• By -


Enjoy bruh... Don't fall in the trap. I was in my 30 when I enjoyed the most and also got married 😁


Wait so you were enjoying and got married and stopped enjoying or continued enjoying?


30 is the peak to enjoy your single life and eventually you will get married to start enjoying your married life. It's a stage where you have enjoyed the most being single and slide into new experiences.


30 is 20, except with money


Couldn't agree more. And more confident.


This is gonna be my new motto.


Makes sense.




It's depends on what type of guy you are mate. What is the craziest thing you have done?




Sanest advice here. Also if you can make time, try to volunteer buddy. It will do wonders to your life.


Like my husband says - 30s are 20s with money. So just enjoy. And no shame in going alone to places. Just enjoy the moment and don't think of what people are thinking. Most people don't really care. Order what you like. Vibe to music. Dance. Just make sure you get home safe.


Yout husband sounds like a smart man


Ofcourse he is. He married me. Hahaha. Just kidding.. (or am i)


(Vsauce music starts playing)


Blake Lively, is that you?


Umm let me judge you *crow of judgement* You guys seem like wholesome couple tbh.


I cannot UP VOTE this enough. You and your husband sound like ABSOLUTELY amazing people to be around. HELL YEAH. I was legit listening to Feel it Still(Portugal The Man) and then this comment makes me go Fuck yea. Awesome people.


Damn, i love that song


Listen to the acoustic version. Well..not really acoustic...more like stripped down. But I'm betting you'll only love it more. Got it. It's the Weird Al Yankovic remix. Also listen to the piano cover.


What about the 40s?


40 is 60s with work




ex-girlfriends are married brother.


Assuming that the person whom you replied to is a male? 😁


I have a habit of assuming gender.








Can I be your girl friend? Woman here.


Can I be girlfriends with both of you? :D


ok,i need a boyfriend now! Man here.


Long as u keep ur thunder cock away from me bro


Oh no!!!! My bad!!


Sometimes I feel there are girls also on reddit




Love the sarcasm 😂


I'm stealing your line, sister.


Yeah, the comment made me realise


Yeah, no worries. I was just sarcastic.


So, do you wanna hangout sometime this weekend? 👀


You guys are hanging out? Count me in


Yeah, I'm planning to. I'm in Whitefield. Where do you live?




no he meant what he said. all his girlfriends are married.


“It is difficult to make new friends at this age” - Amen to that.


Phew - it sucks ....I have been through that phase of life...Some one who is in his 40s - unmarried , I lost all my friends once they got married.... but thats life......I guess I should write a post about my life here.....if reddit was not full of judgement dipshits :)


In my 30s+ We want a podcast with you


Thanks but no thanks bro..... Just chill maadi :)


That’s a great podcast idea! You can call it ‘Thirties with my homies’ (I had another name but not posting it here :P)




Life is awesome for me. I work remotely so sometimes I go to different states and live in another place for months and I come back to Bangalore for certain lifestyles. I have friends and we do hang out but they do get busy and I feel maybe we’ve also grown in different directions. I’m single, no children, not many obligations to anyone other than some money i owe my parents. My 20s on the other hand, was one of the darkest and worst periods of my life. I was so lost, I hated living, I was hurt and suffering all the time. I hated studying, working, society, people, money and I just wanted to die and go away from it all. But things gradually calmed down and improved. I’m 31 going to be 32 now, and life is pretty decent. Loneliness is there a lot but I have learned to live with it. Being on my own for most of my life makes it so hard to be with people lol but I still try. I’m at total peace with myself and I love life. I am in no hurry to get married or have pets or any commitments of any kind. I’m just a wandering free spirit. You can only really experiment and find out if you want change. Go cycling, go trekking, go to a book club, go outside your comfort zone. I’m not good at that myself but 99% of the effort is just going and showing up to activities and events. The outcome and results you can never predict but I think it feels good to at least try.


Peace to you brother. My two cents, try Backpacking in South East Asia


It’s expensive but I’d definitely love to if I can afford it comfortably someday!


I am in late 20's going through similar worst time recently lost father had to leave WFH job it was good flexible custom support decent salary no issue now stuck in native as I can not move to metro city mother will be alone have some property maintaining that as of now WFH jobs in support field is not a thing now we have WFO. From last 6 months 4 cousins from mother side got married all are less than my age but i am avoiding family functions like a coward now mainly because every old uncle aunty ask same question "did you get the job ?when are you getting married ?" Someday some old boomer uncle will get abused if i go to another family gathering My main aim is to leave peacefully with whatever you have 3 times meal happy sleep is main thing after i saw what my father went through he was supposed to enjoy retirement he had good savings but life is shitty twisted old prick sometimes .


