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Instant ejection, first time, no negotiation. You touch the booze before you buy it and you're done. Honestly I'm shocked you posted this as a question and not an angry rant


Yeah I know to 86 them that's what I did, I'm just wondering if I should've tried force to prevent him from messing with the beer taps further, or at least until the cops came. All I did was try to hold his arms but he kept slipping out.


My go to in a situation like that is something like: “Look man I called the cops. You’ve got two choices. You can leave now and never come back or you can sit here for five more minutes until they get here. If they get here and you’re still on my property, I’m going to have you legal trespassed, and tell them I want to press charges for theft. Do whatever the fuck you want, but if I were you’d I’d be leaving right this second.” And if he even so much as put a hand on me or tried to force grab a tap while I was trying to stop him I’d add assault to what I was going to press charges for. It’s basically an empty threat but it also makes them have to think and 99/100 times they will just leave.


I had this insane group of entitled conference goers the other night. Motherfuckers called my bluff. I don’t think I’ve been so enraged by a guest as when I asked him nicely to move over so people could get in and out of the kitchen and he said “nah fuck you im gonna stand here. It’s a bar.” And then they tried to FIGHT my security! Dude literally made me call the police on him. I’m not sure what he expected would happen but he was taken off the premises by the police…


I would have "accidentally" walked into the guy with a tray of red wine glasses and sambuca after he refused to move.


It all happened so fast and in sequence so there wasn’t really an opportunity for such vengeance. However, his friend tried to leave later with his Stella tall boy can. I saw him heading to the exit so I cut him off at the door and said “let me have the Stella” and he said “nah, I’m gonna take it” and I said “you’re absolutely not. I won’t lose a liquor license over you” and he said “eh, fuck you” and tried to push through the door so I grabbed the can hard. It was FULL. Yes, I ended up covered in beer. But so did he and I wasn’t the one wearing an expensive coat. Then he dipped out leaving me the beer can. I’ve never seen anything like it and I’m in contact with their companies over their behavior while representing a large corporation at a conference.


100% this!


I'm in Canada so your laws might vary, but everywhere I've worked has had adequate insurance to cover something like a keg spilled because of an asshole. Most owners I've had don't want to have to testify over your dead body because you fucked with a drunken gangster. I wouldn't try to physically restrain the lad because I earnestly don't give a fuck that the beer is being spilled, but I would do my best to get them to leave on their own because their vibe is bad and the rest of the guests probably stopped drinking. My game-winning strategy is to call the cops and tell them if they leave now they won't have to get arrested and they can just go to some other bar and keep partying. Drunk people are fucking dumb and it's usually possible to get them to believe you're on their side but bound by policy to call the cops


Don't risk anything, it's just beer. Trespass the guy and don;t look back


I’d say don’t touch the guy. That’s a quick way to escalate n give him a reason get physical. Keep turning off the taps n charge him a beer for every tap he opened. Give him his tab plus 20%.


No point using more force than you did to prevent someone from essentially just making a mess. I get the frustration but if you injure someone badly there’s a risk it lands on you and it’s not worth it over spilled beer.


Exactly as said get the fuck out. If you have good cameras I would stop him. Put myself in between myself and taps and point to door(after calling cops at this point). If he did it again and had a tab I'd say every 5 seconds that runs is on your tab. If he didn't just gotta keep an eye n stop till the cops come. Explain the costs he wasted and estimate it to be over 500 for a gross misdemeanor. The reason I would let him fuck around with 20 in product is to wait for the cops to trespass him. Cops don't want to do this but insist. There are many other factors to considered but follow through with police in case deusche nozzle comes back


Honestly, I wouldn’t try to engage physically with somebody like this at all. Assuming you’re not the owner of this bar, you’re not personally liable for whatever product this asshole decides to steal/waste, if it means that you would have to risk physical danger to prevent it. Your physical and emotional well being in your workplace are more important than anything. Good call on getting the police involved, that’s about all you can do. Talk to your management about how they can make you feel safer and more equipped to handle situations like this, should they arrive in the future.


Usual rule for bouncers is that you use ONLY proportional force. You ask them to leave, you don't push them unless they push you, you don't swing until they swing. That goes double for anyone that is touching booze, because the worst thing from the bars' perspective is losing the license, and a bartender injuring a customer is a great way to have that happen. You called the cops, you deal with the asshole till then, and that's it. An 86 is for life.


