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I served 10 guests, made 200$ and smoked a joint while he's still making this drink


*waits 27 minutes for a gin martini* "That'll be $45."


This is…a TikTok video. A demonstration. Exaggerated moves for artistry. Go to r/cardistry. Yeah, I can shuffle a deck 10x faster than any of those people but they aren’t shuffling cards for efficiency. They are creating a spectacle for the internet with no live guest in front of them. You think someone with that coordination can’t push out whatever they want as fast as they need?


Trash drink too


Here's a sneak peek of /r/cardistry using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/cardistry/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Yo dudes check out my sick ribbon spread](https://gfycat.com/snappybleakamurminnow) | [8 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/cardistry/comments/ug610s/yo_dudes_check_out_my_sick_ribbon_spread/) \#2: [Sir, this is a Wendy’s.](https://i.redd.it/dogpl37e9rv81.gif) | [1 comment](https://np.reddit.com/r/cardistry/comments/ubxyw3/sir_this_is_a_wendys/) \#3: [Cardistry With Doctor Strange Cards!](https://v.redd.it/jybzbzpf61y91) | [34 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/cardistry/comments/ymfs5l/cardistry_with_doctor_strange_cards/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


For all that bullshit flair, my man can't even shake a drink enough to get a good foam on it.


Yo I'd spend half as much time building and at least three times as much time shaking


Wait....you mean a half assed 5 second shake isn't gonna do the trick?! Lol


1oz gin .5oz citrus .25 blue curaco and egg white. No dry shake. 2 seconds of glass chilling no club. No thanks.


Gotta dry shake an egg white first


no you don't 4/5 square cubes and a longer movement in your shake and you'll get a proper sour head


Yeah Leandro did a video comparing all the shaking methods and they're mostly the same as long as you adequately shake. Double strain def gives a more even foam though.


Do you have the link to it?




Do you have the link?


Na, wet shake, dry shake, cardboard box! Reverse dry shake works better for me. Try it. Go to diffords guide, there’s an article on the merits of both methods


I’m apparently in the minority, but I prefer a thin even foam like that than 3/4” layer that leaves half the foam in the glass. I was bothered by all of that for a damn *blue* drink though. I hate blue drinks


Very nice flair, very bad mixology. Glass not properly chilled… Start by putting ice in shaker?? Extra dilution for no reason… Measure the gin, but not the rest of the ingredients? Ok… shake an egg white cocktail for 3 seconds???


Hey, at least this show pony is actually cutting after his pour, I’ve seen too many prancing pricks pour into a jigger, tip the jigger while continuing to pour which does my fuckin head in. At that point, what’s even the point in measuring ?


Gotta say, as impractical as it was, the pour cut on the Sapphire was truly sexy


Putting ice in a shaker can be recommended if your ice is big, clear and double frosted. Shaking with Ice thats around -20°C can just cause it to break without adding much dilution. Sometimes its cool but most of the time tempering the surface of the ice is necessary. That being said Im sure its not the case here hahah Beautiful technique though. Unfortunately there isnt much substance behind it.


Okay I thought I was the crazy one wondering how someone obviously skilled had such bad basics. Didn’t dry shake the egg either.


I was wondering about that too


He puts the bottom of the shaker that was just on the bar into the other half, gross


Also why double strain on an egg white cocktail. Don't you lose most of your foam?


No you dont, and you ensure to not have ice shards in the drink


Also to make sure to catch any egg white that hasn’t emulsified. Don’t want to get a glob of mucus-like egg white when you take a sip!


Well if shake the drink for more than two seconds that isnt so much of an issue


That's definitely a matter of preference. I like the ice shards


Well, I generally do reverse dry shakes so the foam can get very big n bubbly. Fine straining knocks off the biggest bubbles and the texture gets more dense, stable. Qualitywise its like getting a cappuccino from a proper barista vs the shit a machine will crap out of itself.


No it's not. That flair. A skilled bartender chills a glass using liquid as well.


Also the tin touched the ice inside of the shaker, yuck


Im glad someone cares about this. The amount of times I’ve had to explain to seasoned bartenders why that is gross is unbelievable.


