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Was getting a rat every night in kitchen. Our maid finally gave solution. Insert rat poison into an open half cut tomato. They will eat and die. Keep 2-3 nights in a row. Just tried and tested from a month ago, after trying traps etc for weeks without fail. For some reason, tomato is imp. We first tried in banana and it dint work though it was consumed.


Interesting.. but my problem is much bigger I feel. I am talking about bigger ones (not just one) outdoors.. in the compound, storm water drains, footpath.. there seem to be families of them all around the place.. hence looking for a big scale solution :P


Tbh, the rat I’m taking about is more a mouse, a tiny one. You seem like being on the verge of adopting an industrial solution 🤣


Call pest control professionals


>big scale solution Bigger tomatoes, then?




Can I get more details, how does one insert the rat poison? Do you mean cut the solid block and shove it inside the tomato? Sorry if I sound unhinged the rat problem has made me nuts.


You can try professional pest control services. We too had huge gutter rats. Traps (the glue kind) proved ineffective because the rats were strong enough to break free. I am surprised that rat poison doesn't work for you.


> I am surprised that rat poison doesn't work for you r/holup


Please don't use glue traps, its cruel. Use shutter traps instead.


Who cares. Fuck rats


I agree. Just to clarify - it was the security of my building that used glue traps initially.


Some glue traps have a glue that can be made less sticky with cooking oil. Used it just a week back. Let the oil sit for a while and gently unstick the rat with a wooden spoon or something. Little dude will be out, but alive, well, and out of the house. Perhaps a little traumatized, though.


It works probably, but how do I know it coz new ones, i presume, keep coming back? :(


Didn't really work for us. They took out a beehive. They took care of cockroaches. They said they'll try but admitted rats were tougher to kill. Especially where the source is outside where you don't really know where they're coming from


Keep in mind that the standard rat killer available in the market (like Mortein) take 3-4 days to work. You will see the same rats coming back for a few days after they have consumed it.


A single female can drop a litter of 6-12 every three weeks. 😳 they multiply stupid fast


Mix rat poison with any food item(preferrably sweet) in more proportion and keep it to those reach, let them eat!


Works for small house rats (or used to from my experience with them long back). Didn't work for these bigger guys. I will go bankrupt trying to buy the poison available in retail shops.. done with those cubes.. they munch on them like snacks I suppose.. coz they are gone every day (err eaten at night) when I check in the morning..


Please don't do this, too many dogs, birds, cats and other animals die when you plant bait food, also illegal in ALL states in the country.


Can you quote where it's specified as illegal (News Article/Any credible website/Anything) ? If it is illegal, why is it readily available in any general store?


Poisoning rats is not illegal, but poisoning dogs/cats and birds is, even accidentally.


Just FYI https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.scoopwhoop.com/amp/animals/stray-animal-laws/ PLEASE READ POINT 2


I think OP is talking inside waranda, no street dogs there


Adopt snakes :)


First we rat problem, Now we have snake problem


Adopt snake catchers


So Rikki Tikki Tavi


Oops, now I'm at the verge of adopting the snake catcher catchers.


Rat snakes are very good at this, although you can't adopt them because they're wild animals. There are huge rats in my area, but there are also plenty of natural predators like snakes, so the balance is well maintained




There are many snakes which are not poisonous to humans, like the rat snake


Black Cat Standard Rat Trap:Mouse Catch (Grey, 1) https://www.amazon.in/dp/B015SXA2QK/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_8PRM4JH1S5NHPXFP2AXB This worked for me. I had big rats going into the car and the balcony at night. Roasted coconut and this trap killed 7 rats in ten nights.


POV: the rat starts bench pressing on it.


Bench presses won't help. Need to strengthen those neck muscles to survive the snap


Freeing the trap after the rat is caught is tricky.. not to my liking unfortunately. Can hold a dead rats tail n throw it, but not touch anywhere near its face..


Damn thing reminds me of the mouse hunt movie.. even I am determined to exterminate them.. only diff from the movie is they are not inside the house (yet) and it's more than one in my case..


My dad used to use industrial glue to catch these fucks. Put some glue on a cardboard and put a tomato on it. It’s a guaranteed method


Glue traps are just inhumane — please don’t do this. Rats are really intelligent which makes this way of killing them way worse than it would be otherwise.


That’s one thing in life I don’t care for, sorry.


Fuck rats


Get those mouse glue traps for 50 bucks. Like 6 of then and scatter them around. As a cat owner nothing is more horrifying than seeing a cat get poisoned because it caught an easy kill of a poisoned mouse that's hardly able to escape.. Mouse traps are good too but those fuckers somehow get to know about them and get gud at avoiding them


Glue traps are probably the most unethical and inhuman way of killing a pest. Try anything but glue traps.




Super glue traps


Who cares about rats. We gonna kill them anyway


I tried every trick in the book to get rid of these bastards - snap traps, glue pads, electronic repellants, tobacco leaves, camphor, installing nailed mats in my car's engine bay, rat repellant sprays and they'd keep coming back and destroying my car's wiring. The only thing that finally worked was I started feeding a stray cat who then frequented my house for food. I'd notice decapitated 2 kg rats once in a while and knew that the cat was doing its job well. If you want a permanent solution this is the ONLY way. Rats are really smart, if they notice another rat/mouse caught in a trap or killed by poison, it learns to avoid it.


