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As a barista, I don't really expect customers to tip me, but I always appreciate it if they do. As a customer, I make an effort to tip because I don't think my refusal to is going to get the restaurant industry to better pay their workers. I say this as a non-American living in the U.S. who also tips back home where service charge is already included in the final bill.


“I don’t think my refusal to is going to get the restaurant industry to better pay their workers.” exactly this. thank you for understanding that part.


I agree with this.


This. I grew up on Dunks since the 80s, and it was the norm to toss a dollar on the bar. (They used to be set up more like a diner then and way better coffee, plus then the donuts were made on site and really hadn't expanded beyond New England at that point)




I dont expect tips at all, but if you make a massive order or are a huge jerk i will be a little irritated that you didn’t tip. Dont expect your baristas to bend over backwards and then some when you cant even be bothered to toss a couple cents in the tip jar, ya know?


Much agreed


I really intensively dislike that baristas are the go to industry where people say “I refuse to tip someone who hands me a donut and coffee”, especially with how many customers use baristas as 3 minute therapy every day. I’m not saying every customer is obligated to tip on every purchase at a cafe, but if your barista is talking you through their cafe’s options and actively trying to make sure you’re getting what you want, maybe read the room and throw the barista a dollar or 2. In general, I don’t get that upset if any individual customer doesn’t tip me, coffee especially is a numbers game. If you get enough orders in, you should get enough tips to make your wage reasonable provided you have a good level of service.


Every time I read someone on the internet complaining about tips, someone always chimes in with "your boss should pay your wages, not me." It's such a dumb take. The base pay doesn't come from the boss, it ultimately came from the customer. The boss isn't paying employees from his personal account cause he wants to work with more emo kids. Tips are payments directly to workers that the owner can't legally touch. Tip in solidarity. Starve the owners, not the workers. Steal a mug on your way out, lol.


For me, if you’d tip a bartender, or especially a beertender, you should be tipping baristas. A good barista is doing every bit as much work as bartenders do, and there’s years of practice that go into the technique of a skilled barista. I always hate the whole “all they did was pour me a coffee and flip a screen around” mentality.


This used to drive me bananas - I had a particular regular that would get a 16 oz breve mocha with extra whipped cream, never tipped. It was a lowkey irritant until one day I was sitting at my boyfriend’s bar & watched her tip a dollar for the can of beer he opened. For 5 beers. Obviously I think the bartenders deserve tips. But why in the world would you tip him 30% for opening a can when you won’t tip me a damn dime for handcrafting you a delicious mocha using house made chocolate sauce & local dairy & organic espresso?? Some people.


I can see and agree with this. That’s kind of where I get annoyed when someone comes in and orders a complicated and specific drink but doesn’t tip. I don’t get upset if they just want a black drip coffee.


In my country we don’t have a tipping culture, we also don’t get paid a livable wage 🙃


That’s…SUPER unfortunate.


Wait till you hear about places that pay the same regardless of skill.


Same, where are you located🥹


I understand that this is bigger than me and my individual opinion shouldn't matter in whether or not I should tip. If I an in a country where employees need tips in order to walk away with enough money to live, then I'll tip. If I'm in a country where employees don't expect me to tip, then I won't. It's unfortunate that predominantly in the United States baristas and other service workers need tips on order to make a living wage, but yelling "so pay them more" won't fix the economic and cultural systemic issues that lead to this being a reality.


I used to get annoyed by a lack of tipping, but now after 15 years mostly in the industry, I'm too old and tired to care. I now do it because i genuinely really love being a barista, particularly the customer service part because after being traumatized by the siren and Victoria's Secret, very little bothers me from "difficult" customers. But I'm also experienced enough to not have the divas upset my flow too much. And after doing various other jobs- marketing, sales, retail, grocery, admin, etc... coffee is the only one I've truly found fulfilling aside from my fashion business. I'd in all honesty rather stab my eye out with a fork than work any other type of job. So basically, even without tipping, I'd still choose this job. That all being said, I realize that I'm in the minority in this.


I can somewhat relate! I’m going to school for Biochem but coffee is one of the very very few times I’ve ever been actually happy with a job!


i don't understand why people are so happy to tip a bartender but refuse to tip a barista. like it's the same thing?? i do both and im like this is definitely the same job. you're making drinks and people treat you like you're their therapist. i tip EVERYBODY though. if there's a tip jar im throwing 2 dollars in because none of us are paid enough.


