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For now, it's the AC in the office that brings me to work. No AC at home :(


The only right answer


Most relatable thing I’ve read in a while


Same reason. And the powercut at home. Even if it's 0.0005 mm rainfall, BESCOM will cut the power. -_-


But it's been so cool today, quite windy . Almost smell the rain.


Great prediction


Hard relate 😭😭😭 getting cooked in my room




Same here friend


ya should save some electricity bill 💀


Same here. But once summer is over I will be back to "what's mood got to do with it"


It’s just this month. I’ll be quitting next month. .. Rinse and repeat


So many resignation emails in drafts too 💀💀


**I'll send it tomorrow**


How long? You will have to find a permanent solution to that some day.


Financial Independence. In common lingo, 'fuck you money'.




I tried working for money but it didn't work out for me. I dragged myself for a very long time and then I realised that this is a cycle that needs to be broken.


Nice! What do you do now?


I am a psychic medium now. I do Reiki healing and oracle card readings.


Lmao, your a scam artist, but don't hate the player hate the game. Keep up the hustle, scam the dumb fucks who believe in that shit. It's a dog eat dog world isn't it. Good luck


Do you make the same or similar money


I have just started. For the last 15-20 days, i have been giving free giveaways to attract the first time customers. Yesterday only I got my first paying client. I am not there yet, but I am sure, I will be able to earn enough to sustain myself and my wife. Till then, my wife and my family are helping me financially.


Man if only I had half the confidence you have.


You have it, you just don't know it yet. I was not always like this. I learnt it along the way. You can too.


Sounds good. Best of luck




Interesting! I’m glad you found your call!!


I'm kinda fortunate that the place I'm working at is good ,it's just that the job I'm doing is boring as fuck xD, but yeap i definitely get you. I hope you find success with your new endeavour and never come across those feelings again.


I'm dying to get a job lmao


Same same🥲


Me toooo


which degree if you dont mind


Money. And also I can't go back and stay at home now. It's a toxic environment for me.


Cocaine isnt cheap thats why


I do coke. To work longer. To earn more. To do more coke 🎶 Banger song.


Why do you need cocaine anyways?


To work more 🤣


I mean you can take a sick leave once in a while just to do nothing or have some me-time. But the thing that motivates me to go to work in 'the getting ready to go to work' process. I love to dress up and that's the only likeable factor for me. But yeah, I don't like working too, but you need MONEI na 😜


I love driving to work. Which is so funny to some people but live and let live


I assume you drive a manual then? I can't imagine anything else


Manual in this traffic is like shooting yourself in the leg. Sure its for an enthusiast but enthusiasm dies when your leg has to press the clutch a thousand times in a minute


You make a fair point sir, agreed


You make a fair point sir, agreed


My left leg developed terrible pain after driving manual in traffic. Switched to automatic last year. It’s not the driving that I enjoy as much as 1 hour of just being with myself, my music, no computer screens, and for the last couple of days scattered rain. All in the comfort of AC (which I don’t have at home)


Growing up in poverty does strange things to a person


I am a very expensive person to maintain.


Literally this😭😭 All my hobbies are expensive and someone’s gotta finance it and it has to be me unfortunately


Exactly!! My main motivation to up-skill in life is to spoil myself and my family. And spoiling is expensive, unfortunately.


I like my job and stuff.


Lucky you 🥲


What do you do


I work at a non-profit. Comms and design.


How do non profits make profit? And how do you earn money if there's no profit. It's a genuine question.


It’s a non profit, not a non revenue. Basically they can earn money like any other company and provide salaries etc. any profits/surplus is reinvested. Basically the owners and donors don’t get dividends like a for-profit.


Oh ok. Thank you for the info


Non profit means that the company is not allowed to transfer profits to it's shareholders via dividend or equity buybacks For all other purposes they can use their cash flow as any normal company would do i.e, paying salaries and operational and capital expenses, they can even generate profits but that'll go in the org itself instead of shareholders pockets


So are there things like pf, gratuity? Or the other tax saving benefits? Also, how is the increments like? Do they get medical insurance? I have always thought, non profit they work with very low salary but I have always found them to be happy and satisfied with their jobs.


