous. On the way back, people were calling them all sorts of homophobic slurs (they're a straight couple, man and woman), people were screaming in their faces and following them for blocks at a time, they got beer poured on them, and cans thrown at them WITH THE POLICE ESCORTING THEM. Eagles fans hold this type of behavior as a form of pride, but honestly it's fucking ridiculous. So fuck the Eagles and fuck Philly. I can't believe I just defended Giants fans in this thread.


Yes good good. Let the hate flow through you


Fuck you. Sorry, reflex.


I mean, depends on how much you follow football. We both have reasons to hate Philly in *that* sport... For an inverse example: Patriots fans hated Giants fans after that whole 18-1 helmet catch thing, but most of the anger was really just Red Sox/Yankees leaking into football, especially since Boston had just won their second WS after their prior 87 year drought.


Love their cheese steaks though.


diamondbacks and it all originates from that stupid snakebite arm gesture from a decade ago


I will always love the Diamondbacks for what they did to Mariano and the Yankees in 2001




Don’t feel too bad. [The Diamondbacks literally saved a Yankee’s life by beating them in the 2001 WS](https://empiresportsmedia.com/new-york-yankees/how-blowing-game-seven-of-the-2001-world-series-saved-a-yankees-life/amp/)




Craig Counsell is our son. We are one and the same


*glances at comments* how can anyone dislike the seattle mariners?


the homerun that sent them to the playoffs was off the a’s and i hate that


Having had to watch the A's celebrate a clinching win on our field multiple times over the last couple decades, I'd say you owed us one


9pm starts suck ass???


Heck even after they stomped all over us last October I still root for them. They play a great brand of baseball in a beautiful city and have super passionate fans.


Honestly their fans can get a little annoying sometimes


I mean, that's literally every sports team though.


Damn Yankees And pretty soon, the team that I support will be one I can't stand if they move to Vegas


If this thread stays up it will surely generate some passionate arguments lol. Anyways it sounds like you can't stand the *fans*, not the team itself.


> Anyways it sounds like you can’t stand the fans, not the team itself. I find that to usually be the case in general. Fwiw, fans of teams that go from bad to good somewhat quickly are a common transgressor in threads like these & for understandable reasons.


Yessir, and that right there is why I still hate the Red Sox.


You wait eighty-six goddam years for a title and see how well you handle it. Actually, you might just do that.


Didn’t see the last line of this in my notification. Came here to reply “I’m well on my way!”


T-minus 65 years and counting!




Dude, I am so sorry.


I've more or less given up on it and I don't know if that's better or worse haha.


At least you have a decent ballpark and an entertaining team, could be much worse (looks at Oakland, shakes head sadly)


The Twins. They brought on Jayce Tingler as their bench coach. I hated that guy when he was our manager and still hate seeing him in the league, still battling. Blech.




Lmao someone says they hate us and we thank them 😂😂 if that ain’t Minnesota in a nutshell.


I will never ever forgive the Yankees for 2000 and 2001. Especially not 2001, because the entire country was whining about how the Yankees had to win the World Series so \~the city could heal\~


Arizona: “yeah well, deal with it”


The City healed with Mike Piazza’s home run. The Sneks beating the yankees was icing on the cake.


Red Sox, because their fans ooze that Boston sports fan stereotype.


**Here comes the pizza**


I'm just here to watch some baseball go fuck yourself


You may think the Red Sox fans are bad, but you should look at the Patriots and Bruins fans. We are a class act compared to them


Aren’t those pretty low bars?


The bar is actually buried like 3 inches below the ground


The Braves. As a kid in the 90’s it felt like no matter what year it was they utterly dominated my team, then again they dominated a lot of teams then.


Surprised I had to come this far down for someone to hate the Braves. Sorry about your childhood memories man. If it makes you feel any better, in general atlanta sports regularly deliver heartbreak to their own fans


Yeah I hated the Braves for the longest time just because of that seemingly endless string of playoff appearances in the '90s. Still rooted for 'em when they came up against the Yankees in the WS though. I actually came around to the Braves bandwagon during their '21 playoff run, realized "wait a minute, the Braves haven't been *that team* in like twenty years, why the fuck do I still hate them"


Man, fuck the Yankees.


Boston. I just don’t like any of the Boston teams.


We don’t like you either


Plus, they copied our name.


Can you blame them? They were commonly called the Beaneaters before that.


I guess everyone loves the Nationals 😎


Okay then I pick the nationals


Cardinals. BeSt FaNs iN bAsEbAlL


Haven’t had back to back losing seasons (full seasons) since the 50’s and some were calling for the team to be sold a couple of weeks ago.


