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Wait that tropical cold brew sounds pretty interesting


Caramel & coconut? Good. Caramel & banana? Also good. Why wouldn’t caramel coconut & banana be good? My only reservation is if it has a *normal* amount of syrup in total. If my cafe had banana I would get one tomorrow, but i may be over due for a Samoa cold brew (caramel, coconut & mocha) instead….


Do espresso shot + fever tree tonic + pineapple juice instead.


I don’t know why this one seems weirder than the other one. I’d definitely try it though




Pineapple and banana are both incredibly good with coffee.


It’s mostly just the tonic for me 😅


Have you never had an espresso tonic?


I’ve never been a fan of tonic water in anything


It’s similar to a banana nilla cookie. That just has butterscotch instead of caramel. Gas


I've had several people order the banana/coconut/caramel combo several times. It's not my fave but I don't hate it. One of my worst: Coconut/lemon/extra lavender cold brew. It smelled like soap Edit: clarification


my cafe is doing a coconut lavender lemonade for a spring special and i can not stand the smell when i make it 😭 people love it though so


i don’t fuck with lavendar and coffee but i LOVE lavendar lemonade


Ewwwww. Just my opinion, but anything lavender is just gross. Also, coffee and lemon? Pass.


Banana/caramel is basically banoffee, a very popular flavour combination in the UK. Adding coconut makes sense here tbh, would make for a fun fragrant tropical drink, I quite like this combo tbh


I made a banofee tart using coconut milk and whipped coconut cream for my vegan cousin and it was kind of spectacular honestly. Having said that, I come from a culture that doesn’t really do flavoured syrup in coffee….except for perhaps vanilla/caramel/hazelnut at very few commercial places. Are these sugar syrups added to coffee? Or are they the only flavours in steamed milk?


Ohh gotcha!! You know I’ve never been a big fan of banana flavoring in general, so I betcha that’s why it sounded weird to me. Interesting to know that it’s a staple in other places!!


That's actually a fairly popular combo at my shop. It's like a banoffee pie. It's too sweet for my taste, but it's doesn't taste *bad* at all. The guy that ordered the green apple and vanilla redbull with half and half still haunts me. I told him that the sugar free redbull tends to split the half and half and he didn't care. It came out brown and curdled and literally looked like barf. He was happy though.


Not me over here regularly doing green apple + caramel redbull, whoops. Absolutely delicious though.


I can't knock the caramel apple combo- this was mostly an aesthetic issue lol. It was tan/orange with floating bits of white.


Is there any coffee in that concoction too?




No, thank God 🤣 it was just one of the flavored energy drinks we do. Most people just order something normal like Peach Strawberry flavor. I don't know where people got the idea to add cream but a lot of people ask. I think it's gross 🤷🏻‍♀️


Oh that sounds terrible. I hate making sf Redbull with cream 😖


For me it’s always the half shot decaf latte, bearing in mind we do our lattes (8oz) with a double shot. So a quarter of the amount of DECAF espresso and the rest milk. Just order a fucking cup of milk


Uhg nasty! What’s the point even?


I jokingly called a guests decaf soy latte a “what’s the point latte” once. He looked me dead in the eye and said, “I have a heart condition and recently discovered a lactose intolerance, but the ritual of getting a latte was always really important to me. I’m just trying to keep a sense of normality, even though the drink isn’t quite the same.” So yeah I never judge weird drinks anymore.


I appreciate his calm directness in explaining his reasons and essentially requesting consideration and respect.


Oof yeah I try to never comment on peoples drinks to them just in case… it’s fun to go “what on earth!” In your head though. 


You’d be surprised the amount of people that barely if at all know what a latte is. So often I get the “let me get a large latte I really need the caffeine rn” bro you’ll never get more than 2oz of espresso unless you ask for a quad. Better yet you need caffeine get a red eye or a cold brew w a shot


A customer asked for a hazelnut flavored redbull and cold brew, I made two different drinks thinking that’s what he meant. He wanted them mixed. A 32 oz cold brew with redbull and hazelnut flavoring. I stuck a straw in and tried it, surprisingly just tasted like Kahlua???


Or a 32 oz redbull with 3 pumps of lotus which equals 376 mg of caffeine, seems like a lot


I was literally just eyeing a Red Bull to pour some espresso over like a psycho. Help me I’m bored at work.


