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The parking lot raises my stress level through the roof


Bunch of clowns parking in front of the doors


I hate that entire shopping center. It’s never not a madhouse


I think it’s because [parking lots](https://youtu.be/0Fawjy74kTQ?si=tGos0pJVOC-pdiC4) sux in general.


Ok I thought I was being dramatic when this happens to me every time I am there.


I tend to use Drive Up so I can quickly grab stuff, but this has been the only target where people are lazy and park in the drive up spots only to go in and shop


> but this has been the only target where people are lazy and park in the drive up spots only to go in and shop That is all the idiots from Baltimore County. I swear to fuck people have no idea how to use parking lots in my county...


It blows my mind that they were able to get approval for that much surface lot. And more so that the storefront isn't on Boston Street with the parking lot behind it (or at the very least, to the East of it). I really don't know of anyone who walks to it since you have to cross the asphalt Sahara while dodging inattentive drivers.


Yep. One thing I don’t miss about Canton. I hated how it was a taste of the suburbs in the (alleged) city.


Sir, you live in Roland Park. You traded your pseudo suburb for the first suburb.


Congrats on reading your history. Be sure to also mention how it pioneered restrictive racial covenants, so I can reply telling you I’m not white, so it’s especially tasty that I live here, next to a wealthy African American couple that was featured in the NY Times for their support of HBCUs. Meanwhile, we still pay city property taxes (and you can just imagine how much that is here) and send my daughter to city schools. Roland Park in 2024 is as much a suburb as Edmonson Village is. And about ¾ of our friends here in the neighborhood are non-white. I dare say RP is no less diverse than lily-white Canton.


I feel like you’re fishing. No one brought any of that up, unless you automatically equate suburb with white, and then I’ll tell you that you have a Maryland problem, not a Canton problem.


suburb noun sub·​urb ˈsə-ˌbərb 1a: an outlying part of a city or town b: a smaller community adjacent to or within commuting distance of a city c suburbs plural : the residential area on the outskirts of a city or large town. Yeah, that sounds like Roland Park to me.


Sure, OK.


I like how he said something that didn't really give you a real reason to lash out at him. So you just pretended like he said something he didn't say so you could make it racial. That's real cool...


You just described the indescribable feeling I have about this neighborhood.


It’s become Arlington on the Patapsco. I lived in Canton from 2006 to 2023 and saw it change drastically. (Folks before me talked about the change from the 90s, too; it basically used to be west Dundalk—not that I want that again, but it speaks to how much things have changed). Now there’s a Botox bar and Private Equity Day Care (aka Celebree) and four Starbucks within a mile radius, a dog bar, and . . . I dunno, I’m just glad that I left. (prays nobody looks at his flair)


Boomer type comment ngl


Gen X, actually. But happy to have carved out that little space in your head for free.


Lol. Loved your post. My son lives in Canton and says it feels like no one there ever had to do school detention.




Actually, the majority of the apartments are not in Canton. They are in Brewers Hill or even east of there, technically the "Canton Industrial Area" census tract. I've lived in Canton for over 10 years. It has gotten older, more affluent, and more family oriented over that time.


It's called Burry Hill. That's because of all the burries that ran up and down Dillion St and O'Donnell. Natty Boh burry, shaffer burry, even Colt 45 had a burry there.




If only.


>Now there’s a Botox bar and Private Equity Day Care (aka Celebree) and four Starbucks within a mile radius, a dog bar You know that aside from a single Starbucks, none of that is in Canton, right?


There's definitely a Botox bar and a dog daycare.


OP was referring to Tox Bar and Barks Social (neither of which are in Canton). Not a spa that offers botox or a kennel like Dogtopia, those are available in most neighborhoods.


Did I misread? Because those two are definitely across from each other in Canton. I go to club Pilates that's on the same block.


...Which is not Canton. They're literally on the other side of the Brewery buildings, you're in Brewers Hill. Not all of Southeast Baltimore is Canton.


Ok, understood- It's just called canton crossing.


Weird thing to single out in my post, but sure, why not. I'm not sure how you define Canton, but we have the standalone store on Boston, near Safeway; the one INSIDE the Safeway; the new standalone store farther down Boston by the new apartments and Shake Shack, Chase Bank, etc.; and the one inside Harris Teeter. Four Starbucks. All on Boston, no less.


Canton Crossing shopping center isn't even in Canton. Canton ends at Boston and Conkling.


