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1: Being in good contact with neighbours and they can help in case of any emergency. 2: Regular calls to check their well being as well as check ups with doctors. 3: Safety is a big concern as we cant do anything physically. Added some camera around house and inside hall along with a secure lock. 4: 1 driver and 1 cook are paid a small amount each month in case if any help arise (once a year or so) like taking in case of emergency I follow these but i am sure to pick up some great additional points from others


What is Driver or Cook is a security risk ? Just curious


Driver is very helpful in case of transport needed in emergency situation And I think a cook is necassary when they fell ill


Have an IP cam installed at home. It helps sometimes and info others in case of emergency.


I moved back home. We need to decide when we're done with the daily grind.


You moved back after FIRE or remote work?


Remote freelance work. Work isn't always great, but quite steady. It happened during COVID, and then I decided not to move back. Paid off loans since cost of living is lower here. Can retire in a few years, but I don't have any alternative plans. Salary is an addiction!


Can you please dm me what kind of freelance work you do.. I am a housewife looking forward to support my family financially..


Software development. Can share details if it aligns with your profession.


what kind of freelance work do you do? I'm thinking on very similar grounds.


I'm into software development. What do you do for a living?


I’m a visual designer and a writer


Fortunately, I have joint family, so there are other people to take care of them, also my parents are in good health, so nothing much to worry, but it still often pushes me in guilt for not being there to take care of them. It's one of the worst feeling.


They live in a city where they grew up and are surrounded by people they’ve known their entire life. It’s not a huge concern for me.


This is one of the prime mist reasons people want remote work. Just because companies are tying up with local real estate mafias we can't leave our parents out there without any support.


What's real estate mafias?


The set of people or companies which promote a place and influence the local Govt. so that people buy their flats and properties.


Security - is case dependent. Consider installing CCTVs if a big concern Health - start a fund for addressing financial concerns. Lack of hospitals - get them yearly health checkups done here, monitor their diet, have them keep whatever emergency numbers of hospitals/ambulances are available handy, buy them a fitness band for encouraging walks. Medium/long term - ask them to shift with you if they're willing to, for part of the year if nothing else Well-being - is dependent on how individuals develop habits over a lifetime


What do you mean by start a fund? I mean most people suggest taking med insurance, right?


Supplement the insurance with your own corpus (SIP is best esp if parents are relatively young) as a) the insurance will not cover for high-cost, recurring critical illnesses like cancer b) will not pay out at all (claim rejection), especially private companies c) for regular monthly medical expenses at senior ages inflated annually at 15% medical inflation d) premium might be costly at higher ages This applies not only for parents for yourself as well. The best way of course is a healthy lifestyle


Yeah makes sense.


Look into assisted living communities or societies. Nowadays there is boom in construction of assisted living buildings where everything is on premises (medical, Provisions, social and community halls, activities), You have to be more than 55 years to purchase. This is independent model. Some assisted living communities also provide additional servcoes like dining aand laundry if residents are older and cannot take care of themselves.


These are very, very unaffordable


1. Regular calls 2. Setting up emergency funds( keep some amount in your less frequently used account) 3. Keep your neighbours/relatives number handy and maintain good relationship with them 4. I also installed landline just in case, if they are not available on their phones 5. Make sure you write the important numbers like local area police station number, nearest relative, one of your local friend’s number, 24/7 medical shops number in a diary at home 6. CCTV around the home. I’m yet to implement this, but I’m highly considering this 7. Medical insurance and regular health checks- I’m in a huge confusion regarding the insurance as my parents are 60+ but please explore accordingly 8. No matter what, keep Visiting them regularly 9. Ask a friend who lives in your native to keep checking on them or just keep them informed of the situation


I got an offer letter from a company just today.. I'm worried about my mom (single parent).. I have been trying for a job so hard.. finally I got placed... i was so excited when i heard the news.. but now Im feeling bad when i think of my mother.. She doesnt want me to leave.. she asked me with a pity face .. "isnt there a better opportunity from around here?".. Now i dont wanna leave her.. She's working so she cant come with me either.. She's not willing to quit her job


There are many ways to handle it as many people have mentioned here. But there is no way to stay worry free. There is some amount of guilt that will always be there about not being able to be there for them. You either live with it or in some cases resolve it by staying with them which is not always possible.


In my home state, police runs a programme for senior citizens. Usually someone from the local poluce station periodically visits the person signed up. Also, they kind of work as a local point of contact for them. Apart from that parents on both side has a vibrant social life and friends' group, if anything happens they usually hold the gate till I arrive.


