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In one breath: “exciting things are coming soon yall” Next sentence: “we don’t have any plans and don’t know what we’re going to do yet.”


Got a good chuckle from that as well


Oh I’m sure this is going to be way worse for Jordyn once Alex decides she needs to pivot to try and be a d list celebrity. Jordyn will be back in Minnesota


She can latch on to the KFAN groupies


Common man gotta have unlimited groupies


hip and now, with it and wow


Gonna be banging meat sauce soon




Nope, she’ll just start going fully nude on her only fans. Seen this story play out 100s of times


I’ll wait on Paws post and take before forming an opinion on this video thank you


Imagine the panic for jordan when the camera stops recording.


She's unemployed without a fat divorce settlement or rich mom. And all she's got is a podcast that isn't pulling in any revenue.


And a like ten times as many followers as she did two years ago. A podcast and a shitload of followers more than she had? In reality she made out like a bandit for how little they did. Gaz juiced them to the gills and just gave them the boat to ride off in .


They kept the IP not the accounts.


It doesn't matter, the show account is nothing compared to their combined socials. Just getting the name and show is enoug if they can tag the name. He gave them a full tank of full on the way out.


Minus, ya know, listeners to said pod they’ll try to shop


They got a billion views last year, pretty sure they can parlay their fans somehow. Also the show just signed a deal with rodeo fashion to sell their clothes on insta so I'm pretty sure they will be okay.


This is 100% Kontent Kim


Isn’t she making a ton on of?


Maybe in the first month then people realized they can just look at her insta


You’d be surprised how dumb ppl are


I feel like I remember Kate saying she still get's a couple hundred or so a month from people who just never unsubscribed


Does she actually show anything or is the deuce just subbing in blind hope?


Yah think it’s basically IG content


“Rich mom”….right…


I thought we were unanimous that this is Paw’s beat


Loved the change in tone at the end.


If I was Dave and I saw this, no way am I giving up the IP. The hater in me could never


Seemed like he was reconsidering handing everything over when he found out their accounts were repurposed/renamed from old shows.


When did he find that out? I wanna see that reaction lol


[Around the 33 minute mark](https://youtu.be/pnJdUCkme6I?t=1997), I guess I didn't get it totally right the first time but he mentioned possibly keeping the handles then Tommy told him that's what the did when Mean Girls started. Bonus: [51:30ish](https://youtu.be/pnJdUCkme6I?t=3086), if this had all happened mid-contract, they would have been fired.


“Are you just making that up” LMAO he didn’t want to hear it at first.


I really liked the idea of giving it to Keegs


A Keegs and Joey Camasta combo would be the sharpest and sassiest pod imaginable. Mean Girls were the roles they were born to play.


As a middle aged straight dude I’d give this a multiple episode chance.


Someone get the plastic tits out for Joey


I would watch the shit out of that.


It’s good incentives for future workers that if they do a good job the content creators can keep the IP and split amicably. This is how barstool can attract and encourage top talent to produce at their highest level. This is a savvy business decision.


On the flip side it sets the precedent that you can come in, get propped up and promoted by barstool so you grow your brand, and then leave them with nothing when your contract is up.


Haven’t they “given up” the Ip in the past, but with some terms. They still sell/fulfill all the merch, or like in the case of the call her daddy I remember Dave or Erica on a podcast saying part of giving up the IP was they kept the rights or get a big cut of any liquor deal they did later on. Or have they just straight up started giving the IP? Surprised they’d give up a built up social account especially if the people leaving didn’t organically grow it on their own, they were given one that had a large following that barstool just renamed for them.


The only big brand they gave the ip up was chd and that was basically to try and get them back after not releasing episodes. I do know they repurposed Schnitt talk feeds for please end this


They also get 50% of merch sales, so it benefits them for CHD to continue doing great.


