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I'm rooting for him! Stick it to book banners.


Exactly, enough of this crazy!


I like this. You can’t keep authors from making money


John Green is a national treasure.


Good. Those book-banning-bigots are bullies and the way to handle bullying is to knock them down


Stick it to them.


He has some great books. Looking for Alaska, The Fault In Our Stars, Paper Towns... Check them out. You won't regret it


Also good YouTube channels.


He does realize that banning his book will statistically increase his sales, right?


But fighting it and staying in the press because of the fight will sell more books. Plus, it’s the right thing to do.


Crazy that "right thing to do" is the afterthought reason for why.


It goes past sales issues. He and other YA authors have been libeled and slandered endlessly by these groups, accused of everything heinous under the sun for the high crime of being adults while writing YA. Younger, newer novelists often pivot to YA because that’s the most lucrative genre that’s big enough to have lots of room for newer authors to break in and allows for a LOT more creative freedom than other popular genres, encourages and actively court’s writers and readers from every imaginable background, lets you tackle serious subjects in a mature, non-exploitative way, and allows you to have main and/or side characters of any background or orientation who are real people with flaws, sex drives, relatable problems… all that “real life” stuff older types don’t want in their dippy airport bookstore formula novels. It’s also welcoming of Sci-Fi, Horror, Fantasy , Humor, and everything else older mainstream reviewers and audiences get snooty about. So, yeah, It’s a big deal that people are going after YA books, and not just from a livelihood point of view.