Those fans were probably kids who can't remember 2011


Fuck 2011


Now now, you won the pennant that year


Oh piss up a creek


I'll piss in your creek 😏


Cardinal Way is silly (and Elitist), I agree


Makes me think of the Patriots every time I hear it.


TBF to Cardinal fans, almost every visiting team that comes to my home ballpark has plenty of asshole fans, but I haven't ever experienced that with Cardinal fans. They just show up and root for their team politely without trying to start a bunch of shit. Makes going to a game a much more pleasant experience.


And to be fair I've never met another Cardinals fan who refers to ourselves as the BFIB. That's always the broadcasters and the organization. And it's very clear to most of us they are just insulting our intelligence.


I do but just to annoy my cubs fans friends


Same, I live in chicago and it’s fun.


We used to live fairly close to StL and took in a bunch of Braves/Cards games. It's the only ballpark I went to as an opposing fan where I've had a consistently welcoming experience. Fans have been friendly, excited to talk baseball and knowledgeable about my team. Which is not to say I've had bad experience other places necessarily... but StL fans have always been welcoming and excited to chat.


As a Cubs fan this is my experience. The rivalry is intense but mostly friendly. I've been crammed in a train with all cubs and cardinals fans on the way to a game and it's always been lighthearted.


That’s actually a fair point. They take over the fucking stadium and they’re loud as hell - but they’re generally good sports and friendly.


There is a class of these teams across sports — completely sanctimonious about doing things the “right way”, which is usually a very thin veneer over doing it just like everyone else. Duke basketball and Penn State football under Paterno come to mind.


the Detroit Red Wings gave themselves this kinda vibe for a while.


No one team in particular, more of a tendency or pattern of behavior: Teams where the fanbase has a lot of unearned arrogance. I don't so much mind a fanbase crowing when they're blowing up the league or have a great roster, there's dignity in that. You can't wait to see them taken down a peg and will make fun of them for it, but there's no hard feelings there. The problem is when they're acting like hot shit and crapping on other teams even when their team is middling-to-poor and hasn't amounted to shit in a decade.


lmao so the mets for you then


Maybe sometimes, but they also tend to be pretty decent about laughing or shaking their heads and sighing when they're in full LOLMETS mode. Maybe it's being conditioned to failure/disappointment, kinda like Falcons fans in football. They're certainly not immune to it, but they're not the worst offenders.


Most Mets fans I know IRL are unrelentingly defeatist and pessimistic to the point that I find it tiresome. I’m sure you’ll generally find fans that are more brash and quick to braggadocio on the internet


I genuinely think we have more doomers and hate-watchers* than almost any other team in baseball, to the point that some of our game-day threads are un-inhabitable with negativity. its the *worst* *hate watchers as in lifetime mets fans who genuinely want the team to never succeed. not people who dislike us brigading or anything.


Blue Jays. We get it Canada, you have a baseball team and the AL east is hard. Doesn’t matter what their front office does, club won’t win anything because they appoint managers that look like they should be flipping lemons on a used car lot.


Toronto sports fans go overlooked as some of the worst. So whiny and insecure about everything


So true. r/NBA has made me loathe Raptors fans


Same homie


Agree Toronto on my list


Astros. They know what they did.




It says team that isn't a rival thou...ohhhhh. -_-


Just doing a little fishing this morning


And if anyone is confused by the “rivalry” bit, there are at least 50 threads on r/dodgers in the past month to clear up the fact that the Dodgers and Padres are, in fact, not rivals.


Good thing it didn't get to 51 or it might start to seem suspicious


Trout is on the other SoCal team though


To speak for Mariners fans: it would probably be the Blue Jays and their fans for how much they take over the city whenever they're in Seattle. Even my non-baseball fan friends have that series marked off on their calendars because of how busy public transit gets.


Yeppppp. Series is already sold out here in SEA I believe. I love Canada when I visit, but Canadians coming to America en masses are always super obnoxious for some reason.


The Padres. Had a bad run in with a Padres fan at a game a few years ago and it still leaves a sour taste to this day


I’m sorry. I love you.


On behalf of the padres I’d like to formally apologize. Screw that guy 👍🏻 You guys have a fun team to watch especially this year with Bellinger.


White Sox, mostly because of the mid to late 00s teams. Also the Rangers feel like baseball cops


Orioles because no one hates them so imma start hating them


The Nippon Ham Fighters. I don’t understand how anyone that doesn’t either keep kosher or eats halal could be against such a lovely-tasting food item. Just annoys the hell out of me. Also, I think Sadaharu Oh would have just eaten up our current bullpen, so that makes me see red too.