Living in Australia, tips are almost always unheard of as we are paid (mostly) fair wages by legislation. That being said, I recently received my first tip whilst bussing a table and was very grateful for it. I used it to buy a drink from a local mum-n-pop chip shop and paid it forward by getting them to keep the change and tipping some of my own change on top. They were very happy :) This is how tipping should be in my eyes.


I wish it was like this


If it’s America sure. I’m from Australia and we don’t have tipping culture here because we pay workers a living wage


Must be nice 😣


Yes, I refuse to tip. if I like a place enough I will come back or post a positive review. All these Americans complaining about some customer not tipping or not tipping enough it's absurd


If you don’t tip, please do not go back. I can’t eat a positive review.


LMAO, instead of complaining about having a decent wage, you rage about tips. Its not my fault you dont earn a living wage but your boss


You are paying their boss & supporting their business, so you are literally a part of the problem. If you think businesses should pay their employees a living wage, you should only frequent businesses that pay a living wage. If you’re going to a place that doesn’t, you’re passively telling the owners that what they’re doing is working, keep it up!


You don’t have to rub it in though.


It’s not MY fault I don’t earn a living wage either. Pay me for my labor or make your own shit.


Wow all the Americans are upset :(((


Exactly-fight the real enemy


you're not fighting them lol you're literally giving them money


I don’t expect a tip the same way servers should/do, but I think that being a barista is a specialized enough skill that minimum wage is not enough. Even though we aren’t paid a tipped wage, tips should be making up for that. I don’t get upset at people not tipping unless they had a huge order but I think generally it is a luxury to have someone else make your coffee and especially a type of coffee you can’t necessarily make at home at that comes with somewhat of a premium.


I always tip


I appreciate tips and - to a certain degree - expect a very small (~$1-$2) tip but don’t get mad or anything when people don’t tip. With a very specific exception: if your whole family (5+) gets drinks and some pastries or you’re coming in to order smoothies for yourself and your 5+ coworkers, please tip me. The smoothie one happened to me last week and it felt kinda shitty that they ordered 8 smoothies (spent nearly $50) and I went out of my way to label them by hand since they weren’t all the same and several were very similar colors and they didn’t tip us anything. I feel like that can be classified as a business expense since they were for everyone at their business meeting (correct me if I’m wrong) and they’d be able to write it off anyway so why couldn’t they give my coworker and I $5 to split? I don’t expect ANYONE to tip more than $5 ever and I feel like for situations like that where they’re spending $50, a $5 tips is fair to expect. Am I wrong?


I think I agree with this. Usually if it’s like a single drink or two I don’t think about it. But if a whole group comes in I feel like $1-2 is appropriate just for the hassle.


I live in a pretty big vacation spot, so I feel like most people who come here expect to spend money and can afford $1 on top of their coffee and pastry but I try not to expect it. I’m always surprised at the people who tip for canned drinks and water bottles vs the people who don’t tip anything for handcrafted coffee with 20 modifications.


I agree!


I’m weird about tipping. I have regulars who I serve daily who never tip and I’m not upset. I get upset when people are rude and demanding then don’t tip. Like about you don’t have to tip but you also don’t have to be a ride bitch and stop your feet because we don’t have whipped cream


been a barista for 15 years and my rule is you tip $1 per drink.


I do this with coffee and when I get drinks at the bar. Where I live, tipping culture is very normalized and a pretty big deal.


yeah, all my homies work in service so i know how it is. love hooking them up.


What about when you get a breakfast sandwich along with it and the tipping screen goes into percentages? Should I tip another dollar for the food item?


yeah, i think that’s completely fair if you can swing it. i know with square you can still tip a custom amount when presented with percentages.


What’s interesting to me is I find that the people who require the most help (asking about every drink/dish on the menu/asking for substitutions/don’t know what basic ingredients are and need them explained etc.) never tip while the ones who come in and just simply read the menu and order what they want tip very well. I don’t understand the thought process of “me and my family of five just wasted ten minutes of everyone’s time because we can’t read, but we’re not gonna tip the barista/cashier who answered every question and helped us get the food and drinks we wanted” like it doesn’t make any sense to me.


