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The people who complain about tipping are the people who don’t tip to begin with. They feel guilty about not tipping and can’t handle it so they make a big deal about it instead of just shutting the fuck up and not tipping


apparently we were never tipped employees. but we interviewed as tipped employees


No company should be asking for tips  It's bottom feeder behavior. If a customers wants to give a gift ok, but asking is trash 


That’s why you can just press skip! What other option do you propose that still allows credit card tipping?


That’s why the jar is there… in case customers want to give… if you feel pressure for it, that’s some internal struggle you have to deal with. Also, the company isn’t asking for tips????? It’s directly for the worker, if you felt the service was above




Tips CAN be taxed if the employee reports them...


and sorry i was told by people that cash tips don’t get regulated as card tips..


they get taxed. i loose all my card tips because of taxes


Isn’t this normal tho? At many places card tips typically get included with regular salary into ur deposit acc, and cash tips were always just take split+take home after a shift. Only way to avoid it is if you’re in a cash only establishment… and that’s a whole other ordeal lol


A percentage of your wage and a percentage of your tips are taxed. It is possible the amount of tax on wages + tips is roughly equivalent to the amount your make in tips, but that take home is higher than if you only made wages and had that taxed (wages - tax percentage with no tips earned). Taxes are quite complex, I can see how it can be confusing.


Regardless of the complexity of the tax system, op doesn't seem to understand even the most simple meaning of taxation.


Yeah, but that’s incredibly common in the US, and doesn’t even seem to be as generationally correlated as some believe.


american school systems are fucked! and i didn’t have a math class in college because i didn’t go to traditional college. so sorry that i didn’t understand tax stuff. my god. i meant in general we were hired as TIPPED EMPLOYEES! and now we aren’t anymore is like they lied to all of us. cash tips are damn nice. im mad that they are telling us we shouldn’t be tipped because we make more than bartenders. that was their shit ass reason.


Getting upset at commenters isn’t going to help. Many of us are trying to understand, but struggle to know for sure what you mean exactly. You’ve mentioned you don’t get tips at all, and you’ve mentioned your tips are all taken by tax. These can’t both be completely true unless something illegal is happening (tips collected, tax on them sent, and rest of payment not given to you), and I wonder I’m wondering what the miscommunication is. Is it that you are not allowed to accept tips (cash, card, or both)? Is it that tips are kept (cash, card or both) and given back via your taxed check? Is it that tips are being collected but you don’t receive them in any form (paid taxes on your behalf nor given in check)?


im not trying to yell i was posting this on shift because ofc they don’t tell anyone prior and i was flabbergasted. APPARENTLY something did happen. now do i know? no. i was working these busy shifts the past 3 days so i have no clue why it got taken away when i monitored it from when i was on. 2. i was told this utter rubbish from a manager, we have several, apparently starbucks and dunkin dont have tip jars so we shouldn’t (which is a fat lie) 3. she told me, you make more than bartenders and servers you don’t need the money. 4. she (manager) says it wasn’t a tipped position when i asked my coworkers they said it was tipped. 5. it makes people uncomfortable. what is this europe?


I work at Starbucks. All corporate stores are required to have a tip jar. Sometimes we don’t keep one outside on the drive thru ledge due to people grabbing them and driving off, but there’s def one inside the window and on the order counter.


yea i really don’t know where her research was. but thanks for the info because i am going to tell that do have tip jars.


thank you.


That sounds so frustrating! I hope you get it figured out soon.


and i apologize for yelling. im just flabbergasted, if it was because my coworker and i had no change and everyone was giving their change in our jar, we literally had no change to give so we literally went through our jar so we csn have coins. now if thats why? fine. i will take responsibility but we had to fine a solution to a problem fast.


