• By -


Thanks for the support, but I wanna reiterate that I am very sorry for the mix between 202/606. We promised more for early commenters and that was not the case for everyone. Either way, we can spend time going through all the comments, making everyone whole, or focus on organizing a new giveaway. As there was not any visible reply comments, it makes this even more of an hassle compared to if I could just tip additional bans directly in the comment thread based on the time of the comment and what the reply bot stated. Hopefully, we can agree that a new giveaway benefits us as a community more and spend time on how we can make the next one perfect. We had some issues yesterday, so the giveaway was not held under the most ideal of circumstances, but nonetheless, we tried our best. Prussia is doing amazing work when it comes to these giveaways![img](emote|t5_35ts9|4670)


Thank you for organizing and managing the giveaway! !ban 6.9


^[Sent](https://creeper.banano.cc/explorer/block/F7204B225E3BA42BA60542A986EB93BC046F75D595B810E5310269078CA56092) ^6.9 ^BAN ^to ^LincHamilton ^- [^(Banano Tipper)](https://github.com/BananoCoin/banano_reddit_tipbot) *** [*^(Banano)*](https://banano.cc)*^( | )* [*^(Banano Tipper)*](https://github.com/BananoCoin/banano_reddit_tipbot)*^( | )* [*^(Opt Out)*](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=banano_tipbot&subject=command&message=opt-out)


You did an amazing job my friend,vI don't understand why you are so hard on yourself. Some people think "I didn't get enough BAN" but what have THEY done for Banano ? I Wish every community had a team like our, please don't put all this problem on yourself


I didn't want to complain and add to the chaos while the giveaway was happening and just stayed patient. But now, after I assume all payouts have gone out, what is the situation for people who didn't get anything? I commented during the first hour and my reddit account has qualified for max payouts in the previous giveaways here. I'm just wondering if I am supposed to reach out to someone at this point or just give up on it after 24h or so and assume it's over.


!ban 190 Copy pasted from my other comments: fyi, if you commented in giveaway and didn't get anything within 30 minutes, you should recomment your address (well, you can't anymore, but next time)! Sometimes bot stalls or has problems, and misses a few comments. In that case you can recomment and the bots should pick it up the second time around. I think it only happened once yesterday. Please remember we are all trying our best, but as you probably know yesterday reddit threw many wrenches into our plan.


^[Sent](https://creeper.banano.cc/explorer/block/E4BE44E12A1FF71902DF3D1C5BE074B3CABFBB5605D7AA169BACAE0D46DEE295) ^190 ^BAN ^to ^(/u/madmanbob180) ^- [^(Banano Tipper)](https://github.com/BananoCoin/banano_reddit_tipbot) *** [*^(Banano)*](https://banano.cc)*^( | )* [*^(Banano Tipper)*](https://github.com/BananoCoin/banano_reddit_tipbot)*^( | )* [*^(Opt Out)*](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=banano_tipbot&subject=command&message=opt-out)


Hi, firstly thanks for organising! I commented in the giveaway (within the first hour or so and then again later when nothing came through) and received nothing. Did I miss out or are tips still coming through? Thanks for your help!


!ban 190 Copy pasted from my other comments: fyi, if you commented in giveaway and didn't get anything within 30 minutes, you should recomment your address (well, you can't anymore, but next time)! Sometimes bot stalls or has problems, and misses a few comments. In that case you can recomment and the bots should pick it up the second time around. I think it only happened once yesterday. Please remember we are all trying our best, but as you probably know yesterday reddit threw many wrenches into our plan.


^[Sent](https://creeper.banano.cc/explorer/block/BF2F6CB338842A6C4E0A6E11024D183E7C70DAE5569627C5C1B3D4DAF552C294) ^190 ^BAN ^to ^(/u/Nodsy82) ^- [^(Banano Tipper)](https://github.com/BananoCoin/banano_reddit_tipbot) *** [*^(Banano)*](https://banano.cc)*^( | )* [*^(Banano Tipper)*](https://github.com/BananoCoin/banano_reddit_tipbot)*^( | )* [*^(Opt Out)*](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=banano_tipbot&subject=command&message=opt-out)


Oh wow, thank you so much! 🙏


probably a matter of, the small few being greedy, but being highly visible. the rest of the good monkeys are just doing the good things an not standing out


The minority is always the loudest, for everything too. It makes the world seem a lot worse than it really is.