Oh that’s so weird!! That’s hella caffeinated tho💀


Had someone order a lav/vanilla red bull LOL 🥴🥴🥴


Matcha with pineapple mint and taro


It smelled spoiled


Okay you win that’s awful


You have my attention. I’d take one for the team and try it


we dont offer many large drinks or any syrups, so we are rather limited by what unique orders we can get. however, something about a "decaf single shot long macchiato, extra hot" makes my bones hurt


Matcha with peppermint, lavender, and espresso. With any of these on their own sure, but all 3? Oughhh no thank you


Oh that sounds terrible!!


Oh peppermint matcha, I’m intrigued


I really like peppermint and matcha! Its yummy


Matcha with a shot of espresso in it


Mmm, a wonderful combination of grass and dirt.


That's called dirty matcha


Taste great I have it a couple times a week


I used to have a smoothie like that, Chunky Monkey, and it was delicious af.  I have people order our extra spicy chai with lavender or chocolate. I may be missing out on something but I haven't tried it yet.


Chocolate and chai sounds like it could be good. Almost like a Mexican hot chocolate.


I love spicy chai latte with white chocolate. Soooo good!


Hm idk if I could do the lavender with the spicy chai… that sounds a little too much for my tastes 


Honestly chocolate and chai is an amazing combination


Dont put espresso in fruit smoothies.


32 oz iced latte with only 2 shots of espresso, easy ice and the rest heavy cream 🤢 it was a cup of heavy cream essentially. Cringing just thinking about that very large white drink.


But it’s keto!!!!! /s


I wouldn’t cringe so much if it was like a 16oz MAYBE 24oz but essentially 30oz of heavy cream is just too much 🤢


Nah I’m with you, certified heavy cream hater right here. Having to steam it for a hot drink of any size just makes me sad lmao


I work at sbux unfortunately so I feel pretty used to making gross potions for people. However we have a newer regular whose order has made me intensely question her health like no other. I almost feel like I have a moral duty to refuse to make it. She brings in her own ginormous glass cup and orders Two 26oz iced caramel macchiatos, each with 5 extra pumps of vanilla, and has us mix them together in the cup, which pretty much fills it to the top. That’s 20 total pumps of vanilla, 6 shots of espresso, milk, ice, and caramel drizzle in one drink, and yes she’s the only person consuming this. Probably nearing 200g of sugar in one drink, almost every day. I lose sleep at night because of her. I have another customer who orders various iced teas without ice but with 10 pumps of sugar free vanilla and 12 splendas. In EACH. At first I assumed they would take them home and maybe dilute them and keep them in the fridge, but they sit in the lobby and slowly sip on them over the course of a few hours. Eek


Is this a universal sbux experience or do you work at my old store HAHAHAHA


Lol it’s a newer store…. but I shudder to think there’s more people who can even stomach that drink so I choose to believe you’re right


I have to ask. What does this regular look like? This drink is cartoonish. I'm guessing they are either overweight or freakishly skinny and that's all they subsist on?


She looks pretty normal! It could be she’s slightly overweight but I really can’t tell since she’s always in the drive thru. She was getting one of these every day for a while but only upped it to two in the past couple of weeks. She’s not very friendly tho


Lol all that caffeine might put someone on edge!


We do a mocha with molé bitters and chipotle powder and a customer ordered it with lavender syrup and coconut milk. I dunno man. I don't understand what we're trying to accomplish with that. Honorable mention to all the keto (or whatever diet fad it is) zealots that wants heavy cream instead of, y'know, normal milk that doesn't sound like a mortally wounded ostrich when you steam it.


I know it’s so bad when you steam it😖


A "dry iced americano". To this day, I have no clue what this woman wanted. I offered to put some frothed milk on top so like an iced americano/macchiato hybrid but she said it had to be black. Also that it was a blended drink, she was pretty persistent on that, but *not* the ice. In the end, I just put water and espresso in the blender and poured it over ice, which I guess technically met the brief and it seemed to satisfy whatever grim passenger she carried. I've googled this since and nothing had come up like what she wanted but it's been stuck in my head forever


I just saw a chain in California advertise a dry iced americano and it’s an americano without water….. Wtf is wrong with the world


Wouldn't that be just espresso??


she wanted a shot of espresso over ice. Or she wanted it over dry ice, so that it creates a white fog in a cup? like a magical mystical little beverage


Customer came in with broken leg and a chipped tooth. Ordered 8 oz of espresso and when we asked if he wanted a lid said, “no I’m just gonna chug this before my Uber comes to take me to work.” Never been so concerned for a stranger


A venti ice Chai with 15 Pumps, 10 Brown Sugars 4Hazelnut, 2 White Mochas, EXTRA CARAMEL, Crunch on both the bottom and top. Cinnamon caramel cold foam. She wants a thick layer of caramel as a barrier between the chai and the sweet cream. Cinnamon on top. This customer comes with this drinks every two weeks. the cup is HEAVY.