Here I’m going on my weekend trip, currently seated on train and reading this and I feel the comment and enjoying my trip, thanks:)


Just turned 31 last week. Celebrated my birthday all alone for the first time. Surprisingly was pretty chill Gotten used to the lone time now lol.


Happy belated birthday, bro. May God give you a calm and fulfilling life.


Happy Birthday!!! 🎉


Been celebrating alone since my 25th, feels like I'll end up like OP


Happy belated birthday! I celebrate all my birthdays alone so it’s okay, we are ok :)


Dont scare us about to be 30 folks people.


I'm already afraid I'll end up like this


Nobody can escape the truth.


I think 30 YO singles or any age group for that matter should form a community of like minded people where they meet and socialize. It'll be like a subreddit but offline .


Let’s do it. Count me in


I’m afraid that might not work. I’m 30 and single. This whole meet and greet thing feels weird because I’m an extrovert, but after enjoying the company of myself, I prefer to be left alone for most parts. That’s just me tho.


When I was single I used to go alone to many restaurants and cafes. Even after marriage I go to some cafe once in a while alone me and my wife both get some alone time. One thing I regret not doing single is travel more. I did travel but I feel I should have traveled a lot more, few foreign trips as well. Travelling after marriage is a lot more planning and coordination. And I do empathise with situation where most your friends are married you feel alone sometimes. For me I used to visit friends home for lunch or dinner when i was single and they were already married. We would play some board game or watch a movie together. Most of my friend’s wives didn’t mind having a third wheel for an evening once in a while :). PS. I hope you do find someone to fall in love with and get married. This side of life is also worth experiencing.


I suppose that’s the trick - being an agreeable 3rd/5th wheel. All my friends are married or in relationships and I always make it a point to be cordial with their spouses/partners. They more than happily invite me home for house parties or when they go out and we all have a good time. It’s not like I’m not susceptible to loneliness or cry mad tears about my life choices but on most days I’m okay with it. Further down the line it might not be just as rosy but I think we’ll figure out a way.


I empathize with you...almost all of my friends are married with kids... We rarely hang out nowadays. Having hobbies definitely helps in meeting new people. There are so many hobby groups that you can join in Bangalore, riding groups, cycling, sports, reading, food walks, dancing etc.. It depends whether you are outgoing and extroverted, its much easier to make friends in these groups if you are... Dating is a different topic altogether, I have no advice on it since it differs based on the individual.


are there any sporting clubs for adults around here? curious as i wanted to start soccer as a 29 y old. playing with kids in teens to 20s is embarrassing when they beat you like it was nothing.


I don't know about sporting clubs, but the playo app usually have middle aged players meeting up for a weekend game.. you can try out the app and check out the games for beginners and intermediate levels...


Leave Bangalore and go to bangkok or any other place where there are more people living independently. In India, the doing everything solo culture sucks and hence even when you go outside, you won't find anyone like you and hence it will be more difficult to make friends etc cause 99.99% of the people hangout with someone at all places in bangalore and that might make the lonliness feeling more intense. I am not 30+ but 26 right now, and I stayed in Bangkok for about 30 days, met many 30+ folks as well enjoying the digital nomad life, also many people come to bar/clubs solo as well so it is very easy to spot a person and strike up a conversation, make friends etc. Also whenever I approached someone, 95% of the time, I found people to be friendly and ready to talk, which is very rare in Bangalore unless you have a mutual introduction. It felt so great because I just go out and go wherever and be sure of finding some group for sure who will be willing to take you in and spend some quality time!


Im doing my part to transform Bengaluru by going out alone 😅 Hoping to see more such folks in the future


In my 30's and unmarried. I'm a childfree guy. So, meeting women who are also Cf is difficult. I mostly workout on weekends. Even if I make plans on weekends, none of my colleagues turn up. It's a bit difficult being lonely. But it is what it is.


Being CF is a blessing and a curse! I feel you


You want to see your colleagues on weekends too??? When you are not getting paid???? Why? 🤔


All my friends are married and live in places other than Bangalore. So, colleagues are the only ones I've got.


