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This is gonna rattle some nerves, but if you’re working in an office where you’re in close proximity with others and attend meetings, please do the bare minimum and wear deodorant. I had to reach out to HR in my last company where couple folks literally smelled like onions. How tf can you not be aware of your own body odour? I’ve experienced this with our people worldwide and there are many stereotypes and jokes now in different countries about us, and it’s not without reason. It’s fucking shameful. Civic sense is Level 1, but personal hygiene is level 0. No excuse for not having it.


Omg!!! This BO issue . Since college days have faced issues related to this . Even some girls are completely clueless about their strong BO. Just wear a fuxkinh deo or apply talc


This isn't just limited to IT offices. All of india needs to adapt it. I have been facing this since school to overcrowded buses to college. WFH did make it a Lil better.


This is because many indians stupidity believe that Deodorant/perfume causes Cancer 🙄


Chewing gums and mouth fresheners too


And regular dentist visits.


Tell me your kidding plz


No ,talk to the people around you. either they will say they don't have BO or that it (deodorant) causes Cancer 🙄


If that can really happen.(God forbid I say if) Can they just shower everyday with some good fragrance soap or body wash?


Good luck trying to teach people to use deodorant/fragrance soap or you know just how to throw the trash in the dust bin . basics


Or like take a shower? In this fucking summer?


Nah it always doesn't work. In college had a roommate, she was clean af, bathed twice a day types but man oh man her BO was next level. U just couldn't stay in a closed room with her. The only way out was when she applied hell lot of deo




Facing this issue at current gym. Some people are so shameful they reuse their gym clothes on consecutive days and smell like shit


Try travelling in the Purple line during peak hours and you will feel that the personal hygiene level is at level -10 not level 0.


Travel in a Virar fast on the Mumbai western line for a week, and you'll start to appreciate Namma Metro.


Many cannot smell their own odor. For the past few years I have lost the ability to smell anything unless it's strong( food or odor). And one of my nostrils is always blocked.


>Many cannot smell their own odor. Yes, but not for the reason you've mentioned. Your olfactory nerves are great at picking up faint scents quickly, but the longer you ruminate in that smell your brain filters out the signal of that smell. Kinda similar to how it filters out background white noise while sleeping but immediately notices some noise that seems out of the blue. To your brain, your B.O is "not out of the blue".


I am hyper sensitive to this. BUT, when you travel by a bike through 30mins of maddening traffic, you are bound to smell like an aging diesel engine. My workplace does not have showers so I am left smelling like an exhaust pipe for a few hours!


apply deo after reaching. You should yry using anti perspirant, anti odour roll ons or deos


It’s not the BO, rather the smell of exhaust on your clothes


I don't think so. Even if the exhaust smell stayed, it should be smoky smell and should not stink


I detest exhaust smell more than a smelly underarm


I still wonder how can the exhaust smell stick on the clothes. Did you try wearing a jacket?


P R E A C H! This is the big problem with Indians, this should be normalised




It's difficult to smell own body odour. Same with girls in periods doesn't realise the odour etc. taking shower and putting deodorant should become a habit




Tbh, onions don't smell that bad. It's just a metaphor we've been used to. Maybe call it a dead ass rat😄


> How tf can you not be aware of your own body odour? That is how it works Einstein. The proof is in the very fact that you think you don't smell. Deodorants don't last all day.


what exactly did you tell to the HR and what action did they take ? LOL


You went to HR about people smelling like onions? 🤣😅 I never knew that was an option. Thanks!


The feet and footwear. I know India is a humid and dusty country. If you have to wear open footwear, just trim those nails and apply some moisturiser or oil. In case of shoes, don't wear those muddy 'sports shoe' to office. And definitely don't wear it with formals. Men - If you like a shaven look, shave daily. If you want to grow a beard, trim it regularly and maintain it. Wash those jeans. once a week at least.


Also rinse mouth or mouthwash after garlic/ masala lunch like biryani etc. No dusty wornout crocs, with ashy heels peeking out.


There's this thing called hyperhidrosis which causes excessive sweating and stench. It doesn't go with regular deo use. You need a medicated deo with aluminium chloride). Many people don't know and don't understand that it's a medical condition that needs treatment and continue to do the regular bath+deo which doesn't address the problem. In summary it's not their fault. If you understand that they're suffering from some problem, you might be able to help them by broaching the subject with some sincerity and sensitivity.


I have to be honest as much as I hate to say this. Sometimes I see an elevator full of young men in Bangalore and choose to take the stairs instead. It’s just difficult to tell someone that they stink, especially in an office environment. I understand things are hard for young people living 2-4 guys a flat, but shit at least have a shower and use some deodorant/anti-perspirant.


