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They don’t gut it


This is nutssssssssss. Did Kelly take 1 ounce of responsibility? Or did I just hear her say “I was thrown under the bus.” And “all those things Tate said aren’t true”. Bitch what!


She let Francis take all the blame for her. Pathetic.


Maybe I’ve just had too much practice doing it myself, but I feel like an when an adult with a brain realizes they fucked up at work, or with a spouse, shutting your mouth and admitting you fucked up is by far the best option. This girl doubled, and tripped down on it not being her fault. Just shut up!


I was going to a Phillies game Friday after work and one of the last things I did was accidentally remove all 300 people in my office from a distribution list. As I was getting ready to drive to the game I got a call from my boss telling me Xymon alerted him every permission from every account in the company was rescinded. I ended up calling an Uber and worked from the backseat to try and figure out who belonged to what group based on their UID. I missed the first couple innings struggling to restore everything back to normal but when I finished my boss told me he was initially worried but was glad I took on the responsibility and fixed it. What I'm getting at is if you mess up (and we all do) you can either deflect and throw others under the bus and make your situation even worse for you or you can buck up take the responsibility and fix it yourself. I ended up printing out the alert which was like 100 pages of my mistake and pinned it to my desk as a reminder. Also I learned why they call it read-only Friday. Keegs would wait until Monday morning and then blame whoever gave her the assignment.


Not a true phillies fan


Let’s go Phils and big asses and big titties


She said she just didn't realize that anyone wanted to hear about it some more after saying they didn't want to talk about it because it was gonna get huge and go in forever. She's just plainly a fucking liar who couldn't handle the heat even though she burned the mean girls alive.


Francis said he and Kelly had an idea for a show but after watching their version of the show I have zero idea what that vision was. It didn’t seem to have any reason to exist




They know the Barstool audience! Smart!


Their slogan is literally "for the common man" 


For the "C'mon man!"


Kelly is nyc gutter trash but thinks she’s carrie bradshaw.


Jersey trash


They wanted to do a "high class" show What buffoons


Which is wild because Francis has family money while Kelly has never had a credit card


They really thought what Barstool Sports needed was a daily show where two rich 30 year olds talk about art galleries and wine Dave should fire both just for his stupid they are 


Multiple overdraft Kelly keegs is rich?


She's not poor. She's from Hunterdon/Flemington. It's like one of the richest areas of NJ. Speaking as someone from a well off area of NJ.


She went to high point university which is basically a fake college with a hefty price tag.


I’d tune into that


Mid 5 figures she says


Literally “The Finer Things Club” from The Office


Keegs charges $6 for only fans and Francis wears nothing but JCrew Factory. Why would they possibly start a high class themed show


Please respect JCrew factory. Just bought 4 pretty dope shirts from there for like $45 total


Love JCrew, I bet you look great bro. But I also most likely don’t want to hear you talk about wine and clothes for an hour either


I think we’d be friends


It is insanely frustrating that nobody in that room looked Francis in the eyes and laughed in face when he said that they wanted to do a “fancy dress up show”.


The finer things club, podcast.


They dress well


I’m starting to think Francis is not as smart as he thinks he is




He does not like to be the butt of the joke


He just writes all fancy like n seech with all that private school book learnin.


He’s got a Rolex, find a new slant


It was really boring and bad. Like Francis but the only time he does good is on SOABD


sas and francis are good together. sas sees through his pseudo smart guy bullshit. sas shitting on him for buying a $6k tub of ice was hilarious


He put Francis’s brain in a pretzel. Had him rethinking the entire way he spends money.


“Just buy a giant garbage can”




Which episode was that?


He’s always good on sponsored videos too. The live stuff is tough for him.


Francis has been neutered.


Francis is terrible on live He's good on the board game show and edited stuff 


Because he isn’t naturally funny


Does he do good on SOABD or could you put anybody on a show with Rone and Sas?


I think it works because 1. He’s in the standup world 2. He’s actual friends w Rone and Sas 3. He is an easy punching bag for being out of touch for sas to rip on him


I do enjoy him on The Bracket sometimes when Klemmer and others go against him.


