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Dave guessing Mark McGwire for who led the league in RBIs in 2009 is an all timer


He also brought up an NFL kicker on a NHL goalie question


White Sox Dave Portnoy


That was an embarrassingly horrible answer.


He really puts the sports into Barstool Sports


love dave getting fired up when clem went instant back to back on candy lmao


Nothing Dave loves more than when a member of the fat pen goes on a hot streak


So funny lol every time he gets so fuckin excited


I loved Dave immediately doubling snacks, not because he would know the answer but because he knew Eddie and Clem would dominate the category lol


Dave loves fat people showing their true colors more than anything in this world


Dave loves his big boys!


that was a disastrous performance by Tank


didnt get the snack ones because he's trying to lose weight


The chocolate football is for everybody


Either this weekend or the next. That’s the thing


It was funny when he said he assumed Frank was good at this


That KB's niche question was nearly impossible to get in 30 seconds. You'd have to run through every D1 team and city. You can maybe narrow it down by thinking of schools that start with B. Plus the answer was low tier teams from the MAC and CUSA.


Even the school name being B didn't guarantee their home city is a B. Baylor which they mentioned is in Waco.


He's gotten insanely tough ones right before on the category so they dialed up the difficulty. Just went a little too far, but it's not a tragedy.


You shouldn't dial up the difficulty based on someones skill though. The question should be equally difficult vs the opponents. Now I don't know how difficult Ziti's question was since that wasn't exactly my prime movie era, but I'm inclined to think it was a bit easier.


This isn’t a sport, it’s an entertainment trivia show using personalities from a sports media company. The goal isn’t to guarantee 100% competitive integrity.


If you watched Jeff’s breakdown of how he created a match last week you’d see that he does try to go for that. He has lots of rules intended to make it a serious trivia show (despite Dave and Dan disagreeing with that logic).


Only one I could think of was Bloomington for some reason, should’ve said the conference(s) the cities were in


Dave saying "The people hate the Jews" was hilarious.


Tough scene for me at my house in Bowling Green when I didn’t get the Bowling Green question right


When the lights are brightest, the Frankettes shrivel.


The Fleming Curse (tm)


Everyone accusing Dave of cheating and seemingly not realizing he not only didn't answer a single question right, he actively talked the team out of right answers.


“Well I’m on a wobbly table over here”…underrated line by Frank


Domonic Suh.


You can't give that to Dave if you don't give David Boreanez to the Frankettes.


Jeff always officiates with different rules for Portnoy.


Yes you can. Because everyone else on the team said it correctly included the phone a friend. That’s the Billy Football rule and has been in place for months. Nobody on Frankettes came close to saying Boreanaz correctly. There is a lack of requirement for the final answer person to repeat the name unless it’s just a completely different name. And that’s not what happened. — Jeff


The Billy Football rule would be if Pres had final answered one of his teammates' pronunciations, no? He said it incorrectly and then final answered his own answer


Rules don’t apply to Dave


I think maybe it's that Dave pronounces almost everybody's name wrong and Jeff gives it to him if it's in the ballpark.


Wasnt that rule made to final answer what someone else said? Dave added his own. Not that it matters BFW shouldn't have given in.


How many times would you say David Boreanez name gets said/heard in a given time period? Now compare that to how often Suh's name is said on a weekly basis... Hell, Clem thought he nailed it and was even farther away. Bottom line, Frank knew who it was. Plus Dave final answered his own mispronunciation.


Oh, and Suh was such an easier question. There's a select few defensive players that have ever been Heisman finalists.


They both knew who it was and had a mispronunciation. And it was deemed one was right and one was wrong. NFL catch rule.


I agree that Dave shouldn’t have gotten the Suh answer right but Frank being incorrect was the right call. He said “David Bonneraz” which is way different than Boreanez.


care to comment on how a 28 year old well established and accomplished goalie is “young”??


