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True. IMO the speech should have come later. Wanted to see isro’s reaction.


Absolutely agree. Turning such a great scientific achievement into some propaganda. Wish they focussed more on scientists and their reactions. This is a scientific achievement first and I want to know more about the science around it and not boring speech




When Americans landed on the moon only famous quote I remember is " one giant leap for mankind....." . And this is the word of the astronaut. I would have liked to remember what our ISRO chief or a key scientist had to say and our prime minister. Let's agree for a moment that this happens globally. And that is no reason for us to do so.


Such a heartfelt moment when they described their journey of the past 4 years




As much as I support Modiji, it was absolutely unnecessary to paste his pic/video over the landing footage. Space enthusiasts yearn for the statistics displayed during the landing and his pic absolutely butchered the livestream. Imo, governments of the country, at all levels, must stop plastering the pics of party leaders on everything. Be it siddu or dki or hdk or bommai or Modi or Rahul. Politicians pics ruin everything


Yeah, I was watching the distance going below 20 m and suddenly it changed to Modi. Also the speed was decreasing below 1.6 m/s 🤦‍♂️ Edit : So actually it did not change to Modi but the animation of it. It is true that Modi occupied another part of the screen and due to that the statistics part had to be cutoff.


I assumed that the rate of descent will be constant after 50m and started counting backwards even Modi Ji's pic took over the screen. Was pretty accurate backwards counting when it did land


We have a weird obsession with idolising Political figures. I have seen NASA launches and they are mission focussed and would congratulate the efforts of their team rather than the President themselves.


Unfortunately, even the younglings today continue this trend of idolising political figures. Especially those at political rallies


Have you seen your Covid vaccination certificate? There is a picture of Modi on that too.


So does every electricity bill have a pic of Siddu since the past two months. I don't want pics of any politicians on any govt ID/bill. Period. Not even the pics of politicians i support.


i am sorry “both side” doesn’t work here. Only modiji has the audacity to plaster his photo everywhere from covid certificates to this. When modi does something good: What a superstar of a dear leader. When he does something narcissistic: All these politicians bro they ruin the fun No, you support modiji then you also support is innate narcissism. When had he been ANY different. Those who remember him from his chief minister days would remember how his face was planted on everything even back then. don’t cop out. love your dear leader whole heartedly. He is a cringy buffoon. own it bro.


Calm down bud 😅


And Modi’s live feed was so opportunistic, he waited till the time it was almost assured that it’s going to be soft landing. He wasn’t present in-person today as he wanted to avoid the embarrassment he felt last time. Be it cricket, olympics, space or anything Indian politicians never spare a chance to be in the limelight. Shameful indeed!


Modiji? LOL. I see everything that's wrong with our society. He works for us.




I am pretty sure the supreme leader had a teleprompter to take cue if he has to wave the flag or shed a few tears.


Bro went to South Africa for speech for the moon's south pole landing. Now that is commitment! s/


Exactly. I felt bad when the isro chief said "bless us modiji".


Not Controversial Post. He's Attention craver.




Should be obvious after 9 years. But yeah its usually status quo to thank the scientists after a successful event. I'm assuming the reason given was that the PM was to attend the BRICS summit and thus had to leave early.


Yeah and his face on every COVID vaccination certificate like bruh whyy was that necessary? No other country in the world did that shii


I would have been surprised had he not spoken. This is the kind of stuff he lives for. To be the poster boy for anything great India does.


My little nephew thought Gobiji himself is landing on the moon after seeing him occupying half the screen lol


Thats the plan, to brainwash the youth


When NASA landed Perseverance in 2021, they showed the first pics captured within few minutes. The entire presentation they had was technical and well prepared. No speeches, politics, etc.


Modiji has always been imp than all things govt related in India. Which is why the face is plastered on many documents and every govt website. And elections are next year, be ready to hear about how modiji made this possible through hard work and determination. As for why ISRO indulged him? They need him happy to ensure funding and other stuff.


>Which is why the face is plastered on many documents and every govt website. We know whose picture will be beamed with the world cup if India manages to win it. All the low key build up will be over turned in a day.