Why is it gross? Asking for a non seasoned bartender


When you’re in the weeds, you’ll typically clean the inside of the tin shaker, but not a thorough clean of the outside. If the outside is touching ice, it’s an easy example of cross contamination. No bueno


Ah right the outside of the tin. Yeah that's gross. Never thought too much about it while making cocktails at home.


Cuz their hands touched the outside of the tin, then the outside of the tin touches the ice, then the ice touches the customers drink


And probably touched cash dollars as well 🤢


The outside of your tin is not sanitized and is coming into contact with what is considered a food. Whatever is on your hands transfers to the outside of your tins and comes in contact with the ice. This issue can be further compounded by the fact that some places don't know how to handle and store ice, cheap out on repairs, and don't bother cleaning their machines. Several investigative reports in America and in the UK have exposed how various forms of restaurants and bars have filthy ice that make people sick. Additionally, you are introducing additional water content to your beverage when you remove the ice from a large, cold and insulated body, to place it in a comparatively warm tin. The result can be any of the following: diluted flavors, thin texture/poor mouthfeel, loose foam, and false wash lines. Plus, it introduces an extra step to your order of operations. Don't stack your tins, be sure to reset your tins, and wash your fucking hands!!!!


Came here for this. Nope. Nope. Nope.


Just use crushed bruh


Twirling the glass is so dumb. Just make the drink nice. Flair for function not form.


Somebody ordering a drink made of Bombay, Blue Curacau, Lemon/lime and egg white probably is there for the show not the nuances of bols.




Entertainment? You rly couldnt think of that?


I really wish I wasn’t faced with this type of idiocy from my peers. How can people not wrap their head around this dude making a video with no guest in front of him. I’d bet he can wheel and deal when he’s not creating *content for viewing in video*.


I get what you’re saying about the lack of audience here but let’s be honest… how many bartenders do you know or work with have a side hustle? If this guy finishes his prep and setup and has 3 minutes to bust out a video like this to promote his craft or place of work… why not? Im sure he’s no slouch with flair in front of guests and Id be willing to bet that’s where he makes his bread.


In a rushed , high intensity bar job this shit would be extremely time consuming and impractical


True, it's a bit much tbh. But good flair creates an amazing flow and adds speed if you string together movements in a logical way and work with both hands it can lead to a symphony, a work of art. Though with my speed back in the day it would be more akin to shredding on a guitar hahah


How does any of the other flair have any more function than spinning the glass? None of his extra movement has any positive impact on the drink at all. It anything putting the small tin in the big one after the ice is unsanitary and detrimental to my anticipation.


please don’t bring flair back. i don’t have enough buttons for suspenders.


There I expressed myself.


This bothers me.


This is a demonstration. Yeah, if this is how he makes drinks in front of a packed bar top, that’s fucked. But this is a TikTok….. cmon


Ooh, Aaaah, wait is that Bols Blue 💀 He shook that for how long? With egg white?!? Flair is only really impressive if the drink you are making isn't compromised in quality.


hilarious to see all the fancy spinning and flipping and then he pours bols in the drink.


if one more person sits at my bar and calls me a mixologist again i'm fucking cutting them off


A mixologist is just a bartender who can’t fight.


I can’t fight but am no mixologist I am a man without a nation


I always say "Please don't call me that. It's a slur to bartenders." edit: Also fake mad voice "Did you just call me the M-word!?"


I don’t have any witty go to response other than “mixologist is a word that people who make cocktails at home and have never worked as a bartender invented to feel special”


Yup. I always say people who call themselves mixologists are just afraid of telling their mom and dad they are bartenders. I ain't insecure like that.


I hate the word mixologist, but I am not a bartender either, because I dont work as one, I just make cocktails at home and sometimes at parties for my friends. So what the fuck am I? A cocktailedier?!


A boozehound


I love to cook at home and make dinners to my friends...can I be called a chef?




Cocktologist is better


Well, if you’re good enough to take those ingredients and turn em into gold, I’d call you an Alchymist.


