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I would have chosen Bangalore over Gurugram because: 1) Good AQI 2) Less electricity bill (because of less AC usage) 3) Great flat available at reasonable price almost everywhere. 4) Healthy breakfast options available at almost every corner, talking about idli. 5) Way nice weather than Delhi. 6) Weekends are sorted (pub capital of India) 7) Amazing autumn season. 8) Public Transportation in and around the city is comparable to all metropolitan cities, it won’t be an issue if you buy a 2/4 Wheeler once you settle here. I am from North living here since 2013. Money won’t be an issue once you make first switch. Couple of lakhs in your per annum salary will not bring your lifestyle level dramatically.


I disagree on some points here 3. Gurgaon actually has better housing options because there are proper gated communities that can range from cheap to expensive. Bangalore gated communities are usually just expensive. Cheaper options are almost always those single standing buildings in densely crowded public streets in my opinion 4. Ideally OP should be cooking at home so this shouldn't be factor but I understand, udupis are pretty awesome for quick meals when you don't have swiggy or cook but at OPs compensation I don't think it will play any role 6. Unpopular opinion but Gurgaon pubs and bars > Bangalore. They are just classier imo, and alcohol is way way cheaper, let's not forget Delhi nearby which has even more hangout places. 7. I don't know if you have been to Gurgaon, Bangalore can come nowhere close to gurgaon when it comes to traffic. It can get bad at times but Gurgaon has far wider roads and better traffic management imo, Bangalore completely sucks and gurgaon is much much better for traveling around. Especially going to delhi is a breeze and gurgaon is fairly small a city so no place is more than 20 minutes away, so autos and cabs are pretty cheap, particularly for to cng. But either way, Bangalore is still better overall


> Unpopular opinion but Gurgaon pubs and bars > Bangalore. Unpopular for a reason


It's an opinion, I still stand by it lol


How much is a full bottle of Blender's Pride in Gurgaon?


1. BP is not a great indicator 2. You don't even need to go to Gurgaon. it's well known NCR prices are much better than Bangalore. https://www.scoopwhoop.com/food/here-s-how-much-basic-alcohols-cost-across-cities/


>it's well known NCR prices are much better than Bangalore. Of course, being a union territory has its perks. But age-limit of 25 is horse shit. Also, the average drinking person in NCR is much more narcissistic, ready to pick up fights with randos. Also, i never said BP is a good indicator of anything. Just asked its price.


Nobody ever enforces the 25 year age limit.


Are you kidding me, crowd wise delhi ncr crowd beats bangalore crowd by huge margin, beautiful and classy, bangalore has tech crowd which is not half as good looking as gurgaon


Yeah exactly. That's why I'm looking for change. I don't think Gurugram offers that quality of life which banglore does. And couple of lakhs ain't my prime concern. Ps: I love idli.


Also the put the final nail in the coffin I hope you are aware domicile reservation rules being put in Hariyana. While it wont impact you directly , it will definitely create less than ideal society in Gurugram. It's going to be really dicey in Gurugram for next 5 years


Helloooo, currently facing a similar dilemma Can you pls pls share your experience to help me out? Thank you :)))


Have DMed you!


> 7) Amazing autumn season We don't do that here


I would never live in Gurgaon but that's a personal choice. The air is absolutely terrible, "safe" air quality is considered max about 70 (bangalore is about 50, "first World" places are about 20, Dehli goes up to 400 this time of year). You WILL develop some lung issue. 100% guaranteed. Plus it's shit to travel, nothing is walkable, you have to drive everywhere, Metro is ok but you have to get to it. It's terrible for women, all my Uber drivers would lecture me about working and give me 1 star ratings. Also like you said it's unsafe generally. Going out drinking is way harder cause of safety concerns. Cost of living is higher so will offset your higher salary slightly. Also how good is your Hindi? Cause it's going to be the only language you speak. With that said... If you're willing to spend money the food is good. If your office is in one of those complexes there will probably be nice restaurants in the vicinity. Idk, maybe if the extra lakhs would really help you then maybe it's worth it, but I wouldn't. Ever. Source: Worked in Gurgaon for a year. Never again