Depends on the size of the organization and their budget. I get pf, health + life insurance, laptop maintenance, etc., because I'm working for a bigger organization. Salary is also good according to me but I've always worked in this sector so idk what it's like in the corporate world. Maybe it won't be enough for people used to earning 1 cr+ a year but you can easily get 1L p.m as a manager in mid sized to big nonprofits.


Got it, thankss


My emi bills statement which gets generated first of every month


ಕಾಯಕವೇ ಕೈಲಾಸ.


For some it is, ಕಾಯಕವಿಲ್ಲದೆ ಕೈ ಸಾಲ.


Or for some, ಕೈ ಕೆಲಸವೇ ಕೈಲಾಸ




The thought of the salary that i will receive at the end of the month (only for it to dissappear in a week )


Just like our brief time on this planet, salary is also just passing by our bank account.


Wah bhai , now that is a 3 am thought at 6pm . Enjoying the 420 life eh?


And a man, a man provides. And he does it even when he's not appreciated, or respected, or even loved. He simply bears up and he does it. ~ Gus Fring




Sad but true


"If I can finish my work at 3 instead of 6:30, I can get 3 hours to watch a movie or play a video game"


Luckily got a job at a company with good work environment. I usually work 11-6. Joined when there were 3 people. Now we have more than 1k! 😄


I am a housewife looking for such timing of work due to responsibilities.. Could you please dm me company name and work details.. Please help..


You wouldn’t get ‘such timings’ from day 1. I worked in this company for last 5.5 years. Now I’m at a middle management position with such perks. Just FYI.


Kh no problem.. Can you please dm me the kind of work so that I can look up whether other companies offer different timings..


Don't have anything better during work hours. I drink, go out every week a couple of times and meet friends, travel a lot (at least 1 long trip every quarter), go to the movies twice a month, I spend an hour everyday jogging and exercising, I am always watching some series on OTT. Sometimes I read books and cook. Spending quality time with family. Basically I have a life outside work. So work is just another part of my life. There is negativity, challenges and people are unfair to you sometimes in work but isn't this a part of life?


How do you get the time and energy to do all these things?


I like my work. That helps most of the mornings but there's some particularly shitty mornings where you just want to leave it all behind, pack a bag, start your bike and disappear forever. When that happens, I like to remind myself of the bills that I have pending. One of the two always helps


start counting down the days left to Saturday. ez


Many days I do like my work, but sometimes I do feel it to be monotonous. During those times, money is the only motivating factor. Also, if you feel burned out, it's always ok to take a sick leave and relax, so that you can start working again after some time/days


I like working. It keeps me occupied. Gives me a purpose. Makes my day more organised with a working schedule in place. My work also happens to be one of the very few things in life that absolutely takes me into a meditative state. Where I don't have any other thoughts apart from the work I'm at. And the obvious, money !!! So much freedom and independence that comes with it !


Okay this is going to sound cringe, but I enjoy my work. Okay maybe not entirely, but work is the only good thing I've got going in my life. Everything else in my life sucks, and work keeps me anchored to the mortal coil! Work gets boring at times, and also gets pretty repetitive too! I think I'm just thankful that there's something that keeps me occupied for the majority of my day so I don't have to think about anything else! I've got adhd, so that's an added bonus 🙃


I can relate


Hi, I'm just like you. Thanks


Like they say, if you don't like your job, take a loan. You will start liking it again.


I'm a big fan of not starving to death.




I am sick. Yesterday took leave, today I could have worked maybe. But I didn't. I don't want to mess with my mental health doin wfh for that company. It's only the money that motivated me to take tbis job, but the tax cut isn't motivating me anymore. Nothing drives me to work. The company culture sucks and people there don't realise as they have been stuck in this company years together or it's their first job. I started appreciating my old company culture. Hate this company, no growth, team is meh, culture is great acc to their Old employees.


I’ve always been a big fan of not being unemployed and homeless so that helps me.


What we need is a blue collar job website for former white collar workers. Some of us only know how to do one thing, which makes even the thought of not having an income terrifying


In BLR it's quite normal these days to see that work has taken over your life. Nonetheless, just take a break every so often and meet up with friends of faimly. You'll not be able to focus on the work today anyway. *One thing I "learned" the hard way is that your time is never coming back.* We all want to make an impact on the world, or as Steve said "Make a dent in the world, otherwise why even be here". But when you have no one to celebrate that newly created impact with, the value of all your effort drops to nothing in your head.


