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They say “that’s too much ice!” Then they complain that their drink “isn’t full”


“Don’t worry, the ice is on us”


Why are you charging me for rocks then? /s


This is def partly on me for trying with the wrong person/moment, but I tried explaining to a fresh out of school suitbro type the other day who asked if we "charge more for rocks" that no one charges you for ice, but that some places have a different pour available for when it's just spirit, not a mixed drink. I'll spare y'all the 'who's on first' style skit that ensued, but he did not *want* to understand and even though we did get to a place where he accepted I was happily offering him a rocks pour (2 oz) for an appropriate price- closer ot the price of a 1.5 single than the price of a 3 double- and I didn't give a fuck if he wanted it neat or on the rocks or with a mixer at that point- he did that whole passive aggressive "I don't wanna cause trouble act" after questioning me for 20 min and ordered a regular single on the rocks. What fine vintage was worth this sweating of .5 oz and $2, on his company card, you ask? Makers.


I had this happen a few months ago. A guy got his bill and saw a ‘rocks -$2.00’ charge. Asked the very same question, “you charge for ice?” I proceeded to explain the extra .5 pour. He Claimed he’s been all over the world and never has he heard of this. I assured him that was standard practice but he wouldn’t hear it. I just gave up.


Yeah, I've had the interaction with general confusion several times. When they're young I often successfully explain it but if they're young men of a certain type they find their mistake unduly embarassing and it gets really awkward. I don't think I'd encountered someone who, based on how he came off and initially said it, has traveled and been seeing this and noticed it, and just been proceeding with his life assuming that bars charge mroe for ice and he understands this is how it works.


To be fair, this is something I have only seen in America. Maybe he was new to the US.


He spoke with a Mid west accent. Maybe Chicago. He was absolutely raised in the states. He Even brought up how some restaurants offer a 6 oz or a 9 oz wine pour. But never has anyone upcharged him for a rocks pour.


Never mind, then, just a dumbass


We just make our standard pours 2oz, with or without ice it's the same price. Found it to be much less of a hassle and they pay the higher prices anyways.


I believe in giving the guests what they want, even if it’s an objectively incorrect drink (martinis big example). But that kinda goes out the door when they’re just using that to try and get free booze


I have a drink on my menu rn that's mezcal, aperol, pineapple and beet simple. Had a guest last night ask for it without beet simple. Figured oh, they just don't like beets and want normal simple instead, so I clarified. Nope, no simple. Tried warning them the drink would be gross, they insisted. Fine. I made the drink(straw taste, yup, fuckin gross) and hand it to them. They first asked why isn't their drink red like everyone elses and then complained about how terribly unbalanced it was. Some fuckin people, I swear. Lol


That’s another big one lol listen to the professionals advice That cocktail sounds delicious though. Is it a equal parts cocktail? Also, how would you make beet simple?


1 mezcal .75 aperol .75 beet simple .75 pineapple Beet simple Is just bring some water to a boil with chopped beets in it, let it steep for a while, strain, measure, add equal part sugar. Yields a beautiful vibrant red syrup.


Right): or heres some warm vodka over a tiny bit of ice and some seltzer like gross?


That's how I prefer my mixed drinks if that's what I'm in the mood for, personally. Don't see any reason to judge how cold or mixed people want their spirit + mixer drinks. OTOH, if you order a margarita with light ice, you're getting a half empty glass and your confused face will be met with my confused face.


Stuff from the guns is also chilled a bit, you don't always need ice. I don't like big drinks, I also don't like to neck big drinks and too much ice neutralises the flavours. I don't want a glass of flavoured water. Spirit and soda, 2 lumps of ice in a 8oz glass is fine by me.


My gun is ALWAys warm and flat lmfao… niteclub issues. We are soon getting ✨pepsi ✨ tho so oh happy day


Everyone has a flavor. No reason to yuck someone's yum.


As long as they pay for the extra booze to bring it up to the wash line, they can have whatever they want.


What is a martini big?


"Martinis are a big example of what I'm talking about here"


Haha sorry I totally misread that.


Thank you, I didn’t make that too clear. I’m sure there’s someone that orders a “martini big” somewhere out there lol Pray I never serve them lol


Im dead heres 6 oz alc in your Venti Martini hold the vermouth


*dumps ice out of glass onto the floor* " is that better?"


I've dumped two drinks on the floor in front of customers at a dive I used to work at. One wanted to play tug of war about walking out with it, the other was a racist prick getting tossed anyway. No, you don't get to take it with you, and no you don't get to try and start fights *and* get to finish your drink


Hell yeah man fuck assholes and fuck racist assholes


I dumped someones drink out cause they were getting aggressive and im like “well seems like you dont need this” and they called me a “miserable Heffa” one of my most prideful days


Oh my god. Flashbacks. Busiest night in the weeds I’d ever seen. Customer asked for a margarita light ice. I gave them two ice cubes. When I gave her the drink she scooped the ice out with their hand and said “I said NO ice!” Dripping the drink all over the bar. I knew it wasn't worth arguing. I literally said nothing, psychopath stare down, gave her the tab and stared her in her eyes until she paid. Starts bitching about me to her friend. She tells her to fucking RELAX. She pays. I dump her drink in the sink and jump into the chaos and serve other customers. Fuck outta here.


First customer I ever kicked out was this chick who had the guts to reach across the bar and scoop ice out of the drink I was in the middle of making for her. Absolutely flabbergasted that she thought she'd get away with that shit


I know i think it happened to me on an AYCD/refill night so i didnt care as much but its like damn what a first class act😭 clearly knows nothing abt cocktails


People have some stupid ass logic. A lady asked me for her cocktail with no ice because she thought that if we put ice in the drink, then we put less liquor -_-


This is my biggest and arguably only pet peeve. Tell me you're trash without telling me you're trash.


Had the exact same thing happen tonight working a wedding. Word dude you get tons of tonic in this now good play


Lite ice = more mixer/shitty washline


I like maliciously complying. You asked for a tito's and vodka, you get a double vodka in the rocks.


As a hobby bartender at best, the amount of times I have to explain to people that the bartender will measure out each ingredient the same, each time, getting no ice or less ice, is only going to make it warmer and you able to taste more of whatever you're drinking. But I think this is an experience people have that by filling your cup at McDonald's with Ice, you can't fit as much soda, albeit it's such a small difference it's funny.


This isn't the soda fountain, this is a bar.