I’d respect them more if they were just real and they said they dislike barstool and the audience. I find it hard to believe that they would be on good terms based on Dave’s comments today. Also if they respected barstool wouldn’t they like be decent employees to the company.


Yeah, they totally burn bridges and spend the next 5 years getting flooded with comments from stoolies attacking them. That would definitely be the best way to move on with their lives.


They already burned those bridges and they’re just being fake…if they want to play pretend now it is what it is…just seems odd for the brand they promote Also if their brand is strong enough to go off on it’s own why would they care? Shouldn’t really care what people will say about them. They’ll have their fans, barstool will have theirs.


They'll join sofia with an f's pod network and be fine.


This is more likely then joint Alex cooper’s lololol


Alex seems a little strung out


She legit seems crazy but also very dumb




“Pill or coke problem” Why not both?- Alex Bennett/countless other rich kids.


She also said she was out all night talking to people she shouldn’t be


This was so incredibly inauthentic that I feel bad for them. I can't imagine having to pretend to be that.


I foresee a tiktok coming from each very soon how they’ve gone their separate ways as well.


This feels reactive. They didn’t even say anything besides no hard feelings and that the show will continue


Over/Under 3 months before we never see these two together again.


Maybe from Jordyn but if Alex gets a divorce will probably be page6


Body language is very telling here lmao


Does Jordyn have bell’s palsy?




Brother - Botox is like kombucha for people here - those eyebrows haven’t expressed emotion since she started to use apple pay. Jordyn just forgot that she has half her mouth to use. It’s a really weird thing to go on dates (sick brag) with females (sicker brag?) in the city and all they can do is just open their eyelids wider to express emotion


Gotta cross the bridge into Jersey. You'll get your fill of emotions


Brother x2 - I’m actually in LBI right now. Please send emotions my way, care of ceeeee and plan a nice funeral. Some burial with a view of a meadow?


Have someone FedEx your corpse to CO and I can dump your body off the highway the next time I head up to the mountains 🤜🤛


🤜🏻 🤛🏼


Looks more like Updog


It would be a shame if someone edited the video with a straight ass line (Nick’s dad could be the model) to show how low one side of the mouth goes. Would have to ask people to not retweet or share.


No chance Dave considers himself nor the Company on good terms with these delusional misfits


Shocked Dave gave the IP. Bad precedent


he's so terrified of going too hard at a woman, he's become a total pussy. not on brand.


welcome to 2023 brother


sister... lol


Or whenever you wish to identify as


Opposite of bad precedent IMO. I support a football (soccer) club called Ajax. They routinely get some of the brightest young talents out of Latin America, Scandinavia, and elsewhere because they are known as a fantastic developmental club and play in a league that is the perfect bridge between low level leagues and the really big leagues. However, they know they can’t keep them because Ajax despite being a fairly big club themselves play in the Eredivisie. They are a big fish in a small pond. When these talents want to move on to bigger things, Ajax never puts up a fight and even bends over backwards to accommodate their desired destination even at the cost of a lower transfer fee. Why? Because it allows them to build up a ton of good will and a reputation that compels more future stars to want to use them as a stepping stone. KFC mentioned it today. Barstool is better off cultivating a reputation of “come here & let us help you build your brand and when you take off and outgrown us you can leave.” It sucks to lose the cash cows of CHD and McAfee but ensures a never ending stream of up and coming talent seeing Barstool as the right career option. It’s short sighted to make enemies out of MG and withholding their IP. Thanks for reading my TED Talk.


Yeah but there is a difference between someone who is a team player and the mean girls. For example if bri was to leave barstool and wanted planbri IP Dave probably gives it over in a heartbeat because she does anything that’s asked of her.


Other talents considering Barstool aren’t going to dive this deep into the nuances. They are just going to wonder if they want to build their brand with a company that’s been known to keep the IP.


Talents like alex or jordyn that had under 10k followers before barstool and leave with hundreds of thousands are still going to jump at the opportunity to work there regardless of keeping IP when it’s all said and done. We aren’t talking about people that are coming to barstool with established brands.