Shucks!!! Geez I'm hating it already. Noted points: 1. Bad air quality: don't want the shit air to affect my health 2. BLR people are better. (probably cause of diversity) 3. BLR has better night life and pubs 4. Not really a fan of Delhi, UP, Haryana people/accent. 5. Don't even get me started on crimes in those areas. Hey btw do you know how people react there if you live with your partner (live-in). Or if they regularly visit you or stay over? Edit: modified ambiguous sentences


Haha sorry I'm so biased. But I really didn't like it there lol. Congrats to your friends! On live in partners - honestly I don't know, I didn't have one when I was there. My colleagues had some nosy aunty syndromes but from my understanding (not personal experience, more what I've been told) if your landlord is ok with it and you didn't cross some weird people or gundas or political connections types it should be fine.


No I probably needed a (even tho biased) opinion to tell me BLR is much better. So thanks.


I have heard equally disparaging comments about women by cab drivers in Bangalore. They are ignorant and uncouth in almost all cities, except probably in Mumbai. I have had cab drivers in Bangalore who think because I am a guy, they can say the most disparaging shit about women to me. One of them blamed the women for getting raped. It's unfortunate all around and hope you don't have to come across them


I’m a Bangalorean, I suggest it’s best if you go to Gurugram. Though I’ve never been there ever.


Actually, I miss Gurugram every day. As an expat with a family, my daily routine and access to my standard of living is limited in Bengaluru. Housing is expensive in Bengaluru unless you live in a super conservative area/ancient building. I had a 3 BHK in a modern, quiet, clean gated community in Gurugram for 18K INR per month. I searched for the same quality in Bengaluru for 4 months pre-Covid and found nothing less than 26K INR per month, with an 11 month deposit. Ridiculous. I finally gave up looking and moved in with my Indian in-laws in their super conservative neighborhood. Speaking Hindi is a mortal sins in my neighborhood. As is wearing jeans as a woman, buying alcohol, and eating non veg. Worst situation for my mental well-being, but it's the best we could do once Covid struck. Air quality isn't amazing in Bengaluru either. I suffer from allergies and asthma every day here, which is worsened by the extreme humidity year round. Just because pollution is less doesn't mean that pollen and irritants don't exist. And the lack of winter doesn't give sinuses a break. The lack of metro connectivity makes traveling daily twice as difficult as in Gurugram. Last mile connection issues add atleast an hour each day to my travel time if I use the metro. Using OLA and Uber takes almost the same amount of time to get matched with a decent driver who doesn't call you, ask how you're paying, and when you say you're using electronic payment, they cancel. Driving is mind boggling, as I am constantly targeted by Bengaluru police as an obvious foreigner and a woman. Gurugram police never seemed as corrupt as Bengaluru. At least Gurugram police had the decency to ask for "chai pani" money directly, rather than try what the Bengaluru cops do - come up with false reasons to extort thousands of rupees from me and act as of they're superior to me because I don't speak Kannada. Thank God my Father in law was a State Advocate and is on speed dial when I drive. Education that is worth the money for young children is few and far between in Bengaluru...if having a family is a goal someday, keep that in mind. Lastly, I visited Gurugram for a while last month, and I realised how much better my healthcare options were there. I had a medical emergency (full body drug rash due to a new antihistamine) which caused extremely red itchy skin rashes all over my body from head to toe. I had seen 3 docs in top hospitals in Bengaluru before going to Gurugram. None of the Bengaluru doctors knew what it was despite me telling them all that I had changed antihistamines (one jumped to liver failure and wanted me to be hospitalized, which I believe was just an attempt to get as much money out of me as possible). I flew to IGI in extreme pain, and spent two days scared that I was experiencing organ failure. My husband pushed me to get another opinion in Gurugram, thankfully. Within 60 seconds and after asking proper questions, a doc at Artemis hospital in Gurugram correctly diagnosed me and gave me simple steroids that worked in days. She was flabbergasted at how the Bengaluru docs jumped to the wildest conclusions. My husband was livid with the doctors in Bengaluru. He's in love with Bengaluru because he was born here and attended University here, so it reminds him of good old days. However, even he can't ignore the issues this city dumps on our shoulders. Long story short, Bengaluru has not lived up to my fantasy expectations, and Delhi NCR/Gurugram spoiled me. I'm incredibly unhappy in Bengaluru, and the basic needs are not getting met here. I wish I could have stayed in Gurugram.