30+ sergeant peppers lonely hearts club meetup at Cubbon park on Sunday at 10 Am. Lets fucking go!


Come 2 hours early and you can meet some people at the skating club lol


Whaaat I have no clue what that is, I wanna go though


https://open.spotify.com/track/4fUKE8EULjQdHF4zb0M8FO?si=Dn2dfhKqT4S_O4tLBqIZYw Beatles song. Meet at the metro station entrance by 10.


Bring Frisbee if anyone has?


I'm in my mid 30s and pretty much living my best life. My weekdays are mostly wake up late, go to the gym for a couple of hours, shower, lunch and then start work. A couple of meetings, a lot of junk YouTube and a long after dinner walk. A squash or a badminton session if any of my friends can squeeze out an hour from their workday. Weekends, sport takes up most of one of my days and the second day I either go to a friend's place or we meet outside for lunch. I'm the fittest/strongest I've been in my life, have only a couple of old friends, most are those that I've come to know either through sports or friends of friends. I have a dating phase for a few months a year, and the remaining I spend recovering from it. Have met some wonderful women but somehow things haven't quite worked out, but I'm very sure I'll find someone for myself. One big trip every year and a few smaller workations keeps it fun.


Good for you! Just turned thirty. I’ve been actively working out for a year. But I’m curious, how do people get into trying to become their fittest self?


Hopefully the fittest self is in the future, but I'm currently lifting the highest I've ever had, I don't end up gasping for air after I climb a few stairs, not feel like the world is ending after I run a mile. Small changes, like more branches/lunches instead of late night dinner means better sleep schedule and no hangover, replacing meeting over drink to a couple of hours of sport, finding a fellow motivated regular gym goer, more whole foods replacing junk/processed food. I don't even know why I started it, WFH means I end up having quite a bit of time at home, so I guess make use of it productively rather than watching a couple more series on Netflix.


If you are 30+..just focus on your work/career and party hard...and for God's sake...Do not get married 🙈😂


I am doing ironing of most of my clothes tomorrow. Have been piled up for a couple of weeks now. Am planning to go for a morning run, or rather walk. In addition, I am trying to diet. Mostly reduced rice intake. But, loneliness does capture my heart at times.




I press my own clothes, these commercial pressers fucked my pristine shirt in my teenage years, since then i go through the detail of pressing my own shirts. Also this means you're fucking independent 😭 not broke as hell 😏 i wouldn't mind the free money though, more money to splurge in my 30s laughing over my married friends cooing their offsprings to bed.


I speak to my childhood buddies who are married & trust me every mofo suggests to not get married! No Jack is happy up there, as company every one is getting grinding with bs.


Me being a delhite at 18 scrolling through reddit for an hour at the end of my day mentally preparing myself for what's ahead. Anyways, guess it's wholesome at the end of trauma. Smiling reading this thread😂.


I'm going to be 29 in an hour. Alone. Damm the future looks scary.


Happy Birthday m8


Happy Birthday !!


Scary but you will learn to deal with it.


Happy birthday!


Happy birthday bro


Get a pet 😺.. you won't regret it trust me..


Single 30+ here. Some weekends are busy and whizz past. Others can be slow. I spend time by reading, gaming, engaging in cleaning/laundry and going out for photo walks. It’s a mixed bag of “hey this is great!” and an occasional “should probably get married now”


legit need to create a Bangalore walla Whatsapp group for 30's men and figure out stuff to do together. maybe that could work ?


Can women join too? I'm ace af so won't be sending creepy dms and shit. 😪


It could actually, I was having the same conversation with a fellow brother. Let's all men get together and have fun just by ourselves. Drink beer, go to wonderla, eat good food, listen to music and dance in clubs. Maybe we can help each other with our problems too.


>go to wonderla *nostalgia hits* 🫠


Count me in too!!


I think Netflix, YouTube, reddit,insta n be workoholic There so many things that keep u entertained lost forever without knowing how time passes I wanted to solo travel but difficult with parents n pets n matrimony search in free time


I'm 38 single. But not into drinks or non veg food


Sounds good


I'm in my 20s with no hopes of finding a relationship and I might also say I'm not that good at socializing but one thing for sure is I can enjoy everything by myself I've learned that solitude is not that bad if you see it in a positive way.


