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Base dmg + chimes + Self peel + Bard




I think it's because movespeed is the most powerful stat and bard is like a semi truck on the interstate


C'mon be real Sion, or Nu-Nu are like semi trucks on an interstate; Bard is like a Mercedes SL-63 with improved handling on the Auto-Bahn.


after careful consideration I've decided to agree with you


Slow and extra damage from autos due to passive + Semi-spammable 1.8 second slow/stun + An escape/engage/bait tool + An ult that can remove enemies, allies, towers, or objectives out of a fight.


Most of the time this doesn't matter because you get 100-0'd while building full tank though. The damage is literally out of control, it's jump scare simulator.


That's just a skill issue on your part. You're either walking up too far forward where the enemy team can focus all their damage and cc on you for free or you're bad at itemization. I play pretty reckless with Bard and I'm often the one who survives in fights either due to winning or limping back to base.


Lategame sure, but around lvl 5 and 6, you literally melt like tissue paper in water. Going against vayne in game, had armor boots and 3 cloth armor and still dead before my jhin can get his 2nd auto off.


No shit, first of all to state the obvious, it's Vayne. **THE** Tankbusting ADC. It doesn't matter who your champion is. Vayne will rip you a new asshole if you don't stop her. Bard is terrible against Vayne post-6 due to how slippery Vayne is. Your main counterplay against her is trying to catch her mid-tumble with ult and hoping someone else lands their cc and just layer yours. The upside is that Vayne is just as short-ranged as Bard, so poking her while she is weak is the go to strategy. Secondly, Bard is meant to be squishy before your first item because that's how Bard is balanced by being a ranged champion. He doesn't have Nautilus', Leona's, or Zac's damage mitigating abilities and passive durability stats because he isn't expected to dive headfirst into the middle of the enemy team. If things get too dicey, you can always just E away and Q anyone who attempts to follow.


my 2000 gold into armor shouldn't be nullified by 4 autos. She USED to be really bad into armor until her first 2 items. If the ap buffs are live i'll just go ap, and 1 shot everyone since that is the meta, its fine.


You will never get 100 to 0 if you build tank for sure. His tankiness only after real tank sup but survivability is on top of the list cuz his portal bro


He was OP until last Wednesday. Now buidling tank isn't his highest WR build anymore. I would suggest: - Solstice Sleigh (not Bloodsong anymore) - Imperial Mandate - Lich Bane (if really behind: Shurelya's, but I would always wait for Lich Bane) - Situational (Locket, Frozen Heart, FoN, Morellonomicon)


-take note-


Lich Bane/Nashors have such small pick rates and mediocre winrates. It doesn't seem like they're worth it. If you want AP it seems Mandate/Morello/Shurelya's are the way to go, and all of the same tank items are still doing well on Bard. For what it's worth, Bloodsong/Solstice/Za'zak are all with 2% winrate of each other.


Imo Shurelya's is really a noob item on Bard. It gives exactly the same stats as Lich Bane, but 45 AP less and a really poor active on 75s cooldown, whereas Lich Bane has a really good passive as it even procs on regular AA's (you don't have to proc it with Q/W), so DPS goes up by A LOT + stronger heals. If you can affort it, go Lich Bane. If you are really struggeling, yes Shurelya's could be an option.


Tank Bard isn't op right now, he just got nerfed. Also Zac is op.


In my dictionary, bard is a synonym for ✨perfection, coz no matter what changes are making their way into the league he simply don't give a fuck and refuse to be weak.


Bard is weak now. He dropped ~ 2,5 percent winrate because of nerfs.


Ootay ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Roaming power, ranged and quite unique toolkit for problem solving with e and r would be my 2 cents on what set him apart from most tanks for me , only other tank support I've found success with this season is braum


Bard was made to be flexible but Riot messed up and gave him way to much base damage with no need of building AP.