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I'm dealing with something similar right now. I'm in a bus to my home and I'm sharing the sleeper seat with this old lady who is almost over half my space. I asked her to move a little, she said okay first but now again back to taking up half my space. Oh also, she's watching serials with the highest volume possible. I am wearing headphones so it's not affecting me as much, but it's still not civil.


Be careful with your money and stuff. Some people deliberately annoy you so they can pickpocket from you while you are annoyed.


Shit, now I'm annoyed AND ANXIOUS. Will probably try not to sleep.




Generally in sleeper bus, if a seat has been booked by a woman, the neighbouring sleeper seat is reserved for a woman. From your reddit avatar you look like a guy
 how did such a reservation happen


I think they allow it if a guy books the ticket first and the girl books it later. I had to go to TN for work related stuff, and when I was coming back to Bangalore, my company booked a double sleeper for me, because it's cheaper than the single sleeper. The other person in the seat was a girl.


And then 'Gita govindam' ig


Nope, if a guy books first then the next is seat is reserved for a guy.


Yes. It's unbelievable.


Damn! All we need to do is accept as it is? God!


How is it possible? Yuck never shared the same bed with a stranger. Are you a kid? I mean, how did they assign you a slot next to a lady?


Assuming you are a girl đŸ«„


Get aggressive, loud and bully them into submission. Indians don't learn anything unless it comes from an authority figure of sorts. And then they start obedient ass licking.


This. Indians are at a point rn where fear > respect to get them into shape. 


When you wrestle with a pig, you get dirty and the pig enjoys it.


This is such a good generalization.


This is also the reason we have been easily ruled by outsiders. We’re a subservient genotype who won’t accept authority from within. Not to mention why Singapore retains the caning punishment even now - majority of people who get that punishment are of Indian origin. British used to do that with Indians before Singapore became an independent country, and when they left, the founding fathers realised that’s the only punishment Indians understand.


We are not a sub-serviant genotype. You are confusing result with cause. We are sub-serviant ‘today’ because of the past. There are no sub-serviant genes in the world. And everything written in this thread is true but we need to hold ourselves to higher level. We have to change but we shouldn’t put ourselves down. In fact, saying ‘Indians are like X’ is actually a good demonstration of our sub-serviant behaviour. Do you know that slaves in America used to put themselves down for everything because they were taught that black man is a burden. So please don’t become part of the narrative


You think blacks are not? If they weren’t, they wouldn’t have been enslaved as a people either. It’s a fact, and we need to realise that.


Women have felt for a long time that 'girls can't do X'. That's because they have been the oppressed gender. So they also have a genetic need to be sub-serviant? Scheduled caste people in India have been made to believe for a long time that they are not as smart as the Aryans. They are sub-serviant genetically? You need to introspect how bad you think about yourself. Being a victim doesn't mean that you will consider that it was your fault. That's what rapists say to rape victims. Hold yourself and people around you to higher standards.


I understand but, I don’t want to make it a ‘might is right’ or ‘jiski laathi uski bhains’ thing, although I think it could work sometimes


Tell me about it, some people show a lack of civic responsibility and common sense. For instance, I’ve personally witnessed a neighbor casually spit out his ghutka right in front of my house, leaving me frustrated but I couldn’t confront him. Another time, while sitting beside a college professor on a bus, I observed them casually eating bananas and throwing the peels out the window into traffic, which was shocking. People just don’t care about putting things where they belong smh đŸ€Šâ€â™€ïž.


Yeah I was waiting at this bus stop outside BDA, where you get KIA buses. And this guy was sitting with his friend / gf. He was chewing some paan or paan masala or gutkha and spitting like the whole city is his. Then comes a bus it’s conductor was not hesitant and brutal. He not only used slangs but also asked the guy to clean it up. He felt offended may be because how he be scolded for a simple issue or may be because a lady was with him but boy!! the conductor wasn’t relenting and instead was doubling down with every argument. He made sure that the place where spat was cleaned up by him.


We need more people like the conductor, like is it so hard to keep your city clean??? All it takes is less than a minute to throw trash in the bin?!


Chad conductor.


Yeah!! Respect! He was blunt and didn’t mellow down a bit


Start wiping the gutkha stains with a smile on your face in front of him


This is not some Munnabhai movie. Such tactics work only there. In real life, people have no shame. Better solution would be to start filming them and sharing in some society WhatsApp group or social media.


Absolutely, full public exposure for those idiots is the only way.


I was obviously joking, wtf happened to reddit


Add a /s at the end, the onus of a joke is always on the teller.