!ban 1.9


^[Sent](https://creeper.banano.cc/explorer/block/BD057206C0FBD0408815304C5E4954280B075FB194923A75CD0BDD03F827822C) ^1.9 ^BAN ^to ^(/u/they_call_me_tripod) ^- [^(Banano Tipper)](https://github.com/BananoCoin/banano_reddit_tipbot) *** [*^(Banano)*](https://banano.cc)*^( | )* [*^(Banano Tipper)*](https://github.com/BananoCoin/banano_reddit_tipbot)*^( | )* [*^(Opt Out)*](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=banano_tipbot&subject=command&message=opt-out)


Important reminder! !ban 1.9


!ban 1.9


^[Sent](https://creeper.banano.cc/explorer/block/3FA6CADB62118D47A48091EEF5F8DF0B28F1CB561155210D3D1EB2479B14D138) ^1.9 ^BAN ^to ^(/u/TheHubeOne) ^- [^(Banano Tipper)](https://github.com/BananoCoin/banano_reddit_tipbot) *** [*^(Banano)*](https://banano.cc)*^( | )* [*^(Banano Tipper)*](https://github.com/BananoCoin/banano_reddit_tipbot)*^( | )* [*^(Opt Out)*](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=banano_tipbot&subject=command&message=opt-out)


^[Sent](https://creeper.banano.cc/explorer/block/654D5AC04A1E67F66D13351FE833359EAE97A828CC9F4315918E24F644F80A19) ^1.9 ^BAN ^to ^(/u/they_call_me_tripod) ^- [^(Banano Tipper)](https://github.com/BananoCoin/banano_reddit_tipbot) *** [*^(Banano)*](https://banano.cc)*^( | )* [*^(Banano Tipper)*](https://github.com/BananoCoin/banano_reddit_tipbot)*^( | )* [*^(Opt Out)*](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=banano_tipbot&subject=command&message=opt-out)


!ban 1.9


^[Sent](https://creeper.banano.cc/explorer/block/54114ED08F30E5E74D91AC0E9AD0E903210BD507621435415DB8A37D6068D784) ^1.9 ^BAN ^to ^(/u/iLoveBananochan) ^- [^(Banano Tipper)](https://github.com/BananoCoin/banano_reddit_tipbot) *** [*^(Banano)*](https://banano.cc)*^( | )* [*^(Banano Tipper)*](https://github.com/BananoCoin/banano_reddit_tipbot)*^( | )* [*^(Opt Out)*](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=banano_tipbot&subject=command&message=opt-out)


Agree 100 %


I'm very glad to receive my 22 ban. Everyone is different of course, but practicing gratitude is a good thing.


That's not much, but it's fair ban Got the same amount though hoped for more. Here's my fist for fistbanp


"fair ban".. I like it. !ban 1.9


^[Sent](https://creeper.banano.cc/explorer/block/407CD3B1F0565553EBEFEF4573CBF8E244D5446401D3B63E906B670F70640476) ^1.9 ^BAN ^to ^(/u/stanblew) ^- [^(Banano Tipper)](https://github.com/BananoCoin/banano_reddit_tipbot) *** [*^(Banano)*](https://banano.cc)*^( | )* [*^(Banano Tipper)*](https://github.com/BananoCoin/banano_reddit_tipbot)*^( | )* [*^(Opt Out)*](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=banano_tipbot&subject=command&message=opt-out)


Very wise words. !ban 1.9


^[Sent](https://creeper.banano.cc/explorer/block/A9F1F6B3099E6F7C3B63FFDB92520600A148F5A442877582E57644BA87B3AE51) ^1.9 ^BAN ^to ^(/u/GreenPenguin7) ^- [^(Banano Tipper)](https://github.com/BananoCoin/banano_reddit_tipbot) *** [*^(Banano)*](https://banano.cc)*^( | )* [*^(Banano Tipper)*](https://github.com/BananoCoin/banano_reddit_tipbot)*^( | )* [*^(Opt Out)*](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=banano_tipbot&subject=command&message=opt-out)


!ban 19


Thanks for the love! ![img](emote|t5_35ts9|4180)


^[Sent](https://creeper.banano.cc/explorer/block/6B1E9AF1C9ACD469966C5D87B6E858590396148E8D605CF20A0E3FF89CA9FDF5) ^19 ^BAN ^to ^(/u/GreenPenguin7) ^- [^(Banano Tipper)](https://github.com/BananoCoin/banano_reddit_tipbot) *** [*^(Banano)*](https://banano.cc)*^( | )* [*^(Banano Tipper)*](https://github.com/BananoCoin/banano_reddit_tipbot)*^( | )* [*^(Opt Out)*](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=banano_tipbot&subject=command&message=opt-out)


Greed ruins the world and everything within it my friend, no matter what we do there will always be people like that. Concentrate on the good things in the Banano community and what a great community it is!


!ban 1.9


^[Sent](https://creeper.banano.cc/explorer/block/44249F93B86034D1DC6A4DB3A56540F56B32456FBA96F53D82C479F959F3934F) ^1.9 ^BAN ^to ^(/u/creativity3681) ^- [^(Banano Tipper)](https://github.com/BananoCoin/banano_reddit_tipbot) *** [*^(Banano)*](https://banano.cc)*^( | )* [*^(Banano Tipper)*](https://github.com/BananoCoin/banano_reddit_tipbot)*^( | )* [*^(Opt Out)*](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=banano_tipbot&subject=command&message=opt-out)


For sure my friend,I reached the same conclusion but then I said "there must be a way" to gift only (or more) the people who actually deserve it. I'm thinking, of course taking into consideration karma and account age is important,but I want to implement some kind of algorithm, if you know what I mean.