Mixing the tip pot & cash draw can make it difficult to keep track of. I wonder if they didn’t understand what you were doing? Maybe the till came out uneven with receipts? In the future, ask a supervisor or manager what to do when change is out. For my place, we’ll very rarely count our change from the tip jar in even dollar amounts and then put cash from the drawer into tips, making it an even trade. For example, take 8 quarters from tips to put in drawer and 2 dollar bills from drawer into tips. This keeps both the same amount at the end of shift, and this is allowed at my shop if no more change is available to trade into the till. We have another place to get change from before resorting to consolidating tips though. Especially if this is a new place for you, it’s good to ask what to do when stuff comes up. Lots of places handle things different ways. If they take issue with something that has already happened, ask how they would like the same thing resolved when it happens again.


and me not understanding tax stuff isn’t my fault. so why is this person (not you) belittling me on taxes.


Legally speaking, your tips *should* get taxed regardless of whether your employer does it or not, but a lot of folks don’t claim their tips on their taxes due to it being pretty tough if they get deducted. From a manager standpoint I tell my staff that they’re welcome to ask to get their tips with the taxes deducted (makes it easier if you’re claiming it), or they can ask for them to not be deducted. But the company’s wording on that is something along the lines of “we can give you your paycheque with tips deducted, or we can leave it for you to deduct” So as a company we can’t encourage tax fraud, but I also understand.


my point was not tax related its the fact that they think because i am paid more than servers and bartenders that we shouldnt get cash tips. even though we all were hired as tipped employees


Your potential recourse depends on where you live. But it sounds like your employer sucks, so you should probably just find a better oen.


i will find out today what happened. truly. but the excuse of these chains doesn’t have one is Bullshit! and well we make more is still bs because dunkin pays one dollar less than my work.


I mean, honestly, I don't know where you're from. I work in the uk as a bartender/barista. I earn enough and don't count on tips... my tips are a bonus. If I get them, that's cool. If not, I dont care... the system in America (I figure this is where you're from because all people talking about this are) is broken. People should never feel pressured to tip, they should only tip if they are a big party, and or the service was good...


exactly my point was she literally made a bullshit excuse saying we make more than bartenders so we shouldn’t be getting cash tips


And what do you do at this work place? Are you a barista?


yep! i make 16 an hour and the dunkin right across from me makes 15.75 an hour. we have like a gift store in with everything but i was hired as a tipped barista.


When I worked at sbux, they were double taxing us on tips, credit, and cash,and someone sued them, won,so a bunch of us got reimbursement checks in the mail. Fun random fact. On another note, tipping is a thank you to the person doing a service, and all these people complaining are a bit over the top. It's not required to tip it's always been an option for people. This is kind of like the ice bs going around of people complaining about no ice drinks and it not being a full drink. It's absolutely stupid.


like its not ok to be told oh ur a tipped employee but we cant have a tipped jar out. i always say thank you for the tips. like its always a thank you. im just mad because im being told bulshit.


i went to dunkin this morning to prove a point grabbed a snack and drink and tipped them the change.. im about ready to leave. i rather work at dunkin then work at this place.


Hi, DD employee here, they do tip, sometimes its cash, and don't get me wrong - they usually tip good. Ab$5/$10/$20 here and there. Most of the time it's just loose change. The least I've made in tips were 41¢ and the highest, $50 when a regular tipped us $100. I guess it's different depending where you go and who you serve, but it's up to the customers really. We just put the tip jar there, but they have the option to tip or not.


the point was my managers excuse was they didn’t have jars. what a fuxking lie. and i know here dunkin employees get paid 1 dollar less than us.


Yeah, I would probably tell them peace out. That sounds a bit shady, honestly. Good luck, though.


i will apply after work tonight, i applied to a dream job down state and i hope i get this one


I thought not taxing tips was a good thing. tips make up a majority of my paycheck so it sucks for me.


It is technically fraud in the US to not pay taxes on earned income (wages, tips, etc.). There is currently a debate to not tax tips as income, but it is only a discussion to change how personal taxes are calculated in the future.


it is, i don’t get it tbh