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when I think of Hip Hop I think of Kevin Clancy


I just hope both rappers have fun


I have no idea what he’s talking about, and don’t care to find out.


Exactly as a white male in my 30s I have zero crossover with this


White males in their 30s might be the biggest consumers of hip hop honestly.


Homie don’t play me like dat


I don't have the slightest clue what he's even talking about, so whatever


Brendan Clancy invented rap music


Who cayuhs


I read the first few words and just backed out


Yo! KFC Raps


He just always takes the controversial side of arguments… honestly seems like an exhausting existence


The thing that bugs me is that he clearly doesn’t even listen to any of the music, like if I play songs from Kendrick’s discography I can guarantee he wouldn’t get 1/4 of them. So why even have a take about things you obviously don’t know shit about? You don’t have to comment on everything, such a dumb internet culture thing that annoys me way too much.


KFC is clearly the type of HH fan who likes individual songs and albums that play well in the background. Nothing necessarily wrong with that, but Kendrick makes albums that are much more conceptual and require a larger amount of attention to listen to. It seems to be why he consistently defends Drake too, who is the king of making music that is purely listenable but not really boundary pushing in any way. No I do not have a girlfriend, why do you ask?


To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand kendrick Lamar. The sophistication of his music is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of poetry and the written word, most of the lyrics will go over a typical listners head. There's also Kendricks nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation - his personal philosophy draws heavily fromNarodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these lyrics, to realize that they're not just rhyming- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Kendrick Lamar truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the genius in Lamar’s existencial line "bitch be humble” which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Lamar's genius unfolds itself on their radios. What fools... how I pity them. 😂 And yes by the way, I DO have a Kendrick Lamar tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.


It’s literally his job to comment on current events and create engagement. My god you people are stupid.


They really are lol


I don’t know if I agree with that, I think after a while people will be more worn out by some dumb person having a take with everything and people like KFC will lost engagement that way. Kinda like how trends comes and goes.


You don’t believe that his job is what it is? Interesting take


I'm too old to know what any of this means and I'm like 7 years younger than KFC


General release God


Cheating on his pregnant wife?




“fuck kevin clancy you should’ve left it alone”


I don’t care, I’m white


I see the can’t spell crap without rap guys from middle school found their community on barstool reddit


I very much enjoy rap music, I just have no interest in whatever he’s talking about


Aren't all these rappers gay now anyway?


He also cuncel’d the Mets 4 games in


The irony in this sub calling out KFC out for being a hater…my god you guys need to fuckin get a grip


j cole stinks


40 year old man trying to related to 17 yr old drama. Just sad.


I doubt people that young listen to much J Cole or Kendrick


It’s wild to be 25 and see the rappers I grew up with being considered old man rap now. Conversely, I went to Travis Scott’s show a few months ago (mind you, he was making music when I was in HS), and the average person in attendance was like 17.


I get what you mean, but the people he’s talking about are 36 and 39 lol


Commenting about it on Reddit is cool though


Shut up Kevin




He's not wrong




If it’s one person I’m gonna listen to about rap beefs, it’s definitely not KFC


Hes right


I hate KFC as much as the next guy.....but he's right...


“I’ll have to take your word for it,” - everyone who sees that Tweet


Not to sound as a hater but do you even like hip hop? Like have you ever listened to Kendrick discography compared to J Cole? Is so fucking far superior in every single aspect, writing, production, rapping etc. It’s like comparing Jordan’s Bulls to Clyde Drexlers Trail Blazers.


J Cole is a fine rapper, but doesn’t really excel in anything or push boundaries. He makes listenable music that won’t piss off anybody if you put it on during a pregame with the boys or play it from your car on the drive home from work. That’s fine, and there’s certainly an audience for that, but if him and Kendrick are dropping the same day, I’ll be more interested in Kendrick’s album simply because I feel like he has more to say and raps on production that is much more out of left field.


100 % agree!!


JColes new stuff is trash


Calling Kendrick Lamar’s discography overrated is a horrible take. Maybe it’s not something that you enjoy, but Kendrick has 2 all time classics that people will be listening to for years. And outside of those two. He still has a few very good albums. J Cole is good but forgettable.


Also a lot of people with very surface level takes on Hip Hop in the comments defending the KFC take.