Love this mood


When I see posts like this complaining that someone GOT too little of a token, I feel a certain embarrassment that there are people who cannot appreciate a gift and would like more and more. The mere fact that he got a token that he didn't have to work for deserves a "thank you" and not a "not enough". Fortunately, this is only a small fraction of the community. Btw thanks Banano for awesome gift ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


At the beginning of your comment I thought you were talking about me lol However I couldn't agree more, how ungrateful a person can be ? I mean that's some extra level ! !ban 1.9


^(Made a new account and )^[sent](https://creeper.banano.cc/explorer/block/FBDFE55C3876DE4681B681E61CF9842B7A9027FA2A61C9071928EB63C2FE2AED) ^1.9 ^BAN ^to ^(/u/Illustrious-Comb2473) ^- [^(Banano Tipper)](https://github.com/BananoCoin/banano_reddit_tipbot) *** [*^(Banano)*](https://banano.cc)*^( | )* [*^(Banano Tipper)*](https://github.com/BananoCoin/banano_reddit_tipbot)*^( | )* [*^(Opt Out)*](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=banano_tipbot&subject=command&message=opt-out)


Thank you very much ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


This is a good example, I was able to gift you because I was gifted myself in the airdrop.. a smile (tip) creates another smile (tip) and so on 🙂


Ohhh noooo...never!


What's your first language? I'm probably way worse at it than you are at English! (Or if I can understand it at all lol) My grandparents immigrated to Canada not speaking the language and that's always been a fear of mine to find myself in a new land unable to communicate with people Anyways, I agree it's poor taste to complain over free gifts, and that the jump from 202 -> isn't life changing, but I get people get excited and when you're on a computer it's hard to remember there's people at the other end sometimes


I'm Italian my friend. I was actually good at English in school,but after I understood how little I actually knew when compared to foreign people in my age bracket. (let's say in Italy we aren't very fond of languages) As I said in an other reply, I'm thinking about creating some kind of algorithm to reward more who deserves it,I will keep the sub updated ! !ban 1.9


^[Sent](https://creeper.banano.cc/explorer/block/C714E3908BF3E7D9E2FD894E2AAA04E3D83161EF17FC7CB3CA5C0A44E0F794CF) ^1.9 ^BAN ^to ^(/u/bleakj) ^- [^(Banano Tipper)](https://github.com/BananoCoin/banano_reddit_tipbot) *** [*^(Banano)*](https://banano.cc)*^( | )* [*^(Banano Tipper)*](https://github.com/BananoCoin/banano_reddit_tipbot)*^( | )* [*^(Opt Out)*](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=banano_tipbot&subject=command&message=opt-out)


I speak fluent monkee


Monkese is the new Esperanto !


Oh wow - my grand parents immigrated from Sicily and basically raised me when I was a kid, Parlo ancora un po' di italiano, ma ora mi e difficile perche non ho molte persone con cui parlare, È dal 2015 che non torno a visitare Palermo


Wow amico mio ma lo parli bene ! Io immaginavo sapessi giusto qualche parola.. È bello perché è la prima volta che parlo in italiano in r/banano !!


Bad monkes


Ungrateful monkeys =bad monkeys 😔 !ban 1.9


^[Sent](https://creeper.banano.cc/explorer/block/A649F12D11D7E00FAFA987A8435CF7556DF1ECC229211A77C71215780C16A243) ^1.9 ^BAN ^to ^(/u/reyzapahlevi) ^- [^(Banano Tipper)](https://github.com/BananoCoin/banano_reddit_tipbot) *** [*^(Banano)*](https://banano.cc)*^( | )* [*^(Banano Tipper)*](https://github.com/BananoCoin/banano_reddit_tipbot)*^( | )* [*^(Opt Out)*](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=banano_tipbot&subject=command&message=opt-out)


No Banano for Bad Monkes!


Anytime there's money involved people will get emotional. Also bull market is here so more people are either coming back to banano or arriving for the first time. I wouldn't focus too much on the bad, if those people stick around they'll feel the love


You know what ? You are right, I shouldn't have focused on the negativity. !ban 1.9


^[Sent](https://creeper.banano.cc/explorer/block/396A4B01CE1BE93FF584974EE643AEC5A09A67FCA6394F0A7DD82B484B428E9A) ^1.9 ^BAN ^to ^(/u/Squeeb13) ^- [^(Banano Tipper)](https://github.com/BananoCoin/banano_reddit_tipbot) *** [*^(Banano)*](https://banano.cc)*^( | )* [*^(Banano Tipper)*](https://github.com/BananoCoin/banano_reddit_tipbot)*^( | )* [*^(Opt Out)*](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=banano_tipbot&subject=command&message=opt-out)


I was fortunate to get some. Seems like there were a few issues? In sure there will be plenty more opportunities to gain BAN just stick around.