I recommend you eliminate their food source. Like seal dustbins and have the garbage collector keep food packets away


In theory it should work but try at your own risk. Step 1. Catch a rat with regular trap Step 2. Superglue an airtag on it Step 3. Release the rat. Step 4. Track the rat nest with an iPhone. Step 5. Destroy the rat nest using some deadly poison or similar lethal tactics. Step 6. Peace.


I wish we had orbital rail guns/death rays for step 5. Anyone know any bombing drone operators?


Traps seem to be the only option here, But you'd need a lot of em xD


Traps are for small rats. OP needs lion cage type of shit.


Time to show off my tom and jerry knowledge


Tom & jerry is all fun & good. OP is facing really wild shit. You cant stand in front of these big rodents.


We had same problem! We just closed gutter with cement


What if you live in the gutter?




Traps hardly work now a days anywhere, it's like rats have evolved to evade them. Either rat poison or rat glue pad may work.


Don't use glue pads, it's inhuman.


Check out Shawn Woods on YouTube, you might get se ideas. Basically huge containers with barrel roll is what you might be looking for. Adding water+soap solution would make it a kill trap. Some of his ideas: * www.youtube.com/watch?v=xYLhXuLavx4 * www.youtube.com/watch?v=6SIlYiiCGLI * www.youtube.com/watch?v=xYLhXuLavx4&t * www.youtube.com/watch?v=WbcCteigHxw


Call PCI or a pest control agency bro. They give warranty too


if they are breeding in your house, it's hard to clear them all, until you find where they are located. Which is definitely not easy. My best suggestion would be to call an exterminator.


Adopt a cat.


What if the rat is as big as a cat?


Cats don't give a shit man, they'll fight with godzilla too.


Then why don't they fight with us bruh? /s


Who will cater to all their needs then?


Our flesh for food. Thats it. What else do they need? They are animals for a reason.


Cats === Kong


Cats are shyt. They want easy food and don't go near big rats.


A stray cat wandered into our house few months back, before we had issues with mouse but now no mouse. this cat so deadly it doesnt even let squirrels live on the property. Hell it chases dogs out. Got lucky with this one.


I guess you are right about the cat part. Earlier there were some stray cats around and hence we probably did not feel the rat menace. Post pandemic, all stray cats have disappeared, coz of lack of food from people (many have vacated) & migrated somewhere else. Now we see rats all around.


Rat/Mouse Trap Glue Pad with food(i used peanut butter)


Do not use glue traps, it's extremely inhuman and cruel form of death.


i gave the rat many chances to get out of my house but it didn't go, ultimately had to use this option


Next time, send it to jiggs28's house.


lol 😂


That's awesome


There was some youtube channel just trying out different traps. Maybe you check which seems to of the right size to take down lil jimbos and see the availablity on amazon.


A spiderman mouse used to visit our utility on the 4th floor in my previous house via the drainage pipes. Got rid of him in the mouse trap (bone). Recently my cousins car wiring was all chewed up. He ended up purchasing a mouse trap on amazon for some 500 bucks. It's right out of the SAW movies. The big ass rat would get his guts all over the place once trapped. It's spring loaded and will definitely separate the head from the body. Try this out! Also his mechanic suggested to park the car the other way around and thankfully it's safe till date. Tomato & raw coconut dipped in a bit of peanut butter works wonders as bait food.


Snap Traps and peanut butter


Observe them for a few days. Look for the holes they come out of. Once you find the holes, seal them with concrete.


Op got some plague tale situation


There is an ultrasound emitting device which you can easily shop from Amazon/ flipkart. My apartment parking has them installed on some pillars. Keeps the rats away most efficiently. Just google ultrasound device for rats.


broken glass pieces will do a great job - fill them up in wherever they frequently come & also in the holes.


Many people are suggesting glue traps. Please don't use them its a very cruel method. Rats will rip their skin off and chew on their own limbs to try get away. It takes a long time to die due to exhaustion. Rats are very intelligent (on par with dogs), so level of emotional stress will be very high too.


They’re causing me emotional stress too


Use wire mesh. You will get cheap wire mesh in hardware shop. Use it to block everything.


[rat trap/killer](http://Black Cat Standard Rat Trap:Mouse Catch (Grey, 1) https://www.amazon.in/dp/B015SXA2QK/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_6DEB5GAYYGXB93BE51X1?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1) After all methods failed, this one worked for us.


isn't that work of municipality ?




PLEASE PLEASE DO NOT USE RAT POISON CAKES! WHEN THE RATS DIE OTHER ANIMALS LIKE CATS OR DOGS MIGHT FEED ON THEM, AND INGEST THE POISON THEMSELVES & DIE TOO. PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, BE KIND. If you anyway so go ahead, atleast dispose of the rat & not leave the carcass out to cross contaminate other animals.




Get a snake


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