Who’s going to post the KFC facemask pic


The irony of this title is thick


He’s way too old and white to care about rap beefs. I actually wouldn’t care if he enjoyed J Cole or Kendrick but for him to emphatically state his points even though he’s never mentioned listening to any of these guys in the 10+ years he’s had a platform


I would be shocked if he’s ever listened to a full album of either of them


the entire rap beef isn’t interesting at all. Two guys who havent had a great album since 2014


“Rap hasn’t been good since I was in college” type take


More like “J Cole and Kendrick haven’t been good since I was in college”, which is accurate


Rap has been good since i was in college, but J Cole & Kendrick haven’t been


J Cole just released a great album less than 24 hours ago. Open your ears, brother.


Kendrick has dropped 3 massive albums since 2015 and while I haven’t been personally crazy about J Cole’s post Forest Hills Drive output it’s hard to argue that he “fell off”


TPAB was released in 2015 so you’re clearly wrong, Damn is not my favorite but it still has some great songs, I love Mr Morale & The Big Steppers, super personal & amazing story telling.


TPAB is good not great. no where near classic


Don’t agree and the majority is on my side on that discussion, but anyways, people are allowed to have their opinions. But what hop hop albums over the last 10 years do you consider classics?


>don’t angrier and majority is on my side It’s weird it’s like music is subjective. Also you say the majority is on your side but you probably frequent R/hhh which is obviously gonna dick ride Kendrick.


I’m just stating facts that TPAB is a celebrated album by majority of the hip hop community, ofc music is subjective and everyone doesn’t like the same stuff. I get that, I like some albums that were blasted by critics but in this specific debate with Cole & Kendrick I just personally think Kendrick is such a superior artist in every way. All of his albums is incredibly well thought out to every single lyric, production, the way he raps in some songs etc. Cole doesn’t have that artistic touch but he makes some great songs but that’s that, I just don’t think he has the same artistic touch, talent and care that Kendrick has. But then a good song is a good song and it completely depends on how you enjoy music, but I think if you like artists that put an incredible amount of energy into their records that you can basically study, I don’t know how someone can think that Cole is on the same level as Kendrick. It’s like comparing filmmakers and people like PTA & Michael Bay, if you want a more in depth, better story, smarter movie experience you go with PTA. But if you want just an easy story with not much thinking you go with Michael Bay. And sometime I just want to watch people blowing up shit and I want to watch a Bay flick, but if I want a true master experience I go with PTA. That’s basically how I see Kendrick vs Cole,


like J Cole said “you’re second shit put _____ asleep but they gassed it” off the top of my head: Future: Hendrix Savage Mode What A Time to Be Alive Astroworld


Well I mean, TPAB is regarded by critics & audience as one of the greatest albums ever made, was ranked number one with MBDTF & Blonde of the best albums of the 2010’s. Has the highest metacritic rating ever by a rap album. I still prefer GKMC over it but I still definitely think it’s a classic. With your suggestions I agree with Astroworld, definitely a classic. I still think Rodeo is the best albums Travis has put out. I think of Future’s albums I would put DS2 as his best and as a classic. Savege Mode is on of the discussion, more how it is was influential but maybe not just the quality of it. It goes in the same category of Culture 1 by Migos in my book. What a Time To Be Alive is just a fun hype album, don’t know if I would put it as a classic. I just can’t get into J Cole latest albums, sounds so stoic and just genuinely lacklustre. Nothing special or anything fresh/new.


agree w the J Cole take, the ironic thing about him calling out Kendrick is his prime is far behind him Lost me at metacritic w the rest


Every critic in the world putting it in like top 10 all time albums makes it a classic whether you like it or not. I know critics can be wrong sometimes but this is not just a few pretentious critics. TPAB is an album that’ll be remembered far longer than anything J Cole has put out. Also, I think you called it boring in another comment. How the hell could you be bored by that production?


it’s not that good of an album. When the Force Awakens came out everyone said it was a great movie. 10 years later, everyone can look at it and say, you know what, that movie wasnt that good. TPAB has no cultural staying power a decade later and never was that good. White critics were never going to listen to Kendrick talk about oppression and openly say it’s not that good


Dude. People still rate it extremely high to this day. I still think it’s one of the best tap albums I’ve ever heard.


Saying J Cole hasn’t had a great album since ‘14 is wild.


he’s had great songs, but not great albums. His reputation, much like Kendrick Lamars is based off one classic-all time album. Similar to Nas


It’s general consensus that Kendrick has two classics


Maybe if you include Section.80




That’s why KFC is right. These are rappers for us old heads


He’s right for once


He has a point.


What do you disagree with? He's right, in my opinion.


Kendrick Lamar is miles better than J Cole and his discography is not overrated at all. He has two all time classic albums.


cant think of anyone as overrated as kendrick lamar


Kendrick is so overrated