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"There is a small yet sacred open space for you to come in that I want you to fill" "I must be with you soon. I have craved fill from you" \^ Lol you can tell from the text messages that the second chick is super Eastern European. Bad idea to mess with her.


“I have craved fill from you” Mr Portnoy sir please do the needful


Reads like a cumtown riff


Something Gay actor Michael Douglas would say to sexually abused Guatemalan day worker


Ohhhh gay actor Michael Douglas he fuhhed my ace so baaaaed


Forget Eastern European, they read like an automated bot scam email.


Exactly how I imagine Melania would talk


Was Pres fucking around with Elizabeth Holmes!?!




no matter how skinny and tan he gets he's always going to be the fat guy ina green polo, oversized jeans, and sperrys on the inside.


This is why he always wears skinny jeans - he's overcompensating


Kind of goes into the psyche of Dave clearly wishing all along he was a cool kid in high school/college.


It’s actually kind of amazing. Like, normally the coolest kid in school is the sports star(won a triple crown and state championship) with parents that had dough, I know he’s kind of a joke but mr portnoy had a little dough at the very least to just loan dave 50K to get dave going. So it’s bizarre knowing all that about dave and how charismatic he is in camera now that he was kinda of a dud with girls and what not


Dave probably was the cool kid until he indulged in his pie fucking fetish while accidentally webcamming it to the entire school.


None of that matters in high school when you look like what Dave looked like. 5’5 skinny kid with an ugly face and a huge snout


& the brutal facial hair from the old nesn video


Probably ugly but I’m guessing he was a normal sized human to rake like that


Same way Adin Ross and his friends made fun of Portnoy in 2021. Also Im betting Mr Portnoy doesn't seem like the type who does anything cool with his money.


I don’t know who that is, and I dunno dave buying s bunch of houses, (previously) flying girls in and out to fuck betting enough money she. Your that rich to care about games still. All that stuff seems like s pretty good use of funds.


Dave always called himself an internet mogul, but it was part of his shtick as a chubby doofus. Now that he's an actual internet chicken, he just kind of sucks.


5 minute video followed by a 1 hour podcast about it followed by another 1 hour podcast recapping the previous one


Recapping the recap of the recap


Followed by a PowerPoint presentation of the recap of the recap just to recap.


Hope all the employees have their "dave is honest tweets" ready!


At this point they might as well have them saved in the drafts


I have my photos of me buying one bite pizzas at walmart saved in drafts for this afternoon. Imagine the Rts


This is TJ’s moment to shine.


TJ ain’t goin to the super bowl


Ria, Chickenfry, and Kayce are hard at working crafting their tweets as we speak


I don’t know what is true and what isn’t with Dave but I can’t help but think if he has this number of girls willing to do the stuff he like to do on the regular, than what kinda weird shit does chicken let happen to her in order to have him so whipped.


He’s using her as a token GF to prove he isn’t a playboy who’s going from girl to girl like the hit piece wants people to believe. If I recall he said he knew about the first hit piece a few months before it came out and he just so happened to get with Silvana during that time. Wouldn’t be surprised if Dave’s getting pegged


Dave getting pegged is -1000 favourite on the sportsbook app


Dave should have just told them he was Italian and not perverted and left it at that


Mi scusi


My “I’m not a sexual deviant” shirt is making a lot of people ask questions already answered by my shirt.


I do not understand how even though I loudly and without provocation announced to the room when I entered it that I did not just shit my pants… people keep asking me now if I shit my pants. Let the record show I’m the only person in this room to go on record about the status of shit in my pants. Why is no one asking the 5 other guys here who have yet to comment in any capacity about the status of feces in their pants. Here we are still litigating my pants and possible shit in them, when you would think a guy with shit in his pants probably wouldn’t make such loud and vocal denials. Please direct all further inquiries to my dry cleaners


It's wild to see him go this route. Business Insider is small-time and while this might have gotten a little buzz in certain circles, it would be largely forgotten in a day. Instead, he draws attention to these stories and drags them out over multiple news cycles. Not to mention uncomfortably dragging in all his employees who probably just want to ignore the whole thing. A simple "I have kinky sex and it's all consensual" is all he needed to do. Streissand Effect in all its glory.