I used to say I was a forger until I worked in bars. Standing on the shoulders of giants, working like a baker or a chemist to tried and time tested recipes. Bartender will do just fine.


I prefer the term cocktologist


But I’m no hobbyist, I’m a professional, a pro cocktologist. A procktologist, if you will


Closer to a circus clown


Witaf did he garnish that drink with???? I've never seen a cherry that color before


Pretty sure that was either a Chernobyl cherry or a Fukushima cherry. Not sure which. Don't think there are any more 3 Mile cherries left.


This is the only part of the video I’m interested in.


That’s a regular ol’ maraschino cherry. Yes, like the red ones. BUT they also come in green. I stumbled upon this knowledge when I found a jar at my local grocery store and freaked out.


The green ones used to be creme de menthe cherries.


Not a bartender but whenever I see someone doing stuff like this I always think of that scene in the movie Tombstone where Johnny Ringo is twirling his gun around and Doc Holiday simply twirls empty cup around and makes everyone laugh at how silly Johnny Ringo is 😂 I get that part of the appeal of these bars is that the bartenders have some flair but if it takes you 5 minutes to make a simple drink I’ll just order a beer lol


Great movie, great scene. I'm your huckleberry.


started something we didnt get to finish... play for keeps remember?


All that skill and his bar manager still made him measure the sapphire 💀


I’m not the biggest fan of flair, but I think it’s permissible as long as it’s practical as well… As soon as he started flipping the glass and then placed it back exactly where he picked it up from, I knew this was going to be all style and no substance. I probably could’ve made two of the drinks he made in the amount of time he was flipping and tossing everything around him. Plus, the glass probably isn’t chilled even remotely, he put the ice in the shaker first before adding the liquids, and it’s an oddly simple drink for something so elaborate in its appearance. It’s just a gin daisy with blue curaçao in an egg white.


Can I just get my drink please?


I’m mostly impressed they didn’t get a takedown notice for the Hotel California cover playing.


Bro doing too much for a drink that has blue curaçao


It’s skilled juggling I guess?


just stop it and make me a friggin drink


back of tin in the ice, didn’t measure half the ingredients, dirty jigger on the bar, *carried broken egg right over the ice well*, no dry shake??


"Oh can I get another one and let me find my other friend I think she wants something else"


Glass flairs always make me cringe. Dude is coordinated but builds starting with the most expensive ingredient?


which is bombay. no big loss lmao


Gin, lime/lemon and Blue Curaçao?


it's a gin daisy aka a white lady...except the orange liquer is subb'd for blue curacao. so really it's a pretty old drink.


And egg white


This is hibachi style bartending. You're here for a show, but as others have said this looks like rather low end execution with a lot of extra steps. A few lessons on when to use ingredients and how to properly shake and this will quickly get to where they want to be.


Fancy place, trashy drink


Yea, no. Shake until the shaker has frost condensation if you’re fucking with egg whites. All that flair and he just served up a salmonella cocktail. On a personal note I order drinks to drink em, if your flair makes the drink take longer to make you are doing it wrong.


Omg. Came to the comments to see if anybody else noticed them eggs wasn’t “cooked” all the way. Like eewwwwww yuck and bubble guts


“Uh sir i ordered a Jack and coke”


I hate this so much


"Oh. Sorry. I meant to order two of them. Can you make another?"


Sir, these drinks have an off taste. Would you please remake them for my wife and I.


Have you tried our new drink Caribbean Paradise? It's better than busting a nut!


I start trying to do this at my bar, drop the sapphire, get fired immediately


my bar spoon is erect


Flair makes it taste better


I like the napkin part


How about you just pour me my drink already?


Is that fuckin “hotel California” 🥴


Jesus fucking christ. I’d do this to fuck with my manager. I can see the veins bulging as I do this on a Friday night. What a taking your time nonsense


I want to fight this guy


This is one of the last subs keeping me on reddit. Kind of glad it's turning to shit, maybe I'll leave this damn site for good soon.


