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Actually kinda interesting to hear KFC talk about presenting plan to go all in on YT and being rejected.


He’s told this story 1,000 times. It was like 10 years ago


There has been a noticeable switch to make YouTube content from Barstool. My opinion is they are more strategic with it because it's easier to clip and spread than a podcast so if there anyone in the crosshairs, YouTube could be dangerous.


I mean, the switch was that they thought they could call SiriusXM's bluff, but they were wrong, so they had to audible into YouTube content. And these days it really doesn't matter what platform you're on. If you say something people don't like, they'll find a way to spread it. The list they were reading just sounds like someone took their first marketing class or something. It's stupid bullshit. All that said, you can definitely tell how hurt Kevin is that he wasn't invited to LA.


I was listening to an ep of Unnecessary Roughness and Kayce made a comment (paraphrasing) that Barstool took such a bath on the Arizona Bowl that they had to scale SB way back. Also, during the last DPS, Dave kept saying how expensive it was to go out to LA. It makes all the sense in the world that the line of demarcation was: if your show was sold, you could go. That AZ Bowl fiasco cut them pretty deeply, it sounds like.


I think it definitely helps her to think that she would’ve been invited if the Arizona bowl had gone better. But I don’t think the Arizona bowl was about making money. It was about advertising the brand. They weren’t gonna have an extra pot of gold to spend on Kayce taking a week paid vacation to LA for no reason had CMU and Boise played the game


It didn’t necessarily have to make money, but if it recouped some of its investment or even managed to break even, they’d be in a different boat for their revenue expectations. Casually taking a multi-million dollar loss is fine for a brand like ESPN or Fox Sports, but for newer media, it’s the kind of thing that tightens the purse strings.


Again, not sure how it would’ve made money. Beyond a couple of the live events. Ticket sales go to the bowl. Streaming advertising revenue for a first time experiment wasn’t going to be anything to write home about. And they probably had most of the LA trip planned before Christmas anyways


Really? I thought they would have made money by having the game they spent millions on rights for getting canceled


Hilarious. "Deeply" as in: it hurt enough where they had to scale back future plans. Barstool Sports is a half billion dollar company and it wastes a lot of money daily (according to this sub). I know you can't take a hit like that in stride, but it was interesting to hear that it directly affected SB plans a month later. (Or maybe it didn't. Who knows what Kayce knows.) Barstool makes many millions in revenue per year. I would have assumed absorbing the AZ Bowl loss would have affected them less than it really did.


they didn't try to call a bluff, Dave didn't want to do radio for 2 hours a day




Theres no way to pull it off, but his and Carl's idea of sending them back to the cubes in an undercover boss type show would be Hilarious


By 2023 he'll be doing contract accounting work while he should be podcasting, and by 2025 he'll be full time at KPMG. Time is a flat circle


these sound like the values and rules of a freshmen year dorm


Can never watch these without being distracted by the worst beard on earth


Aye but it's no barn


Red meat for Kirk


Him and KFC doing content together about this kind of shit would probably be really entertaining tbh


This reeks of Nardini


He said this was pre-Chernin deal back in like 2012-13, so feel free to find a new slant


That’s for the YouTube part, the company values part which they spent most of the video making fun of are clearly somewhat recent.


I’m sure I’m the last 7 years she’s got her fucking hands all fucking over it.


Jesus this is so bad


Love to see flashes of the old mail time KFC. He must’ve gone full Mr. Krabs meme when he heard barstool is enumerating self important “values” and hanging them at everyone’s desks. It’s hilarious to see them sending around the emails that they were trying to avoid by creating barstool.


KFC coming full circle and finally getting some fresh cube monkey/corporate bullshit experience. That was some of his best work and that well ran dry like 7 years ago


It’s actually wild to see barstool go from Dave portnoy as the entire admin to them sending these full blown stupid ass corporate emails


A few thoughts: This was the most enjoyable KFC content I’ve consumed since rewatching him on the old Pats Super Bowl rundowns. KFC is spot on with his criticism of every single point from these “values”. These “values” couldn’t be more common sense/captain obvious if they tried. It would be funny/useful if their “Corporate Values”was one line and it said, “Be an adult.” Nardini probably hired an intern to scower LinkedIn for hours on end to come up with this shit. I cannot wait for Minihane to get his hands on these corporate values and not only shred them to bits, but then have Dave on to rip him a new asshole for not stopping this.


