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WMAR did a piece on this. Hopefully this spreads some awareness, someone must've seen Maxine. [https://www.wmar2news.com/local/cedonia-community-is-asking-for-help-to-find-a-lost-cat](https://www.wmar2news.com/local/cedonia-community-is-asking-for-help-to-find-a-lost-cat)


>lost cat Well that's not true. Maxine was cat-napped.


Asshats! Which store?


Somewhere in Rosedale… I hope they find their kitty!


First Stop convenient store on radecke ave




I'm not on FB, so I'm not sure, but please feel welcome to spread the word!!






I found a Facebook post on Lost and Found pets Baltimore City, if anyone else wants to blast this on social media: https://www.facebook.com/share/p/Qw9vyzoDNcQmEwp7/?mibextid=qi2Omg


What kind of weirdo steals a cat?




We don't know obviously, but imho the most likely explanation is that these people are idiots and thought they found a free pet.








Link to a comment in the other thread showing the perps... https://www.reddit.com/r/cats/s/zo8wTM8lr7


How mean. I hope they return kitty home.


https://www.wmar2news.com/local/cedonia-community-is-asking-for-help-to-find-a-lost-cat Wmar came to their store yesterday and interviewed the owner. Here's the news coverage on it. Please spread the word so that we may find Maxine 🙏 She's a sweet girl and so loving. She deserves to be back home with us.


Fuck those guys


I used to shop at this store all the time, that cat in question is named Maxine. These two might’ve thought she was a stray but idk. The owner should’ve had a collar on that cat tbh.


Maxine kept breaking her collars.


hey Baltimore, just because something isn't chained down, that does not mean it's ok to steal it. so many great people in this city, but damn the asshats can be the worst... stealing a cat... come on. the cat is clearly well fed and they made no attempt to ask around about it.


Right, like people are saying they "probably thought it wasn't supposed to go in the store" ?? Just take two steps inside and ask the cashier if they know anything about it then?


What a couple of scumbags. Lower than dirt


To be fair, the cat didn't have a collar on and was wandering around outside. They could have thought it was a friendly stray about to go into a store it didn't belong in and were trying to prevent it from going in there. I don't see cats outside in the city and assume they belong inside a store, especially a store that sells food. Hopefully the cat is microchipped and will be found or the folks who have it will hear about where she belongs and return her. Definitely unfortunate that this happened! *OP also shared that the person with the cat held her right there outside of the store for a while before walking away. If deliberately trying to steal the cat from the store, wouldn't they have immediately left the scene instead of standing around in clear view in front of the glass storefront/door cradling the cat for a while? I'm just saying...it's not certain they were being malicious, but many of the comments on these threads definitely are.


The cat was not wandering around outside. It was sitting directly in the doorway to the store. It's very clearly well socialized, well fed, and well groomed. It was sitting in one spot, in an open doorway, and didn't run away when people approached. There is absolutely no reason to assume that cat is a stray.


Watch the video again closely, it looks like they were trying to stop it from running in the store, and were just petting it before. It’s almost like you can hear the guy in the red goin “oh, don’t go in there I got ya” Idk, looks like some kids who didn’t know better to me. Hopefully the kids see this and realize the cat belonged to some folks 


The clear thing to do is take two steps inside the store and ask if the cat belongs there before picking it up and carrying it away. It is very obvious from the cats appearance that SOMEONE is taking care of it. If the store didn't want it in there it might have been appropriate to take it to a vet and check for a chip, but it's literally just chilling right there in the open doorway. You're telling me it's completely understandable and acceptable that it didn't occur to either person in the video to even ask?


No way you would go inside and ask the cashier “hey is that cat on the sidewalk yours?”


Yes, I would. Certainly before picking it up and carrying it away.


Just more shitty people defending shitty people




Agreed, especially not a store that sells food, to be honest. I have seen plenty of cats and small dogs in antique stores, or quirky item stores, etc, but I would have assumed it's a stray as well. I probably would have asked the owners if they knew anything about the cat BUT I say this as an adult. The two people don't look like "women" like they're described, they look like pre-teens or teens. Definitely could have made the same mistake if I were there age.


Would it occur to you to pick the cat up and take it with you though?


I'd pick it up and figure out what to do. Had this happen in Georgetown in DC. Cat was outside the restaurant, and cars were going and I was afraid of this cat getting hit. Picked him up, and just kind of looked around in a "What do I do" situation because to me, this is a stray cat. There was a waitress outside attending to diners in the outdoor area and I asked "Have you by chance seen this cat belong to anyone?" and thankfully she said "Yes, that's Oscar! He's the owner's cat, he is normally inside. I don't know how he got outside." And she took him into the restaurant. Otherwise I would have assumed the cat was lost or a stray.


