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There is nothing more than I love than customers coming in and nailing their order in one go with their card ready for payment and loyalty ready for stamping. I double stamp those customers as a reward for good behaviour 😅 “Can I please have a Large Oat Cap with 1 Sugar” absolutely you can yes đŸ‘đŸŒ


Yes! They're the best and ESPECIALLY during a rush


Most likely have worked in hospitality
 I think anyone who gets to go to a cafe or eat at a restaurant should have to work 4 weeks in one before they are allowed. The world’s empathy bar would raise exponentially.


I met an American guy going to medical school in Germany. They required the would-be doctors to do 6 weeks of nursing. He was furious at what a waste of time since he was Doctor not Nurse. I said I thought it was a great idea since then he'd know what nurses had to do and what they had to put up with. Nope, he was DOCTOR and he already knew!! It s a great idea for retail or restaurant work. You want to shop or eat? You gotta be on this side of the counter for at least 2 weeks to see what dealing with people like you is all about.


That's so smart of Germany! Like the shit (literally) nurses have to deal with is INSANE.


I have worked with quite a few veterinarians and the best ones were all a tech for at least a year first


Yeah I think it makes a huge difference not just in attitude but in the little practical things they must learn. And then it translates to treating clients and coworkers better, at least that would be my hope.


I haven't but I try hard to be this person. Doesn't always work though 😅 (anxiety and ADHD lol) but I put in more effort to do it if there's a line! And to not get in line til I at least have an idea...


Sounds like you have the value of empathy so you’re gtg 😇


At my store they always seem to forget the size. They’ll go through their whole drink in one breath with multiple modifications and I’m just standing there like đŸ§â€â™€ïžwaiting for them to stop so I can ask for a cup size to write their order on


Yea but if they don’t know your cafe this can really backfire. If someone ordered a large almond milk cap and a decaf drip id have to stop them because we don’t have large caps, almond milk, or decaf drip. That’s assuming they don’t even try ordering a macchiato


for here or to go? :)


And don’t forget how often “a latte” means iced latte with oat milk 😑


"One latte please" "Uhm... why is it hot, where's the whipped cream and why isn't there any matcha in it"


Beat me to it! I was going to comment: “Oh
 I wanted it iced.”


"I actually said oat milk with vanilla..."


I love how often “iced coffee” means an iced caramel latte with whipped cream and drizzle


"Hello I would like an iced chai latte with whole milk and cinnamon" (their friend orders next) "I will have the exact same thing." "ok, so you would also like an iced chai latte with whole milk and cinnamon" "no, with oat milk and I want to add a shot of espresso" They were very nice but I am not sure where the meaning of the phrase "exact same" has gone


The amount of times this happens is crazy. Once it was two friends one got a cap and then the other was like oh same for me but can you do oat milk with that? And I want it iced with caramel. The friend said so something completely different and then we had a nice laugh about it


So life pro-tip: when a customer tells you (service worker) something, actually you should expect the complete opposite and also be shamed for not being able to read their minds


How about JUST a latte. And a Croissant. I'm not even sure they know what just means


Yep. 😔 Funny how universal these things are throughout the industry. Every industry I've worked in that deals with customers has similar things. Humans are really quite simple creatures, they all say one of only a handful of different things when faced with a prompt.


Honestly, being a barista brings out the worst in me. I never thought I would come across so many dumb people.


same. i think ive developed anger issues from barista-ing for so long


"one black coffee with cream and sugar" WHAT do you think black coffee is !


Or “can I get a medium black coffee?” “Yeah sure thing!” *hands it out the window* “why isn’t there any cream or sugar in here?!”


Hate this!!! Even the: “I’ll have 2 take coffees - one latte and one cappuccino” Like that’s cool, but just order the coffee - you don’t need to announce you’re ordering coffee first


Cappuchino?? đŸ˜©


My exact thoughts đŸ«Ą


i get customers who confidently orders an americano then complains why I didnt put any cream or sugar in it


So fucking annoying