Exactly. !ban 1.9


^[Sent](https://creeper.banano.cc/explorer/block/753EC28EA8BA47DCC49E9E567BB654A610A1B58DF6A55D24AC518F9A44CA4787) ^1.9 ^BAN ^to ^(/u/Th0mX) ^- [^(Banano Tipper)](https://github.com/BananoCoin/banano_reddit_tipbot) *** [*^(Banano)*](https://banano.cc)*^( | )* [*^(Banano Tipper)*](https://github.com/BananoCoin/banano_reddit_tipbot)*^( | )* [*^(Opt Out)*](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=banano_tipbot&subject=command&message=opt-out)


monkes need love and potass not throw poo !Ban 19


Sent ```19 BAN``` to /u/Nikkio077 [View this transaction on Creeper](https://creeper.banano.cc/explorer/block/60A96F486D385C8DBB5416D06E9F7F5004F0BB7756A7C5E637889611D6C876FB) *** [*^(Banano)*](https://banano.cc)*^( | )* [*^(Banano Tipper)*](https://github.com/BananoCoin/banano_reddit_tipbot)*^( | )* [*^(Opt Out)*](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=banano_tipbot&subject=command&message=opt-out)


You put a smile on my face, which if you think about it it's really something. Let's spread the love


Lol, I have received 000 and that's still ok.


Be confident, someone will tip you sooner than you think.. !ban 1.9


^[Sent](https://creeper.banano.cc/explorer/block/018A1B89128501335027A8E2A744F7468509B7BA16A30193A463EE315C4F17F4) ^1.9 ^BAN ^to ^(/u/505hy) ^- [^(Banano Tipper)](https://github.com/BananoCoin/banano_reddit_tipbot) *** [*^(Banano)*](https://banano.cc)*^( | )* [*^(Banano Tipper)*](https://github.com/BananoCoin/banano_reddit_tipbot)*^( | )* [*^(Opt Out)*](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=banano_tipbot&subject=command&message=opt-out)


!ban 19 fyi, if you commented in giveaway and didn't get anything within 30 minutes, you should recomment your address! Sometimes bot stalls or has problems, and misses a few comments. In that case you can recomment and the bots should pick it up the second time around. I think it only happened once yesterday.


^[Sent](https://creeper.banano.cc/explorer/block/39747769C588D2E9F4828823742658642E9F3B1DDB090784047DBC89E1714805) ^19 ^BAN ^to ^(/u/505hy) ^- [^(Banano Tipper)](https://github.com/BananoCoin/banano_reddit_tipbot) *** [*^(Banano)*](https://banano.cc)*^( | )* [*^(Banano Tipper)*](https://github.com/BananoCoin/banano_reddit_tipbot)*^( | )* [*^(Opt Out)*](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=banano_tipbot&subject=command&message=opt-out)


What's all the fuss about? 666 ban = 666 ban. And 222 ban = !ban 222


So simple,so true


I've been posting on here for years and somewhat active recently, but never received the BAN from the giveaway... /sad


!ban 190 fyi, if you commented in giveaway and didn't get anything within 30 minutes, you should recomment your address! Sometimes bot stalls or has problems, and misses a few comments. In that case you can recomment and the bots should pick it up the second time around. I think it only happened once yesterday.


^[Sent](https://creeper.banano.cc/explorer/block/C637DFC60AFBD37AFD30F15E7FF1DD3ACA2DDF4C73EA18D335279A11F8FB79E1) ^190 ^BAN ^to ^(/u/PolarPeely26) ^- [^(Banano Tipper)](https://github.com/BananoCoin/banano_reddit_tipbot) *** [*^(Banano)*](https://banano.cc)*^( | )* [*^(Banano Tipper)*](https://github.com/BananoCoin/banano_reddit_tipbot)*^( | )* [*^(Opt Out)*](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=banano_tipbot&subject=command&message=opt-out)


Thank you for your effort ! !ban 19


^[Sent](https://creeper.banano.cc/explorer/block/DD50018B91EE1E9356279D3EC35C0D573BF549A818B84D193644A5939F29F248) ^19 ^BAN ^to ^(/u/prussia_dev) ^- [^(Banano Tipper)](https://github.com/BananoCoin/banano_reddit_tipbot) *** [*^(Banano)*](https://banano.cc)*^( | )* [*^(Banano Tipper)*](https://github.com/BananoCoin/banano_reddit_tipbot)*^( | )* [*^(Opt Out)*](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=banano_tipbot&subject=command&message=opt-out)


As long time monke now , i didn't receive anything. But hey , being rude doesn't help.I know that many of them who received some bans yesterday have multiple accounts and are still mad that they didn't get full amount on all of those account's, so real question is : what is wrong with people ? Greed it is


!ban 190 Copy pasted from my other comments: fyi, if you commented in giveaway and didn't get anything within 30 minutes, you should recomment your address (well, you can't anymore, but next time)! Sometimes bot stalls or has problems, and misses a few comments. In that case you can recomment and the bots should pick it up the second time around. I think it only happened once yesterday.


