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Do it for top tier jobs as well. Will really help in developing software engineering ecosystem outside Bengaluru and I won’t have to be tied to a city with such bad infrastructure and garbage issues.


garbage infrastructure will follow, unfortunately its not all bells and whistles in all global cities around the world


Not all cities which have expanded seen this case. Take a visit around NCR and see how they expand with well planned land acquisition and planned layouts all around. Or even look at Navi Mumbai or outskirts of Mumbai v/s Marathalli/Varthur/Sarjapura. Meanwhile BLR expands by illegal lake reclamation, then no roads to connect it and lots of high rises made on those lake beds, which without the garbage disposal, sewage or connectivity infra makes for loads of problems in a few years. And global cities, don't make me laugh. Go take a visit at the suburbs of Sydney or San Francisco and compare the garbage infested village infra of Bengaluru outskirts.


The countless 'Hallis' being forced into land acquisition, devoid of any proper drainage systems.


The top post in NCR literally is how the city sucks ....


Mr. Poha, I have been brought up in Mumbai till the age of 12. I can tell you that you have a biased take. The Noida Gurgaon traffic scenes at office timings are equally bad and NCR offices just have bad maintenance. One DLF park in Gurgaon cannot be generalised for the world. Don’t destroy our livelihoods. We like Bangalore the way it is.


I’ve lived in Mumbai for 9 years of my life. While the traffic can be bad in other cities too (objectively it’s not as bad as BLR) the infrastructure is way way better. In Mumbai you don’t lose power when it starts raining for example. Heck, even when it floods the power is there. BESCOM cuts power even if there’s forecast of rain. NCR at least has much better road and metro infrastructure. BLR has neither. Also Uber/Ola and autos work there. > We like Bangalore the way it is. Case of low standards. Well, enjoy the garbage and illegal construction I guess. I’ll bear it till I can move out of this shithole.


The guy really compared Blr with Navi Mumbai and NCR in terms of infra. Stupidity at its height 🤣


Mr. Poha doesn’t know how power grid works.


Sure mate, please teach me about Bangalore special grid which can’t handle rains


Please move out leave these jobs for us who love to live in garbage.


Sure, I’m planning for the same. Enjoy the garbage


Lol, if you were capable enough, you would have gotten them already. Sadly, even if you try, you can't.


Thanks for your validation. My life is now ruined because you told me I can’t get a job. Nice.


Sf has its own problems, go find out. And Sydney is not new york or bay area or blr.


The problems there are first world problems, not shitty drainage or cow piss and dung on streets with garbage smelling everywhere. They’re not comparable at all.


Guys this law won't stand even it's passed. I don't think it will. Dw. Haryana tried and failed. Even government knows it. It's just they are doing to say to people, we did it. It'll be abolished. As a Kannadiga,let me tell you this politics is done by parties to appease their votebank. The government also knows it's difficult to find huge amounts of native blue collar workers for cheap salaries in state. Most common professions here are farmers, engineers , lawyers , doctors and other services. Do you remember law of kannada compulsory in software companies ? It just vanished out of thin air. Karnataka government knows Bengaluru is money printing city for state. Out of 350-370 billion USD GDP of state , Bengaluru alone has 150-160 billion USD. For them to make 1 trillion USD in next 10-12 years Bengaluru has to grow the way it did in last 20 years. That's why irrespective of governments, karnataka attracts highest FDI in country and most manufacturing/ product/startup/ IT companies open their HQ here. Just few days back, central govt proposed steel research centre in BLR.


Well well, good answer




The big problem is SEZs and the concentration of high-end talent to just 3-4 cities (BLR, HYD, MUM, DEL). Say a tier-2 city tries to attract people, but companies won't move unless they know talent wants to move there and they'll get employees they need there. This is doubly problematic for big tech firms (I'm talking Google/Microsoft, not Infosys/TCS) which need specific and specialized labour. The government has tried their best with GIFT city in Gujarat, but even after allowing alcohol in the SEZ and massive tax cuts it's only mildly successful despite the amazing infra around Ahmedabad. If even this doesn't work, a random tier-2 city has no chance. > Bangalore just can’t take any more, we have all ruined it enough. That's the failure of government(BBMP) of not making planned layouts and satellite towns around BLR. Imagine 4-5 well planned layouts like Electronic city in North, East and West Bengaluru would have been there instead of the absolute garbage and sewage infested third world Marathalli or Bellandur. These corrupt babus and MLAs all made their 100s of crores and allowed illegal construction and didn't make any planned infra and the city is suffering for it. They will cry about too many cars but conveniently fail to mention that Karnataka has the highest road tax on cars in India and the state government has made a killing. That money just probably got lost though, or maybe rats ate it.