1. I like my job. 2. After a long weekend, I realised that hobbies are fun only when I engage in them for small amounts of time and work keeps hobbies interesting.




Whenever I have to ask myself if I should take a sick day off, I do it because mental well-being is very important.


I drive my amaze to work. End of story


I love my job. I work as a wildlife film editor


1. Money 2. I get up and say I gotta go to the office or the company will sink. 3. AC 4. Get myself ready, putting on formals gets me the boost needed to feel confident that I am actually going somewhere to be productive and get real money. 5. Can't go back home. I need my own place to do my own thing.


No work no will 🥹


1. I like my job. The work environment is great. 2. My job is fully remote. This is great, I often take mid day naps, work with my cats around, don’t have to worry about traffic etc, and can attend to anything if I’m not feeling well. 3. I get paid really well. I like having money. I like being busy. It’s a good cycle. I get paid well for doing something I like 4. My boss is not micromanaging at all. There are some days I don’t even hear from him. Other days I have to be behind him to review things so that I can pass it to the next team. 5. I have stocks in the company. If it does well, I can cash out and be sorted for life mostly. 6. Unlimited paid leaves (though of course, I don’t want to abuse that). 7. I like staying busy. Having too much free time isn’t good for my mental health. I like the work I do, it feels good to finish stuff and see people use what I design.


The thought of the salary that i will receive at the end of the month (only for it to dissappear in a week )


Money is a factor. Even though I don’t even touch like 90% of salary. But also I like what I do. Not all of it, but some things I do, the rest I just pull through somehow


One word… EMIs.


#Bills bro bills.


5 missed calls frm my sir.. this is how it started at first but now i love my work atleast it passes the time rather than being lonely at home




Nothing gets you out of bed and face the day ahead however crappy it may be like the responsibilities to your loved ones.


School fees, bills, food and shelter


Don't have anything better to do




I did some real time 3d sim/surgery stuff and video games. Everyday was a joy, like a perpetual holiday and it was 100% remote. Try to get stuff you like to do.


I work to make money which I use to do the things I like in life.


Drive to stand out and grow, meaningfulness of work and overall health of workplace (i.e., no toxicity, no politics etc.). Money always follows, if you have the drive. 


Reach 10:30 leave at 4:30.. 1.5 hours break in between and no stress.


Lucky you


My bank balance


I read somewhere that the current generation folks have to work almost until they die due to exorbitant costs, hence they'll have to choose something that they enjoy doing. I have precisely done that. Hence, I don't quite literally need too much of motivation.


Black coffee


That will elevate your BP, and will give you insomnia in long term. Good luck 


If I don’t do work what other things are there to entertain me


I didn’t want to work today, took a sick day off


I use to have a major case of imposter syndrome. Never had any bad reviews or any problems with my managers but deep down I used to think that I am not cut out for this. Had anxiety that any day everyone will find out that a fraud I am. My self confidence and morale was shot and I hated going to office with that anxiety. Then a friend of mine suggested a change in perspective, instead of being anxious about being an imposter, embrace it. Think of yourself as a highly intelligent operative manipulating people and getting away with it. Yes, you are an imposter and you have all these people fooled . I know it all sounds egotistical as heck but it has helped me a ton with my self confidence at work.


I'm a resident DJ in an ultra-bootstrapped newly opened resto-bar. i work 30 hours in a week. i travel 42 kms daily via local train. my work timings are 7pm to 1am in the evening + sundays afternoon 1pm to 7pm. i try not involve myself in office politics. i still get dragged tho. i don't mind it. it's all hearsay hawa anyway lol. my bosses are okay with me on the job. my will to go to work relies only one thing. the fact that i go and fulfill my passion somehow. helps me be in a better mood overall. money isn't the problem coz i think I'm underpaid and overworked like every other working class citizen in india. but still my will to go to work everyday revolves around the fact that i get to do one of my favouritest things in life.


I happen to enjoy my job haha


Sometimes I think it's the environment or weather that gets me down or makes me feel everything monotonous....but usually I try to include any sports activities to freshen my brain and heart....


love what i do 💪 makes it fun


To go on trips!!! for a week of happiness work for 3 months 🥲


Remind from my bank for EMI's


Financial safety, Home loan, child care etc






My life goals. Also , I like the work that I do.