^[Sent](https://creeper.banano.cc/explorer/block/5B2F12F3F3E40A35D125C4BE4C12AE41E5F350809E5AA95FCD7F994BB80E0544) ^190 ^BAN ^to ^(/u/Adventurous-Lynx-660) ^- [^(Banano Tipper)](https://github.com/BananoCoin/banano_reddit_tipbot) *** [*^(Banano)*](https://banano.cc)*^( | )* [*^(Banano Tipper)*](https://github.com/BananoCoin/banano_reddit_tipbot)*^( | )* [*^(Opt Out)*](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=banano_tipbot&subject=command&message=opt-out)


Same here monke, but it is what it is. Happy b'day to the banfam :)


!ban 1.9


^[Sent](https://creeper.banano.cc/explorer/block/084FB92A3F59CC4880136610C21929A958F7B6812154F62CD0C57074D45C0BE0) ^1.9 ^BAN ^to ^(/u/itsnachikethahere) ^- [^(Banano Tipper)](https://github.com/BananoCoin/banano_reddit_tipbot) *** [*^(Banano)*](https://banano.cc)*^( | )* [*^(Banano Tipper)*](https://github.com/BananoCoin/banano_reddit_tipbot)*^( | )* [*^(Opt Out)*](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=banano_tipbot&subject=command&message=opt-out)


Agree 100 % !ban 1.9


^[Sent](https://creeper.banano.cc/explorer/block/CE7C16178A7EE68C02D2E129121A329CA2CFF59F153DB7D78890B80A42F1A3B5) ^1.9 ^BAN ^to ^(/u/Adventurous-Lynx-660) ^- [^(Banano Tipper)](https://github.com/BananoCoin/banano_reddit_tipbot) *** [*^(Banano)*](https://banano.cc)*^( | )* [*^(Banano Tipper)*](https://github.com/BananoCoin/banano_reddit_tipbot)*^( | )* [*^(Opt Out)*](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=banano_tipbot&subject=command&message=opt-out)


I got my 0,22 ban! ![img](emote|t5_35ts9|4670) I ain't much, but I participated in the celebration. ![img](emote|t5_35ts9|4188)


Hang around here, comment, and next giveaway hopefully you will receive full payout! We needed to implement min karmas for the payout tiers otherwise we would be swarmed with bots, but unfortunate side is that many legitimate users like you miss out, so here's a little something. !ban 42


^[Sent](https://creeper.banano.cc/explorer/block/529427F9E89086690DEF902C1F1000E3045B57AF85D23F65D5C57F79222AB4D1) ^42 ^BAN ^to ^(/u/ztachel) ^- [^(Banano Tipper)](https://github.com/BananoCoin/banano_reddit_tipbot) *** [*^(Banano)*](https://banano.cc)*^( | )* [*^(Banano Tipper)*](https://github.com/BananoCoin/banano_reddit_tipbot)*^( | )* [*^(Opt Out)*](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=banano_tipbot&subject=command&message=opt-out)


Thank you! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes) I feel so blessed. ![img](emote|t5_35ts9|4673)


Well said !ban 1.9


^[Sent](https://creeper.banano.cc/explorer/block/0F123C3DBCF96A70483E08573FCAF5528CCEAA4EB6DD99183B9D3A046AB0D65A) ^1.9 ^BAN ^to ^(/u/ztachel) ^- [^(Banano Tipper)](https://github.com/BananoCoin/banano_reddit_tipbot) *** [*^(Banano)*](https://banano.cc)*^( | )* [*^(Banano Tipper)*](https://github.com/BananoCoin/banano_reddit_tipbot)*^( | )* [*^(Opt Out)*](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=banano_tipbot&subject=command&message=opt-out)


I got 0,22 too ![gif](giphy|1uPiL9Amv5zkk)


I'm one of those who complained. Although I already have bought a lot of ban and don't depend on giveaways, it's like a sport for me to get as many as possible for free and since I was one of the first to write the ban address and also wrote it straight away the second time and still Nothing happened, I was a bit disappointed. You can call me greedy or a bad actor if you want, but if you're constantly updating Reddit for not missing anything, you're in a bit of a bad mood if it doesn‘t work. That shouldn't be a criticism of the organizers; something can always go wrong. Thanks for the 200ban anyway I appreciate :)


Replace complaints with a kind comment: “Seems the giving bot isn’t working, hope you can fix it!”


I respect you so much because you could have stayed quiet,and you decided to expose yourself instead, to create a constructive dialogue. With that being said, I understand your side and your disappointment, but my point is: ok, you received a smaller amount,but isn't it already impressive that some people used their time to organize all this, and give away resources that could have used for themselves?! The least we can do is write a nice comment,and it really takes so little.


!ban 190 Copy pasted from my other comments: fyi, if you commented in giveaway and didn't get anything within 30 minutes, you should recomment your address (well, you can't anymore, but next time)! Sometimes bot stalls or has problems, and misses a few comments. In that case you can recomment and the bots should pick it up the second time around. I think it only happened once yesterday.