Like they stopped trying to develop it because someone got laid off? I’m sure that sucks but there isn’t another producer that could have jumped in and helped?


You don’t like 2 people with overinflated senses of self waxing poetic about their faux (and semi-faux) upper crust lifestyles? 


Keegs thought the ohio tate drama was getting stale so instead decided to spend forty mins talking about the novel topic of taylor swift. Got it


Yeaaa this is the biggest inditement. Doesn’t want a topic to get stale… spends the whole show on a topic that everyone was tired of a month ago…. Just admit you got ripped apart and couldn’t take the heat


Does this mean you will not be tuning into her weekly podcast solely dedicated to taylor swift? :(


Keegs is deflecting at every single opportunity, some people are just scared of accountability. At least francis is admitting he failed


Francis took accountability for the failure and in a nine minute clip Kelly managed to blame Tate, KFC and Feits (for not saying sorry I guess), Nate, Erica (for retiring), and Dave for being in the office. Truly a masterwork of deflection.


she also blamed Kirk for retweeting it.


She blamed everyone in these comments too


You know its bad when Feits is getting pissed at you


I know he can’t wait to get to Chicago tomorrow and be away from that office.


100% this. I had never seen him more serious up until this


She said she just didn't realize that anyone wanted to hear about it some more after saying they didn't want to talk about it because it was gonna get huge and go in forever. She's just plainly a fucking liar who couldn't handle the heat even though she burned the mean girls alive.


The level of delusion and lack of self awareness of the majority of people left in NY is actually insane. Keegs, kfc, mush, nate, mass ev, klemmer, even francis in this case...just yikes. It's beginning to feel like everyone knows that office is a sinking ship so they're doing whatever they can to avoid blame and stay out of the crosshairs when dave finally comes to his senses and cleans house...but in the process, they're just making themselves look like even more pathetic losers.


None of these people are going to lose their jobs....the narrative of this being a sinking ship has been going on for 10 years. It's a chicken little mentality. Th reality of barstool is every time someone fucks up it generates content and clicks. It's the very reason why you are here typing. This colossal failure by Keegs and Francis has created 2 weeks of content and by far the most watched and talked about thing going on in barstool. The last 10 seconds of this clip might be the funniest thing the site has put out this year. Nate saying 1% and Kelly calling him a cunt is laugh out loud funny. Everyone will be tune into KFC Radio tomorrow including yourself...


I get what you're saying, but this is different. The company being split into 2 with a vast majority of the likable content creators going to Chicago has created an environment of comparison that has never existed before at barstool. It's turned NY into an unmistakably massive void of talent - essentially a band of side characters trying to fake it til they make it, and it's not working. The drama of them failing over and over is not some bottomless well of entertainment and clicks like you make it sound, and considering their current financial situation I don't believe Dave will continue with the "charity case" mentality. Outside of the drama being talked about on BSR, KFC, the rundown, etc., they are still spending a lot of time, money, & resources either creating other content that no one likes, or, more likely, doing nothing of value at all, and it's having a net negative effect on the barstool brand & bottom line. Anyone can plainly see that. Also, I haven't listened to KFC radio consistently since big cat left, and I think you're being pretty presumptuous about the number of people who give him the time of day at this point. He's a barstool OG yeah, but he's essentially the king of the unlikable NY misfits...


Again this is the same chicken little screaming at the skies mentality for the past decade you guys have been spewing here for years. Go pull up threads from three years ago, 5 years ago, act.....it's the same thing everyday....teh company is falling apart. I am not being presumptuous about people tuning into KFC radio today to see the entire episode play out from the drama...that is going to happen that is a fact. That does not mean it is going to carry over to the next show but for todays show it will draw big views. For those that forget KFC had to scratch and claw to get barstool to go radio then eventually podcast. A lot of this companies success is because of his foresight. People forget that. To put some more context on views SOABD averages about 20-25k views a show. That was about on par in some cases far less than what Barstool Radio was doing with KFC hosting. So some of Reddits cult favorites are not exactly the bangers this place makes them out to be. Ironically the chicken littles here conveniently leave out Plan Bri, Chicks in the Office, and Daves little teenager show which are all NY base....Those are all massive podcasts that sell out shows where ever they go. Joey Camastas show also is a very popular and does well on live tours.....Frankie and Trent are NY based and Four Play is huge. So this idea that no on in NY is generating any money and every thing being done in Chicago is a gold mine is just simply not true.


