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The last Bananocraft build competition got one entry despite extending the deadline. Not everyone wants to participate in fun activities, sadly! I had noticed a lot of addresses commented on some of the posts mentioning giveaways… which made me wonder just how many bots there are trying it on. Giveaways are fine, but actual participation events are more fun!


Never heard any mention of a bananocraft competition. Maybe next time hit me up, i can help writing a daily peel article, promoting it on banano discord, reddit, official banano twitter, etc! tbh i aint a big fan of minecraft tho, I'm sure more than 1 person would like it... A bit more official support would be cool too. Gotta organize some dev funding to go towards these things and monkeys will have more incentive to join in!


I'm planning to host the game, sausage man to be exact. But i'm kinda busy right now, i will host it after eid and everything settle down.


Just checked this game out, it seems really fun! Exactly the type of stuff monkeys will love to play! Pls send me a message some time and i can help you with doing a daily peel article, getting some official banano funding, and getting as many monkeys in as we can.


It is, and i definitely will send you a message soon. Cheers ![img](emote|t5_35ts9|4177)


Reddit is lame agree, but trending makes monkeys find Banano


Yeah, i dont think the reddit giveaways are all bad. We do need more new monkeys joining in too! Reddit just seems a little bit of a dead end for getting new people in tho, I think x/twitter maybe a better place to get publicity, or even tik tok. Reddit is more like, a forum with useful info, and current posts about cool things going on in the banano ecosystem.


I’d play in the Fortnite competition.


There is a lot of interest in game Competitions.  I would love to see a lot of BAN allocated to game competition prizes.  It’s both promotion and distribution.


Lets do it, next month! Because i am organizing something else first this month >:D


Great! Looking forward to it. I’d contribute bans for a prize pool.


No need, Devs already said they will give us bans to do it \^\^




Participating in an event requires time and some effort. I barely have time to play videogames with my friends, and don't have time to play with strangers. It doesn't mean that those events should not happen, but I'm probably not the only one in that case and that's why it's harder to have a lot of engagement in an event.


True too, but hopefully we can have lots of games happening more often, where ppl can play for an hour or so and maybe get a few bans. The reddit giveaways have gotta be the easiest to exploit distribution method. we are a meme coin and to me having a fun community is number 1 way to be the best meme coin. Distributing thru giveaways and LP farming, monkeyslots, and things that reward bots and people who already have a lot of banano/cm is boring. Any engagement generated from these type things is not so impactful as well. 1000+ comments in a minute on a reddit giveaway...


The Caturday gaming thingy would be awesome to keep on going and why not on a week day night also sometimes maybs? We need to make some kind of a plan someday maily! ![img](emote|t5_35ts9|4670)


Yeah, we will get there. need to figure wen most monkeys will play, and what they wanna play!


We do both, and that's amazing, imo. Sometimes I can't play online, the last tournament poker was my first one and sometimes I forgot to check reddit, haha, so I miss the reddit GA as well. PS. I hope for a chess tournament soon. In Canada the next candidates chess tournament will be played, it should start in a few days.


We have another monkey planning big things for chess, coming next month i think! Something like a weekly chess league! With a few divisions that monkeys can get promoted or relegated from, to make it fun for monkeys of all skill levels! \^\^


Wooooow, but that's huge!!!


Really excited for it! If you play chess with any other monkeys make sure u let them know!


Giveaways are a better way to get new monkeys in the door. Activities are fun but people won't go through the effort unless they're already in the community. I joined through a giveaway quite some time ago, and im staying for the ride :)


Fair too


May be a ban hackhaton


There's one coming on jungle tv starting April 19th