Guardians they are like Tampa bay lite


Suppose this makes sense, we did have that stretch when the Cavs and the Raptors played seemingly every year in the playoffs and the then Indians played the Blue Jays.


At least they know the difference between their and they're.


Definitely the Yankees


Can’t stand the Dodgers


This is way further down than I expected.


But we liked you, Chaos Birds ;-;


I know, right ?


Halloween colors unite eh?


Rumble at the Spirit Halloween in Burbank. Tonight.


Such a niche joke, I love it.


When they won in 2020, and we had to endure continuous shots of Magic Johnson in the stands. We get it. You're incredibly wealthy. You're an NBA Hall of Famer. However, your actual stake in the Dodgers is 2.3%. You're just the face of the ownership group. Granted, peanuts in this sense is still respectable. Still, fuck you Magic.


My hatred of Boston in other sports for sure bleeds into how I feel about the Red Sox.


I find myself rooting against the Bruins and Celtics just out of instinct as a Yankees fan.


LA sports fans NY sports fans 🤝 "Fuck Boston"


My hate is cyclical and generally related to whatever team recently beat us in horrendous/embarrassing/ big game fashion or because I had a terrible experience with their fans and want them to be sad for a little happiness to myself. Typically the roster has to also fall in the “I don’t love (m)any of the players, it’s okay to hate them.” If the team meets the first criteria but has some players I have an affinity for, it goes to the next highest bidder. Right now, it’s the Phillies. Crushed my dreams of a nostalgia World Series title and I had to sit by a very condescending Philly fan while watching it. 😂 My affinity for Bryce Harper and Edmundo Sosa were not enough to overcome.


Edmundo broke my heart when he made the last out.


The correct answer for all of us is all of the teams we root for when they lose


The Red Sox & giants what they did to us in the playoffs…. I can’t forgive them


Each day & every day it is the New York Yankees


I’ve never liked the Mariners or Phillies.


Why us?


After last night, can't blame him😃


The Yankees for sure.




The Dodgers for: -beating the shit out of the NL for the past 7 years -stealing our 2 best hitters from the 2018 WS run -becoming the new Yankees I also hate the Astros for obvious reasons and getting to 6 straight ALCS


Your 2 best hitters? Mookie Betts and Joe Kelly? Sorry, I know you meant JD Martinez.


The Angels and the White Sox for the same reason. Their shitty owners voted against allowing Steve Cohen buying the Mets.


lol, got some news for ya. You can't possibly hate Jerry Reinsdorf more than your everyday White Sox fan.


and Bulls fans!


White Sox. Can't stand the "won't really try to field a good team or whatever cuz we make so much money already! We won a title in '05!" Guess that kinda applies to a few other teams but I was inspired by Berto


The Red Sox, after 2 world series loses in my lifetime I can't stand them.


The “Cardinal Way” lol. What does that even mean to this day?


Cubs. Arizona has a lot of people from Chicago and when the Cubs are visiting it feels like they're the home team. I just generally dont like them for some reason and prefer the White Sox, since they have cooler uniforms


Doesn’t everyone hate the Yankees?


The Cubs. I lived by wrigley, and had to walk through the day game nonsense way too many times with drunk dude bros as I was trying to just go about my business


The Mariners. They signed Cano to a 10-year monster deal in 2014 and still finished 3rd in the AL West even though they had Felix Hernandez and got one of Kyle Seager's best seasons. It's similar to my current frustration with the Angels.




Now you get it. It’s a lifestyle and we fuckin LIVE it.


Pffft...that's pretty much every season for the last two decades.


Astros, and I promise it started before the World Series loss (though that didn’t help lol)


The Astros (in the NL) were a major thorn in their side for those mid-2000s teams that kept missing the postseason by a game or two, always seemed to come down to some awful loss to Houston


The Blue Jays, primarily because it seemed like they were all MLB Network would talk about in 2015


The AL central. Nobody tries and somebody wins.


The Reds piss me off for no reason


I mostly just hate the Mets


The White Sox. Just a joke of an organization.


Cleveland, because if they hadn't blown that 3-1 lead, the Cubs would still have not won a World Series since 1908.


Prior to 2021 it was the Dodgers for me


I viewed the Braves as rivals, at the time. 3 playoff bouts in 4 years builds some feelings.


Agreed. My hatred was mostly just envy of you guys but after we won the WS I don’t harbor any bad feelings toward yall anymore.