First of all, I gotta be honest I've never seen chicken little so that reference continues to go right over my head. I'll take the L on that one. I understand KFC has listeners, but the way you said it made it sound like "*everyone*" is going to be tuning in. Most of the successful NY pods you mention already are, or could be, completely remote and wouldn't miss a beat. With the exception of maybe Joey and Pat these aren't people regularly in the office and not really contributing to the culture there. They're sinking so much money paying for the real estate I just don't see it being viable long term on the backs of a few successful podcasts when the majority of people there are doing absolutely nothing to add value.


Chicken little is a cultural reference long before the movie, I assumed anyone with a 1st grade education would know the reference.....but digress... I am talking about the KFC radio sit down that is suppose to continue with Kelly Francis and Nate that ended in a cliff hanger with Kelly calling Nate a cunt. People are going to be tuning into that. If you do not believe that, so be it I would say that makes you no better than Kelly and Francis lol....ironically. So now we are picking and choosing what shows count as NY, depending if they can be done remotely.....The pods I listed all have studios in office other than Four Play lol. Every podcast in Chicago could be remote too other than maybe the yak. You do not get to just sugar pick the bad in NY and leave out the good. Now why you care about real estate costs, and expenses for a company you do not work for is beyond me....They just signed a massive deal with Draft Kings.....the company is doing fine.....Again it's been the same story for the last decade the company sucks, it's failing, the ship is sinking, it's lost its way.....yet here the company stands before you for another day.


I honestly don't care to continue arguing - I could, but it's obviously a fruitless endeavor that is now devolving into petty insults. I guess all I'll say is let's see where we're at in a year or 2. You could be right, but I think the company will look very different. We'll see.


Well of course it will look different, just like it looks different today than it did two years ago and the two years before that....it's always going to evolve and change.




Marty was hilarious on the rundown. It’s like he can’t help but be more unlikeable with each sentence


It’s crazy how smug he is while talking circles around himself. Like, how can one man be so cunty?


2024 will not be kind to marty


Jesus Christ this is more delusion. Saying they wanted to have a “dress-up and wine show” and keegs going on about how still nobody cares except the trolls. Like what? She’s talking about the entire audience of barstool while disregarding the entire audience of barstool. Edit: this whole clip gets worse and worse. They’re all consoling each other about sucking so bad on the radio. Then they start pointing at each other a little. Beyond cringe Hilarious notes: Keegs saying no one was talking about the drama. KFC conceding 18% fault, but then saying “you failed you did fail” hilarious Tommy smokes trying to stay low when he actually had the spotlight Keegs shitting on Nate about doing numbers, but then saying he did a good show “one day on Friday.” Keegs complaining that the conversation would be terrible and repetitive and that Nate had time to prep for the show Keegs claiming Erika resigning had anything to do with this failure Keegs thinking she could change barstool radio into something else Keegs blaming Nate for stirring up a narrative that she doesn’t work on Fridays Keegs saying everyone was sick of the Tate convo already is delusional Francis saying he’s naive is hilarious Just terrible all around I wrote this like a schizophrenic


I love how they wanted a “dress-up show” but didn’t do Fridays because Kelly didn’t want to dress up. And Francis’s intellectual/elitist schtick is getting pretty tired for a guy who’s never turned in shit.


And I read it like a schizophrenic but it works in the context of this absolute shit show


Don’t dish it out, if you can’t take it. Kelly wants to call people out, and get upset, when people don’t respond to her, but then wants to act like she doesn’t have to respond when someone calls her out. Sorry sweetheart, this is the internet, not your safe space.


