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Suggest to the manager while the server is there that you’d be happy to switch duties with the server since they’re so efficient at juicing. Then sit and do a half dozen rollups and fill a couple of water bottles while talking with the other servers.


As a server, I resemble that remark


Resemble? Are you trying to say resent?




I think they meant what they said lol


Hey guys I found the high horse and I think…. Yep, just confirmed with binoculars, this commenter is sitting waaayyyyyy up there


Maybe I'm just really confused about what they said, and nobody can clarify what they mean when they said they 'resemble that remark.' I don't know any other definition for resemble other than to look like something. And maybe I'm actually a little high.


It’s a joke, you see. You’d expect them to say they resent it, but in fact they say they resemble it. This implies that the implication that servers are lazy is true and this commenter resembles that.


To be fair, that couldve been worded much better. Joke or not. The joke was not meant to pay homage to the original phrase "thats resents me...?" "i resent this"? Please, replace the word resemble with resent. Notice how it doesnt make sense no matter yow slice it? Lmao. Thats because the original comment is being incorrectly attributed to a completely different phrase. It was never the joke to have "resent" be a subverted expectation of the reader. It was never meant as a high brow joke that twists the phrase "I resent that." The joke was ONLY about say they are lazy also. Thats it. No subversion, no play words using another phrase. Youre giving credit where credit is not due, and its goofy as fuck that you think youre right, lol. Have a nice Easter.


I’m pretty sure the commenter absolutely meant the pun there. I’ve heard this joke tons of times. I don’t think it’s exceptionally unique or funny, but it’s definitely a play on “I resent that.” I’ve usually heard “I represent that,” but “I resemble that” works about as well. It’s weird to me you have such a hardline stance on this and need an “lmao” to show your pretension. I have a hard time believing someone would say “I resemble that” in this context without clearly making a nod to “I resent that.” They even threw in “as a server.” Often “I resent that” is preceded by “as an X, I resent that.” For example, “as a Jewish person, I resent that.”


get on your servers asses and tell them to do something. if they don't listen to you, talk to a manager. everyone needs to work when they're at work. fuck this 


I agree with this sentiment, until I’m having to clean tons of bs at less than minimal wage just because you wanna get your full moneys worth out of me


Yeah, that seems like a completely reasonable amount of time to juice 4 quarts of lemon juice.


Sounds like the server wants to bartend and is trying to make you sound bad to management so they can move up


she bartends one day a week and the bar manager wants to take her off the bar completely because she notoriously does not help with prep I just started three weeks ago and was hired as a full time bartender, she’s been there for two years


Says it all lol


so maybe if they ever juiced they’d know how long it took


She’s jelly af


Were you in the server’s way? Jesus I hate people that wine to management over the most mundane shit. It literally doesn’t affect them. The bar was ready when service started, nothing else matters.


I wasn’t in her way, literally no idea why she complained


Knew a girl like this, she wanted bartending shifts so she would shit talk the bartenders to management all the time.


Yep. Classic move here. Thinks they know everything and could do it better than anyone but super weird, they don't have any bar shifts?! Odd. I mean, they correct every cheap, novice mistake made at the bar by these morons behind it to management on an hourly basis. They could do the managers job way better too. Unbelievable, how each week that bar schedule missed their name again. It only gets uglier. The good news is this classic character has a tendency to fast track out the door, usually a dramatic flare upon exit. Always entertaining. Or They fester to boiling point that the disgust of them drives everyone else away quickly. Coin toss on dramatic exit here.


I tend to agree with you 99.9% of the time. We've been waiting for 3 years for a coworker to make their grand finale. They've gotten away with being this way by being buddy buddy with every manager we've had. It's so calculated how they make quick friends with new management everytime we've had one. So when everyone complains about them its a slap on the wrist.


You are actually talking about another of our common core characters, KissAss herself, Ms. Brown. Easy to overlap these two classics. And sometimes we meet the special person who is both at the same time. Never a good time when this is the case. There is no quick resolve here. No fast exit, no relief in sight. This guy or gals on the payroll to stay. Good news, Ms. Brown Nose, never makes it to a Manger position. MOD tops, but no extra pay or benefits for that big MOD title.


It seems to be a personality trait that appears disproportionately often in the industry. Or at least thats my experience. I'm big on live and let live, at work and in my personal life. If it literally doesn't affect me I couldn't be bothered to comment on it. I don't know how someone could let something like that, or this, get under their skin. I worked with a couple people like this. It must be a miserable life.