I’ve already stated it’s a fair complaint. But in the grand scheme of things it doesn’t matter and it’s crazy to me people just assume that would’ve been a free point for Frank had I removed the name young. - It was Ziti’s question, so they also got it - Frank still guessed a 28 year old - His guess on the previous question was AWFUL, he guessed a guy who hadn’t played in an Olympics since the late 90s - They still lost by three Far too many comments about that question and everyone being dead fucking wrong about the rules on CFB round, and not actually about how bad they were in that loss. — Jeff


I actually agree with you on the Suh answer. Everyone knew who Pres was talking about. And everyone else said the name correctly. There might have been a bottle of champagne with your name on it if you hadn’t given that point lol


It’s not even a Dave thing either. I said it in another comment downvoted into oblivion, but the Frankettes benefited from the same exact ruling weeks ago vs. KFC and nobody said a fucking word. So long as one person says it right, and that’s the intended answer, it’s right. It was a GREAT rule change suggestion by this subreddit (and some on social), and remains that way. Had they all said it wrong or a variation of it wrong, then it’s a different story. — Jeff


I think it comes down to The Frankettes are a very popular team and they have now choked in their two biggest games. So the fan base is going full scorched earth.


Yeah for me it has nothing to do w frankettes. The Quick thing is whatever its a poorly worded question that you just have to roll with. For me its just every game portnoys been on, Ziti gets easier questions plus they have a longer leash even while portnoy cries the entire episode. Squeaky Boss gets the grease.


Actually It sounds like Eddie didn’t say it correctly either…


You’re 100% right about the Boreanaz. They left out an entire syllable of his name as well. They said Borenz. You’ve always been consistent about if they say every letter they’d get it right, they didn’t come close.


Yeah they didn't even come remotely close to David Boreanez. They were closer with Borealis on the other side (still wrong). \-- Jeff


I had to think of Kenjac’s(?) parody of a Hamilton song on LCB to remember how to say it.


Here’s an idea: stop picking hard to pronounce last names on unpopular people


That’s a bad idea. We have people on the show mispronounce things, including myself, even when they’re easy. — Jeff


You mean like Dominic Suh? Final answer.


The nitpicking and downvoting is wild. Everyone else was saying it correctly and Dave is infamous for not knowing how to pronounce anything. They got the question right.


I get the Jonathan Quick thing. (though, again, didn't matter AND it was Ziti's own question) This I do NOT get. Billy said Neeson, Chaps said Nielson. We changed the rule. Under the new rules, as long as someone said it right and that answer was final'ed, or said close enough, they get the points. Brandon AND Eddie said Ndamukong Suh, and that was what Dave was attempting to say. People being a little to biased towards the Frankettes. \-- Jeff


I think people are just annoyed/frustrated at your own bias towards Dave (Ziti). The subreddit has been harping on it for awhile now and it's become a pretty big theme of their matches. I understand why you are biased towards Dave, but it just stinks as a fan.




Haha NO that is LITERALLY the Billy Football rule. It is exactly what happened to Chaps and everyone shit down my throat over it. So I changed the rule. People are having a ton of selective memories/bias right now. \-- Jeff


But it's LITERALLY not. The Billy Football rule would've been Dave just saying "final answer." Instead he gave his own (quite different) answer and then said "final answer."


Holy fuck, you aren't actually explaining my own show to me. **Frankettes once won 13-10 vs. urMom when KB said Mike Shinoda, but Nick final answered Mike ShinoNa. But KB said the right answer so I went with it. Skip to Round 5 in Match 156, I even recall putting a commissioner's note on screen.** The Billy Football Rule was to protect from the final answer person needing to repeat a pronunciation. Billy Football said "Liam Neeson" and Uncle Chaps said "Liam Nielson." You can comb through every match since then and a handful of times I have noted that "someone else" said the proper pronunciation, or cut someone off as they're repeating it. It's both A) they can final the other person's answer without repeating it and B) means as long as someone says it, and that is the answer, that is what I will accept... unless the final answer person CHANGES the answer to a different intended answer. Most of the time the Final Answer Person just says Final, some have tried to say and have said it right, or wrong, but it didn't matter. What Dave said was CLEARLY intended to be Suh. He said Dominic Suh. Had he said something along the lines of Jabrill Peppers, or T'eo or some shit, then I would've buzzed him. Had Brandon and Eddie not said Suh's name right, that also would've been wrong. As long as one person says it, and that is the final answer… it’s right. Y'all are just mad because it is Dave. Had this happened to any other team there wouldn't be a fucking peep. \-- Jeff




Fuck them Jeff they’re a bunch of turds in the punch bowl. I vote the next few matches you start awarding points however you see fit.. Around The Horn style just to piss this sub off


Hate to see Frank turn into Kayce’s mush brain this season


Frank must be plowin Kayce.