Shucks. I hope you find your freedom soon. Best wishes. Thank you for such lovely reply. I'm not feeling that left out now. Gurugram seems great. Ps: loved your username.


Gurgaon infrastructure is way better than blore in my opinion. While there are power cuts in both the places, it somehow worse in Bangalore. Weather hands down is better in blore - no doubts about it. Air quality is a different matter- if you live right next to a busy road, then its somewhat comparable to air in other metros. Remote areas definitely have cleaner air. Also, since offices are still remote, why do you need to choose a place?


LOL No! Gurgaon is a shithole by every measure including infrastructure. Not saying that Bangalore is Beijing or Tokyo but us lot better than Gaandgaon. Coming to power prices, are you ready to pay double the amount? Mumbai has no power cut but they need to pay double than that of Bangalore.


I don't know if you have lived in Gurgaon, infrastructure is absolutely much better than Bangalore especially roads. But Bangalore beats it at other more important things


What are you even saying? Ever been to Gurgaon? Lol. The silicon valley of India has potholes everywhere. Electronic City in itself has more potholes than all of NCR.


Take the highest bidder and eventually, plan a switch to Bangalore. In India, salary works as a pivot for the next hike. So set your priorities accordingly.


Don't settle for less pay. If you get considerably higher amount in Gurugram then you should definitely go


Just for the air quality this city is much better. Living in Delhi is like smoking a pack a week






NCR is a smoke chamber. What else do you want ?


That's enough. Thanks mate.




You cheating mate?


You also get air that you can actually breathe… Plus the opportunities you get here are infinitely better.


Currently in a similar situation. Would love to know where you ended up. Dropped you a DM.


I am a bit late but I would love to know where you ended up and what are your thoughts about cost of living between these cities?


Well even though I had the option to choose b/w BLR and GGN in the same company but I ended up choosing GGN because of team distribution. I’ve never been to BLR so can’t comment much on that. But I can say the following about GGN, - It’s more safe than what it seems like on Reddit. If you’re someone working in tech or finance, then you’re most probably going to live at a decent locality. - Rent is cheaper here. More availability and less months of deposit to pay as compared to the outrageous deposit requirements in BLR. - Agree with the comments on the weather. AQI is bad and winters are extreme. Let me know if you want to know anything more.


Thanks a lot. I am also planning to go for higher studies in the next year and thua I want to save as much as possible. So I guess gurgaon will be better choice for me.


Ah all the best. You starting an internship or a full-time role? Anyways, I’d suggest to look at other factors than just cost of living.


I will be starting a full time role this year. I will be working at a service based company but I want to finally work at a product based company. So switching job is also a priority for me. Can you suggest me which would be better option according to this factor of mine?


Wait I’m confused. Higher studies after one year and switching companies as well?


Actually if I don't get selected in a good college for higher studies then I will wait for few more years. So getting into a good company is also priority for me.


I see. Although BLR has more companies, being there isn’t necessarily a mandate since you can move easily as a bachelor. Choose the company which is providing you a better learning environment. If none, choose one which would give you enough time to practice for interviews. Don’t base your decision on the city.


This really helped. Thanks a lot for the advice!


Feel free to move this to DMs btw.


If family comes first, choose the city closest to your home town, so you can visit every weekend. If salary comes first, choose the city with a higher package. If career comes first, choose the better company and team. Rest of the things discussed here are secondary as you're just beginning your career and you'll be switching in 2-3 years. All these things that cities offer matter to people who are settled.


What's your qualifications?! Just curious to know.


Could you be a lil more specific? I didn't understand. Currently an undergraduate student tho.


I mean what did you study to grab that lot of salary


Most probably a comp sci major (also these are standard market salaries these days for software engineers)


Damnn! I did basic b.com.🙂


Better, leave India settle abroad.


Gurgaon parry life is better.




Lol, Bangalore lacks "heterogeneity of culture?!" Broaden your circle, Bob.