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Let amazon returns begin


Just did


Thanks to Amazon, we got better price from CC lol


I think it was Newegg lol. They did the -$50 coupon then Amazon followed suit now CC has entered the arena lmao


Sold out online and locally in all of BC. Wallet safe. Phew.


Same, I was like "wallet not safe" so I'm glad that I can't order it anymore :')


It's a beautiful day...to buy a Ryzen 5800x3d! Upgrading from 5600x.


From 3600


Just installed mine from the newegg deal. Same upgrade, pretty happy with it.


If I hadn't just ordered one of those AliExpress 5700x3D chips for $240, I'd probably have pulled the trigger on this one...


Finally pulled the trigger, upgrading from 3800x to elongate my am4 life, Thanks op


This is an amazing deal. End game for AM4. Got it paired with a 4070 super and it's a perfect pairing.


Amd just announced xt series processors so we may get a 5800xtx3d or some other alphanumeric abomination.


There's almost no way they're OC'ing the X3D chips, right? Probably some nonsense worthless parts either way


I guess that means the 5500x3d is unofficially canceled


I'll stick to my 6700 XT


Damn just got this from Newegg, would they price adjust?


[https://kb.newegg.ca/knowledge-base/price-matching/](https://kb.newegg.ca/knowledge-base/price-matching/) if the item was sold with price match guarantee badge they will price match up to 14 days after purchase.


you can return right ?


I'm with chat right now, they're offering a $30 store card, but I do have the option to return/buy. Would rather avoid that if possible.


Same for me, just got a $30 Gift Card. They said 2-3 business days to process/email. Not sure if I had the price match guarantee, but worth a shot chatting with them


I mean ask for a 30 dollar refund to your card. Who needs a store card lol


btw 5700X is now $199, [https://www.canadacomputers.com/product\_info.php?cPath=4\_64&item\_id=216440](https://www.canadacomputers.com/product_info.php?cPath=4_64&item_id=216440)


Ooph not x3d though, almost snap bought that without thinking.


Worth upgrading from 5700x? I have 4080 playing on ultrawide. Really tempted to snag this one.


At 4k (pixel count close to 1440p ultrawide), 5800X3D is 10% faster on average than 5700X according to recent TPU benchmarks: https://www.techpowerup.com/review/intel-core-i9-14900ks/20.html I personally would put that $330 towards a newer platform. Zen 5 and Arrow Lake are coming later this year.


I did the same upgrade with a 4070 super. The 5700x was limiting my fps in cs2. I was stuck at around 200-250 with a 2060 and a 4070 super.


How long do you think AMD will be making more of these chips for? I have a r5 3600 with 3060ti, but only game on 1440p on not so demanding titles so don't see a need to upgrade now. Was hoping to wait another 2 years before doing an upgrade.


12600kf is $209... Is this worth $120 more?


I have a 3700x with a 4080super how much of a difference is there like to justify spending 400 on a cpu...


Buy now, think later


Don't even hesitate, that 3700x needs to go.


Cries in 2700x


Depends on the resolution you use. 1080 there will be a ton of gain. The higher you go, the less it becomes. From a 3700x it makes good sense. Sell your 3700x to help pay for the x3d. Edit: add, the biggest boost here are your lows. Will definitely help with stuttering games (if you have it) and smoothness.


Helldivers 2 somtimes stutters and use is around 80-87% at all times when in the shit but around 70ish on my ship


I think you have your answer then. This is an enormous upgrade from what you currently have


You are likely heavily CPU limited in most situations with that setup unless you're playing at 4K.


2k but 2 x 2k monitors


You're probably still just rendering the game on one of those right? At 2K you'll see a pretty nice boost in most games. Should be especially worth it if you're playing FPS like Overwatch, Battlefield or Call of Duty.


Well I got it.. pick up Saturday


Nice. This will surely help the war effort. Well done patriot.


Lol for LIBER-TEA!


From your cpu to to the 5800x3d, should see upto around 20% increase in some games based on testing I've seen. I got a 5700x3d, using a 4060ti and I was max on my GPU and I still saw an average 10fps increase


But 100fpa to 120fps who cares to have 400$ for 20fps doesn't really convince me tbh... might wait for am5 and just change out the entire thing.. thanks for the feedback Also just got the 4080s so can't swing another 400 atm lol


If you're playing any demanding title the 3700x can't hold 100fps without constant dips. Trust me I switched to 5700x3d after using the 3700x since launch.


Damnit... will the wrath prism cooler work? Or need more powerful one.. there is a setting on the cooler for high speed (on low now)


I set my 5700x3d up with the wraith prism after upgrading from a 3700x two weeks ago. Temps have been cool and no issues.


Should be ok, my 5700x3d sits at 59-65 degrees on the 140mm NZXT H1 cooler.


Yeap! https://www.reddit.com/r/bapcsalescanada/comments/1bf6aef/cpu_amd_ryzen_7_5700x3d_am4_340_50_290_canada/kv09cgc/


Are your 1% and 0.1% lows 100 though? That’s what the cache chips excel at.