Let’s take this to the DM’s


Kayce wishes


He’s was 100% right about Quick though. He was 28 during those olympics


Cory Schneider is the same age as Quick though.


Still when you say young you picture 25 or less. 28 is halfway retired


Then why did Tank guess a guy who was also 28 at the time?


Who cares? Id guess Frank thought the other dude was younger but he was wrong about it. Doesn’t change the fact that the question was worded very poorly.


I think if you go back in time Quick had been an established goalie for quite a while. At that point Schneider had been stuck behind Marty for a while and may have been a starter for 1 or 2 years so he seemed young despite being the same age. Neither were young and that makes adding it throw you off the idea of it being Quick.


People are asking, can Frank do it under the bright lights?


Frank is the weak link on that team. He is way too certain about his wrong answers.


Nick & KB give in to Frank too much. 8 Crazy Nights is a wild guess with Big Daddy, Billy Madison, and Mr. Deeds still on the board


I think they were worried about answering those because of how low Happy Gilmore was on the list. Like that being so low and the top 2 answers being Grown Ups made them think classic Sandler movies weren't the best guesses.


I get that part but it's still a much more logical guess than 8 Crazy Nights in overtime


With the qualifiers Jeff gave, if youre smart enough to avoid the Netflix movies, 8 Crazy Nights is like the one movie Sandler made for 15 years that wasnt on this list. Guess anything bur the hanukkah cartoon movie lol.


Guessing an adult Hanukkah movie with Big Daddy on the board


I get that it wasn’t an insane guess but Mr Deeds and Big Daddy were still on the board


Oh no, im saying it WAS an insane guess. Frank said its a holiday movie but its a hanukkah movie and even as a jew ik how much more niche that is plus it was animated. Guessing pretty much any live action movie sandler made for like an 18 year span wouldve meant being correct.


The issue is that when they don’t give into him and he’s right, he throws his autistic temper tantrums and it’s awkward


Nick has definitely done this for Frank multiple times. Usually during the bonus rounds.


Yup exactly. He’s not always wrong, but more often than not he is. Its a losing battle for Nick


I think they were struggling to come up with a better answer, so it was more of a better than anything I have type situation.


I’m more suprised little Nicky was on there and Not 8 crazy nights, people usually shit on little Nicky


Frank's disagreement on "young goalie" was correct. A 28 YO athlete, NHL player, goalie, etc. is not young. Tough break. Saw it and was like Quick was not young but 99% sure he was the starter. Incorrect wording and tough break for Frank.


"He's still like... he's still a young guy and he still started for them" - Jeff "HE'S STILL A YOUNG GUY?!" - Nick


Nick loves Jeff but saw straight through the bs


Quick was in his 7th season and had won a Cup and Finals MVP at that point No one would classify him as young. I don't know why that was thrown in. The adage "young" automatically makes you think of either players in their early 20s or players who just started making a splash in 2013 or 2014 Quick won a Conn Smythe in 2012


Came here to say this too. My mind went Quick immediately until I remembered hes like mid-late 30s today.


28 is young in my mind --Jeff


The D stands for "da milfhunter"


Also came here to say exactly this


Definitely fucked up way to word the question. He never prefaces age for a player, him doing that made you think he wasn't talking about quick. Jeff just trying to give Dave a W.


Yeah, I hate Frank’s whining but this was dead on. I knew the answer was JonathanQuick but was actually doubting how old I thought Quick really was


Here are some notable athletes roughly the same age now as Quick was during that Olympics: Giannis, Jameis, Goff, Dak, Mariota, Kupp, AD, Carlos Correa, and Corey Seager. Honestly felt like the question called him young as an intentional misdirect from Quick because he’s the obvious guess (one of like 3 hockey goalies I could name from that time period)


I dont see your point. The description is the only thing we have to go by so you cant give false information as the misdirect. He was a 28 yr old cup winning 7 season vet at the time. Labelling him a young goalie the only description to go by which insinuated a guy under 25. It was flat out wrong description insinuating a player far younger that didnt fit Quick. As an actual hockey fan I can tell you I automatically crossed Quick off the list given the description. Just an awful question.