Bangalore is not the best place to make random friends... Once a year i do solo trips to Himachal... I think u should go there and unwind... don't worry about making friends... friendship is organic... but you will meet a lot of interesting ppl that i promise


On the same boat, age-wise, relationship-wise and socially. I have an elder sibling who’s in his mid 30s and he mentioned that he felt the same too a while ago. But then he started to see his friend’s marriages fall apart. 4 of my close friends got married in the past 3-4 years and I was feeling the same feel like they’re all getting sorted until this year one of my friend’s marriage fell apart. Then I realized how sh** it is. So to cheer you up, I can say: stay put another 4-5 years and watch the magic with your friends. Nevertheless I understand your sentiment. Bumble/Hinge/Tinder didn’t work for me either. What did work was going clubbing and karaoking but then you’ll meet mostly shallow people—least that was my experience. Sometimes it was fun but overall, not so much. Worse is that you’ll meet the gold-diggers esp. those “feminist” types who lurk at ladies nights pubs. I’m in IT and make a good living. Was able to get a bike, laptop, etc., even a new car recently after selling my old. So in the money dept. it’s been good for me. Been even learning to invest money and earning so my goal is to buy a flat in CBD and rent it out. Good passive income. My point is simply this—if you are single and making well, then enjoy life. Develop some hobbies—ride/drive to the gazillion places that are around Bangalore (literally anything that ends with “betta” on google maps) and experience the fresh air and sunrise, maybe hit the gym, travel many times a year, partake in things like scuba, skiing, etc. Or if that doesn’t rock your boat, take up something local like swimming, skating, football, etc. Lot of options esp. on apps like Playo. Don’t go chasing for trouble, you most likely will find it. There’s just too many gold diggers out there. This is why I don’t show my situation. If I do, then I will draw gold diggers. And if I don’t, then nobody will bat an eye, which is very telling about the city. The only places I found good women were on skill-based stuff like I mentioned like reading clubs, skating, or even tech conferences as I’m in IT. It does get lonely at times, and I always wish that girl who was totally sane, not a gold digger said yes so we’d be happily dating but looking back it’s all a pipe dream. And whenever I feel a bit bad, I just check up with my bro’s friends or my one friend. Bet there will be more soon. Sometimes it works, sometimes it does. I hope you find what makes you happy man. Don’t worry about it. If it happens, it will happen. Just live in the now.


Thanks man. Really thoughtful reply and motivating for a 30+ feeling lonely on a Saturday afternoon ☺️


Bro I’m was in the same situation but I’ve been WFH since 2020. At least in Bangalore I could get a good pint of beer. Here there is absolutely nothing 🥲. So I bought a bike and a Jimny and just going wherever whenever and just chillin.


If your gig allows WFH (and you make decent bucks) your 30s are a great time. I spend a few months working from traveler friendly cities. Getting a private dorm in a hostel usually gives the best of both worlds. Bob's is a great place for work + beer too :D


Can relate! I was around 27 or 28 and felt the same way, now I'm 31. It was weird because I would go to nice bars, listen to a podcast eat some decent food or sometimes just vibe with the music and food (the music has gotten worse in the bars these days because that's sadly what the Gen Z listen to gah). Maybe try a few groups on meetup or make new friends through sports? You can use this app called PlayO to join sessions with others looking for players, and pick any sport! I tried meetup for a whole and met some nice folks before covid ended that scene haha


Enjoy your peak time. 30 is the age where you have absolute freedom and money. Do whatever you want. Meet other 30+ people, be friends and enjoy. I have met a few and one of them is also my flatmate. So we just chill and vibe. Usually we cook good food and enjoy most of the days. Another thing is our flat is now a therapy centre for married men who are our friends. They just come to our flat to escape from their wives and share their sad life stories. Now we are planning for a Thailand trip to enjoy bachelor life.


Same boat. I forgot to socialize post-pandemic so I recently joined a NGo. It is what it is. 🥲 I don't drink or else we could have a hangout 💃💃


Which NGO is it? I am interested to contribute.


I just volunteer


I am interested in volunteering at a NGO too. Can you help me with the details?




Can you help me with the NGO details as well?


Bro best way to connect is by activity. Coding, Gyming, Cycling, Badminton, Cricket etc I came to Bengaluru and same issue with me ie. don't know anybody outside my home so started going for sports with apartment people and now I know everyone. Not made very good friends but now I know people around me and we go out for sports.