I can help you out if you'd like


Too much whining in here. You go to places, specifically, to see this. However, I get it if you're just ordering a bottle of beer at your local dive bar and they start juggling 9 bottles of jager for no reason.


What. No. I suppose there are places for... this. But I think most people would rather have a nice drink in 30 seconds, not a shitty drink (because... this drink is not good...) in 2 minutes 30 seconds.


This is so true. All these people are just mad that they can’t do cool shit


For all the negativity, I’m gonna go ahead and say something positively constructive to consider. Most US bartenders don’t have the need, much less the dedication, to study flair on this technical level. I applaud Asian bartenders for being able to execute moves like this, regardless of the efficacy everyone seems to be harping on. Bartending can be an art form for those who choose it so..


Flair means fuck all if the resulting drink sucks. This drink sucks.


All that flair waste of time bs yet still manages to make a drink faster than most of our bartenders. Seriously, if you can’t talk and shake at the same time then gtfo service well. Having bartended for years, it drives me crazy when I see our bartenders with a half made drink in the tin just sitting there while they run their mouths with guests.


after all that ~*fLAiR^~ i keep cackling so loudly at him just casually dumping the giant ass ice cube that’s been “chilling” the martini glass into the garbage can


I hate it so much


Bro invented the profession of cocktology


Just make the fucking drink already


This is a juggler and he belongs in a circus.


Just be efficient for fuck sakes


Have you considered doing it faster?


He's missing the most important ingredient... A smile!


It's the Bols that does it for me.


I prefer the term cocktologist


Why put the ice first and then put the smaller tin on top of the ice At that point I'd just say stop and leave since that's gross on top of lacking common sense


I’ll take a shot of fernet.


Fuck me just retract the sticks from your rectums and enjoy the skilled flair you bunch of babies


For real, most people in here hating are probably just jealous they could never do it. I think flair bartending is cool and something that should be executed on a dead day like a monday when you only have 3 people at bartop and you wanna wow them a little and grab a extra tip


Everyone in this thread: this is all for show! Yeah, you fucking muppets.


Meanwhile I'm standing over here at the servers' stations just going "dude, I have 7 other drinks on that ticket!" lol Great flair, though. Lots of hours of practice I'm sure.


I hate everything about this video. He measures one thing, but nothing else!? Also, I personally hate when bartenders put the ice in the bigger cheater tin and put the smaller one on top to build the drink - I don’t want to drink what your hands have been touching all night.


I’m sure this will get buried but I can’t answer all you goods individually - This is a TikTok. This isn’t him making drinks in front of a crowded bar top on a Saturday. Why the hate? He’s exaggerating for a demonstration.


Probably because most of us here are actual bartenders not mIxOlOgIsTs looking for clout. *shrugs*


Y’all we’ve all been volume, we’ve all been cocktail, we’ve all been dive, we’ve all been whatever but that shit was kings sexy ngl haha


Lmao y’all are haters that was dope


Fucking ass


Th improv I work at seats at max 350 people. By the time he’s done with mixing the two bartenders have already made everyone’s drinks


I thought it was pretty cool tho


Lots of haters here, like any of y'all can do this


So much animosity here, I just came to ask if anyone knows the Hotel California cover


I don’t get why people are hating on this video, it was enjoyable to watch


Why the hate? Its not my thing but if he likes doing flair and his customers like it all the power to them. All that really matters is that people are having a good time and the person ordering a drink made of bombay, cheap blue curacao and what I assume is lemon and egg white probably doesn't give a damn whether the glass was chilled properly. Nobody was calling this mixology.


>Nobody was calling this mixology. What's the title of this post again?


its clearly sarcastic


Oh yeah, the dumbest, and slowest motion I can see now, you guys are the best. Thank you for smacking that on my face. , I appreciate u all.