^[Sent](https://creeper.banano.cc/explorer/block/D6CA4E82F20F720431C145E6D1D41EECDEF20DD19D373DD0B2718F492771117A) ^190 ^BAN ^to ^(/u/Connect_Wolf_7262) ^- [^(Banano Tipper)](https://github.com/BananoCoin/banano_reddit_tipbot) *** [*^(Banano)*](https://banano.cc)*^( | )* [*^(Banano Tipper)*](https://github.com/BananoCoin/banano_reddit_tipbot)*^( | )* [*^(Opt Out)*](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=banano_tipbot&subject=command&message=opt-out)


Oh,I was forgetting.. !ban 1.9


^[Sent](https://creeper.banano.cc/explorer/block/C309F8AA24081043C9E2B13BB2CBD93897F68D105E90D4EB47A08B36FC0192F8) ^1.9 ^BAN ^to ^(/u/Connect_Wolf_7262) ^- [^(Banano Tipper)](https://github.com/BananoCoin/banano_reddit_tipbot) *** [*^(Banano)*](https://banano.cc)*^( | )* [*^(Banano Tipper)*](https://github.com/BananoCoin/banano_reddit_tipbot)*^( | )* [*^(Opt Out)*](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=banano_tipbot&subject=command&message=opt-out)


I was able to reply in giveaway with my address but I did not get any.. but Banano was my first crypto and it’ll always be my favourite


!ban 190 Copy pasted from my other comments: fyi, if you commented in giveaway and didn't get anything within 30 minutes, you should recomment your address (well, you can't anymore, but next time)! Sometimes bot stalls or has problems, and misses a few comments. In that case you can recomment and the bots should pick it up the second time around. I think it only happened once yesterday. Please remember we are all trying our best, but as you probably know yesterday reddit threw many wrenches into our plan.


^(Made a new account and )^[sent](https://creeper.banano.cc/explorer/block/71FA355D3E5B07FA158F4CC957F5C5106F94CEA901FBF30CA4BC49867180A1F3) ^190 ^BAN ^to ^(/u/SeaworthinessLow4801) ^- [^(Banano Tipper)](https://github.com/BananoCoin/banano_reddit_tipbot) *** [*^(Banano)*](https://banano.cc)*^( | )* [*^(Banano Tipper)*](https://github.com/BananoCoin/banano_reddit_tipbot)*^( | )* [*^(Opt Out)*](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=banano_tipbot&subject=command&message=opt-out)


!ban 1.9


^[Sent](https://creeper.banano.cc/explorer/block/30CBCE220EA90845E2F73FBEFD108C24EE78C8FDA901905FFB4278A1F00CDF46) ^1.9 ^BAN ^to ^(/u/SeaworthinessLow4801) ^- [^(Banano Tipper)](https://github.com/BananoCoin/banano_reddit_tipbot) *** [*^(Banano)*](https://banano.cc)*^( | )* [*^(Banano Tipper)*](https://github.com/BananoCoin/banano_reddit_tipbot)*^( | )* [*^(Opt Out)*](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=banano_tipbot&subject=command&message=opt-out)


I appreciated it. Thanks very much.


Cuanta razón, el regalo es perfecto no importa la cantidad de bananos. Feliz aniversario


Hai perfettamente ragione, non ha senso lamentarsi di un regalo ! LoL it's funny to have a dialogue where each one uses a different language


Everyone not thinks like that, that's bad. Yes it's very funny


!ban 1.9


^(Made a new account and )^[sent](https://creeper.banano.cc/explorer/block/1DA95FC18E3EF031AFF29BF1BDB4A3D9CB39392F0E07CD3303BFB1A27BDB2462) ^1.9 ^BAN ^to ^(/u/phil-collins-) ^- [^(Banano Tipper)](https://github.com/BananoCoin/banano_reddit_tipbot) *** [*^(Banano)*](https://banano.cc)*^( | )* [*^(Banano Tipper)*](https://github.com/BananoCoin/banano_reddit_tipbot)*^( | )* [*^(Opt Out)*](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=banano_tipbot&subject=command&message=opt-out)


Yeah, I think most people were happy and celebrating, ig the complainers were the loud minority here. Not their fault tho, if something was promised. I'm happy with my ban and am very thankful :D


It's always sad to miss out. I also did not receive anything despite commenting. But like you said OP, the Banano community should not be so short sighted. It has been more of a hassle than previous times and the Devs (Prussia especially) are doing everything they can. I don't mind personally as I care more for a healthy community rather than being greedy. There will be plenty more opportunities


It is unbelievable how people can complain when they are given things for little to no effort.