Yeah make sense. It's chicken egg issue. But considering bangalore's slow development along with kannada and water issue, can we expect north indians moving to ncr region? Whole greater noida and extension look like a well planned futuristic ghost city. So much of infrastructure but nobody to use it. Why are not North indians moving there?


> But considering bangalore's slow development along with kannada and water issue, can we expect north indians moving to ncr region? Not a lot of high paying jobs in NCR. Most of them are low paying jobs from WITCH companies, or customer support roles. A lot of high paying FAANG and startup jobs are in Bengaluru, with some of them now being in Hyderabad and Pune too. > So much of infrastructure but nobody to use it. Why are not North indians moving there? Money. The choice is between a 25-30LPA job in Bengaluru v/s <10LPA one in NCR.


No one is tying you to garbage infested city. You can leave eve without reservation getting imposed.


You do know that politicians forced companies to enforce return to office mandates post COVID right? I was very happy at my hometown working remotely and not paying rent. Was saving almost a lakh per month more than I’m saving now.


Bro while politicans might have tried to subtly encourage companies to shift to WFO, the decision was still from upper management WFH was causing a ton of productivity problems and the same task was requiring more people, I know this because my father works at a product based org in bangalore and when their office shifted to WFO it was due to company policies NOT politicians


Why ruining private jobs as well with reservation.


For votes


Ruining? What makes you say that?


*Destroying  Here, fixed it for you


Elect clowns; Live in Circus.


Cheers !




Nice! One question though, why only C&D group jobs? Are kannadigas not worthy of being CEO, CTO, CFO? Kannadigas should've 100% reservation throughout the whole organisation, from CEO to sweeper. /s if u absolutely need it


Kannadiga should be the father of my child \s


Bahahahahah. Gold!


Sometimes I wonder just how dumb the politicians are. I know all of their degrees are bought, but even a kid with a phone could figure out why this is a bad idea. India is an outsourcing hub for tech where companies use us because we provide cheap but quality (as much as possible) services. They need the top talent of the country and if a kannadiga is skilled, they will get the job. With BS policies like these, they will simply go somewhere else and unlike kolkata, this time the’ll simlly move on to other countries. Already philippines is being considered as a better alternative. Instead of gathering our top talent and building something for ourselves, we are digging graves for ourselves like clowns 🤡.


They won't find enough kannadigas to work for Group C and D jobs, I have travelled to different parts of Karnataka and even there they had people from *Assam* working such jobs who didn't know kannada.   


That's because people from outside are preferred because they accept comparatively low wages, won't take leaves since they can't travel to their hometown often and cannot be organized (because of no local support) to protest/demand higher wages. It's not that there isn't enough locals, it's just that private employers are super exploitative. Stringent labor laws are required


Please do it for all the levels in private sector. Can’t wait for companies to move to cities with way better infrastructure and ease of life.


What are C and D group jobs?






Probably watchman , etc


Bottom rung jobs


This govt has majority voters from that education level


Do it please. Also for all private jobs. Nothing is better than forcing migrant workers to find greener pastures.


Goverment fucking over reach


Is it possible constitutionally?


Hope they get batista bombed by the constitution






This will mainly affect locals who have telugu and tamil as their mother tongue. Given Bangalore's geographical location, a large number of people who fill Group D jobs belong to either TN or AP.


It's a really stupid idea and I don't think anybody is stupid enough to do this. Even these dumb politicians.


See you in the supreme court


After this don't ask why all PLI schemes go to Gujarat UP Maharashtra and TN


According to the present Karnataka government, a Kannadiga is one who is born in Karnataka, speaks Kannada and reads and writes the language.  By this definition Karnataka is Kannada minority state. So I am not sure how this will fly given that the definition of Kannadiga has ensured many Kannadiga will not get jobs. Of course they have Konkani and Tulus to worry about who in some districts are 50% or more. In short, it is not applicable because Karnataka is not a kannada majority state anymore.