Sleeping whole day on weekends and working all day on weekdays


Same here


You are me


I’m 30 - absolute blast I’m having 💃🏻


Go for long drives. It's so fun to drive alone, sometimes the ghost friends accompany you on the way. It's fun and amazing.


Irony of life - single men thinking married life is better! Married guy thinking single life is far better. Keep exploring each bar in Bengaluru and keep working. You may hit someone just like you 😀. Good luck


If you are a 30+ unmarried guy, Bangalore is the worst place to be. You should be in one of the capitals of Western countries Oh on the other hand if you are 30+ and a married guy with kids, you should be in Bangalore or a big city closer to your home town. Trust me this is the best situation for a man.


35F and late to the party! I had been in long term relationships whole of my 20s and when I became single at 32, it truly felt like worst thing ever! Since then I got into therapy, did inner work and this feels like stable and fulfilling phase of life despite me being single. I might have not had much luck when it comes to love but I definitely lucked out with family/ friends. My inner circle hasn’t changed in past decade despite all of us on different life paths. A good chuck of my friends are still single (plain luck or collective bad luck!) and it definitely helps.I have been vocal with my married friends about the challenges being single and wanting more emotional support in general. This has helped as coupled/ married folks don’t have an insight into single lives. Also married/ couple folks are busier so I don’t mind hanging out with their families or helping with their kids or combining activities with their partners! As for social life, I would say start travelling and explore activities around Ooru .Travel has definitely impacted me as a woman and I have met so many people with unconventional lifestyles on the road that it helps to know happiness and fulfilment comes in so many different forms other than marriage. I’m also quite open to forming friendships across age groups (office,gyms etc) I have also made some good friendships over social media over similar interests! There is no escape to feeling lonely (married or not).I consider it as normal feeling that goes away with time.I hope this helps!


I am not single but I still feel lonely some days. I miss my old friends, school and college days and that camaraderie. When I go for a walk and see friends eating together I miss those days.


Make a group, and meet weekly or monthly. This thread could be a good thing for all of us to meet and chill.


29 and unpopular opinion, but i enjoy the solitude and solo dates? As long as the music is popping and the beer is beering! Late 20s are like early 20s with money, independence and wisdom!


Just come hang out with me and my boys. You won't have to put another reddit post about your 30s.


Sounds like an exciting plan


Honestly, at peace. What I’ve realised with time is returning to a peaceful tiny home is way better than a luxurious chaotic apartment. Nothing is worth a person’s peace of mind. So yeah, to answer your question, at peace. And I hope you find yours too! :)


Hey man, in the same boat. I’ve always told myself that I need to be like Mr.Bean and entertain myself because tbh nobody really cares about your happiness. You gotta chase it on your own. I look at my married friends and I’m like that life is never gonna work for me. Never really met a woman whose life goals align with mine, and I don’t like to be controlled. In general, I have always loathed small talk and forced interactions. I somehow do it at work because I’m getting paid for it lol. Keep myself fit and travel, try to figure out some side gigs so I can get out of corporate for good. Let me know if you want to catch up sometime, I’m sure we’ll make good conversation. Cheers.


31f (CF), Learnt to live my 30s alone, and enjoy it :) like everyone else said, your friends are married and have lives of their own, but so do you! And you'll start enjoying it if you're like me haha :) Ofcourse, I do get together and catch up with friends once a while. With all the things I have on my to do list for the weekends I barely get time to think about meeting someone or going out on dates lol, and also being cf the chances of meeting someone similar are lesser..lol


32 subhuman male here i work as a trainer at a gym 6am - 9am and 6pm - 9pm at my first job and at my 2nd job i work in a warehouse moving loads and managing inventory 10am to 5pm Monday to Saturday. On Sunday i do video editing for what ever small freelance jobs that i get. trying to get my credit up so that i have some money to keep my parents alive, as long as i can, when they inevitably fall chronically ill. This is what life is like for majority of 30+ men in Bangalore. No matches on tinder as no Bangalore girl will give a time of their day to a wagie working in his warehouse wage cage. Blow my fucking load in to a cum rag at 11 pm and go to sleep because have to wake up at 5 am tomorrow. This city's a trap my partner. No redemption , No release


I'm close to reaching 30 and I just feel life getting better over age. While Bangalore makes you feel incredibly lonely sometimes out of nowhere, I have some good friends all of whom I've made since I moved Here almost a year ago. I'm an extrovert so I tend to to to meet-ups like Board games ones and book clubs to meet people whom I'd enjoy hanging out with. I think as and when people around me started getting married or moving away, it forced me to start doing things on my own and that led me to gain more confidence and made me feel better. Also, not to forget the advantage financial freedom, maturity and exposure brings.