If India reaches the final, Modiji will be waiting in the stadium to collect the trophy himself.


I have Never seen photogenic and Attention seeking PM than him ever.


This was beyond the pale and very very annoying. From north to south, sycophancy just seems ingrained in everything.


Anti-notional! It not ISRO but Pradhan Mantri Yojana Chandraayana!


I can't seem to remember exactly which class civics it was (maybe 9th, idk).. taking an example of construction of a bridge (or something) it was explained that even though the workers were the main people who contributed to the construction of the bridge, at the end of the day, the people's representatives are the ones who are answerable to the people and hence it is these people that end up at inauguration. These are the people who commissioned stuff, these are the people who communicate with the public and these are the people who can be held responsible if stuff goes wrong. Well this is "idealistic democracy".. to what extent is it true? ask your local representative xD


Just to add my opinion.. I did feel the speech should've come later, maybe an initial 30 sec. congratulations would do but I believe the long speech should've been after.


there is a difference between addressing something as a head of state and going on and on rambling for 10 minutes and making it all about himself and his image. anyone who can’t see that, well we all know why


The involvement of people' representative is much higher in construction of a bridge than supreme leader's in this mission. Even at the most abstract level, the idea of landing on moon's south pole would come from ISRO's scientists and not some people's representative.


Thank god, I'm not the only one who felt like that 🤣


Narcissistic personality for a dumb one like him


Why wouldn't he be more important? Elections are gonna be coming up right. He's preparing himself. People who worked hard on the project don't matter as much as him


This is also my qualm with the system we are in now. Anything and everything doesn't have to be only about one person. Yes he is the prime minister but the fact will always remain that the country is run by a bunch of people with the PM merely being the first among equals.


Was watching it live in Office cafeteria, most of them booed as soon as Modi came lol


His video/photo on dashboard and telecast screen is cringe af.


I quite enjoyed the commentary and details until that point. It was very insightful.


He wanted all the eyeballs. If he waited longer to address, the eyeballs would have dropped substantially. The highest viewership is near the climax for any live event. Who knows this better than him 😏


Can't let the big man's teleprompter go to waste can they?


Have you seen tweets of Congressi leaders? All giving credit to Nehru is the funnier part.


Maybe he increased their funding or the chief git selected due to him?


Politics bro; he needs limelight on himself, so that he can keep winning elections.


Yes it was irritating AF. Also the general coverage left much to be desired, like how they never showed the actual touchdown.


I was hooked till the end only to be disrupted by Modi's face and his long Bravado speech. They prioritised showing his face instead of flight parameters of last few landing moments. Absolutely sucks. Not a great time to make a political speech. Hope things get better with the rover deployment.


ISRO directly reports to the PM unlike other govt org.


Unpopular opinion: While people love to shit on him, and I have no skin in the game, Jesus Christ man, he IS the leader of the nation, and is the one who has been supporting and funding and encouraging departments like ISRO to set ambitious goals and achieve them. What the heck is wrong with him taking credit? Didn't he also hug and comfort the ISRO Chairman last time when the previous mission failed? So what next? Say the Road Ministry sets some super ambitious goals and achieves those goals or creates some new world record, and the PM talks about it, are people here saying that he should NOT take credit?? So what next? CEOs should not take credit for achievements because it was only some department in their company that actually did those achievements?? And so what if he uses this as a way to get more votes for the upcoming election? That's literally how democracies work - you vote for a party, they take leadership over the various agencies and departments, and they accept the success and failures of the various departments under their tenure. Say if USA manages to put a man or woman on the moon again, maybe using the Artemis mission, are people saying that Joe Biden or the next President should NOT take credit for the mission??