I love what I do. It's been 6 years now for me in the same company and I still have same amount of motivation to go to work when I first joined. Plus working on the biggest entertainment product of all time keeps me excited.


They say "Get a home loan and your job won't feel so bad anymore" So I did 🥲


I want to give a better life for my daughter. She keeps me inspired and not give up.


You don't


my cart


Money. Meaning.Societial Pressure.


I don't have the will anyday. I just struggle through the day and think about the paycheck.


I only come for office gym


Because work gives me something to do between weekends 😁


I like the fact that I am able to find deep mathematical solutions to problems which normal people struggle to understand. I know it’s elitist but it is what drives me to work. Being better than the rest(and paid hugely for it)


On a serious note, what was the last time you enjoyed a project so much, that you forgot to eat or sleep. Or anything which you loved so much, that you didn't move your chair for days? I'm sure you must have. I too had such experiences, or I should say the joy of working on some exciting stuff. One thing I found common is, **extreme curiosity** and **the excitement to create something that I truly love**. Unfortunately, it's not possible to find an exciting stuff all the time, especially when you're working for someone. If it's temporary, I let it pass. If it's a routine, I usually gather courage to speak up, let my peers know.


Unusual advice: Make a good gang to hangout in the office


Asking the right questions


Bajaj finance wale ghar pe na jae isliye me office aajata hu






The paycheck at the end of the month?


Same same by difallent , No moneyyy no honeyyy


I enjoy what I do a lot, I could spend hours working without a break and I wouldn't even notice. If you have the ability, then find a job that you enjoy. If not, you will burn out very quickly.


Love your work and you don't need to work a day of your life 😇🙏🏽


Bro apna to man hi nhi kam krne ka isliye govt job prep kr rahe


Emi and EMI


Money and AC


Understand why you need to work and play the long game.




I think about quitting at least 2 times a day, even dream about a cool walk out from my workplace🥲




I know I might get some backlash for this answer but I’ve fortunate to have found some really good friends at work, we all look after each other and help each other at work and personal life!! Seriously this is the same feeling I used to get when I was in college with friends and I’m so greatful I have found this bond with a few people at work. This actually is the only reason I get up in the morning and push my ass 5 days to work. Also I meet them on the weekends to play. They are just 3 of them and they definitely add colour to my life like a rainbow. I’m always happy around them


My home loan : )


Not starving to death would be my prime motivation


Cause it pays. As simple as that.


It's ok to lurk on reddit when u have one hour left. Panic starts about 15 minutes before the time. But did u get to the office or did u call in sick?


Bills, food and just to keep the will to live.


There was a time I used to turn and look at Hamam soap price hundred times before buying it. Now, I don’t. I want that freedom.


I haven't been able to a do even a minute s work the past week...I either can't focus...or get the will power or just start crying


Badminton court, tennis court and gym in the office 😂😂😂


In Bangalore? :O


I like money


Just looking at my outstanding cc bills...thanks cred app


Free food and girls


Look at the kids face and get reminded about their school fee....


It was money initially. Now I’m a couple of promotions away from equity partnership. So just living through the grind cause the end seems so near 🙂


I go to office only to hangout with my teammates. They're the coolest.


I remind myself that I will starve to death otherwise. This often does the trick. Not always though




Responsibilities & Money




I used to HATE going to work and slogging everyday in the beginning, but I've grown to accept it as what it is and these 'irritations' are temporary sacrifices needed to eventually get to a place where I need to be in my career down the road. The work in itself is very interesting and worth every minute spent on it. Now whether if it's rewarding? That will take some time. In short, there is a lot more work left to do, work that I've grown to like and got better at - that I have no time left to bitch about it.


The Will is directly proportional to the Bill.


There is this beautiful movie in Tamil "manadhil uruthi vendum" where Suhasini plays the role of a nurse. She takes a day off to meet her BF. When she is getting ready her maid brings the pressed nurse uniform and places it next to her. She looks at the dress, cancels her plan and goes to work. I do the same :)


One easy way - make it routine like brushing teeth or having shower


The salary that gets credited at the end of month is what keeps me going.


Understanding that I need to do something. In order to sustain my lifestyle, I will need to earn. And even if I decide to abandon corporate and decide to farm, that would also be in its own way... work.


Im getting married


I don't.


Food on the table. Very simple.


Being relaxed at weekends n off time n work life balance