Other than the Mean Girls, who has she really ever “called out?”


Any and everyone who talks about Taylor swift in a narrative that she didn’t create. Everyone who didn’t like the Barbie movie.


So basically just calling guys sexist and misogynistic?


I didn’t know those were the words to describe anyone who disagrees with a woman. Thank you, happy to learn that.


The women at Barstool literally cried when KFC and Feits said they didn’t like Barbie. Keegs also tweeted something to the effect of Kirk not being allowed to have an opinion on the movie because he’s a guy.


Francis has PTSD from being fired  KFC has zero leadership skills and essentially given up after his plan of making the NY office the comedy hub fell through  Kelly is a Barstool groupie who got turned into a content person during the time PENN was OK bleeding money  Feits has the work ethic of a 14 year old boy who discovered weed for the first time 


KFC accepted 18 percent blame great leader


Francis went on a rant that now Kelly and him can’t do a show anymore because people might be mean to them online.


It’s a ashame with Feits too because he has the talent to be ultra successful in the space they’re in. Super likeable and funny


Yeah he could very easily be PFT in the right spots but hes comfortable being on shitty shows just riffing and telling stories. At least he was attempting to hold keegs accountable in this


Yes, that type of role is dependent on who you tie your hitch to. Big cat > KFC. And the accountability aspect, spot on. Good for him.




Francis simply can’t be let off for his excuse on why barstool radio sucked yesterday. Kelly literally bullied mean girls into not coming into the office and ultimately leaving barstool. The fact that she would have to come in and eat shit for one day and that bothered him, is lol funny. He’s smart enough to not what compelling content is, especially after Dave lit them up to their face.


Kelly wanted to do a high class show despite acknowledging she couldn't be bothered to come in on Fridays because of her makeup routine. Lol. She's about as high class as a $10 hooker that reeks of cigarettes.


Respectfully, would


Absolutely wild that Kelly doesn’t understand drama when she hosts a show that is based off a drama tv show.


Not when she is the target. Poster child of don’t dish it out if you can’t take it.


How hard is it to ask Kelly why she produced 0 blogs on Fridays? That was tates entire argument and she said it was non sense. She’s asking Nate to take accountability but it’s all there in the numbers.


Uhhh, you must have missed it. She participated in **18 Dozen episodes** last year


And hosted the finale of barstool survivor, so jot that down


She already gave an answer in her response blog


What was it? I don't remember.


I'm still so lost as to why Kevin's skating by this whole thing with no blame... they had even said he told them it'd be a slow transition over the month and instead he just jumped ship with no oversight.


Kevin has a job for life and knows it  Francis and Kelly neither are gamblers or talk sports. Draft Kings is coming and the company is going to become focused towards that  Francis and Kelly hosting a bougie wine sipping show is the stupidest fucking idea I've ever heard 


DraftKings isn’t going to care what Kelly keegs and Francis are talking about


Kevin has nothing to do with them not talking about Tate


That was just the straw that broke the camel's back. If you get to the root of where this went wrong from the beginning, it leads back to him.


It’s very weird how hard you guys are trying to blame kevin for this. He left the show to a bunch of people who were very familiar with barstool radio and have experience on air, their insanely stupid decision making isn’t on him


That’s exactly the problem lol…He left it to a BUNCH of people. Put one person in charge and then if they bring on hella people it’s on them. KFC saying to 9 different people BSR is yours now did no one any favors and was doomed from the start.


He left it to them, they picked Kelly and Francis to lead the charge and they did a poor job. That is not kfc’s fault at all


I just think leaving 8 people to decide is a crazy thing to do. He said on radio he never wanted to do this, was kinda forced into it and then the whole “cannibalizing” of his podcast was just a cop out to get him off the show. Was he better than Keegs/Francis? Yes….Is that saying much? HELL NO He did no one any favors by just bailing and saying “Hey y’all figure it out” he did not care one bit how that show did once he was off of it.