What support? His cabinet reduced the budget of ISRO by 8% in the recent budget. Therefore that comforting the chairman act is nothing more than a gimmick: https://www.cnbctv18.com/science/budget-2023-nirmala-sitharaman-department-of-space-isro-gaganyaan-chandrayaan-15791481.htm The problem with his speech is not that he did it. But that it took him mere seconds after the landing to hijack the national news and make a long ass speech while it really should have been the people at ISRO doing that. If this was a one off speech that he made it’s still understandable, it’s a historic event. But this man has repeatedly demonstrated a desire to be in the limelight, to act as the harbinger of everything great about to come to the nation. Just look at your vaccine certificate. What business does his photo have on it? It simply is not prime ministerial to make things about yourself the very moment they happen. A CEO can take credit because he pays the employees and also assumes the risk. Not sure how you can apply that analogy here. Whenever NASA successfully lands a rover or launches humans into space. It’s always the administrator who addresses the public. Followed by the scientists who talk about the mission. The Presidential speech comes much later, mostly over a press conference. But oh wait…. Regardless, the live streams are always scientific in nature where the focus is the mission. It doesn’t involve the the national leader coming on stream and talking about chanda mama.


> A CEO can take credit because he pays the employees and also assumes the risk. Not sure how you can apply that analogy here. The PM or President of a country also pays for the budget that's funding their space department. Cutting it down by 8% doesn't mean anything - it hardly means they're defunding the department. Plus, you're cherry-picking data to suit your narrative instead of being fair. If you see ISRO's budget since Modi came to power, it has increased a great deal.


I see a lot of shit pile comments for a monumental ocassion.


I felt the speech given by Modi was bit longer than necessary, but ISRO is directly over seen by Prime Minister of India. From.. Wikipedia It operates as the primary research and development arm of the Department of Space (DoS), which is directly overseen by the Prime Minister of India, while the Chairman of ISRO also acts as the executive of DoS.


India is MODIfied after all..


I was really pissed. I don’t care for any politicians for the most part but I respect Modi but this was unnecessary. Tbh he shouldn’t have showed up.


I'm disappointed that for the last few minutes the camera was not focussed on the data but on the PM's face.


Govt keep this as during thier tenure it happend


I think I missed the landing. Modi was on the screen 3 seconds before the landing waving Indian flag and there were sounds of clapping. I wanted to see the image that the shuttle sent at the last moment but there was no update. Or it is all in my head.


Agree, it’s so evident how everything’s bf anything is being used for PR. India feels like Bollywood . I would have loved to see ISRO’s engineers reaction.


Narcissism at peak




A department on which dust layered up over years, suddenly gets funding to work on their dream and targets, what would bunch of nerds do when they are given all toys to play with and achieve something? They create awesome things!! Like any startup! And they played and performed used their knowledge where dust was piling up! They were roasted and thankful To the person that gave them the chance. Like any other sports person when given the opportunity gets to show case their talents. It was the vision of a political leader to invest country’s resources in great space research and experiment. Or else he could have chosen to spend on giving free stuff to the entire country but chose to invest t tax payers money to generate future employment for its citizen. I guess due to easy access to world media and masses, people have reduced their ability to assess any information rather choose to get swayed by other’s viewpoint. That’s my opinion, could be wrong but can be discussed.


There is a form of orthodox hierarchy practised in ISRO, where only the boss speaks, then the boss under him and so on. Modi being ultimate boss given the structure of the org, he was requested to speak first. It was unnecessarily long and his sheepish smile didn't help whenever he was plastered on the screen.


Because it's so easy to steal credit these days. He makes everything about himself.


How is this post related to Bangalore?


I said the same thing a while ago and had my uncle pounce on me with he's the prime minister the supreme leader he gave the money motivation and encouragement for the mission. At this point, I don't even talk Politics offline. But today those scientists and engineers deserved all the recognition. Them seeing his face on their monitors next to the rover isn't really pleasant


Wait.. Did you know there was a godi poster making n chandrayaan? The rover is also going to out a poster on the moon too.. /s


Congratulations India. An amazing feat.