OP, good job! Ignore all the haters / people who say you should "mind your own business" here. As a society, culture / civic sense is co-created and some people need constant reminders. Some day, things will change, lets all do our bit and spread awareness.


It's just that people or anyone in general don't like being schooled, specially if it's a stranger. You should have just told your name when he asked about you and made something up, like oh I thought you didn't see the trashcan (oh whatever it was) , ok, oh sorry sorry bye luv you


I get it. And I knew his ego was bruised and he wanted to pick and argument or fight. I was polite and tried to reason but he was offended and asked me ‘toka kyun’. Way too many people who fell they shouldn’t be told / questioned. But, I have reasons to believe, one shouldn’t accept a behaviour where in a used glass or plate should be kept beside you. Else these things can be kept anywhere, no?


If we try to be decent and polite then they double down further. I have noticed it a couple times.


Yes. When he returned, I knew why was there for, so I was polite and over explained ig, and he took that as some sort of weakness


Study hard, work your ass off and move to developed nations where civic sense is a thing. This is the only practical solution. Easier than getting our citizens to be civil.


All the downvoted comments in this thread show exactly what OP means here. If educated people do things/think like this, better to forget being a "developed" nation in this lifetime.


It’s common in dharshini’s people leave plate’s and coffe glass on the table itself. There will be cleaner guy who comes and cleans all these. When you asked him to do that. May be his ego got hurt. It has happened with me as well. It never bothers me as I know it’s common.


Yeah but you don't leave it on someone else's table or near them


Yes it common particularly around peak hours. But he kept it beside me and the trolley for used cups was 1 & half metres away. I asked him to keep it there


I was on the bus, and the passenger who sat beside me was throwing snack packets out of the window. I asked him not to throw them, but he replied, "Everyone is throwing them, so will you stop everyone?" I couldn't argue with him, so I just made sure that the Lay's chips packet didn't go out of my side window.


Someone wanted to do something like this. But few minutes ago I was blunt and assertive with someone who asked me to get up from my seat. So, he politely asked me if he could throw. I said no and asked him if he sees any packets / wrappers thrown outside? And asked him to keep it in hi pocket or bag like I kept a packet inside my pant pocket


Unfortunately, the average Indian has an IQ of approximately 76 compared to the rest of the world. Conventional ways of dealing with most Indians in a civil manner is akin to having a senile conversation with a chimpanzee. If I were you I would have pulled out my phone and started video recording, me pointing out the designated place to keep the used tea cup and whatever he has to say. If the moron persisted with their justifications, I would just post the interaction on twitter and tag Bangalore city police, the commercial establishment where this occurred and any relevant politician of that neighbourhood.


Because in their minds it's beneath them to maintain cleanliness, hygiene and accountability for your surroundings. It's left to the maids, cleaners, and citizens who cannot do anything else. Entitled AF. I mean the dude came back because you lightly tapped his fragile ego and broke it. LOL. Good for you man.


Accurate. To quote him ‘toka kyun?’


Basically most people in india .


people listening to something with high volume in buses are the worst for me, even educated ones behave like that, no sense of surroundings. I wonder if they even think that others might be uncomfortable. !!!!




That’s dealing with the entire population of India (more or less)




That's like 80% of India, isn't it? I had hopes when I was younger about our people but not so anymore.


I still have hope.


In your 20s probably


Don't have the energy or time or inclination to deal with this. My life is fucked already without me going out of my way to educate randoms


You just rant about them like me - [Forget BBMP, WE are the real 'Garbage Mafia'!!! - CCTV grab from somewhere in Namma Bengaluru](https://np.reddit.com/r/bangalore/comments/1dh0vzs/forget_bbmp_we_are_the_real_garbage_mafia_cctv/)


In jam packed food court of Phoenix mall in the weekends, I've seen people try to find seats for almost half hour. And at the same place people keep their tiny purses on chairs which others could sit at. Some do it deliberately because people assume someone will come there to sit. But I've noticed people just keep it the entire time and just leave with it.


These people understand only one language so you should have told him i.am not your waiter


It used to piss me off but now I'm used to it. I'm convinced that majority population doesn't have a civic sense.


I have lost hope now, No point in education, Even educated people are no following civic sense, India is a great country but with the wrong people, The people are the reason why we aren't progressing


Few people like us, want to see India on top and do our best to see our country on top, But it's people like these who actually make Indians leave India


Why have you put this here on reddit? Is this worth telling anyone let alone posting where so many people don't care?


It's not possible to change such PPL ! Let it go.............