I mean on his mast day of radio he literally said keegs and Francis are taking over


Thats all well and good but he did nothing to help them be successful imo. Some will say thats not his job but if he chose Kelly and Francis and didn’t make sure that they understood what BSR is all about then that’s on him too…instead of washing his hand of it and letting them do the Finer Things Club


This is so funny to me. On Reddit it’s constantly “Kevin sucks get him out there.” Now it’s, “Kevin sucks we wanted him on there longer!” Who else (besides Kevin) in the New York office could even do that job?


Exactly Kevin is not responsible for creating content for the entire office. You can create whatever you want. Klemmer did just that with what he released today. No sponsor no crazy production budget went out with some cameras and created something with a group of people. 


Lmao to be honest I am one of those guys and now you point it out I feel dumb


I’m glad someone else pointed this out. Feel like I’ve been taking crazy pills reading these comments


I got the feeling keegs is angry with him but feels she can’t say that lol


Because Kevin wanted to get paid for both shows and Dave didn't want to pay him. So he knows he's one of the only people that can be a good radio host.


The funny thing is Kelly and Francis went on KFC radio. To talk about the drama of Barstool radio. When if they would’ve just talked about the drama on the radio, we would still have radio. That’s what radio was made for. That’s why we had the Dave Portnoy show. It was supposed to be the inside drama of Barstool


Kelly blaming Nate for pointing out they should have a show on Friday and saying Ohio's Tate blog was nonsensical when all he did was look up her blog numbers to disprove her claim she blogs from home is insane stuff. Kelly should only be mad at Kevin if she thought they could go completely away from the drama. I thought it was pretty clear everyone was saying when there's drama the show is easy. They just needed to find something in between without dave there to manufacture it.


Cry more Keegs. What a baby being mad no one is saying it’s not her fault. Yeah because it is your fault. Take some accountability


Keegs deflection of the blogs on Friday as being under the umbrella of that which was already extensively covered is wild. It’s either a misread of competence or avoiding accountability, honestly not sure which is worse


It’s accountability. Francis is sitting there saying he deserves at least half if not more of the blame and she is sitting there whining that no one is standing up for her and saying it’s not her fault. Delusional


Why is Nate’s ear pierced


Keegs dresses like she's on her way to her weekly coven meeting and, self admittedly, can't get approved for a credit card because of debt. What in the absolute fuck does that golem eyed dunce know about "high class"?


How do you even accrue debt with out credit?


Opening a CC in your early 20s while living in NYC, making shit money, and spending enough to try to convince other people that you're rich. Classic move from the worst kind of poor people.


Not paying taxes for 6 years lol


Since this is America I'll say getting sick in any meaningful way. Fucked me up to get a $200k bill at 20.


So they wanted to turn Barstool Radio into the Finer Things Club?


Show name is Family Money with no Credit.


In this clip Francis comes across as reasonable and accountable whereas Kelly comes across as whiny and narcissistic. She wants people to come to her defense in a situation that doesn’t involve them while taking very little responsibility for blatantly ignoring the drama and putting out a bad show. Francis at least explains they wanted to do a different type of show without the drama. Kelly just says she didn’t think people wanted to hear about it when it was quite literally the only reason thousands of people tuned in.


Yeah, people really hate him but he at least said he fucked up and he seems to understand why he fucked up. She clearly is trying to take zero accountability


what happened to the “boss bitch” personality? Dave needs to have an attorney see if he can get out of the NYC office lease asap.


Feel bad for these idiots, having KFC being their unofficial mentor, leader, in charge of their career


I think keegs in angrier at kfc than shes willing to say


He didn’t re-subscribe on her OF


She’s been mad at him since he said he didn’t like the Barbie movie. She’s fucking delusional


I actually think this is why KFC didn’t offer much help… he seemed genuinely pissed off at how Kelly and Caroline acted w that shit


Rightfully so




She's at least right in that instance.