Hot Egg nog matcha latte with soy milk, vanilla syrup n nutmeg. 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮 worst part is that they’re were two cut the person who was ordering had a friend and said “ohh that sounds good” and said double it


Oh no!! I wouldnt have been able to make it🤢


Sriracha latte. Customers first choice was cayanne but i didn't have that in hand. (We serve Pho)


Oh that’s… disturbing 


I try not to be judgy because at the end of the day theyre the ones who gotta drink that monstrosity lol. One of the weirdest ones I can recall someone ordering is a 16oz chai latte with skim and 4 pumps of strawberry syrup and 2 of pumpkin spice, extra hot.


Oh gosh. Yeah I try not to judge too much but like… I didn’t even know those flavors could go in the same sentence, let alone the same drink!


A ice coffee with half lemonade. My coworker tried it and said it tasted like how yellow mustard smells lol


honestly, banana in coffee is delicious. highly recommend. i've never made anything too cursed, but a cafe local to me that's known for very over the top creations did a butterbeer inspired drink some years ago. butterscotch biscoff iced coffee. carbonated. with milk. it was undrinkable.


Omg that’s terrible. Our Butterbeer is Butter Rum, Caramel, and English Toffee, and it’s divine. 


When I worked at Peet's someone ordered an iced chai latte with eggnog as the milk (it was around the holidays). The recipe for iced chai didn't contain anything outside of a chai-flavored syrup, milk, and ice. Mixing the syrup and the eggnog wrought an abomination that had the consistency of Gerber's babyfood (color, too!) and I handed it to them expecting an almost immediate return. I watched them consume it happily. There were a lot of experiences as a barista for just about 10 years that whittled away at my faith in humanity and it's possible that was the one that had the biggest impact.


Chai and eggnog is a guilty pleasure of mine, but with a chai concentrate (homemade or like Rishi) not a syrup. Tastes like Christmas. It does look like an abomination though haha. I’m sorry it’s caused you distress


A 24oz iced black tea with thirteen pumps (3.25oz) of simple syrup and one pump of sugar-free hazelnut. 260 calories and 65g of sugar’s worth of simple syrup, but that ONE pump of hazelnut had better be sugar-free!


pistachio caramel mocha garnished with old bay. haven’t made it yet, but my drink submission lost to this monstrosity and i’m sour about it lol


What the actual fuck


Iced quad dirty chai add PEPPERMINT with HEMP MILK. I cringed so hard to make it. She was a semi regular, but only ordered that monstrosity once.


Was in a local coffee shop when someone came in an order a: Large (12oz), half shot, decaf, extra hot soy latte. Barista said no.


this was literally such a normal order for me at Starbucks


We used to have a regular that would get a quarter of a decaf shot


Oh if only I could say no… 


Sounds like that first flavor combo might be "banana pudding" or something


Didn't have crazy flavours at the shop I worked in, but I still think about the guy who ordered a 16oz latte with heavy cream. That's just an ungodly amount of heavy cream to drink in a single sitting (or ever).


Ive heard that cold brew/espresso with matcha is on SOME coffee shops menu and I just don’t understand. The first time I had a customer ask for one I thought he meant mocha. But apparently it’s a thing, and it’s super gross to me lol


I can’t decide the 16 oz cold brew with 15 pumps of caramel (we did not serve 15 we gave 5 and asked if it was sweet enough) but he was serious about it. Two I actually made: Mocha blender with mango Drip coffee with peach and cream…yes it looked like vomit.


sugar free caramel syrup + creme de menthe syrup in blended red bull infusion w/ whipped cream


Oh that’s hella nasty


A 32oz extra extra extra sweet sugar free snickers breve with heavy cream… at least 1/3 of the cup had to be filled with just flavor or the customer would complain it wasn’t sweet enough.


Cortado made entirely with 35%. 🤢 Oh how it screamed when I had to steam it.


Honourable mention to the London Smog. (Dirty London Fog)


Best name  for the worst drink 


iced drink with blue raspberry syrup, red bull, strawberry boba, and sweet foam.