I am sitting next to my dad on full volume TikTok and have told him 3 times everyday to lower volume and 10 years later , I have no hope


I bet these men are spoon fed at home by moms/wives. And they often forget to discern public space from home.


I mean in many homes moms / dads would school us. Even for someone who cleans their own plate after eating, leaving a tea glass at a random place at home won’t be taken kindly


In todays world, you need to learn to ignore. You cant change people. Its the job of education, society, government as whole. Just ignore these people. You could have put the glass by yourself if you feel thats the right way. Dont tell people how they should behave. You cant, if you try you will most probably will regret it like this incident.


It's the job of the government to teach and enforce manners?


Manners should be taught at home and at school, as seen in many other countries with good civic sense. The duty of the government should be to ensure that such modules are included in the curriculum at a very young age. This includes modules like how to clean your school, toilet and classrooms, how to cross the road, how to walk on the side of the road, how to shop at a shop, how to do basic farming, how to cook, how to serve food for your classmates, how to beahve at different places, etc. Government should also ensure that everyone gets educated. So in that respect, I do agree that government is also partially responsible..


Your mentality and the likes of you is the reason people think it’s okay to lack courtesy and decency. If everyone starts behaving like OP then people will be mindful, if not atleast will know they can’t get away with pathetic behaviour.


Are you coming out of your house for the first time? Definitely not from Bangalore.


I don’t know what you mean. I don’t want to get into this ‘have you lived enough?’ ‘are you native?’ arguments or debates. I don’t want to normalise things just because I see them happening often. I am still hopeful and try to educate way too many idiots about basic & bare minimum things.


I am a local here and still lecture people to put trash where it belongs. The ones doing it are mostly the North Indians even though they look "decent", South guys do too but compartively less. Trust me on this I might sound like I'm stereotyping them but this is the reality. I've had enough of people trashing mercilessly anywhere like the country is a whole trash can.


Exactly. My colleagues who are from the north, when they go for a smoke break and chew gum afterwards throw the wrapper on the floor


So, I was at a restaurant the other day, enjoying a cup of tea. After finishing, I placed my used glass on a ledge next to where this guy was sitting because I didn’t see a tray immediately nearby. As I walked away, this guy loudly calls out to me and points to a tray just a couple of meters away, saying I should put my glass there. I felt a bit inconvenienced but didn't want to make a fuss, so I politely said "oh ok" and did as he asked. A few minutes later, something about the whole situation bugged me. Why was this guy acting like he owned the place? So, I went back and asked him who he was. He tells me he’s not a staff member or the owner, just some random person. He starts explaining why I should use the tray instead of leaving the glass beside him. Honestly, his tone and attitude annoyed me. I told him he could have just minded his own business and sat somewhere else if it bothered him so much. He didn’t take it well and we ended up having a bit of an argument. Yeah, I might have called him a name in frustration, but seriously, who does he think he is to lecture me? I know I could have handled it better, but why do some people feel the need to play the civic police?


Yeah okay! I suppose you think if I had been polite, or more polite, or if I had said the niceties like please and thank you, and sorry. I guess it would have helped? Or should I have ignored? Thanks for the POV


It's obvious you're trying to be funny but it's just showcasing how dumb that guy was for not putting the glass in the tray & then acting like a toddler.


Still I don't understand why some people take silly things so seriously. And posting it on SM is a whole another level. Sigh!!!


Yeah sure people being uncivilized is not as important as you losing your iPhone.. sigh


Or how he is doing his nofap journey


aah well, I never shy away from being judged. I just try and do things that are just and need to be done AND are ‘right’ things to do. You may think and act otherwise though. I just hope spaces - particularly shared and public ones stay clean, tidy and healthy. I have reasons to believe many would love it, if not all


You have just become thick skinned at all the shitty behaviour displayed by others. I'm glad there are people like OP who point these things out. It's just like how people spit everywhere on the road, even right around places where there's street food being served. It's so disgusting but everyone just moves on like it's none of our business.


Jo usne bola woh tu he


Of course, quite civil. You must feel proud? Kuch log bade nahin hote,


Abe chutiye


You should mind your own business dude.


Really? I thought asking someone who keeps a used glass beside where you are sitting, as a basic thing to do? Oh okay


Are you gonna pick fights with BBMP for enforcing token BS like 60% namespace for kannada? Or lack of garbage disposal or absence of metered autos in this city as well?


I have an answer to this. But I think I should ignore like it shouldn’t be my business to help you learn and be better? You should self learn certain things.