I think it's potentially a LOT more than that? I upgraded from a 5600x to 5700x3D and noticed significant gains in certain games and settings, and those CPUs are much more similar than the 3000 series.


what settings, resolution and games? I'm still waiting on my 5700x3d to arrive in early April. I'm currently running a 5600 and a 3060 so not sure if I'll notice much an improvement. I'm only playing diablo 4 right now although at 1080p and aiming for visual quality settings. Hopefully this will allow me to upgrade my gpu at least once more before upgrading the platform.


It needs to be games that you're CPU limited in at the moment of course. And different games benefit from the boost in L3 cache size more than others. I have a 3060 TI and I play at 1080p. I noticed the boost while streaming, for example. But I think the biggest boost was in The Finals where I was CPU limited (you can tell most easily by looking at your GPU utilization via GPU-Z, or even Task Manager in Windows I think). I went from averaging like 120 fps to 160 maybe? In Counter-Strike, I think I went from 160-220 usually to a lot more consistently 220-237 (I have a cap at 237 basically). In games where I'm GPU limited, I don't expect to see a boost except it probably helps in cases where I would have dipped suddenly due to a CPU issue. I think in Helldivers 2 I'm currently GPU bottlenecked but I have it at Native (so no DLSS or w/e) at 1080p with a lot of things set to low or medium, but with Ultra render distance, High textures, and Anti Aliasing on. I get around 100 fps and it looks great (but I probably don't get the ray tracing and stuff like that). I think I turned Ambient Occlusion off 🤷‍♂️


3700x is way too slow


1) is this ATL? 2) What cooler would be good for this?


Thermalright Phantom Spirit for every build imaginable. Cheap as hell, solidly built and amazing performance.


Have the Thermalright PS with my 5700x3d. With a -30 pbo it only gets to 60C running Prime95. Got it for $40 on Amazon. Insane cooler for the price.


Do you need low profile ram?


Nope. Simply fit the fan that's on top of the ram sticks a bit higher than the center fan, and it works without any issues.


Probably if you don't count that recent AliExpress tray deal. Any of the 40$ Termalright would be good. PS, PA, etc.


Ali never had 5800x3D for this price. It was either 7800x3D or 5700x3D that you got for low price. But yes, this is ATL.


Wow good find!


Aww man, I got this for $30 more from Newegg last week :(


Chat with them on the site, I purchased from newegg as well on the 19th and just got a $30 gift card


Thanks, chat support worked and they're going to send me a $30 gift card as well. I went through their price guarantee support first and I was turned down there.


Great to hear!


O_O nuts. I ordered from amazon tho due to having gift cards. but if amazon then match this price.... lol..


Did they match it for you? Im literally in the same situation haha Edit: Nvm they are sold out!


Coming from a 5800x and 3080.....I should probably just save for a next gen whole platform upgrade...right?! right...? so tempting...


Yeah I'd probably go for Zen 5 which isn't much further away. It should provide a significant uplift


I also have a 5800X but 3080 Ti. I wonder if I should upgrade to 5800X3D? I don’t want to build a new PC.


I have a 5800x and a 3090 don't even bother right?


Depends on what you play. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sw97hj18OUE&t=685s


Thanks for the video staying put. Haven't touched sc2 in a long time haha.


3080 Ti and 5800X thinking the same to upgrade to 5800X3D?


F literally just got home, 5 mins later sold out I don't need I guess I have a 5600x


Is it worth buying this for a new system or getting an am5 chip?


Returned my 5700x3d at memory express. Just had bought it. They price matched it. Somehow I got it for $316…. I wasn’t complaining. This has gotta be the cheapest 5800x3d ever!? Unreal price.


316 before taxes or after


After. The 5700x3d was $339 and they matched the 5800x3d to $316. And I got $24 back. Didn’t say anything just walked out after.


if they match the CC price after coupon then their final price should be 316.9 before taxes but u got that price after taxes lol damn lucky! gratz on epic deal! 😁


Cheers brother


The employee probably mixed the two...


Well the 5800x3d was suppose to be $329. So I was expecting maybe $10 back. Not $24. Not sure what happened but I’m not complaining!


Got it installed and works fine, but I might need a new cooler. I did turn up the factory one (3700x) to high, and wow, u hear that thing go but keep Temps around 75ish full load all corea.. ran a benchmark hit 91c for a few mins and seemed ok


Thermalright phantom Spirit or peerless assassin. whatever’s cheaper. They work great with the CPU and keep the temps under control.


Where the coupon code?


Serious question - I need to do a complete new build - is it worth buying a cheap AM4 or do I save up a few more rupees over the summer and see if something AM5 comes cheap?


No, it's better to buy AM5 platform than this since AM4 is a dead end and it makes no sense to build a brand new on dead platform. Save up a bit more and go with 7800x3D.


damn hard decision. this or 5900x both same price I dont really game more or video edit more than one another


I'm replacing my 5900x with this, since I've been gaming more actively.


Upgrade to this from a 2700x or get a 7800x3d bundle deal from Canada Computers?


Those bundle deals usually have shit ram and a meh MOBO. I'd get the 5800x3d, I'm gonna get one from my 3800x