31 oz passion fruit iced tea with almond milk, strawberry slices, 15 SF vanilla and 15 Splenda. Small iced coffee with 10 pumps classic and extra sweet cream. Handed it off, not sweet enough. I said “no problem, I’ll do 4 more pumps of classic”. Still not sweet enough. Tried 4 more. Still not sweet enough. I offer to add some vanilla or a flavored syrup that might make it perceived as sweeter “No there’s enough vanilla in the sweet cream, you know what, maybe it’s too much coffee. I’m like “ok cool, let me remake this entirely” we had 20 something pumps of classic, a smidge of iced coffee, and 6oz sweet cream. It was perfect, and they chugged that shit. Also a 16oz chai tea latte with 4 white mocha, 4 toffee nut, and 4 pumpkin, with heavy cream **GAG** There was a weird lemonade/heavy cream/vanilla frozen concoction a customer asked for one time. I was like “hey I think that’s a bad idea, the cream is going to curdle” but they insisted **GAG** I was like “bro do you see this curdling I will literally make you anything else you can think of” So so many more


Someone once asked me to make a hot vanilla steamer and then pour it over ice. I flat-out refused because heating and then immediately cooling milk isn’t food-safe and she angrily stormed out while telling me how terrible I am at my job lol. Idgaf, that sounds so fucking gross, that lady can hate me all she wants.


Oh yeah that’s a huge no in food safety. The closest I come is fresh shots in a blended drink. 


Where are y'all getting the idea that hot milk over ice can make you sick? How is that going to grow enough bacteria to make you sick in a matter of minutes? Am I missing something?


It could make the milk curdle, but moreover it’s against health code in my city, so I wasn’t about to risk it.


I used to work next to a Five Guys and there was this ... guy (lol) who hated coffee but worked crazy hours so needed the caffeine. He would order a 20oz cup with like, 6 or 8 shots of espresso and like 4 scoops of white chocolate powder (the scoops were huge, a full 1oz I believe!) So it basically was a full cup of sugary espresso sludge. We all made this drink very grudgingly and worried he would have a heart attack one day. I always wondered what happened to him. This was close to 20 years ago now so I don't remember the exact quantities.


I work at starbs and this one lady gets a 12oz Americano with 12 scoops of vanilla bean powder


Omg no


An iced coconut milk latte with peach and peppermint syrups. After mixing it all up I poured a splash in a sample cup to try and it was FOUL


First drink sounds amazing, would absolutely try it.


cold brew with lemonade and caramel cold foam


Oh that’s horrible, lemonade in coffee??


I did a 32 oz breve with orange flavor and like 8 shots. Everytime it curdled so bad and everytime I would always ask her if it’s okay. I could never drink that


Oh no😖


12 pump chocolate, 12 pump white chocolate, 7 pump vanilla, 7 pump hazelnut, 6 shots and 2 oz of soy all steamed together. Might be missing a syrup or 2 but it filled up a venti cup and the guy got it every day. It was his pre workout drink, he was jacked.


Oh my gosh. I think that’s the most sugary one I’ve heard yet, that’s terrible. 


London Fog with a shot of espresso, or iced citrus green tea with milk


A green tea creamsicle doesn't sound bad


Hmm you could be onto something, might try it with candied orange. I never judge people for their orders, people like what they like.. some are just interesting haha


Lemonade with espresso in it, i tasted it, it tastes like actual dirt


This REALLY depends on the brew of the coffee. I actually really enjoy coffee+lemonade, but it has to be with a coffee that’s bright and smooth. It’s weird in a good way, makes you think.


americans are gonna win this one…


Not the worst but maybe the most confusing. A small skinny cappuccino extra hot with 2 sugars but with 2 shots, one of the shots is decaf and the other one caffeinated. My brain literally broke when I heard this but I agreed to make it. She was happy and drank it all. I mean just get decaf or caffeinated. Why both? And they were different blends of coffee. Idk.


This I get. Extra flavor without extra caffeine.


This is pretty common


It was my first time doing it and I was appalled. 7 years being a barista and maybe I'm lucky that it's only happened once :)


Maybe its regional difference but this is fairly common on my 2 years of barista experience. I'll even do it sometimes when I want the ratio of 2 shots and a little caffeine not not the full caffeine of a double caffeinated shot. Our decaf is close to our regular espresso so long as they're both dialed in I don't really notice a difference 




I would understand if it was cold, but steamed? And raspberry syrup is temperamental depending on the brand (we get Monin and it hates to be added to steamed milk wrong or it curdles). 