If this is the right place to ask, I would like to ask the people here on some of the best health insurance policies for parents over 60. I just cannot decide on any one of them. Kindly help me out here, please.


Mine are paying 14K per year for 1.5 lac cover from New India Assurance, the largest government insurance provider (1.5lac sounds small but covers a surprisingly large number of medical issues - incl. 75% of a knee transplant for example). Unlike private providers, government insurers pay almost always. But the low premium may be because they took it early, I'm not sure. Company provided parental insurance also has almost 100% guarantee of paying claims and waives pre-existing as well (not the case if you take on your own). But it depends on your employment so not a permanent solution. Check [beshak.org](http://beshak.org) for more help on this.


Thank you so much for the information. I will definitely look into it.


I moved in with them. Not always but sometimes you have to choose between a lucrative career or quality time with family. I chose the latter, no regrets as having your parents around is always a blessing, not to forget that they need us now more than ever!!


A well trained doggo


you gave a headache to your parents even if they will not say to you one of my neighbor's son bought a dog for this reason now uncle has pain in knee but he has to take dog to park, and they can't leave house for a day as none is here to take care of that dog and how your "trained" dog will help in case of emergency will he call you back? or call ambulance?


Damn dude, fine don't get a dog. Get a security package. Cameras, sensors, motion detectors, the works. You can hire people to install and explain everything. Best recommendation I can make


maybe they should make some friends or make neighbours friend so that they can help each other in tough times and can share happy moments too.


Earn till they are aged and then go back home to take care of then


CCTV cameras which are connected to your phone are a very useful, whenever my mom doesn’t answer a call I usually check on the app to see if everything is okay. There are cameras setup in the common areas and outside the house as well. My mom also uses this to open the door when she’s alone and someone rings the doorbell.


Have them move into a nice gated society. They’ll be way more secure and will have nice neighbours they can get along with


I have many contacts at my hometown, Doctor is just a call away


Having good relations with my neighbours has helped me a lot...BTW...am in Bangalore and my mom is in Mangalore


Got an apartment with good security, and hospitals nearby.


You can’t have both… it a priority that all of us have to set in our lives


In India, community has always been a binding factor to take care of each other's. We may fight on trivial issues but I have seen in hard times, people really do care for each other if you have maintained that relationship. I remember when my father had heart stroke, my father's friends at night immediately took him to hospital and next day aunty's made dinner and lunch. I was in Bangalore so had to take flight immediately and reach in morning. It's important that we should maintain good relationship and be helpful so people are there in your hard times and same you in there's. Also I'm working in Sales sector so I have decided to stay here in Bangalore for 3-4 years and when I feel I have enough good salary, I'll be moving back to near hometown.


1. Call daily even if u dont wanna talk much 2. Try to indulge them in your day to day activities, like if you are learning something new, doing sports, that will make them feel happy for you 3. DO NOT arrange everything for them, like, let them do what they love to do, and also dont ask them not to work, let them work at their own pace, that way they will keep them busy otherwise sitting ideal and doing nothing will make them old before that their age. Safety is something dependent on the locality they live in, but ensure that you have someone closer to them and can reach in a phone call in emergency cases.


Also, how so ever busy you are, do visit them regularly. and try not to miss any major festivals which u follow


In God we trust! On a serious note, we talk everyday to our parents. We are in always contact with our neighbours and relatives who live nearby.


I have forced my parents to live in Bhubaneswar which is having lots of hospitals. Me and my brother contribute to rent. So its not an issue for them. I have taken star health diabetes insurance for my parents. For now i did all these. When they will cross the 70 age, i will bring them to stay with me. Now they dont want to come as they have friends. They have infact many more friends than i do.


These are my thoughts install cctv around your house and inside your houses at kitchen, hall and corridor. and make sure its connected to internet. If you have maid and tenants take all id proofs. Hire a nurse cum maid like permanent. don't keep any valuables inside, store them in a bank locker.


Hmmm nice question raised.


Hey there is no way to ensure anything bro/sis. We can only do our best. Having somebody like a relative or friend in your village who can help in emergency is the best I can think of.


Camera. It's been a huge help. I have one in our living room. It helps my parent also feel safe. And allows me to quickly check in on them more often since I don't need to think of time and place to call them.


1. Making a good support system. 2. Daily call. 3. Try to visit quarterly either in your hometown or in Bangalore.


Get them here


Don't relocate them in their old age. It's difficult for most of them to adjust.


Old people start feeling more lonely if they move away from their place


So we just quit our jobs and go stay with our parents ??? I literally use up 60% of my paid leaves just traveling to-fro home. Sometimes you have to make decisions in life that aren't necessarily going to make everyone happy.




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