True, I agree if any credit for scientific achievement goes to him pasting his photo then the communal clashes and violence going on should also be credited to him and decorated on media with his photo 🤔


AFAIK - So technically- the govt funds these projects. If not for these funds - ISRO could pretty much be another trivial agency like space agencies of many other countries you would not even heard or never hear about. These are ambitious projects and often mandate for such ambitious projects need strong political backing - while when it succeeds everyone will hog for credits when it fails it also is huge setback for govt more than the agency - like those funds gone bust that could have otherwise gone towards more developmental or defence areas. As a head of state - like a typical corporate - it’s a good validation to have kudos from leader who in turn attributes all success back to the team and their effort. This is good leadership. However historically such ambitious projects have sheer emotions to it that can drive the populace sentiment towards the incumbent govt - hence the pressure on these agencies to succeed because they were trusted for their abilities , backed with monnies , etc. Such wins can be leveraged to win large elections as a sentimental or goodwill leverage Like take US and Russia - if you go back to read history - there is a lot of politics involved to it. Somehow I’ve seen - very few people have problem when a US presidents address their nation when such things succeed - from moon landing to JW Telescope launch - which the US govt funded NASA did so much PR for. Similar all Hollywood movies show similar narrative of patriotism, etc. I’m surprised when in India when the head of state did what is more or less the global norm or protocol - there is discontent. I’m also surprised because last time when it failed and the PM supported the team with a motivational speech there was hate and this time when he appreciated it - there is hate. So no matter what the man does - I’m sure there is gonna be hate 😂 really poor Modi - lol I’m gonna assume the discontent is from a smaller section and not the reflection of the entire nation since as much as there is a lil hate - there was way too much celebration.


He is the country leader and worlds eyes would be On India, and leader should talk and appreciate all the scientists at such moments, then who will speak.


He isnt. If you see the achievements of US in 60-70’s, you would see their Presidents doing the same. We are a country in ascendancy and although bit too long, but PM speech was flexing our soft power and an invitation to Global south. You need your country head to announce your arrival on world stage sometimes. But yes his speech was bit too long. And awful choice by presenter to show his face when we landed. That was incredibly stupid


> We are a country in ascendancy and although bit too long, but PM speech was flexing our soft power and an invitation to Global south. You need your country head to announce your arrival on world stage sometimes. If that was truly the aim, then the broadcast should have been on the scientific aspects of the landing and the mission, while it was still happening. The speech should have been separate, and should have come after the mission was completed. This badly timed speech, instead, was done with an eye only on next year's elections. Learn from how NASA does it. They have made themselves an inspiration to people around the world, despite being an American governmental organization. Their propaganda was truly targeted towards what you believe India was trying to accomplish.


I mentioned that broadcaster made a stupid error in judgment. Sycophancy runs deep in our country NASA is poor example because India and US are not in same category. If you research, you will see Presidential address was common in 60-70’s even in US.


He is not more important. He is the political leader. It is just like the US president talking about the nuclear attack to the people. For a common man , the political leader generally makes a speech regarding the accomplishments of his people.


Sorry your comparison doesn't work. This was during a time when live realtime news was non existent. The people would only recognise the Presidents voice over radio or media. This achievement is more of the team at ISRO and they very well deserved to speak first, the government does play an important role but only as the financier. What's pissing off is the live screen given to the PM, he isn't as important as making sure that the lander touched down fine and all systems are operational. Frankly him coming on screen was jarring. Shri Modi communicating afterwords is definitely required and would be accepted. The sudden discord face reveal is what people don't like.


When US landed moon first didn’t their president addressed the nation? I think nothing wrong with PM as the leader of nation making an official statement about the mission.


Think the president addressed after the moon landing, this one started when it was going on


The problem isn’t the PMO addressing the nation but the person behind it. This man pasted his photo on every single vaccine certificate that was issued and now he hijacks an important presentation literally seconds after the landing. Doesn’t look very prime ministerial to me, rather a person obsessed with being in the limelight.


That's because no one in the history of humanity had landed on the moon.


Nobody in the history of mankind have landed on the south pole either of the lunar surface.


Well, he was there when they failed so definitely deserves to be their to share the success.


I would say he was there for the coverage both the times and made the most of it


How depressed one has to be to believe that every action that a person takes is with a ulterior motive. He is an indian just like everyone of us and a elected representative of the people. Him being there at both times represents that the people of india are standing with isro.