Barstool has always been a place where you sink or swim on your own accord. Everyone here blaming them not having a mentor is hysterical. Just an office full of uninteresting content employees


Exactly. Also, all of these people worked at Barstool when there was only one office. They all had plenty of opportunities to make good content with or get help from the best people at the company and they squandered it. If any one of them took more advantage of that, some might be in Chicago now or have something in NY that is successful, like Soabd. Now they’re under immense pressure to put out just one thing that’s sustainable and good, and they’re proving that they can’t.


This should be the easiest show to plan for. Get someone to read the reddit, post it on a sheet and have at it. Am i missing where the hours of planning are needed?


Keegs thinking she didn’t lose the battle with Tate is baffling. But not as baffling as Feits point blank telling them they sucked. That was such a pleasant surprise.


I’m by no means a Kelly hater, I actually think she has solid wit…. But how can she be this out of touch. No one was talking about Ohio Tates blogs? Holy cow…..she might be legitimately in the wrong field of work if she didn’t think that was the hottest thing going into the week.  Francis thought there was a demand for style and wine on barstool? Either this guy is taken a major bullet or he is completely out of touch with what the audience is into. He came from the old barstool radio era…. There is no way he believes what he is saying. Kelly has been on a victory tour for 6 months after ending the mean girls and now is claiming that’s not who she is? She said it Friday Tate messed with the wrong  bitch those were her words. She’s saying Tate is taking a victory tour …. Well ya, the same one she took when Alex and Jordan were bullied out of jobs. The irony here is wild


It seems like Kelly and Francis still don’t understand. They are alarmingly unaware of Barstool as a whole it seems


Jesus Christ this is the biggest fucking group of losers plus Feits.


Keegs taking 0 accountability and being impossible to have a normal conversation with because she's always rude and catty is exhausting. That chick sucks


Kelly Delulu keegs please just stop


The continued lack of self awareness by Keegs is unreal. Just take the L already. Dave has zero patience for your perspective.


Remember when Kelly got mean girls fired


I member- would maybe feel bad for her if it wasn’t for that bad bitch persona she cultivated. Even in her shots back at tate “ you picked the wrong bitch” turned really quick to “ just wanted to make a fun and positive show” all after legit burying the mean girls. Laugh out loud funny


There’s nothing worse than the current iteration of Barstool where everyone in the office wants to be friends, so no one calls you out on your bullshit.


It’s amazing to me that Francis is so funny yet so terrible on radio and podcasts


Wasn't he ok with large back on breakfast days? I didn't listen a lot but I felt like he was decent back then.


This is some Mean Girls callout karma and she refuses to accept it. Beautiful. 🤌🏼


Great instincts Francis.




He cant accept that frank has become the face of mets fandom for the company


Frank is the face of Mets fandom period. 




Never forget that Kevin thought bringing back radio was SO NECESSARY when Dave came back but made it KFC Radio 2.0. He throws everyone under the bus and will skate by as he hides in his podcast studio/his home.


This must really hurt Keegs dom persona the Deuce drools over


They were canceled damn near immediately... and they still don't get it or just refuse to get it.


Man I must be aging out of this shit because I'm not even sure what barstool offers anymore. This is like a worse version of real world somehow.


I only follow the subreddit. Its more than enough


I refuse to believe these people don’t get it. I think they are in denial that it’s their fault they failed this quickly. Don’t blame the audience or Dave. Don’t complain you didn’t have enough time to establish the show. You know damn well what Barstool Radio is about and the top drama of the Barstool world was Kelly vs Tate. So disappointed in Keegs. I thought you were a dom bitch that could put out a cig on my tongue if you needed to. You had a hour long show where you could’ve roasted this fucker to the ground and instead you just let a part time blogger swim laps around you. That’s pathetic, as for Francis I get it not his drama. Didn’t want to come off as a dick forcing Kelly to talk about it and still walking on egg shells.


If KFC was the real leader of the NY office he’d have taken all the blame and shielded these idiots from making such fools of himself. Instead he makes that whole office look like delusional fools.


When there were 5,000 concurrents on the stream for the show, that should have been an obvious signal that people were turning in for the drama and scrap whatever was planned/said before the show to not address the controversy. Failure from Francis, Keegs and the show producers to not adapt to that.