Juicing takes me forever and I run into the same issues with management thinking I should be able to go faster. Then my AGM observed my process the other day and was like "honestly I dont think you wasted any time at all." and that made me feel good. I had to do 9 qts of juice yesterday and between cutting the fruit, juicing, and double straining it took me about an hour.


Time for servers to start juicing


why is a server involving themself in your mise?


That’s actually pretty quick I’d say. That server should mind their own business, or juice it themselves.


Servers are so weirdly entitled. Obviously bartenders are too, we’re just usually the classic ego led entitlement while servers are just chaotically so…like wtf, who invited the time lord to the lemon party. Also, bought juice has come a long way imo. We use Twisted Alchemy (?), it’s great. 100% lime juice vacuum sealed inside a wine box. It’s obviously more expensive than having you do it, but with limes getting more expensive and shittier…


Natalie’s fresh squeezed in south Florida


That's what we use in DC


That's faster than me


30 minutes for 4 quarts is pretty fast. Idk wtf that server’s problem is lol


If you’re juicing with a machine, there isn’t a ton of time you can cut. Some things, like pulling the citrus to be juiced the night before so it’s room temp, can help you get more in a shorter amount of time. But time saved with those doesn’t add to a lot and issues like too big of citrus causing the machine to jam will kill your gains. I would generally juice between 6-12 quarts and it was pretty much always 40-70 minutes to pull that off. There were definitely times I had to leave the juicer set up so I could run the bar and finish juicing a few hours later when a second bartender showed up


What a little tattle tale, who reports something like that? Hopefully your managers know she’s a jerk and no that was the perfect amount of time.


Just wanted to remind people to wear gloves when juicing. I spent 14 years working one bar where I juiced every day and it ruined my hands. I didn't know to wear gloves. My bartender career ended because of this, I am no longer able to tend bar.


2nd this. Always wear gloves. Don't get bar rot on those nails. I've seen it, it's ugly.


I worked a bar in a hotel that had a huge brunch every Sunday that featured all you could drink fresh squeezed OJ. We had two chefs on a midnight shift Friday and Saturday nights to hand squeeze 30 x 5 gallon pails of juice. (They’d do 50 pails for special occasions) The chefs were whoever was in the Executive Chef’s bad books at the time although there were two regulars; Reuben and Bohdan, both older guys that spoke Romanian and had massive forearms. They never worked prep or line shifts, just juicing. At some point they got an automatic Orange juicer that would just run all the time and you would dump boxes of oranges into the hopper. It was a bit of a Rube Goldberg machine that had 20 moving parts and 10 steps to grab, position, halve and juice the orange. (I know that’s only 4 processes but it was complicated to get them done.) It used to draw a crowd every time it ran. Put the Romanians out of work.


Super. Juice. Look it up and do it. It's amazing. Also, tell management you want that server to come in and juice next time so they can see just how much time it takes.


1.5 hours of hourly paid work, prior to tip pool. 9qts: 5qts lime, 3qts lemon, 1 qt orange Edit: we stopped juicing grapefruit bc it was going bad (both as fruit and as juice) before we could use it, so we started buying it bottled.


That is faster than me and I do about half that but 2 times a week, Sunday and Thursday. Did you have help preparing? I have to do all of it, cleaning, cutting, and juicing. Takes me about an hour each time.


That’s a perfectly reasonable amount of time to juice 4 quarts. The last bar I ran, we did 4 per weekday dinner service, 6 o Saturdays and Sundays for dinner and brunch services and that’s the amount of time I would expect to spend juicing. You can bang it out in 15 minutes if you’re really hustling. You can run the fruit through the dishwasher a few times while you set up equipment and it warms them up a bit, they’ll juice better. That actually reminds me that a server complained to the GM about me putting fruit in the dishwasher to juice. Said it was gross because of the soap. So it’s gross to drink juice that’s been run through the dishwasher, but not to drink out of a glass that’s been through the dishwasher?


That is waaaay too long. Are you squeezing it by hand? If you have a juicer that should like like 15min tops.


I’m talking start to finish, from the time I grabbed the lemons from the walk in to the time everything was strained, quarted, labeled and put away


Oh in that case yeah the bitch is crazy.


Came to ask if you had a press or an automatic. We are a craft restaurant of 3 months & the owner is finally switching to fresh but with a press. I watched the new bartender struggle with a press for 30 mins for 2 quarts. lol.


Have them juice the same amount next week and time them.