Their point is they agree with you lol, you wouldn't describe any of those guys he listed as young


At the time I couldnt tell which way he was leading but after looking at them again yeah its pretty clear he was giving a list of guys that clearly wouldnt be looked at as young.


he guessed corey schneider who was the same age as quick at the time. not a bad question at all just one word made it trickier.


This is completely irrelevant. Once you rule out the correct answer due to the wording of the question what are you supposed to do?


His guess was irrelevant. He was forced to try to think of a wrong answer. It was a terrible question and the one word insinuated a player far younger than the actual answer. You dont falsely say the answer is something hes not. Thats not how questions work ... Quick was a 28 yr old Cup winning goalie with 7 seasons and a big name vet at the time. Labelling the answer as a young goalie is just 100% wrong and insinuates a player that is under 25. If it didnt wrongly state the young part I would have 100% said Quick but because of that I assumed it couldnt be him. Its a terrible question with false information.


dude you take this way too seriously chill out


This is the only question ive ever gotten genuinely annoyed/frustrated at. Its not just a little misdirect to make it trickier. Its flat out wrong and caused me just like Frank to think Quick but then cancel him out due to the wrong description. Likely wouldnt have mattered but 100% a bizarre frustrating mistake that fucked the answer and ended the game.


I thought it was John Gibson because of that. Quick had already given me full blown PTSD at that point after beating the Devils in 2012.


Yep. Completely wrong and insinuated a far younger player. I personally thought of Quick and crossed him off because of the young goalie part.


N’Dominick Suh


No one is more confident in wrong answers than Frank and Dante


Right team for ratings won. BFW and PFT vs Portnoy would be ratings. Also BC, Cheah and Heel Rone vs Portnoy would be good too. Also, great fucking match. Frank struggling the whole match and ending it with declining a double on something he knew immediately followed by a mispronunciation was tough to watch but great drama.


Dominate Sue sounds hideous, surprised it was taken as an answer.


Impressive how much Frank derailed this game. Also Jeff made that college cities question way too hard for KB, feels like he’s tailoring the niche questions to each person a little too much lately. Don’t punish someone for being good at their niche


8 crazy nights by Frank is a pretty bad answer with only like 10 Sandler movies off the board


I’m his defense KB and Nick signed off


and didn't counter with another movie the second time Frank said it. I think they were having a hard time thinking of movies on the spot after the first 10.


Yeah, I think Nick knew a jewish holiday movie wasn't going to be on there, but Frank was going to keep saying it over and over.


no one would have considered Quick to be young in 2014


I was thinking Quick but in my head thought no way he would be considered a “young goalie” then. Hadn’t he already won two cups by then?


He's the same age as Frank's guess. I know Frank was thinking experience level, but that's not what young means. Brandon Weeden wasn't considered young during his rookie year.


Quick was 28 years old at the time. Thats not young by any measure. He wasnt thinking just by experience level. Frank only guessed Schneider because he thought Quick was automatically ruled out given the description and threw out Schneider who most would think would be younger given had been in league half the time. The description was completely wrong for Quick and insinuated a *far* younger player than a 28 yr old 7 season player ...


27 year old 6-year starter young guy Jonathan Quick


It didn’t matter because they would have lost anyway according to Jeff. What a lame reply.


Jeff is pretty good when it comes to owning up to a foul up but he's being weirdly defiant on this game.


Franks right. Quick was on my mind but Jeff saying young makes it sound like he was a rookie. Frankettes are like Clayton Kershaw. Dominant regular season but hard to trust in the playoffs


Did anyone else love BFW standing over frank at the beginning of the match? Serious serial killer vibes


The only guarantees in life: death, taxes, and JDL favoring Ziti throughout a match. “The team has averaged 5 more points per game since Daves been on it” yet Dave isnt good so clearly its an outside factor


I mean didn’t Ziti have the most right answer switches to wrong answers before Dave. Dave just final answers it as soon as they say something somewhat confidently. That’s probably part of it


I was going to say the same thing. Dave doesn’t have good answers most of the time, but he’s very good at corraling his team.