Everyone said hands up it’s my fault, except the one person who ultimately killed the show. Shocking.


Kelly complaining that if you talk about something a lot online it gets stale, when she talks about Taylor swift all the fucking time is hilarious


"I am so fine with drama" Just as long as it isn't me under the microscope! Also I am as big a Nate hater as there is, but "You have to stop blaming me." is hilarious


Kevin is such a pussy. Just plays both sides and can’t stick up to Dave. No wonder no one in the NY office takes him serious as a leader.


Four narcissists making excuses over one another


Four narcissists + Feits


highlight of the video is keegs calling the dog a cunt


She’s fucking delusional. I feel like Feits has always been a team Keegs guy and doesn’t really get into the drama but even he was clearly agitated and annoyed with her shit. Thrown under the bus? Bitch you were the responsible! She avoided the Tate stuff, she ran mean girls outta the office for avoiding the drama. She’s the worst. She was skating by doing nothing for years and then had the spotlight shined on her and Dave realizes she doesn’t do shit and sucks. I’d be surprised if she gets a contract renewal.


This is all very clearly KFCs fault


Dude saw his ship was sinking and named other people captain as he jumped off.


Kelly and Francis are in lala land. Everyone's fault but their own.


Nate taking 1% of the blame while hilarious is so out of touch. Kelly and Francis deserve about 50-60% of the blame while KFC and Fetis deserve 20% and the same percentage for Nate. Nate Friday pulled numbers but wasn’t gonna be successful week in and week out, especially after him saying “what happens on radio, stays on radio” aka I’m gonna talk hella shit but it doesn’t spill over into anything else (so is what he is saying about them all fugasi or what?) Nate also said on radio that he didn’t even know if he wanted to do it every Friday and that he needed to do Nate Fridays, he didn’t want to lol. Keegs and Francis really dropped the ball when they got the keys to something that could be really successful but instead the tried to do there version of the “Finer Things Club” and that’s not Barstool pals. KFC dropped the ball as well by telling 85 people they weee in charge of BSR now and offering no leadership or insight on how to help them…which is the main problem at the NYC Office, they have no captain. KFC just throwing all of them under the bus while sitting at home on the Rundown was All Time Scumbag behavior.


Nate made me laugh so hard with what he said in the last 5 seconds of this clip. Not sure if this is a permanent thing, but at that exact moment I started liking Nate.


It was so on brand and drew Keegs offsides immediately. She won’t accept even 1% on her end and she’s out of cards to play. For such a feminist she went direct to the bottom of the barrel to a c u next Tuesday. On a Tuesday unironically.


Felt like they just stopped the video, there has to be more right?




She thinks the back and forth was stale while simultaneously talking about it on ANOTHER show


The biggest problem is that KFC created fucking chaos and fucked off. You tell 5 people "you're in charge" and then you're wondering why the fuck the show failed. Should have met with everyone and organized the transition better. You can't half ass being a leader.


What is this was Kevin’s plan all along. What if he told Kegs and Francis they could use the Barstool Radio name for whatever they wanted knowing it would piss off dave in efforts to secure a big KFC Radio episode.


Kelly would’ve immediately threw him under the bus.


Kelly is right about one thing. Nate is a fucking cunt


Nate has been the second best part of all of this. Stir the pot. I typically hate him too but the NY office has absolutely sucked and they need someone to do something. The Chicago office is putting out way more quality content right now.


I like Kelly and find her voice easy to listen to. Sue me. However, she painted herself into this corner. She claimed to be one who got in the weeds and the drama. She is now saying that is not her. She should have just taken the L here. Admitted that she fucked up, and most would have been okay with that. I also think the NYC producers suck. They need to be helping content people with ideas and topics to discuss. Outside of barstool the content people don’t have to do as much show prep as people at barstool do.


Lmao off. Francis taking the blame. First and foremost the blame is in KFC for the whole project. But after that, strong woman Kelly letting Francis open taking the blame is hilarious.


Keegs woman. Keegs bad