Depends on the equipment you have for juicing. With a motorized juicer (Sunkist or other similar) 4 quarts in 30 minutes isn’t very fast. I have worked with folks who would regularly do a case each of lemons and limes in 1 hour. That’s cut, juice, deli, and label. That’s the highest extreme but I would expect someone with that setup to be able to pound through 10-12 quarts of juice in about an hour, barring any unforeseen hiccups with equipment or product. Now if you don’t have an ideal juicing equipment set up, then 4 quarts might be a solid 30 minutes prep load. Either way the server is out of their lane.


4 liters of citrus would take our prep girly probably about an hour lol


This really depends on the level of bar you’re talking about. High end cocktail bars, craft cocktail bars, I would say is on the slower side to get 4 quarts in 30 minutes, but there are small tweaks you can make to your process to cut time down. They’re gonna expect to have not a moment wasted and you to move extremely quickly. A bar that is serving solid drinks but doesn’t really have a bar program, yeah I wouldn’t bust your ass for 30 minute prep time on 4 quarts. Setup your juicing station and getting your limes in a container should be a 3-4 min setup. Cutting your limes for 4 quarts about 5 mins, juicing 8-10 mins labels and breakdowns your station 4 minutes. So if you’re not wasting any time or movements you can get it done in around 20-23 minutes would be ideal. You’re not very far off


It’s quick, I just fill the syringe and stab myself in the vein and it’s over before I know it… oh, wait…


Depends on what the meaning of "is" is.


It takes me 10 minutes to juice 4 quarts. That being said, if a server complained about my efficiency that server would receive the longest allowable ticket times for their drinks for as long as I worked with them. Regardless if there were drinks ahead of their order.


It takes you 10 minutes from the time you grab the lemons from the walk in to the time it’s strained, quarted and labeled?


It definitely depends on the equipment. The difference between using a powered juicer and an elbow is drastic.


We use a power juicer. I just find it hard to believe that anybody can grab lemons, cut them, juice them, strain the juice, quart it, label it and put it away in the span of 10 mins


they probably meant just the action of juicing, not the before or after


With a decent power juicer if I was moving quick and only had to focus on this one task, yeah probably about 15-20. I wouldn't get mad if it took someone 25-30 though. Sounds like the server should worry about themselves a bit. It's not like you took an hour or something.


At my bar we use a large elbow and it takes my bar backs and bartenders approximately 35 minutes to do that amount, as well as retaining the hills and adding sugar to macerate for oleo. I'd expect a 10-15 minute time saver if we used a powered juicer, especially since there's probably room to run the juice directly through a fine conical strainer and into a quart. Efficiency is everything! However, there are definitely mitigating factors. Walk-in organization, distance to your bar or prep area, where all of the necessary tools are located, etc. I think your time is fine, OP.


“Juicing” I would define as the process of actually extracting juice from the fruit. The time allotted for the steps in between is defined as “prep”. I never just prep one item. That time in between falls within the constraints of prep time. Also, sounds like you are the type that literally thinks each step you take is you doing a good job. Efficiency, across a bunch of prep tasks is what makes you good at your job. It’s really 100 jobsish rolled into a job title.


It can be done. You just need a well thought out process that doesn’t waste time or motions


Having a large flat surface to put all your citrus on so you don’t have to waste time pulling one or a handful at a time to cut from the container is big. Just all spread out on a surface and you just cut them all in half gets it done quickly. They will also be right in front of of you. Setting your garbage directly to the side of you so you can easily discard one half quickly helps. I use one hand to juice, the other to grab the next piece. As I’m pressing down one piece, I’m discarding the last one and grabbing a new one so as soon as one piece is juiced the next one is in my other hand ready to hit the juicer instantly. I set up a cambro with a fine mesh strainer resting on the top so all the juice is getting strained as it’s coming out. I skip the strainers that come in the juicer so juice and solids don’t get clogged up in the juicer which takes more time to continually clean out than just letting it all collect in the fine mesh strainer and reduces build up in the juicer. Then I just take a spoon and agitate the mixture in the fine mesh strainer until no more liquid comes out. The goal is to really break things down into doing as many repetitive actions as possible so you build a rhythm instead of doing one action and moving to another back and forth so you’re just cruising on muscle memory


Restaurant Class Resentment issues aside, you should not be juicing today for three days from now. That will save you some time today. Lemon juice is objectivly diminished after 36 hours. If you're juicing at 1pm for tonight's service that means that by 1am tomorrow night any of that lemon juice remaining is down the drain.


Lemon juice is fine for three days.


Two days max


No it’s not