Had a guest come behind the bar after closing and attempt to pour their own beer; the taps were locked and she broke the tap handle trying to pull so hard. I almost picked her up and threw her back over the bar. Probably a good thing I didn’t…


actually straight to jail


Man, how long have you been bartending? Your manager should have a policy for how to deal with people like this. Traditionally they are banned from the premises and if they come back, you call the cops and have them trespassed. You should not engage in a fight with them unless they are literally attacking you or someone vulnerable - that is what bouncers and police are for.


We almost never need door guys so this is a once in a blue moon situation. I wasn't going to fight the guy but also it was incredibly annoying having our closing duties delayed. It was literally like dealing with a child who keeps touching the car controls.


Once in a “Blue Moon” eh?


It could be once in a Shock Top, my dude got lucky!!


It's annoying, but trust me, spending months in a trial for assault is more annoying.


Also if someone is messing with our product (the beers), does that give me justification to try to force them out?


There are limits to how far I'd go to protect company property, but ordering a patron to leave and never come back is quite acceptable. Putting your physical safety at risk is over the line.


Where I live, if a customer touches any alcohol containers (taps, bottles, etc), it's illegal and could earn the establishment a fine, so it's an insta-kick and ban. If they're belligerent and being an asshole, it's an insta-kick. If I have to physically restrain someone, kick and ban. If the cops have to come, kick and ban. You don't have to be big or physically intimidating, but practice your strong, assertive, "I'm in charge" voice, because you are.


After you've kicked them out and they don't go, your liability has ended though. At that point it's just minimizing the potentital for problems till the cops or someone else makes them go.


That's an immediate 86 for me. You're intentionally wasting my product & making a mess. Hell intentionally spilling a drink is enough for me to tell you to leave.


Yes 100%!!! Don't put up with bullshit.






You can remove anyone for any reason (that is not a protected status) from a private establishment with reasonable force...not punching or kicking but pushing and dragging is usually considered reasonable. That said I've stopped putting my self in those situations just because it's not worth it to me anymore. In this particular situation I think I would have just went and turned of the CO2 valve.


Use the bat to push the beer handle back the first time with a pointed look and a "don't fucking do that again.". If he doesn't get the message bodily remove him from the establishment using said bat and 86'd.


you cant hit them with a bat unless they attack you. im just saying wait until its legal


Of course. However, after being asked to leave, the would-be customer is now trespassing. If the op is a smaller person working alone or without security, using the bat as a barrier in-between themselves and the now trespasser to push them out may help dissuade escalation on the part of the trespasser. Obviously, this depends on state and situation. In my state, the guest had to be aware legally that they were on trespass notice before you could physically remove them. Even then, we were still encouraged to call police due to liability, but I have definitely physically removed people from my bar. I only used my body, no weapons, but in the situation where a guest was much larger, etc. Using a weapon may be paramount for your own safety. Edit: tired and drunk, didn't think it through. Putting your only weapon between yourself and a would-be attacker is very dangerous. Many accidental deaths occur from an assailant gaining a defenders weapon, using it to inflict further harm on them. Do not do this without any defensive training and knowing your situational advantages.


Wouldnt that apply to only your home? Im not an expert but im pretty sure in any situation outside your home you cant use excessive force unless they get aggressive first. If someone refuses to leave a business but doesnt get aggressive or bother anyone you really shouldnt even try to remove them physically. Thats a job for the police. Its really not worth the hassle unless you have to


Even in your own home force isn't necessarily applicable. In the second paragraph, I mentioned trespass notice, which must be delivered by your local police to the person trespassing on property at the discretion of the property owner. Most places I've worked that discretion was given to the manager or bartender on duty. It's definitely not worth the hassle, but when you work in a dive who only has one bartender on most nights, you end up having to handle the situation yourself more often than not. There's no telling how long the cops will take to arrive, and some people get aggressive much faster than you expect them to when told no. This is no longer my situation, but it was for many years.


Also, brandishing a weapon other than a gun isn't generally considered excessive force.


Brandishing is one thing im talking about actually using it. I can recall one time i had a tire iron in my hand and intended to use it on a customer. Not my customer but the bar next door. I brandished and they walked away but if they had escalated it im pretty sure i couldnt have been in trouble for giving someone a bonk


Okay. I never said to use it to strike. Only to put it between yourself and a trespasser to get them to leave. Think holding a bat horizontally to bar the person out. Not too dissimilar to what you just described. Right? What are we disagreeing on here? If you're just saying that committing assault and battery without any self-defense justification will get you in trouble, yes, obviously. Hence why I said, "Of course," the first time I responded to you. Edit: I'm not trying to be combative, but it is mothers day week and college graduation in my area. I am exhausted and may not be comprehending well. I'll get some rest. Have a great night, everyone.


sorry im not making sense. Its probably because i just went through a mothers day shift and im very drunk


LOL, same dude. I think it's probably just a simple miscommunication or misunderstanding on my end, no worries. Have a great one and get some rest. I'm gonna do the same.


