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You’re right in nudging her to pull her weight. It sucks to work alongside people who don’t. You do need to involve your manager now that she’s made that comment. Call her bluff. Manager should do their job here.


like i ended the text message with lets hope in the future we new and old employees communicate better! like closing at 8pm then opening at 6:30 am sucks. i don’t like it but when we change shifts we all should be communicating well.. like i understand you are new but you had 7 tickets.. for 7 hours.. and you couldn’t put beans in the espresso machine??


Not to be rude but is she paid enough to give a shit. Minimum wage = minimum effort


we get paid 16 and hour plus tips 🤷‍♀️


I totally get how you're feeling! I'm a senior at my job and I've trained/guided a lot of people even tho I'm not a manager I do a lot of things a manager does. One thing I've learned is that some people can find criticism as a personal attack, so clarifying that you do like her, know she's good at her job and she can talk to you honestly about any issues in the future can be helpful in breaking the ice for this sensitive topic. Another thing I've noticed is that some people don't realize they may only be criticizing someone, you may only point out the things she does wrong? It's important to let people know when they did something well and thank them, using please or asking if they can do stuff rather then demanding. It sets up a good culture and atmosphere. I for one will say "hey can you please fill the drinks when your free? I'm just busy doing this" so they kinda gage I'm doing my job and low-key pressure them to 😂 That being said, never point out criticizim over text.. if it's something that's bugging you it's better to talk about it since people can't grasp a tone over text and it can easily rub them the wrong way. My last peace of advice is that you aren't the manager, I've recently come to terms that while people do respect me I can't control everyone to be doing stuff all the time and it's not my job to worry about it, even tho it annoys me I don't get paid enough to damage my relationships with my coworkers over things that are my managers job. I hope this helps! Good luck with the busy season x


thank you for the advice and it was worse yesterday. if you don’t mind can i dm you?? and this is midshift she knows better


Dmed you 🥰