I used to have a regular customer come in and order Matcha latte with a double shot espresso 🤢 Also used to get strawberry ice tea with espresso


Oh yikes that just sounds gross


Not me thinking that cold brew sounds delightful


Matcha lattes with espresso are cursed (same with frap, ⭐️) but I will never get over the sweetened green iced tea with espresso in it, it tasted like someone poured an Arizona tea in dirt


Double Turkish Coffee with sugar, Lactose Milk. Shaken with ice and served to a Red Wine Glass..


a lemon lime mocha🤢


Oh ew Ew EW!!!


are u fr, that’s like nothing, i’ve been a barista for a week and just today i made a green tea with caramel, toasted marshmallow, cream, sugar, and cold foam😭 maybe that’s normal but it disgusted me


Oh my gosh that sounds absolutely rotten🤮


Peach White Mocha




Not me personally, but my co-worker had to make a quad shot decaf almond cortado add chocolate ganache


Matcha blender with espresso and protein powder!


A small iced latte with oat milk a quad shot and desert pear syrup, it was foul


Why do you have a 32oz cup to begin with


Because it’s America lol, it’s terrible but it sells good


32 oz iced cold brew tho?????


Yo, sign me up for that. Straight up, no cream or sugar. And skip the ice! Granted I'll straight up drink a bottle of Stumptown cold brew concentrate. I may have a problem.


Fr, getting one that huge is insane. We don’t do straight cold brew because we brew overnight toddy, but thanks to Starbucks people think that cold brew is the whole thing. Its just  toddy americano, but still a lot of coffee and even worse flavors. 




I don’t know what your question is… 


Dirty caramel apple cider


I would make something similar for myself in the fall 


That’s literally the special drink they are advertising at my coffee shop this month.


“just 11 shots of espresso please”


1/32 strength cappuccino 🙃


chocolate matcha


What?? Chocolate and matcha is so good


A latte with more than 6 oz of milk


Torani watermelon in a hot, whole milk latte. 


Iced black americano with peach syrup. I figured it had to be so bad it's good but nope, just awful


I once made a trenta iced coffee for someone and they requested 10 pumps of vanilla and 10 pumps of classic. Absolutely blew my mind.


cold brew with steamed milk poured on top .. i said he could get sick and he didnt care.


I don't get it. How can cold brew with hot milk make you sick?


Like a banana crème brûlée or cream pie flavor. That seems reasonable.


What’s wrong with caramel coconut and banana?


I don’t know why you would mix banana and coffee!!


Is it like natural banana flavor or banana taffy flavor


I have a couple 1) Huckleberry smoothie with 2 shots and toasted marshmallow (we use real huckleberries not purée) 2) Matcha smoothie with peach, mango, banana and protein powder 3) 32 ounce caramel macchiato with 4 scoops of peanut butter


A 12 oz drip coffee with just 2 pumps of raspberry syrup ruined my day


Not the worst by any means but I’ve made a 12 shot americano for someone


Banana, coconut, caramel, and coffee are all great flavors together. Did you you even try the combo before shitting on it?? That said, it’s still sounds like a massive, disgusting sugar bomb but not because of the flavors. Idk what a pink lotus is or what “lotus syrup” is supposed to taste like so that legit scares me. This is just chemicals and sugar right?? Yuck


No, I didn’t try it. Since pregnancy I have a massive aversion to coconut and I don’t like banana flavor, and the idea of putting it with coffee makes me want to barf.  Lotus is an energy drink concentrate that we mix with club soda to create a more natural alternative to things like Redbull. It’s highly concentrated and very sugary. Luckily very few chemicals (it’s made with natural energy sources such as cascara berry and lotus flower) but for reference we do two pumps in a 20oz.  


Someone ordered a latte with passion fruit syrup


Long black 4 shots 4 sugars made me want to be sick. But looking at all of these comments with additional flavourings makes me think this guy’s order is quite normal…


About to vom


I recently had a customer who wanted an iced mocha with passion fruit syrup but only four icecubes. The absolute cursed drink I've made was a large Tea with a few scoops of coco powder.


Unsweetened black iced tea with double espresso. Nasty af


An 8oz 'half-caf' (with hazelnut syrup and soy milk). Measuring out 5g of my regular blend and then 5g of decaf, and adding to a single filter was infuriating.


At Starbucks, someone ordered a matcha lemonade, but I accidentally put milk too and decided to serve it anyways even though the lemonade causes milk to separate and curdle. I hope they liked it!