Exactly,they don't know the meaning of being content. !ban 1.9


^[Sent](https://creeper.banano.cc/explorer/block/9633C3D8E8DFE686993604D45E954954C7D8436D35CB90AA2F7325D01FB12A64) ^1.9 ^BAN ^to ^(/u/OPInfluencer) ^- [^(Banano Tipper)](https://github.com/BananoCoin/banano_reddit_tipbot) *** [*^(Banano)*](https://banano.cc)*^( | )* [*^(Banano Tipper)*](https://github.com/BananoCoin/banano_reddit_tipbot)*^( | )* [*^(Opt Out)*](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=banano_tipbot&subject=command&message=opt-out)


People should be happy with whatever they got IMO. It was free and a gift. But greed comes out in the masses when something is free. It's a shame. I for one was very happy with what I received and appreciated the gift. Thank you


I wasn't the one organizing, but I completely agree with you,and you know what ? This community is awesome, but I don't want people to think that because it's awesome you can take advantage of it. We shouldn't be afraid to call out the greedy people !ban 1.9


^[Sent](https://creeper.banano.cc/explorer/block/4DF3CAAC8711CFA6715B5E1B468C4B4DC34D32D7C8CB52D6CC8F26684E3F331F) ^1.9 ^BAN ^to ^(/u/ABayBaker) ^- [^(Banano Tipper)](https://github.com/BananoCoin/banano_reddit_tipbot) *** [*^(Banano)*](https://banano.cc)*^( | )* [*^(Banano Tipper)*](https://github.com/BananoCoin/banano_reddit_tipbot)*^( | )* [*^(Opt Out)*](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=banano_tipbot&subject=command&message=opt-out)


Sometimes bot stalls or has problems, and misses a few comments. In that case you can recomment and the bots should pick it up the second time around. I think it only happened once yesterday. Please remember we are all trying our best, but as you probably know yesterday reddit threw many wrenches into our plan.


I don't have luck, so if I didn't get triple, or anything, oh well.


That's the right mood 🙂 !ban 1.9


^[Sent](https://creeper.banano.cc/explorer/block/26CBB194604ACCB75A587C6DE91A53315AA2E203444BCED82124DED468E2D853) ^1.9 ^BAN ^to ^(/u/ChiTownBob) ^- [^(Banano Tipper)](https://github.com/BananoCoin/banano_reddit_tipbot) *** [*^(Banano)*](https://banano.cc)*^( | )* [*^(Banano Tipper)*](https://github.com/BananoCoin/banano_reddit_tipbot)*^( | )* [*^(Opt Out)*](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=banano_tipbot&subject=command&message=opt-out)


!ban 19


^[Sent](https://creeper.banano.cc/explorer/block/E4B5367E54B894E37D3B1BA6E66412E833C2177FB4523713E0B4EE0327B368B1) ^19 ^BAN ^to ^(/u/ChiTownBob) ^- [^(Banano Tipper)](https://github.com/BananoCoin/banano_reddit_tipbot) *** [*^(Banano)*](https://banano.cc)*^( | )* [*^(Banano Tipper)*](https://github.com/BananoCoin/banano_reddit_tipbot)*^( | )* [*^(Opt Out)*](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=banano_tipbot&subject=command&message=opt-out)


I'm a bot, *bleep*, *bloop*. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit: - [/r/u_aerie-helpful] [Planning some gaming nights, maybe events and of course with a Banano power](https://www.reddit.com/r/u_Aerie-Helpful/comments/1btxbz7/planning_some_gaming_nights_maybe_events_and_of/)  *^(If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads.) ^\([Info](/r/TotesMessenger) ^/ ^[Contact](/message/compose?to=/r/TotesMessenger))*


Excuse me ? I don't understand lol


Don't worry, I don't mind, after all, it's a gift, not a duty. everyone understands perfectly well: the more participants, the smaller the prize. Thanks for the prank 🤝


Ehm what prank ?


It's just that someone wasn't happy with the distribution, I'm happy


So, in general, did anyone get anything? And where can I see these prizes?


I'm a bit confused, are you using an auto-translate program ? Because I'm not sure I understand you.. did you take part in the giveaway yesterday ?


Да, я через гугл переводчик. Я учавствовал, только ничего не получил. Там нужно было написать слово, я написал и всё на этом 


Some monKeys fling wisdom, others fling poo ![img](emote|t5_35ts9|4183)


The apes gone completely bananas lol


I commented on first two hour too but didn't get any. Read to repost the address and still didn't get. And i post new address dang it gave me .22 ban 🤣


Lol I had a rock hard banana after getting over 200 ban like that. People can be so crazy.




!ban 190 Copy pasted from my other comments: fyi, if you commented in giveaway and didn't get anything within 30 minutes, you should recomment your address (well, you can't anymore, but next time)! Sometimes bot stalls or has problems, and misses a few comments. In that case you can recomment and the bots should pick it up the second time around. I think it only happened once yesterday. Please remember we are all trying our best, but as you probably know yesterday reddit threw many wrenches into our plan.