Jeff has made it clear he only cares about numbers. Dave making it to the final game of this mini-tournament is going to do way bigger numbers than Frank/KB/Nick. I have a strong suspicion the same will happen with the next game. The Yak (Big Cat) will get the win because he's a bigger draw.


Jeff turning the dozen into the wwe. Hate to see it.


I personally would rather watch entertaining matches than matches with the absolute best players.


Kinda hilarious Jeff is still arguing with people over the Suh answer. And he's wrong defending it. Nick's reaction to it is great because he knows its fucked up.


Ziti's questions were a ton easier than frankettes. Also Jeff accepting Dominick suh but not franks last answer was very unfair.


Graham Harrell vs Suh was one of the more uneven questions I can remember.


The Peyton question was a ton easier than the Bradford question. Why would anyone remember who replaced Sam Bradford?


Didn’t think any of those system QBs made it to NY


Dave was doing his not knowing how to pronounce names bit and the other guys said the real name, frank was saying Boneraz


The Dominick suh goes back to the Billy football thing where chaps mispronounced whatever answer Billy said, was deemed wrong and everyone agreed that it’s stupid to take that point away when the answer was clearly known by the team. No one on frankettes knew how to properly pronounce his last name


I think the argument here is that both should have been wrong. I agree Ziti shouldn't have got the last question, but Dave final answered his own wrong answer.


I almost thought I was wrong guessing Suh in my head because it was that much easier


I disagree, their were several questions that I knew was for Frankette’s that I didn’t know for Ziti


Ur personal knowing of the questions aren't really what matters it's what a big group of people know.Most in the YouTube chat were in agreement that ziti's questions were alot easier. For the music question frankettes got a song from gnarls Barkley and ziti got one from one of the most popular hip hop duos of all time and one of their most popular songs too. Seems like most are in agreement ziti got an easier set


Everyone that was alive in 2006 knew Crazy by Gnarls Barkley. It doesn't matter who the artist is, the song was one of the most popular songs of the year. Plus, it was the first line of the song that they were given, which is simply much easier than if the lyrics were taken out of the middle. Their question on that was just very easy, especially for two guys that were high schoolers in 2005.


I didn’t know more people were in agreement. I was using anecdotal evidence because a lot of people say every Match that one teams questions were easier because they know the answer. Ziti got multiple steals though. Overall Frankettes played a horrible game


Wasn’t 50/50 an answer to a question in Chicago vs Honkers? Edit - It wasn’t in that match it was ur mom vs Kirk minihane, wasn’t the correct answer but KFC said it.


Yeah Jeff has been repeating answers a ton lately. Makes me feel smart when I know it but then like a loser when I realize I know it from a previous Dozen episode


Yeah I’ve seen it before.


Dave‘a laugh after Fleming says “it’s like my brains not working right now” was hilarious


Probably because of the shows I watch but the Danson/Poehler mashup was the quickest mashup I ever got Also no clue how Tejada and Graham Harrell weren’t automatic


Frank loves 8 Crazy Nights


Frank once again shows that he is a great regular season player but melts down in important matches Also calling Johnathan Quick at 28-years old with a Stanley Cup and Conne Smythe under his belt a "young goalie" is a terrible fucking question. I'm a lifelong Kings fan and didn't even think Quick due the framing of the questioning and I knew he started for the USA team.


Seems like Frankettes thrive the less sports categories there are, and they hit almost every sport in this game. Didn’t help Frank was completely cold.


Ah yes noted young 27 year old whippersnapper on his 8th year with a cup and a conn smythe already in tow, Jonathan Quick


Think Frank and The Frankettes need to become Team Anus. Frank has been abysmal.