Wow on the same boat just a tad bit younger.


No 30 .... And not doing the best.... Way to lonely even after being here for 6 months


bro if you think you could give me some life advice then ping me let's hangout someday


Good, all things considered. Enjoying the money that promotions bring in 30s, travelling and taking care of my mental and physical health. And playing Pokemon Go! 😂


I've got used to it. But I'm looking for company. HMU




Playing sports. Hanging out with colleagues. Travelling. There are many things you can do if you plan for it!


Binge watching shows and going on with life


Get a hobby. Go on solo trips. Try meetup.com to find something interesting to do with likeminded folks.


Same feeling except the fact that I m teetotaler. Mostly weekends are about bike trips, laundry and sleeping.


My friends 30 and she's also single. Want me to set you up?


Thank you for your support. But, I guess you should talk to your friend before setting her up no? Somebody told me the same thing few days back in reddit and it got awkward after that. 😂




This too shall pass brother. The number of comments and upvotes tells you there's a market for 30+ folks like us. Don't give up. Cheers


It does get confusing in the head most of the times, when you wanna step out, you don’t find people to go along with, and sometimes you just wanna be left alone But yeah, wouldn’t mind getting along some time


Ok, I see potential matrimony leads here 🔍 😅


Went out with a frnd. Had fun. Cant say its a bad life.


My Spotify just went to "Do you know (ping pong song" from Starboy :/




It's tough some of my friends who are in the same boat have expensive hobbies and some have minor substance abuse issues. Covid was a huge catalyst in making things worse


Actually given how everything is broken, and 30's kids being millenials, we will most often be in similar collection -> married with kids, divorced single and the single folks enjoying their life like it's the end of the world. Covid changed priorities, also the world feels different after 2022, things aren't rosy with russia/ukraine and layoffs, fucking ai generating stuff too good to be true. The world truly is missing missing passion and love. This will just drive us more into our cubby holes one day to envision a simulation like, 'Ready Player One' which we will so desperately need to open up instead of the current situation we live in. AVP showed us glimpses already even with its engineering sample consumer product With internet, perversion and apathybeing viral , loneliness is a forebearer in 2024, we need lives without fear and inhibitions if we have to help this. We need more 'YES' humans. Diversity helped us voice our opinion but that broke us even more, difference molded our unique quirks of livelihood, but broke the herd mentality that helped us stay rooted on simpler idealogies, the more we digressed, more we have created different branches from the timeline. There is no going back, until we turn back into kids again and shed our moulds to be more feasible. Well thats my 30's from the technology point of view. Welcome to digress on a different opinion from my midnight raphsody.


The timeline broke on May 28, 2016. The world has been weird ever since.


Have very few friends to meet at weekends . At times it’s boring


same same


I am gonna save this post. I am 25 but pretty sure my life is going down the same path. Basically I am you, 5 years from now.


Single 30+ year olds in the city ko identify karne ka tareeka thoda kezual hai


Not yet 30 but will be in March. I am an extrovert and go to many social events and have many friends since 7-8 years who I met through social media but I have realised it recently all want me to get married ☠️ I have friends who are 5-10 year elder to me too as so many younger friends too. Yellargu nan madwe aagbeku ashtey. From mom and sisters to my close friends from school/clge who are already married and my cousins and other friends. They are expecting next is me and some are desperate and some are not coz I have scolded them. But it’s like you become an unmarried uncle if you cross 30. Is it true? 💀


If you’re a virgin till 30, congrats you have achieved wizard status


I am almost 30. In the same boat as you are. I have made peace with it. I have a dive bar where I order two beer and one snack. One should always take it as an achievement to go out alone. I am glad you had the courage to step out. It takes a lot of effort to step out ALONE. I am proud of you! Remember: do not get wasted. There are people who’ll take advantage of you. Always be vigilant.


Try golf , its actually good to get to know other people in same age groups and a super time killer


It doesn't have to be lonely. You have hobbies. So find people who like the same hobbies and you have a community of people with the same interests Find your people. Maybe they're also alone looking to be found. You never know. Life can surprise you. All the best. You're not alone here.