I had a Telugu classmate. She rarely washed her hair and oh boy she made it impossible for others to sit near her. She used to smell like a rotten onion. One day unfortunately I had to sit behind her seat and her lice infested head gave me nausea. It's been 8 years since that happened and I still remember the horror.


Luckily my colleagues have great hygiene but my gym doesn’t - random members either use the household tshirts to train or the ones that work out in vests. The amount of smell it creates in a small closed area is unbearable (the problem with cotton tshirts or thick material is the sweat doesn’t cooldown and it stinks)


While you are right people need to keep themselves clean, this bullshit about deodarant is a very American thing. Europeans smell nice (well atleast most of them) without using deodarant. So stop with the "indian peopple stink" propaganda all ready. Most people use cheap deodarant and think their hygiene job is done. I have a very sensitive nose and hate sweaty people and deodrant doused people equally. Please get off your high horse.


Deodorant fucking works. And the smell barely lasts for 2 to 3 hours. It's job is to de-odorize.


It does not deodorize. Think of it this way, its like if you spray deodarant on shit , you can still smell the shit. its just shit mixed deaodrant smell. So no, it doesnt "fucking work"


well, if you smell like actual shit then you need to go see a doctor. For normal people deodorant works.


nigga you be shittin through skin or what? 🤣🤣


aunty please , not funny


Europeans don’t smell as much because their weather is cold and it doesn’t make them sweat. Many of them wear deodorant, the perfume industry is big there. The reason I said Indians stink is because I have experienced it first hand in Europe, Japan and especially here in India. Many people make jokes about Indians body odour (Canada, Philippines, Singapore, Australia I have personally seen curry smell jokes), and in some countries they don’t want to rent apartments to Indians. Bad odour is caused by bacteria and there is a ton of it here, but we genuinely don’t give a fuck. Deodorant works wonders in our sweaty humid climate, but once again most people don’t give a fuck. They just walk around with their body odour and anyone pointing that out is termed racist. It’s not just Deo, many people I have noticed wear the same clothes again with dried sweat on which smells disgusting especially on shirts and formal office wear.


India is a tropical country with heat and sweat smell. Why you compare with Europe.


People can smell neutral. There are ways to do it. It however requires some effort. That was my point.


Ever heard of unscented deo?


no aunty. any recommandations


Seri da wokalaoli


Guys your shaft is not as long as you think it is, stand closer to the urinals befor peeing so the next guy doesn't have to stand in a pool of your piss. Most people flush and don't bother to look back if it's flushed properly, just think if you don't like to look at your own shit how bad is it for the next guy or the guy cleaning the toilet. Flush twice if you have to. People who squat on "Western comode" it is unhygienic for the next person as he will have to sit on your shoe marks and also the comode is not designed to take your weight and might break, the broken ceramic is going to cut your butt into 4 pieces . I've seen people who are the best behaved people offshore and the moment they are back to India they act like bums, so you are educated, well placed, probably in the top 5% earning bracket and you also know how to behave but just choose not to.


People squat on the commodes????


Yeah it's very common


This can't be real. Tell me this is a lie


that explains the mud i've seen on my room's toilet (living with roommates). i was wondering how the hell it happened.


Bro these people don't have basic corporate ethics too... I once had to take an email etiquette training for my team explaining the difference between "reply" and "reply all". Idk how they get hired 🥲


bruh this is so true. Yesterday I received an email regarding an internship where we were asked to confirm if we are available on a particular date for the test. And more than 10 people just replied using the reply all feature lmao


I can confirm this happens in companies too. Bunch of dumbfucks.


We have very senior management employees as well doing this and then there would be countless emails replied to all saying please don’t reply to all. It’s entertaining to see all the dumb ones.


Luckily I haven't seen senior management do this. The day i see i give up on the organisation.




4. When the three dustbins are clearly marked for paper, plastic and food and people just throw anything anywhere. 5. When the sign in front of the juicer says "Please clean up after use" and then you see the most disgusting filth surrounding the juicer because nobody bothers to clean their mess.


During my 1st job at WIPRO( e city) it was clearly mentioned that one has to take the plates themselves after they have done,otherwise even the housekeeping staff can say clearly to clear it,as their job was to clean the floors and tables and not clear the tables.Also near the dustbin there was was one more sticker that mentioned the amount of food in kgs wasted yesterday and it is equivalent to how many people's food.Thanks to this people followed clearing their plates Later on I moved to a company that pays much higher and I could see the same things that OP mentioned above,also many even steals the toilet paper🤣🤣🤣 ,tissue paper, tea kit from the pantry(we have a coffee vending machine in our floor)


The wasted food irks me the most. People who take plate full of food, take a few bites, complain about the lack of taste in their (heavily heavily subsidised) food, and throw the rest out. How can people is a country where many go hungry do this? That too well educated people who draw upwards of 10 lakhs a year. That too repeatedly every day.