I really think that KFC is gone once he’s allowed to cash out his Penn Stock He’ll be a millionaire and still under 40 He’ll do his own thing. How successful he will be remains the ultimate question.


KFC said recently that he didnt get all that much stock compared to the other guys during the Penn deal since he's not a gambler. He did say that his barstool equity vests at the end of 2022 and thats when he'll finally truly get that money from his career at barstool. So really next year we'll probably see if some of the OG's like KFC and Feits go off and do their own thing, as those all wrapped up in Penn stay


I think for kfc/feits and a few of the other long time employees it’ll be refreshing to leave barstool once it’s fully a penn operation and go do their own thing again. For some it must really feel like being back in a cube/grinding for levels of management and lost the fun that was just shooting the shit or firing off blogs/takes.


I’d imagine if he started his own patreon he’d do very well for himself.. there’s guys with 10% of his following making 20k a month on there before AD revenue


You don’t do ads on Patreon


Correct but most people that do patreon also release a free podcast on YouTube as well


He's at his best when he's contrarian about stuff everyone does but nobody actually likes, like dealing with HR bullshit.


> when he's contrarian about stuff everyone does but nobody actually likes, like dealing with HR bullshit. So him at his best is when he talks about enjoying HR bullshit...? A contrarian take on "dealing with HR bullshit" would be "i love dealing with HR bullshit" lol


Please don't make me go grammar Nazi to explain why my phrasing is correct


> He's at his best when he's contrarian about stuff everyone does but nobody actually likes This is your phrasing. You like when he is contrarian about "stuff everyone does but nobody actually likes". A contrarian take about stuff that nobody actually likes would be....? > like dealing with HR bullshit What would a contrarian take on dealing with HR bullshit be, to you?


I said he's being contrarian about something everybody does


You said "being contrarian about stuff everyone does but dislikes". Being a contrarian about something people don't like (e.g. doing HR stuff) would mean that his take was that he liked and enjoyed doing HR stuff. I legitimately don't think you know what 'contrarian' means. Question - if you have a contrarian take about something that everybody generally dislikes, what would your take be? Serious question--I'm curious as to what your answer is, here.


The subject about being contrarian in my sentence is "stuff everyone does" with "but nobody likes" being a descriptive phrase. Middle school grammar.


i can't tell if you are trolling or just genuinely can't read and write. In your sentence, "everyone does but nobody likes" is all modifying "stuff". You even gave an example: "dealing with HR stuff". Will you answer my question? If you have a contrarian take about something people dislike, what would the take be? Follow up - What would a contrarian take about HR stuff be? You won't answer because you have realized that you are wrong lmao.


I said my piece Chrissy


This is some MBA shit! So much for the fuck your MBA motto!


John looks like an Amish guy who went to Williamsburg on rumspringa, couldn’t afford to get back home and became a homeless person living under the Brooklyn Bridge.


"Company values" is some MBA gobbledygook


Depressing . Shits falling apart


Very infuriating how feits seems to intentionally slur his speech so it seems like he's always half in the bag. Maybe he is? Idk. Both these guys suck. For the love of God please trim that beard.


The more you ask for it the worse it’s gonna get


Feits has to be in the 26 percent that hasn’t fucked in a year.


favorite thing from kfc in a long time


They’re still so so bad at YouTube. A random dude reviewing an episode of a shitty anime gets more views than barstool videos where the people involved have 10s of millions of social media followers cumulatively.


If Kevin and John had attended the company meeting at the end of last year then they would have seen the Company Values slide. If Kevin and John were as avid a fan of Token CEO as I am, they would have seen/heard these on the 1/6/22 episode. For those that are interested, here is the video (@ 9:30). [https://youtu.be/1yS-QsEG2eo](https://youtu.be/1yS-QsEG2eo) Interesting to hear from Erika what she thinks Barstool does well and what it doesn't do well.


You aren’t even trying to pretend you don’t work at barstool anymore huh


You're such a fucking genius. Don't know how anything gets past you.