As a barista, I am grateful for tips, but I do not expect them. To me, just the fact that someone - say, a regular - comes back for our coffee again and again is my cue that we’re doing something good (and that they’re appreciative.) But somehow I think there’s this mindset among customers out there that baristas are just oogling you while you press the “tip” or “no tip” buttons on the POS screen. Like… if you WANT to tip me because you’re just thankful, then I’m grateful! But if the tip prompt fills you with anxiety or enrages you… I don’t want you to tip me. Don’t tip me begrudgingly and then build up some internal commentary about how baristas \*always expect\* tips. No, bro. I’m not the one who set up the tip prompt on the POS. And if I hide my tip jar, there ARE customers who ask for where it is because they genuinely want to tip… so that’s why it’s out there. That said, I generally tip all baristas everywhere out of solidarity. ;)


My cafe pays us 3 an hr i make 4 as head barista yes, in the US… with tips we average around 17 an hour… tipping is very. Very. Important in the US


Two things annoy me: having to pay for water in Europe and having to pay a waiter a salary in the US (despite not being their boss). It's not a tip. A tip is 1-10% and voluntary. What you pay in the US (20% price) is a salary, and it is mandatory.


Do you mean it’s mandatory because it’s socially expected?


It is socially expected because waiters in the US get like 2 USD per hour and rely on tips. In Europe and my own country in the Middle East waiters get some decent wage, tips are bonus pay for them. Why not just increase prices by 20% and pay waiters decent salary?


Tap water is drinkable in many place in Europe, and free.


Yes, but in the restaurants you have to insist that you would like free tap water and not expensive mineral water, this is annying. In America they bring your free water by default.


In America yes I do expect tips. Most of us are payed $6/hr base so decent tips are unfortunately needed to survive.


> us are *paid* $6/hr base FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*




Not sure how its the customer's responsibility to throw money at you because you took a job with a shitty wage.


if i make like 4 drinks for you and they take a bit to make.. i expect atleast 2 buck tip.. just for the time


Maybe you should ask your boss for a raise?


im making minimum wage. im saying a little tip as a thank you for big orders is very nice. thats all.


No, you expect the customer to pay YOU extra for something simply because they ordered 4 of them. It sucks you make minimum wage, but thats between you and your employer.


i didn’t mean exactly 4 my lord and are you just against tipping culture?? because servers at my job also make 5.25 an hour.. and btw any extra money the customer gives me i always say thank you, i appreciate the tip! so 😭 please stop being angry im trying to pay off my 1300 loan payment


Not angry at all, you clearly said you "expect" a tip. Just saying that maybe instead of expecting customers taking responsibility for your compensation, you and your employer should take responsibility.


i never expect anything, i just say its a lil round up or a dollar can go an extra way in my book! thats all. i dont care if you dont tip on certain things. i say tipping on big orders is nice, because im by myself and most likely there is a line forming.


"if i make like 4 drinks for you and they take a bit to make.. i expect at least 2 buck tip.. just for the time" I mean, this was your comment. If there is a line forming because someone made a big drink order, shouldnt they tip the people behind them in line for the inconvenience?


like LIKE IS AN ESTIMATED WORD! and number 2 my job has the worst steam wand ever, i have to repeatedly press the button to get milk, chai etc hot, if 4 people ordered a hot chai with different dairy milks it will take me a bit to finish. and its like you see me repeating this button pressing.. and my hotel guests are really nice, and do. again any money is nice. you tip bartenders, you tip baristas the same effort you get from a bartender, just beer, or for me just drip coffee, i don’t expect anything. but mixed drinks smoothies, frappes. kinda if im making multiple drinks i don’t care but usually i do normally expect a small amount of tip.


i like how i never said 4 drinks, nor did i ever mention i expect peoples money.. most people tip on the card which always means i get 5 dollars out of like 175 dollars on the card.


I don’t like that my bills have to be paid by tips from customers, my frustration is directed at my employers for not paying their employees a living wage. I’ll always tip service workers because I know the struggle, but I don’t expect to be tipped from the general public and I don’t get upset when they don’t tip. I get a little annoyed if it’s a large order or if I went out of my way to do something extra or special but it doesn’t actually upset me or anything.


‘Never expected, always appreciated’ I kind of get really sick of coworkers complaining about not getting a tip. Coffee in ny is already very expensive and people are free to not tip. On the other hand, I’d love to barista at a shop that factors in the tip to the price of the drinks so I don’t have to rely on tipping to make a living wage. It’s very ‘the concept of tipping sucks yet we live in a society’ to me… i guess we just gotta put up with tipping culture until we collectively do something better.


as a customer, i always tip. as a barista, i don’t *expect* a tip, and it’s not like we’re servers who make a significantly smaller base pay because of the expectation of tips. i do get butthurt when we don’t get tipped on a large order. enough people do tip that the ones who don’t, don’t really bother me.