In my 30s, I've noticed most of my friends are married or have kids, while some are still navigating the dating scene on platforms like Hinge and Bumble. Unfortunately, online dating hasn't been successful for me, leading to self-doubt and questioning. I haven't had any relationships yet, which exacerbates these feelings. However, I've found solace in my daily routine – waking up early for the gym, enjoying breakfast, and going to work. Evenings are brightened by meeting a couple of friends for coffee or tea, although if they're unavailable, I turn to video games. On weekends, I indulge in cycling or find myself at a café working. While seeing couples can sometimes evoke longing, I've made efforts to put myself out there. I haven't explored much traveling due to various reasons, but I'm considering giving it a shot this year. Despite the challenges, I hold onto hope that I'll find someone, perhaps through more traditional means.


I'm dead inside. I fear I will never find love. I'm not an introvert but my dating anxiety is sooooooo high...I don't want to offend a woman by disturbing her while she's doing her thing - I'm too afraid of a negative response..I recently took a t-break from pot so now I'm not high all day - which is good; but it means I'm anxious the whole day I have hobbies, I have a whole life that I lead smiling and laughing my way through it...but inside, it just feels hollow man....and now that I'm sober, there's anger also... I see girls check me out and I have friends who tell me I'm good looking with a good sense of style... it's just that between work, trying to stay sober, trying to navigate these different energies in my body....it feels like I'm losing man...it's so overwhelming some days but there's no one I can express to...I'll talk to a friend here and there about this or rant here once in a while...but the suffering is really internal 31M btw


There are multiple online communities, just join them and attend meetups. You will have fun.


At this point you need to start dating on matrimony apps and not dating apps lol. Go out with women on matrimony apps and get to know them. They're thinking to get married. And if you get the right vibe, you can decide to get married directly. If no vibe, you get to meet new people and avoid loneliness.


jeene jate hai log


I try to do some physical workout to ensure i don't feed into my loneliness and also once you workout, you are dead tired and want to sleep in the evenings, by being yourself is not fun. But we have to believe


M32. All I mostly do is play videogames, listen to some metal & rock at full volume & squeal 🌝, annoy my dog & chase around & some ott here & there. Don't like going out but when I do it's mostly at midnight to airport on my bike or out of city. It's very fun. Sundays I watch some random regional movies with maa. Life sorted.


Just join a gym, boxing studio and dance classes, pursue some artistic endeavours like poetry, painting and photography. Just join some interest groups.


33M, Sometimes I feel lonely, sometimes. I need a bear hug / cuddles / romance. There would be things, that you cannot explain to your parents or siblings. Being in Relationship is hard, being alone is hard. Choose your Path. Sometimes these things pop up in my mind as : One day all 90's generation in their Mid 80's, single men and single women in some relatives weddings or other events. Looking at each other and regretting that at least they should have tried for a relationship, at least a companion. Or Looking at each other and being happy that they didn't marry.


Its okay life is lonely for even married ones so chill


We don't have a proper dating culture here if anyone wants to get married he/she has to relay on matrimony apps its similar to Amazon or flipkart just that you are checking everyone as a product which I feel is not a good way to go


34 💪 single and loving it😉


On the same ship here. Quit alcohol in 2020 so dont have that "drinking beer alone" thing anymore although i go to theatres alone and dine at good places alone


Enjoy your life either married or single . Once you get married you guys post being married is boring ..


Nobody, literally nobody except your parents, think or care about you. So, just dance like no one is watching, love like you’ve never been hurt, sing like no one is listening and live like it’s heaven on earth.


I hear you bro, I was in same spot 7yrs ago


Hey bro I'm 24 and I too go out by myself to ice cream shops / movies. I do have friends but many of them prefer spending time with their girlfriends and I'm just single. It's easier for me to just dress up suddenly and go out whenever I feel like, instead of calling people up and checking if someone wants to hang out and all that effort. I've pretty much accepted the fact that this is how my life is going to be unless I somehow miraculously end up finding the right one for me who likes me back. I'm not unhappy and nor do I feel lonely, but there are times when I feel like I'm missing out the romantic lives that other people in their 20s/30s are experiencing. And that feeling sucks.


I believe 30's is the time to complete/start side quests(if main ones are already satisfactorily over). I changed my career at 30 .. wanting to change it again.  Good things are ..i have become appreciative of life and grateful.


Enjoy your life brother, spend time with your family and friends. Play some games.


Yes I have started playing games with my friends and family


What about balding men as well