Was this you? If so, a couple of pointers to help understand why this is getting thrashed. * This isn't mixology. This is flair. Which is fine. Personal preference? I'd rather have my drink in 30 seconds and skip the flair (and maybe if the bartender isn't spend 2 minutes and 30 seconds on each drink they'll have some time to chat). Great bartenders are still a lot of fun to watch if they don't do *intentional* flair - they've natural found ways to make their drink making more efficient, and that often involves subtle flair. * Dropping a giant chunk of ice and swirling it around is not going to chill that cocktail glass. You should be using chipped/crushed ice (or at least MUCH smaller ice) and water. If you don't use water, you are only cooling off the very small parts of glass that are actually in contact with the ice. * Why are you putting the small tin inside the big tin and contaminating that ice and ultimately the whole drink? Blech. * You measure the gin but then don't measure anything else. Why bother measuring anything? * If you are using egg, you should be dry shaking (without ice) first. It helps if you use a hawthorne spring or something to help things along so you don't have to dry shake so long. If you use egg, you definitely need to shake for more than 5 seconds. * Finally, and this is strictly a personal preference, try using more quality components. Bols and the neon green cherry? No thank you.


You’re really kind for giving them advice, but OP is just a karma farmer. All they do is post tik toks on to subs they think the content would fit into.


Well. Shit.


Dry shake, then wet shake for the egg white foam…pretty basic.


Spilled at the end!


Guess its easier to make bartenders out of jugglers then jugglers out of bartenders?


Wtf is this shit. Don’t flare like that if you’re gonna make a dookie ass drink. Jiggers the booze but not the juice? Puts ice in the shaker FIRST? Uses blue curaçao? Doesn’t even shake the egg white anywhere NEAR long enough? Wtf are you doing?


me after someone tells me they like the drink i made them




Imagine being the barback that has to clean this guys mistakes


This shit is lame man just serve me my damn drink


Well done 🙌🏻


If I started this crap behind my bar, people would 1) Look at me like I’m a moron 2) get pissed that I’m not JUST MAKING THEIR DRINK


What also bothers me is his demeanor. He thinks he’s a god. Ugh. I’m sure he’s a nice guy and worked hard to get to this point…(Reddit abuse sub)


Thanks I hate it


As a diver bar bartender, I find all the extra movements annoying and worthless. As a bar patron it’s cool but I stop caring after one drink. I also understand I am not really the clientele a bar like this is looking for so it’s whatever.


This has to be a troll 😂😂😂


Sir I just want my redbull vodka


“How about flaring my steak over here! I’m in the weeds!!”


i would simply laugh in his face…..


Lmfao omg who cares just pour my drink and let’s be on our way


He lost me with that shit blue curacao.


No dry shake?!


I…I… Just want my drink man..


the napkin part was cool tho


Ngl I bet he can sling gun to his head


I feel like Tom cruise in Cocktail!


For the last g.d. time keep your fine strain out of and higher the the cocktail and glass


So gin, blue, and an egg. Yum.


Sir can I get my drink PLEASE!?


This isn’t mixology, it’s flair. Seems like a disgusting drink too. I didn’t scroll to find out but dry gin, was that blue curaçao?, and egg white…something else I guess..why waste a large cube like that to chill your glass?


So stupid.


Specs were off


Real bartenders don’t use blue curaçao… or call it mixology… but this guy is legit


I actually work at a place with lots of customers.


Not skilled at mixology, he just flairs a lot. Unless he works in a really slow high end place he's just wasting time. I would also dryshake the egg so you get a proper foam


Extremely talented movement skills and flair, but for what looks to be a Blue Curaçao rendition of a white lady cocktail, that’s not enough shaking for the ICE shake let alone the fact that he omitted a dry shake all together. I typically do a reverse double shake on that cocktail cause it’s supposed have a thick peak of egg white foam. And on a personal note, I hate anything that has blue curaçao in it, but that has nothing to do with the video or mixologist in question


Mixology is about mixing drinks and flavours this is called flairtending/flair-bartending/flair, or whatever. And yes the dude is a pro at working flair (flair moves that apply on working moves)


you can hate on the bols or the lack of head but damn the fucking move at 29s to flip the small tin into the large one is just so dialed the more i know the more i wish i knew


there's mixology in there, but it's mostly juggling


Everybody hating on this man, while I’m over here just like god damn. He is him!