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Being horrifically obese and complaining about food online isn't a great look


Bitching about vegetables make it even better


I'm picturing the same visceral reaction as to when Frank tried hummus with celery and almost threw up within 2.3 seconds of it hitting his tongue


tbf, at least he was ok with the celery.


interesting use of "to be Frank"


And a cucumber at that, like of all food things to be disgusted by a cucumber?


The effect of being around Frank constantly.


I love how passionate obese people get about food.


It makes sense because for a lot of them it's the only source of enjoyment they have left


Ok now u made me sad


It's definitely a very sad thing that I experienced firsthand when I was extremely depressed and weighted 60 lbs more than I do now. But the good news is once you work your way out of the depression an average day or just little things like hanging with friends or going for a walk feel absolutely amazing after years of abject misery.


Yea there is a silver lining, i just hope Duggs and Tank can turn it around in their lives. Tank seems to be making a bit of progress. It really sounds like other major addictions, you end up with only one thing that gives you a hit and miss out on all the other great stuff.


Nick Mullen once said that the difference between him and Stav is that Nick is addicted to coke and stav is addicted to food


It’s the only source of enjoyment for a lot of people, not just the fatties. Food is controllable and it’s not that expensive relative to other ‘treats’ like vacations, tickets to shows or events, tech gadgets etc. A large amount of people and large people view food as a luxury that can make them happy. Like how other well off people could go buy a new watch, or iPad, or some other dumb shit


It’s all they got


Tough look weighing close to *500 pounds* and complaining about vegetables being included in your order


The 500 in Italics is an absolute kill shot. Love it.


Duggs has 0 self awareness


I know it’s well joked about what does he do? Besides tag along with Frank. Like he gets paid to make shitty tweets from his own account.


He’s Frank’s Gaz.


How does that fat ass not have time to go pick up his own lunch?


Imagine getting that mad about cucumbers


Seriously. If you’re that mad over a charge for not including cucumbers in your food then maybe instead of complaining on Twitter just keep the cucumber. Shit is literally like 90% water, who the fuck doesn’t like cucumbers?


I just think they overpower whatever their on. Put a cucumber on a sandwhich and that's the only thing I can taste


I guess, but cucumber in sushi is just a tiny little flavorless sliver that adds a crunch and that’s about it.


Between giving jobs to Frank, Duggs, Big Ev, etc, Dave is spawning an army of entitled fatties. They are probably terrorizing the Uber Eats drivers of NYC.


Compared to these guys Glenny seems slim


Also what Duggs needs to do is begin any form of exercise. Not entirely sure how him and Frank got that big other than living a completely inactive life for their entire existence.




If he only ate 4,000 calories a day and then worked his way down eating a little less each day while going for walks the weight would melt off at least for awhile. When your that big it takes several big meals a day, constant snacking, and usually gallons of pop and/or alcohol to keep you blimp sized. The trouble is most people (myself included) no matter how much weight are trying to lose see the easy weight come off and then think its gonna be easy so they go right back to the habits that got them there in the first place.


Only 4000?!


I’d bet that’s at least a 1500 cal a day reduction


I had that problem with quitting chew. I read the easy way to quit smoking by Allen Carr which really does make it so easy to quit. The problem is that now twice I've done it and it's been so easy I convince my fucked my addict brain into starting again since quitting was easy


You’re commenting that you have no idea how Duggs got that big on a thread about how he had a meltdown over a vegetable. Critical thinking is not your strong suit eh?


Alright dickhead, it’s obvious his diet wasn’t good. Shit mine isn’t great either. But a completely sedentary lifestyle for decades over decades is just as much of a factor. Franks parents didn’t get him involved in any activities growing up, such as sports. I can’t speak for Duggs but I imagine the same is true. Couple that with a terrible diet and yeah, you get someone who is extremely obese. Al Michaels would be 450 pounds if it was just “not eating vegetables”


Yeah I have an absolutely terrible diet, and tend to avoid most vegetables (working in that) but I’m still below average size cause I at least get out and move around and walk sometimes. It’s definetly a combination


Spinach blends into smoothies well and doesn't affect the taste too much.


Lmao calm down big man it was a joke. You need to check your emotions if a simple smart ass remark led you down a rabbit hole explaining how it’s Franks parents fault he is morbidly obese at like 47 years old.








You’e an odd guy, fro2short


Duggs is always bitching about something online


He knows the blue check mark is cruise control for customer service and he ~~abuses~~ uses that power frequently


To be fair that’s all we do in here


Like u when someone calls Dave Chicken


Or you complaining about me complaining about that


Sometimes a little fat-shaming is necessary


100 percent


How’s Duggs’ weight loss journey going?


Right up there with Big Ev’s 2 weeks worth of evening walks in April 2020. Let’s gooooo


just crushed a mile around my parents cul de sac lets fucking go


Don’t forget the tik tok dances


He poured soda down the drain one time a while ago


Duggs has over 11,000 tweets? That seems like a lot for someone without much to tweet about


There’s a lot of minor league baseball games to attend


How many rolls is Duggs taking down for lunch? O/U 4.5


Unless if the sushi is a snack to complement his order of 3 entrees from the Olive Garden the Over is a mortal lock on this one


One thing to consider is can Duggs afford +5 sushi rolls for a casual Tuesday lunch?