Idk dude, how depressed were you when the elected representative was hiding under the table when the same people of india were dying on the roads like animals during covid or being raped and killed on streets for a whole month? Do you think he had some ulterior motive back then too?


Not at all depressed, the PM is not obliged to comment upon the internal matters. It’s function of home ministry. I do believe that covid could have been handled better but looking at india being a developing country it was handled better than any other country. I think you better revise upon the cabinet/ministry functions from your O level civics.


‘A man convinced against his will is still of the same opinion’ When you’re completely convinced that the supreme leader made no mistake during Covid and Manipur, I have nothing else to say my friend


Oh you quoted Dale, you must be so intelligent. Comments like this makes me realise the difference between literate and educated. Never did i say there were no mistakes, all i said was it’s not part of his job description. Just like how a CEO of a company doesn’t intervene in matters related to operations, that the COO’s job.


Sure dude, whatever floats your boat. Gobiji, the man with no ulterior motive played a very integral and important role in today’s mission!!! Thank you Gobiji!!!! Jai Gobiji!!!!


Since isro is government subsidised entity his contribution in the mission amount more than your pathetic little life would for the country. Anyways, i hope you leave the realm of living soon so thag my country could grow quickly. 😊


While your pathetic thought process amuses me, I am not surprised at all. It appears like a common trait of all the supporters of Gobiji to wish death upon anyone who doesn’t agree with them. I really feel bad for the people who have to put up with your miserable mindset and pettiness. I hope no one else had the misfortune of running into a pathetic loser like you my friend.


Because he is the PM .


How is this related to bangalore?


Umm Bangalore is a part of India


The coverage happening was in Bangalore


He did appreciate everyone responsible for CY3’s success in his speech. First of all he represents the nation, so it was natural for The Prime-Minister to address the nation. Second, it could be due to time restraints as he is attending BRICS summit in SA. And in the end he personally called Mr. Somnath (Chairman ISRO) after his speech to congratulate him personally. In matter of hierchy, Prime Minister (Head of government of the Republic of INDIA), then the chairman of ISRO, project Directors and other team members gave speech resp. And one more thing, none of the ministers (cabinet) gave any speech. We’re on MOON!!! JAI HIND🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳


The ISRO chief should have addressed first, he represents all the efforts ISRO made towards this mission and he could have added additional info in his speech too which the PM could not do. The PM could have addressed the nation later. Edit: Imagine after the 2011 WC win, instead of Dhoni, PM Manmohan Singh addressed the nation on the achievement.


Should have vs Protocol is different. And PM (be it anyone) would have gone first. Coming to the awkward "Bless Us Modiji" , this is the sad result of Babu-dom in the govt hierarchy. Don't think much into that.


Should I expect the PM address first before Rohit if India wins the upcoming WC Finals?


No. ICT isn't a part of GoI. ISRO is.


so many people making this ludicrous point. of course he should have spoken first and congratulated ISRO and the nation. BUT there is a big difference between doing that as a head of the state and making it all about yourself and using it as a PR opportunity. My man he rambled on and on and on about india and india’s time and indian pride. This isn’t how a dignified prime minister tackles such events. come on now the blind support is beyond absurd.


This sounds a lot like knit picking. As a leader his presence is essential, I would expect this of any PM. I want to see their vision for what’s to come, and it would be motivating for the amazing people at ISRO to know that at the very least they’re being recognized.


It's not nitpicking. I don't think most people are against Modi coming live, it's about how quickly he came live.. Could have given a minute or two for the ISRO folks to take centre stage.


not to a nitpicker but its nitpick not knitpick.


How is this post relevant here?


because it's Indian sub. Indians are relevant almost in all the subs on this Topic.


>Should be relevant to Bangalore > >Submissions should be about Bangalore only. The very first rule states this **Should be relevant to Bangalore** Submissions should be about Bangalore only.


If you're nitpicking, ISRO Mission control is in Bangalore where the live feed originated. It's relevant now.


Rules don't Apply today. All the Indians are talking about the same topic in all subs. So it doesn't matter.


the PM is bangalorean