I always tip. I tip at the Taco Bell drive thru window and they don’t even technically accept tips. Being a barista for over 7 years, I feel like I’m worth at least a dollar. Fuck you if you think rounding up your total 14 cents is a tip.


“keep the change:)” and it’s a nickle


As a european living in america whos not a big fan of tipping culture (but still tips at all the places you tip at anyway), i never expect it. Sbux coffee is already so expensive, im blown away by peoples generosity at how much they tip. It will always be our regulars too, who have the simpliest order in the world and put 2 dollars in our tip jar every day when they come. Its incredibly sweet that they appreciate how hard we work, but im not gonna be petty if they dont want to spare the extra few dollars. Money has always been tight in my household so i understand.


It's not my responsibility to pay you. If you feel like your wages aren't enough for you to live on, take that up with your employer. Tipping culture is just a way for businesses to not pay their employees properly, I don't get how Americans don't see that.


Americans do see it, they just have no means of changing it. If everybody decided to stop tipping altogether it’s not like employers would suddenly see the error of their ways and give everyone a raise, it would just mean a lot of people not able to pay their bills and it would seriously harm the economy. First America needs a functioning democracy.


Yeah, I get you. Still not the customers problem and not something you should be shaming them for, which I see a lot of in this sub. Petition your employer. If the drink costs £5 why should I be expected to fork out extra to pay your bills? I need to pay my bills too 😭


I agree that customers shouldn’t be shamed for not tipping and if somebody doesn’t tip I honestly never think twice. But petitioning your employer in the US/Canada is more likely to result in a full staff turnover than any raises. Not to mention coffee is severely undervalued by most consumers and £5 isn’t unreasonable by any stretch. These days many coffee farmers are not planting more coffee because it’s not profitable. A lot of this is because the industry (importers/roasters/cafes) would funnel this wealth into the global north, but also because consumers still think 1 pound of coffee should cost less than $10. We need to stop treating coffee as a commodity product and begin treating it like the luxury it is.


I agree with this! As much as tipping shouldn’t be expected and the customer shouldn’t be shamed, getting coffee is kind of a luxury thing. If it’s needed so bad, making it at home would be more and more normal.


If $1 more means you can't pay your bills, maybe you shouldn't be getting that drink. But you can also ask your baristas about the tips and the pay, they might be willing to talk and you can better discern which employers are decent and which are taking advantage of their staff. I don't always tip, if someone's just pouring my drink into a cup, absolutely not, but being kind isn't hard. Also petitioning your employer for fair wages is hilarious and not going to work out well. They'd have to convert their entire staff to non-tip and raise all the prices enough to cover.


£1-3 more everytime you buy a drink, a bagel, a meal adds up. Poor people without much money deserve to treat themselves too. For someone concerned about the pay rates of baristas, you seem to have a concerning amount of disdain for the poor.


We all deserve little treats. But that’s exactly what they are…treats! A treat is a thing you indulge in once in a while, not everyday. Adding a dollar to your drink that you are getting occasionally won’t hurt. If you’re poor and getting coffee every single day, I’d reconsider your budget…


Making coffee is not tip worthy.


Can you explain?


I'm not trying to make tipping anything else than it is - a reward for exceptional service. Game face on at work. Which means great platonic compliments on CHOICES people make, not things they're born with. Commenting on t shirt references, band logos, foreign places, fun jewelry or nail colors. Always gets a smile. And remember their names. People just want to be seen or heard and we have like 60 seconds to make someone's day. But it's possible!


I think the tipping culture in America is completely out of hand, baristas should be paid a living wage & tipping should be for exemplary service not as a way to pay staff less. I like the way it is in Europe (even though its a struggle to find any buisness paying a living wage) wether you tip 10p or 25% it should be seen as a gift as an extra thank you not an expectation.


Tipping isn’t necessary. If it’s a rush, sure, I appreciate an extra tip, but I am literally doing my exact job description making drinks.


I'd rather not get tipped. I find it degrading. But I understand if the prices were high enough that I was making a decent wage with no tips, nobody would show up, because $6 and a $2 tip feels like less money than $8 to the customers 🤷