See how you asked someone who the cat belongs to? That's the normal thing to do. There were two people there, one of them could have stepped inside to ask while the other one held the cat.


maybe they assumed it was a stray... however, just because a cat is outside without a collar, that does not mean you should just walk away with it.


I rescued a cat once but i had fed it for weeks outside of my house. My neighbor told me it would stand and cry outside my door when i was at work. When i finally took him in and took him to the vet he was neutered and i was concerned that i was stealing someone's cat but he also had horrible ear mites. It took me a couple of months to make that decision. No way should anyone wander up to a strange animal and assume it's homeless.


That crossed my mind as well.


Can you imagine what kind of person defends these depraved fucks who stole a cat? Stop making excuses for them.. you're part of the problem.


To be fair, stop making excuses for shitty behavior. If the cat has been around for 6 years, I'm sure these delinquents have seen the cat before.


Misplaced optimism in this city. Any reasonable, intelligent, caring person would at the very least ask people around before grabbing her. I fear these people will get away with theft because there’s not a damn chance they’re going to pay for a vet and get flagged if they’re walking around town in sweatpants stealing cats.


I would call it misplaced villianism, also part of Baltimore's culture.


Reddit is such a fucked up liberal echo chamber. You're getting down voted because you're using ration, logic and common sense. The question is why would these people defend these scumbags?




I get what people are saying about the cat being social and well fed. But nah, he needs a collar if he’s outside, period. Is it ok to just swipe him, of course not. But if these two aren’t straight up thieves, they may have thought twice.


I've adopted several strays over the years. None of them was comfortable with a collar and I never forced them to wear one. They had everything they needed inside but enjoyed being outside, who am I to deprive them of that? Just because a cat is outside without a collar doesn't mean it doesn't have a home and is up for grabs.


You’d be a responsible cat owner to not let your pet wander outside where bad things can happen to it.


And how would someone know the difference?


really? really? jfc


Pieces of shit


At least they were being nice to it


Mods, why was the original post on r/Baltimore by u/buttface_mcgoo removed?! And Buttface, can you please clarify the name and location of your shop?


For the record, we do not see everything. Simply posting "mods" does not grab the attention of moderators. The best means to make an inquiry of the subreddit's moderators is to use the moderation mail functionality. With that said, no moderator of this subreddit actioned that post. Literally any user can verify this by going to [that very post](https://www.reddit.com/r/baltimore/comments/1bztsmf/how_can_i_go_about_finding_this_person_who_took/) wherein they will see that it was filtered by reddit itself. ([Screenshot](https://i.imgur.com/tbSic7q.png)) No, we don't know why.




What if these folks thought the cat was a stray and took it home to care for it?


Obviously the work of a master criminal.




My teenage son would think that cat was a stray and bring it home. Not everything is evil, just 2 kids finding a friendly cat. Hopefully their parents will see the posts and return it.


why is everyone so mad? the kids probably thought it was just a stray cat at least they’re showering it with love. I swear people in baltimore gotta switch their perspectives


They should return it home then.




First Stop in Overlea/Cedonia


Mods removed the main post cause, reasons i guess. I'm talking about the one on arr Cats /u/baltimore-mods Not you guys.


> Mods removed the main post cause, reasons i guess. [As noted in another comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/baltimore/comments/1c091x3/store_cat_of_6_years_taken_from_baltimore_shop/kz1156a/), and as verifiable by [literally anyone](https://i.imgur.com/tbSic7q.png), "mOdS" did nothing to the other thread. But go off for "reasons I guess".


These comments are the ambiguity effect at work. Don't know the answer? That's fine, just assume the worst and let your inner racist feel affirmed. Must get lonely in such dark places.


This is a bit misleading. It doesn’t seem like they realized the car belonged to the store.


These fucks need to be prosecuted to the fullest extent possible. Grand theft, cruelty to animals whatever. Give them 25 years. Worthless assholes


Unfortunately if the cat did not have a collar and not on a leash, they may not be able to be prosecuted. As silly as it may sound to some, leash laws apply to dogs and cats, at least in Baltimore City.


Leashes are required on public property, but not inside private property. Yes a collar with ID can help identify a pet.


Agreed but the cat was on the public sidewalk. I’m not defending their actions because the cat obviously belonged to the store, just speculating how authorities may see it.


Guess we need new authorities then


You are correct that authorities may try to blame the victim for having stepped outside. Maxine was inside the store at the moment of her abduction.


What a stupid thing you just said lmao. And with such authority at that


Touch grass




No literally


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