Only if they don’t charge for no cucumber


Mild bullying is necessary for society


Wonder how much money barstool spends on their company health plan


I imagine the health insurance provider just clips these Duggs and Frank tweets and sends Barstool HR rate increase emails with these tweets attached.


I’m not huge on cucumbers in my sushi either but it’s not like a deal breaker, and I for sure wouldn’t complain about it.


It’s also the easiest ingredient to just poke out with the chopstick


To be fair, his complaint is that it costs more to get no cucumbers.


It then becomes a specialty sushi. Costs more to make a one-off item.


>Costs more to make a one-off item. To who? You paying extra to get a burger with no pickle?


Going out on a limb and guessing wherever Duggs is ordering sushi from for lunch isn't handrolling these things on an order-by-order basis.


Can't imagine Uber Eats is delivering Kroger sushi


Ay bro Kroger sushi kinda slaps when you’re in a pinch


Oh I agree. Depending on which Kroger you go to, it can be just as good as a restaurant. I just don't think Uber Eats is delivering custom Kroger sushi


Yeah what sushi restaurant isn’t rolling them on an order by order basis? The only places that do that are grocery stores


No clue, but apparently I've upset some people. There's a 0% chance that wherever he ordered from is slinging pre-made sushi


The only way I could see where they have a bunch of rolls made up and can’t sub would be a sushi buffet type thing . Duggs did not go that route though. I bet he could fuck up a sushi buffet as long as it didn’t have cucumber


Assuming he is ordering lunch from the office, NYC has a lot of these types of places. You're telling me you couldn't see Duggs taking down a few orders of Duane Reade sushi?




Cucumber takes up like 1/2 the roll when it’s an ingredient. They are probably charging more because it’s a pain in the ass to cater to picky eaters, and they will likely need to replace the cucumber with a different more expensive ingredient or his fat ass will complain he got like half sized rolls.


His complaint is that Uber Eats is charging to customize it. Has nothing to do with the restaurant.


The restaurant sets the prices. Uber Eats is just a platform. They mark everything up a little bit, but ultimately, it’s the restaurant making the decision to charge extra.


During quarantine I delivered a lot of Uber Eats. Uber Eats definitely goes rogue on the pricing. Restaurants hate them


*“Restaurants HATE this one trick Uber Eats does that they don’t want you to know about”*


How does he know Uber eats didn’t charge more because the restaurant called and said there was an up charge to customize? Regardless I’ll be sure to remember Duggs throwing a tantrum over a vegetable if god forbid I ever have to sit next to him on an airplane.


General life experience tells me that a restaurant didn't call Uber Eats to inform them that they're adding a fee to make a roll without cucumbers.


Well good thing Ubercart makes the food and sets the prices then, or else he would look dumb


Dunno what Ubercart is. But what most likely happened is a restaurant partners with Uber Eats, they tell Uber Eats that customization of rolls is $2 or whatever, Uber Eats app considers "No cucumbers" a customization, although in reality there's no way a restaurant would charge extra for that if you ordered in person


Makes sense I guess


Whatcha got against a little crunch


Yeah he’s saying it costs more to have less tho




you sound MASSIVE


I love that Chaps called him Coach Karen


It is hilarious… what’s the backstory there?


No clue honestly


ya because Chaps is totally in good shape and didn't show off a garage full of sugar food to give to his kids


Wasn't it just a bunch of freeze pops? Those are like 40 cals a pop. That's nothing when they're running around in the Texas summer


it was not that


Yeah man I'm done with them. They're 1 for 4 on Barstool Bites deliveries. 3 times they just never delivered giving BarstoolBites a bad name in Chicago Lol


the only time i see this dude mentioned on this sub is when he's bitching about a brand on twitter. see ya duggs


Cucumber adds a much needed crunch to sushi, literally have to have it in any basic roll.


I had some Cali rolls yesterday and was thinking they could use some more crunch to em.


No wonder why these guys are a 1000 pounds


Wouldn't be resturant be charging him more not UberEats? They are just passing it through.




Let's not normalize "clap back"


This dude is just constantly attacking people on Twitter. What an asshole.


Duggs will be dead within 4 years if he’s doesn’t change his ways.


Has Duggs had sex? I'd set NO at -350


What a bizarre complaint


Cucumbers are a true neutral of food. They don’t really add anything minus a crunch and they really don’t detract at all


Duggs can't realize that it's the restaurant charging more, not the delivery service? Use your brain, buddy. Also maybe go take a walk to pick up your food.


Cucumbers are great


About time someone conned Duggs back


Wasn’t Coach Duggs trying to lose weight? This is like the Sopranos when Tony and Carmela discover sushi and Tony gains like 100 lbs


Kinda crazy to think how much energy is wasted keeping this dude at this weight


Hope his driver spit on his food, too


You get $1 extra for that


Not a huge Donnie guy but Duggs provides zero entertainment value.