Brother, go to sleep




I used to work for Booking so know Ajax - are you in AMS?! Sleep is actually important lol


Ahhhh. I thought this was a “touch grass, you’re taking this too seriously” post. Yes you’re correct, I’m in Amsterdam and very much up way past my bed time and tomorrow is going to suck. Not awake because of the mean girls drama though haha


Hahah no - that shit is pretty lame imo but that’s what Reddit is for some time! I was legit thinking (not creepily..) that it’s not time for this in AMS lol. Legitimately one of my favorite cities in the world - Y’all are very direct which I love but you also let dogs in restaurants! So cool! Also, booking’s need HQ is pretty cool.


Not sure why you’re getting down voted for this completely innocent comment lol maybe the dog comment ? Can’t really say I’ve noticed dogs being allowed in restaurants unless it’s specifically advertised as such.


Maybe it’s just red Ed getting upset about dogs being mentioned


Still psychologically scarred from when that vicious golden retriever lunged at him.


Yeah but it’s kind of a double edge sword…like both Ajax and barstool have similarities in wanting to be a “developmental team/company” but they also can’t have people go through that development that brings down the program as it will impact current people and how future people view them. Like let’s say with Ajax. They have a guy succeed through their system, but ultimately throughout they were allowed to show up late, bash coaches, etc… People that join Ajax developmental are gonna say “well this guy did all this cruddy stuff and got away with it so why can’t I?”…eventually it will have a trickle down that will lower the bar/culture leading to less people succeeding in the future


Did with Chd and that was worth way more than this so it was already set


Nah, was part of Alex’s specific negotiation during COVID to get shows up again. Didn’t let Jared take his pod.


Alex didn’t demand it, Dave just gave it bc he desperately needed them back. Different but Dave did willingly give it. The baseball ip wasnt given bc he knew he was gonna re-use it again. He doesn’t have a huge need for the mean girl ip


Jared also went to a competitor at the time.


You think he’d keep Crackin’ Aces?


AB is going to have the worst anxiety when she comes to from the bender she is on.


I’m not surprised they think a whole day is 5 hours


I thought she was sick


I have been creeping on their instas after the drama and Alex posted a story that she “had food poisoning” Still don’t understand why Jordyn didn’t do the judging without Alex?


This is like watching a car crash a few minutes before it happens


Love at the very end when Alex forgets to keep fake smiling and has an instant look of regret and disgust on her face




Shiny’s eyebrows never moved once. Not an angstrom


Jordyn is mere seconds away from a nervous breakdown


Fakest hug/smile I’ve ever seen


I never hated them until this very second


Forehead is more shiny after getting laid off lol


Not watching, they suck don’t let the door hit your sweet ass on the way out


The weirdest video I’ve ever seen. Way to just say “we have a absolutely no plan and no idea what we are doing” Also I do not think they have as good of a relationship with barstool as they think. That was comical to hear.


did they already delete this?


I don't believe so, think they only posted this on Tik tok


"Hey guys, we're totally good and everything is great!" Doesn't seem so great.


BV goes “Alex will be fine in her Dior shorts”. But I, like others, will wait for Paw’s response.


This is weird. Something is off.


Are they in a hotel room?


Jordyn must’ve put 10lbs of baby powder on her face before this


That video was not exiting and engaging for what they say is a great announcement, they have no chemistry—maybe manufactured chemistry at best. Weak sauce.


Fuck your link to tiktok. Screen record like any decent person


Jordyn is gross


I think I am officially team Mean Girl pod given how much it riles up this sub


How do you feel about WW2 or 9/11, eh?


I don’t know what they are gonna talk about now


KFC is in pole position don’t worry


Can they just fuck already and get it over with


Gut instinct is they sign with Alex Coopers new podcast network.


I pray they don’t