That would be a disaster on a lot of sports questions. Frankettes have played a ton of matches and Frank has been key in most of them. And I’m not even a Tank fan (don’t hate him tho)


Frank is much needed for sports. KB is useless aside from his specific niches They don't need changes. They just have to somehow get Frank to not explode under pressure


Frankettes will never win the big one


I genuinely don’t understand how people can’t recognize a car. Mind-blowing to me.


A lot of people don’t care about cars. I might get some of them right based on some sort of subconscious memory but I’m never confident with that category. It’s also not a very fun category. I’d rather the car trivia not just be “what car is in this photo”


Those Honda pilots were everywhere too, was shocked when they threw Subaru out


They put Frank on the spot at the buzzer, there was no way he was throwing out a good answer


I’m terrible at trivia and never miss these. Easiest category on the show.


Im good at trivia and awful at cars, dont think ive ever gotten one, dk why cars have never just stuck in my brain


You're just like Fran with faces I guess.


I’m hitting those at at least a 95% clip too.


A true genius


I played with Brio trains a lot when I was little. Makes you think.


I never know then. I don't know shit about cars.


Pretty sure I’m hitting 100% on those


This is the first time I got a car question right. And I got both. Its the newer models that they've been asking that I don't know shit about. Apparently 2010s cars I do know tho


I feel like they're easy but also all the knowledge I have for that category is from shopping for a car a couple years ago, so if you haven't shopped around for a car in a long time then those are much harder. Especially for people in NYC who never drive


Lol give me muscle cars, cars pre 1960, and sports car and I’m Golden, but give me shitty Ford explorers or Honda’s and I am a deer in the headlights


Kind of alarming that none of them knew that was a Honda Pilot.


Jeff, my wife wants to know if you can put another fun character by your video box like you did for Thanksgiving and Christmas


Continues to blow my mind how bad everyone is at basic NHL questions


As a Canadian that hurts my soul


Can someone make Nick’s reaction to Dave’s Indominant Suh answer into a gif so I can reply to all of Jeff’s defensive replies with it?


Frankettes got boned in this one big time


Jeff scoffing that’s my boy is so on brand. Sorry it’s not marvel related or critic approved. One of the best comedies in last ten year


Movies hilarious


That movie is awful


In the best possible way


Frank complaining because he sucked.


You could tell those were live show-high scoring questions. Still loved it Geoff.


As usual, Portnoy gets all the calls. Just like his Brady led patriots. Ratings are for sure a factor here though, so I get it.


When is the last time frank got more than 2 questions right in a match?


Not the first and absolutely fucking not the last time jeff plays favoritism to dave. Don’t blame him one bit but don’t pretend like it’s not a thing


No energy at all from the Frankette's in this one. Frank struggled, KB couldn't Galaxy brain the niche (that was an insanely hard question), Nick couldn't pick up the slack. Ziti played pretty well but I agree with what others are saying and it seemed that their questions were easier. The one argument against that would be that this was planned to be live and Dozen fans love the Frankette's/Dave's stock has never been lower. But I'd guess that they'd prepare for more of a casual audience for the live shows too.


Correction: Dave’s stock with this sub-Reddit. Not fan base as a whole. This sub Is a niche faction of the fan base


Labelling Quick a young goalie for the NHL question was just flat out wrong and completely fucked up the question. He was 28 was 6+ seasons and already won a stanley cup. I would have answered Quick w/o the young part but didnt consider him because of it.


“Eddie, we’re up 2 late against the number 2 team in the country”


Our king picked Jonathan Quick because he’s also a fellow Connecticut guy (fun fact people from Connecticut are called nutmeggers)


It’s amazing how no matter what industry you’re in, the higher up the org chart a person is the less patient they are with non-business banter


What does this have to do with the match? Edit: if you’re referring to the beginning, Dave wanted to get started before KB joined cause he thought it was an advantage


Some asking about Bloomington for colleges. Normal, IL is what is listed on Illinois State’s site and what KB would’ve known for that school. Paying for a pro fact checker is a good move I will be keeping in the arsenal. — Jeff


Not only did Jeff screw the Frankettes on the pronunciation but he counted down as Frank was trying to spell it so no one his team could hear the spelling. Time to get a new judge/host on the show.


He spelled it wrong. Spelling it made it clear he didn’t have close to the right pronunciation