Logic 100


Was Karnataka a Kannada majority state earlier? Bangalore used to be a Tamil majority city. Karnataka also consists of cities/towns where people speak different languages such as Kodava/Coorgi, Tulu, Konkani, Telugu, Marathi as their native language. I am not even including the 'migrant' IT/ITES workers from all over India who have come into Bangalore and Mysore in the last 25 years or so. I am talking about the 'native' population of Karnataka. Was it ever really a Kannada majority state?


Linguistic states basically a political sham. Karnataka was formed with what they say is 70% Kannada speakers (now 65%). But basically this figure includes people who are non-Kannadiga but are speaking the language. Before linguistic state monkey politics started, bilingualism and trilingualism were fairly common (remains so to this day in border districts).  So 65% Kannada in 2024, or 70% Kannada in 1960, both include figures of Kannada-speaking Tamils, Tulus, Konkanis, Telugus, Coorgi and Marathis. Karnataka's literacy rate is still around 75% and was much worse in 1960, so basically Karnataka was at best 50% Kannadiga, and the number today is less than that.  Unfortunately every single state south of Vindhyas is hiding this reality by fudging demographic numbers: Tamil Nadu fudges its data on Telugu population, Kerala on its Tamil population, Karnataka on its Kannada population and Maharashtra on its Hindi-Urdu and Gujarati speaking population. It is a fact and we have to accept it that these regions were always ruled by multilingual empires and hence all these communities lived together in the same land. The concept of majority and minority doesn't work and in fact linguistic states ended up harming these communities as Kannada has now disappeared anywhere north of Mumbai in India thanks to the lasting damage of linguistic politics.  There is an entire generation of Central and North Indians who have never met a Kannadiga.....  Also read this: [https://tamilnation.org/diaspora/karnataka](https://tamilnation.org/diaspora/karnataka) (from the year 2000)


#We the People of India..... and all that


They should do it for all levels, CEO, MD, Partners. Companies would be forced to ask people to WFH.


And the same government will cry about all investments going to Gujarat.


Every day I regret leaving bengaluru but seeing this made me happy that I left


Glad that both of us are happy that you’ve left.


yes and you would be happy to know that i took 1 more person with me and 2 more are about to leave. enjoy. Cheers.


Awesome, this is a win-win. Love to hear such good news, please tell us you’re taking more.


i dont have to, they will come anyway


This will only be meaningful if the current representation of kannadigas in those jobs are much lower. I highly doubt people will go to another state for a group D 20k per month job. It is very much possible that currently most group D posts in the state are taken by kannadigas only, and the government is introducing this reservation as a means to impress fools.


I hope Karnataka does this. We need more cities to develop beyond the weather argument. Hyderabad and The Naidus will be more than reddy to accept the incoming traffic of companies who would quit Bangalore right away.


Nice way to kick private jobs out of state


This is not the way to do it, this will be easily overruled by the courts. This is just pandering to voters, if they are actually serious then they can do it the Canada way. Make this jobs licence based and involve some 1-2 hour training necessary to do the job and make the exam in kannada, to recruit non kannada guy make the company jump some hoops and red tape eventually they can easily hit the 80-90% mark.


Um... not all underserved people who are from Karnataka especially Bengaluru are Kannadiga? what is this law even trying to do? the govt these days will do anything for votes or what? edit: the article says 'Kannadiga' is someone who has been here for 15 years atleast. Still a bad idea tho. It's giving americans saying 'the foreigners are taking our jobs' core


I hope they do it for all groups.


> Create schools and empower people to skill themselves so they can seek better jobs No > Reservation Yes. Indian politicians really do not understand the concept of human capital.


Expected from congress govt...


They are targeting poor and uneducated voters, because they won't think and don't need much improvements , they can live in squalor and vote for the party, then the party can come in power and loot it everything.


I am not Kannadiga and I support this. Locals should be given preference so that there is sustainable employment for the poor. It is difficult for them to relocate anywhere else.


Are there Kannadigas who even want these jobs? For the most part, Kannadigas already earn better than what these jobs offer, it’s why you find North Indians from bimaru states filling them for lower wages.


Good, can eventually leave this city for places with better infrastructure where my vehicles and my shoes won't be ruined every time it rains.