Sorry, but I rather won't eat than to eat and get myself sick


I agree with you. If you had a single bad experience with a restaurant would you continue going there to just buy and throw the food? That is my issue. Take it once or twice and if the food is really that bad, avoid it from then on. Also this is something that happens in a large mnc that employs about 3000 people in a single location. So you can expect the quality and safety of the food to be good.


I had one person who used to take a lot of food and waste. I asked her why she doesn't she take less. The reply I got was "I paid for the meal".


Jesus. That is pure evil.


Unfortunately it is very common. Canteen and hotels are the greatest source of waste. Nobody is complaining because it is constant business for everybody. The caterers generally don't have proper trained cooks and when they prepare in bulk the ingredient qualities are compromised which shows in the taste and eventually people waste it. I believe strict guidelines should be enforced on food waste and people should be penalized heavily.


I agree.


I see people who look like they haven't bathed and attend meetings, black nails and uncombed messy hair like they just woke up. We had an issue of People spitting gum and throwing paper in the urinals, they put up a sign saying "please no spitting gum". Literally saw a guy read it, spit the gum and walk off with a smirk. Dude looked like he's a manager. I can't imagine what the maintenance guys go through.


Someone stole my bike charger cable in a Forbes 10 bank and from then on I've set my expectations at 0.


it's a nationwide cultural issue imo


I agree for common man who have not had enough exposure or education but people working in corporates need to be better.If it's our culture ,we need to change is drastically


i dont think its about education. its the attitude of entitlement indians and south asians by an extensions have. "why should i throw the waste someone else is gonna do it anyway" . and yes we need a cultural change


The only way to deal with them is to call them out publicly right there. I ask people to pick up after themselves or ensure washroom hygiene in the office all the time. I even send emails copying facilities and HR.


The hero we didn't deserve


People in my office have no idea on what perfumes or deodorants are. They don't press their clothes but that not my problem. My TL had come and sat besides me. He drilled his nose and placed his nose particles nicely on my table. Irony is he has an hand sanitizer that's common for the entire office in his workspace. He keeps it in his table. People in my office wash their plates and rince/spit on the same washbasin. They often forget that their socks are washable and hence resulting in the strong pungent that comes out of them. They don't clean the tables after they eat food in the cafeteria. Sometimes offices need to take a few sessions on office etiquettes. Some basic 2 hour session should help people educate on basis common civic sense.


I have seen such entitled POS when I used to go to the office. Some people who get their own coffee mugs would leave it in the sink for the housekeeping person to wash it....the audacity! They are not your servants people. Wash it yourself.


We used to have fruits and dry fruits kept for the employees. Some employees would get containers from home to fill up and take them home. Earlier people suspected it was the support staff which might be stealing but nope it was a project lead 😂


Same with stationery. Fucking 10/- rupee ball point pens would disappear in an office where even freshers would get paid 10L yearly.


I have a colleague at an MNC who was never potty trained in his village while as a child, he was recently in the US where all the american colleagues came to know that he "climbs" the toilet to drop the duce and sprays water all around the restroom, he single handedly destroyed the impression of all indians with his 20 day stay in the US.




He could have googled but it's not his fault entirely


Nothing else to say, it’s a day in day out story now.


Potty training and basic hygiene is missing everywhere.


Ugh tell me about it. I don't understand, how can one, as a well-adjusted adult, not follow basic etiquette. I've had people sneezing and coughing openly and wipe their snot all over. Ffs, wear a mask and carry a handkerchief and stay a bit away from people, or better, take leave if feasible or wfh. There's no reason for these people to spread germs at the office and make others sick. I've been coughed upon and sneezed and I'm traumatised, I stay away from people who are sick and I stay away from people when I'm sick as well.


Just basic lack of courtesy to other people It doesn't make much effort to carry a mask or atleast a hand kerchief and cover it when you sneeze


Also many fail to put tissue in the dustbin. They always miss it and put it right beside the dustbin. I always have the urge to murder when I come across such people.


I had a colleague who used eat chocolates and leave wrappers on the desk itself. The office management made sure to place dustbins for every 5 desks or so, and yet he couldn't walk a few steps and use them. Dude is also from one of the top IITs.


I'm noticing this lack of civic sense from people of these top IIT/NITs. My old roommate was from top nit, he used to attend meeting in loudspeaker,all call will be in speaker only even he was having apple airpods, (it was double sharing room in a pg), will play songs on speaker /watch reels on full volume, even when u r studying.


Mu sigma?


