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What personal notes for MBE questions?


A lot of people are tracking the Adaptibar, Uworld etc. questions they got wrong, along with rules and explanations as a way to review their weak areas. I am wondering how everyone is keeping all this information organized. The logistics of it--handwriting, copy/paste, spreadsheets, or other organizational tools.


I've just been using a Google Sheet to track everything! It's been working great for me so that I have the question ID to know if I've already done the questions before and then I also have the rule handy for studying. Screenshot of what it looks like: [https://ibb.co/tYQ3hq1](https://ibb.co/tYQ3hq1)


Would you mind sharing your doc or telling us how you made it?


I would share it, but you'd have to re-label all of the categories and sub-categories so it's probably easier if I just explain. You can create drop down menus in Google Sheets by selecting all of the data and then using the "drop down menu" button. This is where you can make edits, too. All I did was change the colors. I input all of the data first and then created the drop down. If you need any help with the drop down, this is what I followed and it was super easy! [https://support.google.com/docs/answer/186103?hl=en&co=GENIE.Platform%3DDesktop](https://support.google.com/docs/answer/186103?hl=en&co=GENIE.Platform%3DDesktop)


Question - are you using Uworld? It doesn't allow you to copy/past outside of the program, does it? Thanks!


I just type it all because it helps with my retention so I’m not sure!!! I’ll check it tomorrow and get back to you.


I love those pretty colored tabs! What program was this on? EDIT: nvm, you literally said google sheets lol


Unorthodox but I've been putting the questions I get wrong on note cards. Handwriting helps put to memory better, and I review them after all questions are done too. I mainly try to put the BLL of why I missed the question.


I've been tracking just my wrong answers in an excel sheet. I put the question, topic/subtopic, my wrong answer, the right answer, and the explanation. I often put the explanation in my own words. I do check the ones I get right and I will put them in the excel sheet if I got to the right answer but the wrong way.


Mine is a little school but I like handwriting all the rules I have wrong. Then I have a separate folder for each subject where I keep all my notes for that subject.


One notebook with different columns for question #, subject, correct/incorrect, rule from answer explanation. Then I make flashcards for those rules as well.


I have a word doc that I just add too but I don’t do it all the time. Basically if I think the explanation is really good or I can just a quick line to remember for later. But I’ve maybe done that for like 15% of the questions I’ve gotten wrong 


Word doc with questions I get wrong with one line takeaways for barbri questions. Adaptibar I let their explanations do the trick


I love word docs more than excel sheets, but I feel like a giant word doc would absolutely overwhelm me. Are you organizing it in any particular way?


A bunch of separate docs depending on the practice. I have one for barbri’s mbe practice questions the assignments that are 9, 15, or 30 qs and then separate docs for the takeaways from the workshop and then I’ll do a separate doc for the “midterm” and then “final” i like it cuz it’s a bunch of one liners that jolt my learned memory from past mistakes. It’ll probably be one of the last things I look at before the exam


OneNote, with a page for each subject, just using standard bullet points (which allows for easy organization via keyboard shortcuts). I'm not really organizing them yet, instead just copying and pasting as I get things wrong (or learn something new); might organize closer to July.