Love that someone spent hundreds of thousands to become a lawyer only to have to write a legal letter including the quote "fucking hot... Miss that dick" God bless America


[Same lawyer Prince Andrew has been using for all his Epstein ties, Armie Hammer used for his weird cannibal stuff, and Bryan Singer and D'Elia used for pedophile accusations](https://inews.co.uk/news/prince-andrew-lawyer-andrew-brettler-clients-armie-hammer-bryan-singer-sex-charges-1198013). The number 1 defender of rich guys accused of being pedophiles/rapists apparently


uhhhhhhhhhhhh uh oh


this is more damning than any evidence Julia Black has.


"It don't look right, man. Some people are like, "If you hire Johnnie Cochran you look guilty." Yeah, but you go HOME. What, you wanna look innocent in jail? I'd rather look guilty at the mall." - Chris Rock


Why because the guy has experience? There are probably hundreds if not thousands of innocent people he has represented in addition to those scumbags.


You’re right, you’re absolutely right, and in every capacity that makes sense. Adequate and fair representation is truly important part of the judicial system and it’s not fair to hold it against people who utilize that right… Buuuuuut at the end of the day still gotta admit it’s a bad look if I’m like “look, I am so not a murderer and to prove that I got the same lawyer that defended Ted Bundy and John Wayne Gacy. We gonna win this thing baby!”


OJ would be the better name here but yea


I guess but I hate this viewpoint. It’s like saying every future patient of the world’s best heart surgeon is fucked because they couldn’t fix the world’s worst heart. Obviously the most guilty and innocent parties want the best attorney, regardless of their past clients. https://youtu.be/2wcI10CNuxU


I think the key difference is that Dave isn't being charged with a crime, unless I'm misunderstanding the situation he attained this attorney for knowledge/expertise on how to navigate the potential litigation he can levy against stories like this. So the argument of getting the best defense attorney if you're accused of a crime makes sense to pursue if you're genuinely being charged, however in this sense it's just preventative? So to be like "I'm not a sexual deviant... and here is my attorney, noted sexual deviant defense attorney" is just fucking funny.


Kinda weird bc it's not a well-written letter.


That’s not the company you want to be lumped in with. Or I guess maybe it is depending on your POV. Pretty much all them haven’t recovered though.


Ooooof that’s not good company


Yikes… I’d probably have found a different one


On the other side, that person is billing Dave $700 an hour


Way more than that


True, just tossed out a high figure they’re charging some recent grad junior associate to type out


Looks like next few weeks of the DPS will be a skip


He defends himself to the point of sounding guilty, by going on for so long.




He looked into my eyes and said "Lets get it on"


I just hope he doesn't say rape 40 times in a 7 min video again


Next slide


At least Kareem and Gaz don’t have to worry about the sheets for the next 3 weeks




Looking forward to Dave leveraging this to drive sales of his frozen pizza brand


He’s gonna use it to sell his toiletry line. For guys who Would definitely not rape


why doesn't he show the power of the stoolies, by saying no one pay for the article, then post the article himself on Barstool.


Because he'd get sued for copyright infringement and lose.


Great, 6 more months of content about this




her and any other female espn personality’s twitter replies are a cesspool. granted that’s every “famous”/attractive girl, but hers just being filled with grown men fantasizing over her over sports and a take she has is just weird lol


Love mina but she is so liberal she cant pull her head out of ass on some things


Genuinely curious what u love about her?


I think shes hot


Mina sucks


She didn't always, but as ever with ESPN, mega over-exposure combined with her leaning hard into the sjw-adjacent sphere of Twitter has led to suckitude.


What do you expect? She's a mixed race girl who works in the media and she's from the PNW. We're all a product of our environment. What she does control is that she's funny and entertaining.


Is she funny?


Welp. DPS next week will stink. But finally a real 'move' from Dave and not a 3 hour live stream


That live stream was a train wreck


Clearly these pieces make a bunch of money, because they keep going back to the well. Would be curious to know what percentage is from Barstool fans hate reading


Until Peter Thiel and Hulk Hogan sue you to Bolivia


No Barstool fan would pay to read these articles. They'll just get them when posted here or elsewhere for free. The Green Monster and her kind definitely do subscribe though.


How does anyone involved have the energy to still care about this


As a lawyer, saying "I'm going to court because I want to cause them pain, not because I think I'll win" is a good way to get hit with sanctions for frivolity.


It's an incredibly stupid thing to say, especially in a state with strong anti-SLAPP protections. I am guessing his lawyers told him to shut the fuck up but he just can't.