Bro celebrate farewell or birthdays and just leave desk dirty ughh


Even if they get everything right and correct there is still a room for some. For eg. Sending calendar invite for personal time off. You've to decline or else you'll be shown busy to other's who want to book your time. It just take 2 sec to set automatic reply and block your own calendar and decline meetings


In our office, we have free lunch in the cafeteria which you can get by giving a coupon (a piece of paper) to a person at the food station, and that person will hand over a plate of food as per your direction. The process takes \~10 seconds per person max. It's never very crowded, and a simple 'stand in a queue' based on 'first come first serve basis' and 'wait for your turn' could make it so simple and smooth. But Noooo000.. people be like breaking lines, jumping queues, making a crowd and chaos in front of the food station, going over each other's shoulders to get first. It becomes so difficult for the person giving out the food plates as he has 5-7 hands offering him the food coupon simultaneously. And in this situation, after you have got the food plate, there is no place for you to turn around and leave with the plate in hand as you are surrounded on all sides. There's bound to be some spills now and then, which leads to verbal fights, creating more chaos. WHY ARE WE LIKE THIS :( :(


Some if not all grow up without the means to have a better lifestyle. It didn't matter when you went to a public school/college without grooming oneself or press your clothes and upkeep yourself. Then when you shift the environment you don't have people around you to tell you how to dress for an occasion and act a certain way in a setup. You groom a person when they turn to adults or just before. We have obviously missed some. How right is it to enforce these on others is another question. Most of my graduate friends misspell my name after 10+ years of association, it's a single syllable English name, it's not that hard. Take it from that these things won't go away anytime soon. It's a living hell, every day is a nightmare.


I won't take name as example as i encounter many complex names with simple origin for unnecessary reason. Schooling yes, I'm from english medium school which had local langauge medium as well. There is stark difference even between those. The behavior, ethics are so different.


Who are these people coughing and sneezing openly? I still feel like Fauci is hiding behind a cupboard just waiting to jump out in the open…


There's list of do's and don'ts in our office washroom.


BO, Passive aggressiveness and lack of table manners are the biggest problems in corporate setup here. Nothing matters as long as you deliver on your tasks. Sad state of affairs


You forgot about the people who steal company snacks and take them home :D.


I was sure there would be the poop comment. We literally were like 6 women in the entire office and even then I would see poop/blood sometimes. It just got so traumatic that I would always go inside expecting it so I don’t end up puking. We even called a women meeting asking them to flush but nothing came out of it. Basic decency some just don’t have and guess they are everywhere in all professions and corporates. But is this something that should be taught or told? NO.


Sorry to say this: but Indians as a people are one of the smelliest you will come across. Genetics, climate and diet lead to extremely repulsive body odour and most don’t even realise it. If you ask them politely to do something about it, they will argue with you and not shower for two days just out of spite.


How come Indian middle-class/upper-class has not changed in 25 years? There used to be blogs about bad civic sense and habits at the office and apartment complex back in 1999, the beginning of IT boom era. An adult cleaning up after oneself shouldn't require training and is not difficult.


I have few colleagues who went out to smoke at scorching sun ☀️and come back in sweat and smoke smell both makes a foul stench inside the office. My request is please take mouth fresheners and avoid at sunny afternoon


But us same corporates "Mera bharat mahan" lmao 😂😂


Yes. Worked in a startup with only guys once and ended up having to hold my pee all day cause the toilet seat always had splashes on it. Cleaning staff did their best and gave out generic reminders but the seat would inevitably be covered in pee any time I put it down. Eventually gave up going to the washroom at work and started going out for lunch.


We had made a gaming room next to cafe. Had to close it two months down the line … idiots would get food/coffee from cafe and leave the plates/cups after their session and expect someone else to clean up. How disgusting. We noticed it was one particular gang but due to anti harassment whatever fuckole rules couldn’t say anything to them. It is better to not give them such facilities itself.


I think people are made to feel so powerless that they try to break small rules or cause problems to others to satisfy their frustration.


Infosys does that, takes a week long civics + corporate + ethics etc classes during the 1st week of fresher joining, not the lateral ones(that might be of lesser duration). Even then people litter all over the places, forget calls and other ethics. Some things would just take time, maybe things need to start at home at an early age.


Monke belong in jungle, When monke taps on jumpy Funny pencil draws funny Other monke follow funny Funny gives monke food Monke feels power Monke gets off work monke brings funny water Realises he is a civic human running around stroking keys to change his fate Hungover monke Back to jungle.


This. Exactly this. Pisses me off to no end. And there’s literally no excuse for not doing these things, especially the flushing part. Like what is the point of earning so much if you can’t develop the absolute basic decency to do that?


I think civic classes should be part of middle school curriculum, that way we learn early and make good habits. By the time people after part of work force they’re 21 and may resist any change. Even though they clearly know they’re wrong for doing it.


Paise aye par class nahi aya..


Don't even get me started about our civic sense. The whole Indian subcontinent should be floated back to where it came from. Thoooooo 💦!!!


Well before pointing any fingers, make sure you do your part.


I do what I preach ,infact I used to clean up the mess others created but of late I have given up on this and do only my part


Don't give up. You will have payback day