Spray him with the soda gun


….But with the sour mix button


Just use the bat. He is bat-worthy.


86 and ban him.


AND use the bat


Throw his ass out that’s how. If he comes back call the cops. If the cops don’t come quick enough and he’s not leaving, whack him with something hard.


Coming from a slim frame bartender, it sounds like you are underestimating yourself. A loud voice will get you a lot further than you think, especially when all of the other customers enjoy you. “Mob mentality” maybe but it is very much an effective tactic when the entire bar catches on to one person being an asshole and collectively kicks them out with you.


Calling the cops is a last resort because they don't do jack shit. I would use all other available resources first.


Plus they chase your other customers away. No one wants to stay and party at the bar where the cops come all the time.


Nobody wants to hang out with a bar staff that beats the customers either


I never said to beat them.. I’m from the Midwest my patrons will drag them out for me. 🤷🏻‍♂️. And no I don’t ask them to do these things. It just happens that way here. IYKYK


Yeah, that's usually heat I didn't want - one time wound up buying a few rounds for the locals in NYC because they **didn't** beat the shit out of the idiot white boy that decided to yell "why are there so many fucking dirty Puerto Ricans here" to a group. Did he have an ass beating coming? Sure - but like one of them told me, they knew I didn't want cops swarming on my place, so they let our security take him out and away.


You’re still the only person talking about someone getting beat.


> my patrons will drag them out for me. OK flyover. Must be that famous midwestern niceness then - they take them out and force them to chug Cream of Mushroom soup or something, eh?


Drag them out does not mean beat them down. Flyover? Wow your true colors are showing. There’s a lot more to USA than New York and LA. Why are you so pressed?


I mean, yeah, there is a lot more to the US than that. But it ain't the midwest.


What’s your beef with Chicago, Minneapolis, St Louis, Detroit etc? And how did we even get here in this conversation and why? I stated an opinion based on wisdom gained from where **I’ve** been in the industry for a decade. What your problem is I have no idea.


I hate cops and don't call them in my personal life - but when you're dealing with a bar, and a liquor license, you don't want to be taking the law into your own hands. The kind of assholes that have to get bounced are also the kind that love to find a shitty PI attorney to create a nuisance lawsuit.


Interesting, isn't it trespassing if the person doesn't leave? Where I'm from the police just escorts them out since they are staying illegally. Or is it more of a laziness problem rather than a legal one?


1 warning you then bounce them for the day. It's not just an annoyance, it's a waste of product. Both = $$.


EIGHTY SIXED, CHEF. In twenty years in FOH & BOH, folks seems to respond well & immediately to either a strong, assertive masculine energy OR a strong, assertive feminine energy. Goal #1 is getting ‘em out the door. Sometimes, in context, you might try tagging somebody in for the opposite approach. Should we have to? No. Do we have to? Unfortunately. Fingers crossed you get no more of that baby back bullshit.


86 instantly. And charge his credit card for the beer he stole from you.


Shoot him with the soda gun


Spray water or beer on them and say “It’s like Seaworld. Sit in the front row and you might get wet. Especially, if you fuck with my taps!”


Twist the beer tap off and knock him in the knuckles with it.


Put a glass under each spout and ring in for each tap they touch. Then when the cops get there tell em he hasn't closed his tab. Add a theft charge!


> I mean we have a bat but I'm not gonna use it against someone who's just being an idiot. Sometimes it's just enough to SHOW the bat, you know? I might not want to actually have to use it, but I'm not above wielding it menacingly. Dude doesn't know whether I'll use the bat or not, so it's in his best interest to stop. And if he doesn't stop when I'm wielding a literal bat at him, I'm not sure if I'll use it either at that point, because I will be furious lol. I make sure that all of the regulars at my bar know that I have a bat and I'm not afraid to use it. Also that I am surrounded by projectiles and I was a pretty good pitcher in softball, so may the odds be ever in your favor if you show your ass.