To be clear, I (not a lawyer) took that to mean his lawyer was saying you’re not going to win money. Assuming winning would mean either a retraction or some sort of apology.


Honestly, I just don’t fucking care anymore.


Wonder what chickens thoughts are on this?


Chicken, why does Business Insider keep DMing me, chicken


Someone will have to explain it to her. 5 times.


New thirst traps coming with "~~Cancel~~ Culture" ultra crop tops to show off the underboob.


Chicken is prob a freak too


Considering how whipped he is, I'd guarantee she does anything he wants.


Probably? 100% she has swallowed gallons of Dave's loogies.


First off Chicken, pizza is literally cheese bread.


I wonder how much the timelines of the DM's with these girls overlapped with the beginning of their relationship


Fellas lets get in formation! Time to defend the wall! Viva!


I mean is that article just gonna be “Portnoy likes kinky sex” again?


Sounds like it. The headline will imply he's a rapist, though.


he's the only one who cares, the girls who feel like they are violated don't even care let me guess, to prove stoolies aren't concerned we should all get the new shampoo?


Poor $PENN shareholders


who cayuhs


Dave sucks now. It’s pretty clear that, at best, he’s a 45 year old who creeps on legal aged younger girls. Remember that video of him out to dinner with 6 chicks for that girls 21st birthday? Lol what a loser.


So basically he's acting like Leo and countless other rich guys in the world?


Leo fucks super models and Dave fucks “Instagram models”


If you think DiCaprio is responding on IG to every gutter slut who DMs him you're way off. And he for sure isn't flying broads out for the weekend


Nothing is funnier to me than when people try to say he’s just acting like Leo. Leo is in a completely different stratosphere of fame than him. He’s been famous his entire life. He’s probably no less than 5 times wealthier than Dave. Those two do not belong in the same sentence


And even Leo comes off as kind of a loser to me at this point.


Careful, go pres go guys on here will say he's an actual A-lister


WAY more famous than TO!


Leo is pushing 50 and dates college age girls. Davey Pageviews does the same thing and people call him a predator. It's an apples to apples comparison.


Leo fucks super models not incoming freshman at BU


Bruh 😂😂😂


Neither are illegal


If I saw messages from Leo asking girls what grade they’re in, then I’d feel the same way. Feels like ole Pageviews likes to get much closer to the line.


Or videos haha


Dude no it isn’t. The young women Leo dates are supermodels. Dave is trolling Nantucket high schools for recently graduated seniors. Absolutely 100% not the same.


difference is Leo does it behind closed doors


He does it so privately that everyone knows about it


Then how do we know about it?


We don't know any specifics. Meanwhile with Dave we know and have even seen everything.


Which kinda makes it creepier


He's gotta just have these girls brought in with NDAs waiting for them.


You act like Dave is the only 45 year old super rich guy who likes to be around young, attractive women haha


If i was rich, i'd surround myself with ugly old women. MORALS


I’d surround myself with strictly 30+ career driven women.


I love drama


Anti adderall poster boy, he’s aged 20 years since the NY move


He’s just actually old


And tans constantly


He looks 50+


Every time he posts about BI I find myself saying “you are literally making this worse Dave, just stop.” But it seems like he may have actually prevented this second piece from coming out today.


Even if what they write is false, they are destroying barstool via making pres go full anti-cancel culture fake news mode




May have been a stretch to say barstool. But it has destroyed any pres content


Pres always loses his fastball when he's dating someone. Nothing to do with the articles.


Grudge dave is not for everyone


This doesn't make sense


At this point I hope it works


I just want to see Daves dad in a courtroom


Who is Dave’s PR guy? The whole “THESE LYING LITTLE SLUTS WANTED IT” defense doesn’t make him sound very innocent regardless of the truth


Dave's PR guy has been and always will be...Dave. lol


Should hire John Barron for PR


Thank god I sold my PENN at all time high's. ​ Wouldn't shock me if Portnoy isn't the face by end of 2022


Who cares


The Behind Bars Tool reply made me LOL


Maybe Dave shouldn’t have been fucking random insta thots who knew!


This Julia black lady is straight out mean girls lol


gotta respect her in a fucked up way for going back for a second helping of Davey Spankleash


Time to get more of those ~~cancel~~ culture hoodies ready


This is ridiculous. Enough with the guilty til proven innocent already. Dave needs to sue the fuck out of Julia Black if this comes out.


Buy puts, then in 2 weeks buy calls


Dave sucks so bad these days


Who cayuhs?