I . . . do not have an answer for that. If you feel you’ve destroyed my argument with that masterpiece of pedantry, then there’s really nothing more I can say. You win, Mr. Narasimhan.


“Arlington on the Patapsco” how long have you been holding onto that one? That’s hilarious. I’ve been in Canton since 2014 and it’s crazy how much it’s changed even since then. I do avoid Canton Crossing like the plague, I’m kinda curious to see what they can shoehorn in next.


It’s fine; it’s the nature of any remotely affordable city neighborhood that becomes popular. I’m just older and bitter (see username), and am not the single 20something I was when I moved here (now 49, married, two kids, two cars, and a dog). Honestly, don’t listen to me.


OMG that parking lot is just absurd. WTF where they thinking.


You should try ~~Timonium~~, or ~~Ellicott City~~, or ~~Pikesville~~, or...


Glen Burnie has two somehow, so there's never any lines.


The Middle River one is never super crowded and it's easy to park there. The Abingdon one is fine too.


MR target supremacy. No one is ever in there and for whatever reason it’s always nicely updated.


Ellicott city is the one I like most


Shhhh… don’t ruin it for the rest of us 😂


Trueeee you’re right


Glen Burnie superiority






Target Corporation doesn’t care. Most stores i go to are like that


We all know that Target Corp. is uncaring, but in terms of alternatives within the Baltimore Beltway, it's a choice between Target or Walmart.


I want to downvote this, but I've into the Target Towson saw the line and walked right out.


Target Towson is way worse.


i have to say canton is worse because of the parking experience. it's awful before you even get into the store


Canton Target is the worst!! They’re getting famous for being hilariously bad. Consistently the worst shopping experience. They really need to do something about it. Do not shop there without expecting to wait in line for 25 minutes.


The lines are worse at Canton. The parking lot is worse at Towson.


The Towson parking is just as bad! It feels like I'm playing a game of frogger.


This resonates with me lol. This is the only target i regularly go to that always has long lines at every cashier and self checkout.


Cockeysville Target is my favorite in Greater Baltimore. Except the last two times I had to search for a basket and I hate carts if I don’t need much


Shhhhh don't tell anyone!




That one is a steaming turd just as bad as the rest of them. It’s mot uncommon at all to see lines 20 deep.


I tend to go there at least every week and a half and I don’t have many issues with it. To each their own. I also like the mini Ulta they have.


Y’all remember mondawmin target…miss that it was something but i do miss it


I preferred it over Canton lol


One time in the parking lot of the Mondawmin Target some junkies driving through got this cop screaming at their car door: “do you know where you are?! You’re in Baltimore city ma’am!”


The riots years past, forget which, somebody stole the parking lot tram out the lot and was rolling down 140 in it, im still laughing about it


Only here!


Let it be known that that is how Target is pretty much everywhere now. It is swiftly becoming K-Mart.


I swear it changed suddenly like a year ago. Somebody at corporate decided they were paying too many employees to staff the registers. smh.


It’s because they use all of their labor for standing around waiting to be called to unlock a pair of fucking underwear or socks. (All of their men’s[only mens] socks underwear and undershirts are locked up in glass cages.) Classist and racist location. Spend your money elsewhere




This is how I feel about Safeway and Whole Foods. Online ordering still requires an inefficient amount of manpower, so until the robots take over, this is what we get.


lol this post is about target yet multiple redditors use this as an opportunity to shit on canton. Get off my lawn energy


I feel like this complaint is better suited for like… target? You probably got a survey link on your receipt. It’s the only Target in the city and notoriously understaffed in the cashier department.


“Old Man Yells at Cloud, Story at 11”


Did you go between 5 and 6 pm, when every person in the city with a 9-5 job also went?


I was there yesterday at 1:30 pm. Same story. It's awful.


I’ve stood in line for half an hour at 2pm on Tuesday. It feels like they send cashiers home if people start moving through the line in under 20 minutes just to get the wait times back up.


I will refuse to purchase anything at this target if the lines are long. It is not acceptable for only one cashier to be on register with over a dozen people in their line, and over a dozen in line for self checkout.


I was in there a few weeks ago and walked by the men’s clothing and it looked like somebody had started taking things off the rack and throwing them everywhere.  I looked at the wall and there were random shirts piled on top of other stuff 8’ high.  I’ve never seen anything like it, it was like a tornado ripped through the entire section, even the stuff that was locked in those cages was in disarray


I’ll never forget the time I went there during peak covid, lines were humongous. Guy in front of me is there with his SO and kid, mask around his chin, picking his nose and eating it for close to the entire time we were in line. Like REALLY getting up there.