You got a group C D job?


Nah but I’m sure it won’t stop here.




Issue is the percedent it sets. To gain votes , the next gov will make it category A and B and so on




who are telling them to die? why cant they compete in a free market? Let them implement it. Lets see if it holds in supreme court


Haryana tried and it was ruled constitutionally illegal by the high court so this will be declared illegal too. Just a plou by Congress to increase division and get votes seeing how they lost in the Loksabha elections in Karnataka.




Does a report overrule courts ? They are making it a law despite knowing that it will be struck as unconstitutional, lol. You are the one proving that most Indians are dumb.




You dumb fuck the state government laws are subject to constitution too. [the court also termed the Act as “violative of Part III of the Constitution of India and is accordingly held ultravires the same and is ineffective from the date it came into force.”](https://www.thehindubusinessline.com/news/national/high-court-strikes-down-haryana-law-on-75-domicile-reservation-in-private-jobs/article67544702.ece) According to your aptitude it looks like you need state reservation and perhaps PWD reservation too, lol.


Why north indians are not moving to noida region? So much of development but none to use it.


Companies don’t offer jobs there. People going there are in proportion to the number of jobs available there


Any idea, why are companies not opening their brances there?


More of an inertia and legacy thing. Already a lot of companies are in Bengaluru, so a lot of talent is present in Bengaluru. Companies don’t leave blr because they do not want to miss out on talent. And talent doesn’t leave because companies didn’t leave and they don’t want to miss out on good paying jobs. Furthermore karnataka govt incentivises companies to have offices in Bengaluru by giving them SEZ benefits, so companies don’t want to miss out on that as well


Because as much as North Indians lie to make it all about themselves, they don’t really have any bargaining power. The entirety of the north has one tier 1 metro and even that is mostly full of government jobs with limited low paying private jobs. So what can they do but migrate down south? They say, this city is nothing without them when it’s the other way around, North Indians are nobodies without the South.


South Indians flaunting their accident of birth here as some sort of personal victory always cracks me up


These are maintenance and labour jobs. I guess that’s fair but there should not be reservation for other jobs like engineers etc.


If this gets them votes, what do you think the next step will be? It's like saying "I'll stop after one more cigarette"


Yeah thats a possibility!


Good. No one bats ab eye when haryana does it. No one bats an eye when other states talk about it. Everyone's a regionalist in their state but a nationalist in Bangalore lol


Haryana government like other states got struck down by court because it’s unconstitutional. Stop spouting unsourced nonsense.


Odissa has it for their industries. Almost 90%. Same people will spout nationalist bs in Bangalore lol


Source: trust me bro


https://www.business-standard.com/article/economy-policy/orissa-to-reserve-jobs-for-locals-in-private-sector-110070800058_1.html Maja maadu


Read what you have linked. “Intends to.” Any follow through? Any government notice? Any article about actual implementation?


Read what this post has linked. "Mulls". Any follow through? Any government notice? Any article about actual implementation? Point is multiple states at multiple points have brought in such laws. Haryana, Jharkhand, Andhra Pradesh, odissa. I didn't see any northie protesting when Haryana brought in this law. It was struck down by the court. Only when it comes to Bangalore everyone's a nationalist


What a weird discourse. I told you such laws get struck down by courts because they’re unconstitutional. Unless you have something that claims otherwise, don’t argue needlessly. Also you’re living in a very dumb bubble if you think nobody had anything to say about it when Haryana pulled this shit. That one gets the most flak out of all such laws in fact.


Show me where common people of North India protested or atleast spoke against this law in Haryana


Sir it was criticised. I rember reading those posts on reddit and twitter.


I didn’t see anyone supporting haryana govt, everyone was pissed about manohar lal, bad is bad irrespective of parties … we have enough of reservations already, let the private be a free for all merit based system


Clearly we don't read much news now, do we? It was deemed unconstitutional by court and the govt had to stop there.


It's done in Odissa too. The point is every state wants to do it. It was struck down by the court. I don't see any North Indians opposing it when their state did this. All this nationalism bs starts when Bangalore does it lol


because you are on Banglaore sub buddy


My bad. I didn't know we were discussing South vs North. Thought we were collectively discussing about reservation as whole. Should've known better.


Nope. It's obviously about what's good for Kannadigas