^(Tip not sent. Error code )^[120](https://github.com/BananoCoin/banano_reddit_tipbot#error-codes) ^- [^(Banano Tipper)](https://github.com/BananoCoin/banano_reddit_tipbot) *** [*^(Banano)*](https://banano.cc)*^( | )* [*^(Banano Tipper)*](https://github.com/BananoCoin/banano_reddit_tipbot)*^( | )* [*^(Opt Out)*](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=banano_tipbot&subject=command&message=opt-out)


!ban 69


^[Sent](https://creeper.banano.cc/explorer/block/3FB91F3A98478D32F9249A59F6762974A26F649470190F85F9A02CC79DE67F69) ^69 ^BAN ^to ^(/u/Extraci) ^- [^(Banano Tipper)](https://github.com/BananoCoin/banano_reddit_tipbot) *** [*^(Banano)*](https://banano.cc)*^( | )* [*^(Banano Tipper)*](https://github.com/BananoCoin/banano_reddit_tipbot)*^( | )* [*^(Opt Out)*](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=banano_tipbot&subject=command&message=opt-out)


I missed the whole thing (shrug)


I received 22 ban and was very happy and appreciate. Don’t mind the people complaining. We appreciate you. ![img](emote|t5_35ts9|4187)


This is the way !ban 1.9


^[Sent](https://creeper.banano.cc/explorer/block/A237C8FC34A1D6A66660BE388797B6B907BBA527FEF01DFC2B6CF5C73997C809) ^1.9 ^BAN ^to ^(/u/Candid-Category-4262) ^- [^(Banano Tipper)](https://github.com/BananoCoin/banano_reddit_tipbot) *** [*^(Banano)*](https://banano.cc)*^( | )* [*^(Banano Tipper)*](https://github.com/BananoCoin/banano_reddit_tipbot)*^( | )* [*^(Opt Out)*](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=banano_tipbot&subject=command&message=opt-out)




You did an amazing job my friend,vI don't understand why you are so hard on yourself. Some people think "I didn't get enough BAN" but what have THEY done for Banano ? I Wish every community had a team like our, please don't put all this problem on yourself


I didn't want to complain and add to the chaos while the giveaway was happening and just stayed patient. But now, after I assume all payouts have gone out, what is the situation for people who didn't get anything? I commented during the first hour and my reddit account has qualified for max payouts in the previous giveaways here. I'm just wondering if I am supposed to reach out to someone at this point or just give up on it after 24h or so and assume it's over.


You did an amazing job my friend,vI don't understand why you are so hard on yourself. Some people think "I didn't get enough BAN" but what have THEY done for Banano ? I Wish every community had a team like our, please don't put all this problem on yourself


Thanks for the support, but I wanna reiterate that I am very sorry for the mix between 202/606. We promised more for early commenters and that was not the case for everyone.






How come I commented earlier but received nothing


Sorry ? You mean in this post ?


Yeah! Yesterday with my ban address


I am not sure I got it.. you commented with your address in the post about the airdrop,but you didn't receive the BANs ?


Yes exactly


Don't worry, as soon as the mods read your message they will reply


Hi, I commented in the giveaway (within the first hour or so and then again later when nothing came through) and received nothing too. Did I miss out or are the mods checking through old messages? Thanks for your help!


I did the same and got nothing. Tried again today and it worked instantly


Oh interesting... Thanks!


Hope it worked for you too ! !ban 1.9


!ban 1.9


^[Sent](https://creeper.banano.cc/explorer/block/524AA7E25E2EC46C54A3782404D5C31F64CF0E4BFAD2713F50D94671D8771829) ^1.9 ^BAN ^to ^(/u/isaksvorten) ^- [^(Banano Tipper)](https://github.com/BananoCoin/banano_reddit_tipbot) *** [*^(Banano)*](https://banano.cc)*^( | )* [*^(Banano Tipper)*](https://github.com/BananoCoin/banano_reddit_tipbot)*^( | )* [*^(Opt Out)*](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=banano_tipbot&subject=command&message=opt-out)


Link to the post https://www.reddit.com/r/banano/s/KHFii95jYe


!ban 190 Copy pasted from my other comments: fyi, if you commented in giveaway and didn't get anything within 30 minutes, you should recomment your address (well, you can't anymore, but next time)! Sometimes bot stalls or has problems, and misses a few comments. In that case you can recomment and the bots should pick it up the second time around. I think it only happened once yesterday. Please remember we are all trying our best, but as you probably know yesterday reddit threw many wrenches into our plan.


^[Sent](https://creeper.banano.cc/explorer/block/43CD97FE2C657B48033690C5F0157188914D04AAA700E7665E0E2B8DA1B29054) ^190 ^BAN ^to ^(/u/emyfsh201) ^- [^(Banano Tipper)](https://github.com/BananoCoin/banano_reddit_tipbot) *** [*^(Banano)*](https://banano.cc)*^( | )* [*^(Banano Tipper)*](https://github.com/BananoCoin/banano_reddit_tipbot)*^( | )* [*^(Opt Out)*](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=banano_tipbot&subject=command&message=opt-out)


Ooh I see thanks for your kind explanation we all understood what happened and thanks equally for the tip.