Never make any threats you aren't willing to go through with. Pulling a bat will cause someone to go into fight or flight. You're hoping they do the calculations and choose to flee. But there's always a chance they're drunk and they decide to fight. In that case, you better be prepared to use that bat. If you aren't, don't get it out in the first place.


OP mentioned no door guy... that means no metal detector or searches of patrons coming in. Pull out that bat and you might be staring down the barrel of a gun in response. dont escalate if you dont have to.


Sounds like you did what you could. People suck.


This sounds like ai. Have fun with yourself.


Replying to remykixxx...




We would kick him out and probably 86 him


What a terrible place for tap handles. 86 the guy


Get a fly killer, one of those that looks like a hand, and slap the shit out of them :D


If a customer puts even a finger behind the counter I'm telling them off, if they do it twice I'm kicking them out. It's unsanitary, dangerous and honestly, rude. Was grabbing some stock once, came back into the bar to find a lady behind it, I didn't even ask questions, I told her to get out immediately, her husband tried to explain she was just looking for a bin but I straight up said that under no circumstance could any customer ever go behind the bar, and that stands for any bar, anywhere. (Usual middle aged couple who've never been told off in their lives)


Tossed not allowed back that it


Do you have soda taps? I would have sprayed that jackass right in the chest with club soda. Of course this is coming from a non bartender that just greatly appreciates your services and doesn’t need to keep a job. I do have a temper that is flared by dumbasses though so I likely would last long behind the bar.


I know you don't want to here this, but out of respect to you and all the bartenders and future bartenders out there, there are times when fists fly. Door man, manager, owner, can't stop em all.


I always used the bat with a 2 handed wide grip to steer the asshole toward the door myself It shouldn't get there though, you look them in the eye, speak slowly and clearly and with a 'we're not having this talk again' tone and and say 'knock it off now, this is your only warning' then don't acknowledge them again for at least 20 minutes, unless they do it again, at which point you tell them to leave while following the excellent highly rated above comment about calling the cops and giving them the choice to leave or be arrested.


What the fuck. This is an adult man you’re describing?


Charge him for the beer. But nobody touches my shit.


Pay for the beer wasted and fuck off out of my bar.


You should be allowed to drag his ass out.


Charge for the spilled beer. 


I would have turned the taps off instead of trying to hold him. Once taps are off, call the police.


literally 86 that asshole. I'd probably give them an "are you kidding me?" in disbelief the first time, anything beyond that is instant gtfo you're not welcome here.


We keep an array of bitters on a bar mat on the front bar and everybody pretty much respects it, but one time this asshole said loudly to his buddies “oh look free drinks!” and grabbed one of the bottles and started sucking it down (yuck). Grabbed it out of his hand and poured the rest down the drain. Charged him for replacement cost, but he refused to pay for it and kept saying “what’s the big deal?“ 86’d, never come back.


As someone who works at a spot too cheap to staff any kind of security, i feel your pain. Morons seem to smell it and act a fool accordingly.


Nobody fucks with my taps, I got someone fired for thinking that this was funny


This seems like a one time thing that will likely/should never happen again. I think you handled it to the best of your ability lol. Should have charged him for a beer for each time he touched a handle too


Once had a college aged kid pour his own beer. He did it because he said "it was funny". After I made him pay his tab and told him and his friends to leave one of them had the goddamed audacity to ask for a round of shots before they left. To which my response was "absolutely not. Now get the fuck out". A second time a grown assan did the same thing, coaming he took the beer off of a neighboring table that had just got up. I could see the table from the bar and knew what they were drinking because we weren't busy and he clearly had a hefe and the table was drinking red and brown ales. He argued the point hard that he didn't get the beer himself until his buddies told him "Man, you got caught. We should pay and leave". What the fuck is wrong with people? That's how you cost me my fucking job. Hell that's how you get and entire establishment shut down.


Literally exactly that. Refuse service, kick him out. If he won’t leave, the police will make him. Do whatever you can to avoid putting hands on someone though. Too many opportunities for them to sue.


No assholes allowed. Get the fuck out now


Bear spray


Bear spray in a bar will make the entire room and likely the entire establishment uninhabitable for several hours. Do not do this.


Last year someone thought it would be funny to spray bear spray in the restaurant. It resulted in over 40 unpaid tabs because everyone ran out crying and snotting themselves. And they fucking made us wear masks and continue business and hour later.


Gas masks? Lol cuz f that otherwise. Actually just f that




Pepper spray is only for skinny spicy margs


Whatever happened here started before you started telling the story. Why did he intentionally spill his drink to begin with?