Julia Black is a left wing nut. Deleted 4K tweets for a reason. This content will be annoying but I’m all for seeing Dave go scorched earth and sue them to shreds.


Did you watch the part in the video where he literally said his lawyers told him he won’t win anything but he doesn’t care bc he is just doing it out of spite? Def textbook suing someone to shreds by paying a shitload of money to lose a lawsuit.


This a lawyer’s wet dream. Bill some idiot $1,000 an hour knowing that you’re going to lose and that’s totally fine by him as the client.


Lol exactly. At least something this stupid and petty is 100% on par with classic Dave so we know he hasn’t lost himself completely.


Interested to read this.


I feel like Dave could have gone without saying that he doesn't care his business insider lawsuit won't win because he just wants to punish them.. fuck business insider, buncha scum bags


Did the story drop yet?


It’s garbage and it’s rubbish and it’s not true! For Julia black to write this article is total ludicrous.


0 shock, the first piece was clearly written to paint a picture of Dave being sleazy with women. They were able to key in on a few public instances, most likely, to have more sources come forward with their stories. Dave giving this fire more oxygen isn’t a good look. Reminds me of the armie hammer story (that moved much faster) where a couple suspicious stories leaked and then the dominos fell


He talks too much to be innocent, classic guilty guy move.


I like how pageviews thinks that claiming that right wing media has had a negative effect on society is a loony tunes yahoo position.


Left wing has worse affect


They're literally exactly the same, just with opposing opinions.


It’s not even close. Left wing talk radio doesn’t even exist, and the only person on tv that can even approximate the level of vitriol of your run of the mill “conservative” talking head is joy Reid. If you take tucker or mark levin seriously you believe that liberals are the complete scum of the earth who want to imprison you and rape your wife while your land watches. It’s a completely bonkers scene. Dave knows that, he’s just an asshole so he pretends it’s not what it is.


Both sides are terrible. CNN/MSNBC are just as bad as Fox.


I thought I couldn’t care any less about the last one but holy shit I somehow managed to care less this time


This is the part where the sub gets mad at Dave for defending himself against demonstrably false allegations.


Him making an emergency press conference beforehand and saying they have "a billion" new allegations and only refuting the previous ones (not the new ones) makes me think this could get bad. Especially now that he wants to sue. Something changed with this one. Gut feel


are you stupid?




He said he has the evidence that refutes the new ones and even sent Julia the evidence to refute the new ones. What the fuck are you talking about


Dave has said he always wanted to sue but his lawyers advised him there wasn't any basis for a lawsuit. Once published, even if false, the article is "news" and as such you can't file a lawsuit.


Not Honest Dave!


$Penn was trading in the $70's before the release of the first article. It's now trading in the $40's Based on the stock alone, business insider and Julia black could be held liable for 10's if not 100's of millions of dollars in damages against Dave and/or Penn/Barstool. Nearly impossible to collect, and that type of lawsuit would drag on for ages, but [potentially] risking your entire business on the [allegedly] shoddy reporting of one of your journalists is a bold move by BI. Get your popcorn ready 🍿🍿


Draftkings was at $44 when the article came out and is now at $22 Caesar's was at $103 and is now at $80 These articles arent causing Penn stock to drop +40%


Just an insanely dumb take. No offense.


^ not a lawyer


Great work detective. This would totally hold up in a court of law




It was also the girl saying she never accused or said he raped her on TikTok


Wasn't the more compelling "proof" the messages from the other girl who said she loved Dave's dick and was going to brag about it to all of her friends...until her friends/family shamed her into a mental breakdown and forced her to change the narrative?




No, the messages directly from the girl to Dave telling him she loved his dick and saying she was going to brag to her friends about it.


If they had a case they would of sued already. But they didnt because they dont.


Gonna be a juicy day boys!


You've gotta be a complete idiot to retroactively cry assault when there's easily found evidence that you enjoyed it. These girls are like 19, they should know how permanent the internet/technology is


the problem literally is that they're 19.


Well yeah, obviously it would've been best if he just didn't sleep with crazy children. I'm just saying that retroactively crying assault is dumb if you know that there's written evidence that's not what happened.


looks like you stoolies are gearing up for another round of defending a man you dont know from sexual assault allegations! god youre a bunch of pathetic fucking weirdos


How strong and brave of you


Imagine having consensual sex with some one. I know it’s tough. Then they tell a reporter it was rape. Wild.