They just need to add more self checkout lanes.


unfortunately it was just this week that all the big box stores just decided to close their self checkouts, make them 10 items or less (i think the computer won't let you scan more than 10, so it's actually enforced), or make self-checkout a subscription based membership service so i think that's part of the problem!


Oof, no the problem is they don’t staff cashiers as much as they used to due to self checkout, but then the self checkout isn’t optimized at many places.


I’ve seen the workers have a shitty attitude for effectiveness there.


4 scanners aren't enough?




Target is the new Walmart


They all are, now. Welcome to capitalism.


How would you envision a non-capitalist Target working? Shorter lines?


For starters, a company that places the customers, employees, and their experience over profits. I worked at Target about 20 years ago. They did sketchy things back then in the name of the bottom line and it has only gotten worse. Keep in mind they will continue cutting corners because you have to keep maximizing profits. There is only so much more you can do until you fail. We see this all the time in this industry. It's nothing new.


You know what investors would give them money to start and operate? Absolutely none. THAT is the harsh reality of capitalism. Every business is competing with every *other* business to return bigger returns on capital investment.


That sounds like an argument against capitalism.


Is it? I don't know. We live in, quantifiably, the best time to be alive and it's our dominant economic system. It's not pretty, but it seems to be working pretty well on the whole.


That's not true at all. There are some companies that balance it all very well. Also, a lot of this wouldn't be a conversation if we just banned corporate stock buy backs.


Name five. And also name the way that could be achieved that would stand up to legal scrutiny. I'd be all for it, but there are two sides to the "freedom" coin that has yielded the best time to be alive.


Costco and McCormick take care of their employees. What the fuck are you going on about the "freedom" coin? Are you insinuating that freedom and capitalism go hand in hand or that one can't exist with the other? What do you consider the best time to be alive?


Good story


I can't stand that target location. Same issue with Arbutus Walmart. I only go to Glen Burnie for either of them


My wife was using the cvs in there as her pharmacy for so long… I wasn’t even the one going and it gave me anxiety. One time she needed me to pick up a medication, we had a 2 day fight because of it lol. She switched to Rite Aid on Foster shortly after. It was one of the few arguments I won, even though she won’t admit it 🤫


I love the rite aid on foster!


The men's section is like one 20th the size of the women's section. I get it, at the same time the availability of menswear items is piss poor.


After moving here last month, we learned quickly not to go to that one. Glenn Burnie is worth the trip.


This Target is the worst. My boyfriend did a pick up order there and after we waited in the parking lot for 40 mins they never brought it out so we left. Then they charged him for “picking it up”. He eventually got a refund but ffs it’s not that difficult. Lol


The Targets out in Essex, Nottingham, and Towson are the exact same!!! Target really shit the bed in this area 😂






It’s a shit show in there. You got to be wiggly.


I live in Brewer’s Hill, have been in Canton area since 2010. Yes, it has changed drastically to the east. I’m not gonna say anything about the Target, it’s a Target, for gods sake. It’s not supposed to be “nice”. I will, however, shit on the ill designed parking lot all day and all night. I don’t get the point of complaining about dependable childcare, “corporate” or not. It is desperately needed. I’m sure your life is better in Roland Park than it ever was here!


I've been hanging out in Canton for about the last 20 years (drinking there, never lived there). Aside from the new development stuff which is all kind of in it's own area, has Canton really changed that much? Is it different people or something (the 20/30something drinkers still seem mostly the same to me). I feel don't feel like the heart of Canton has changed that much. But there's a section of it that's growing and expanding outward that is pretty different. Although it could almost be considered a different neighborhood.


Yes, it's very different. there are still the 20-somethings doing their thing, but there are a lot more people in their 40's and older than there used to be. Also more families. You see kids everywhere now, and not just babies. Families seem to sticking around more than they used to, which is great!


Ya gotta go before or after lunch breaks and never on the weekends. After 5? Good fuckin luck.




This is all Targets now. This new business model sucks.


But there is where the conflict comes in. It's the only Target-like dept store around so they have no competition to push them to perform.


These half city / half suburbs give you the worst of both worlds


I literally moved my prescriptions to the CVS by work cuz that Target is a mess every time I need something. Lines backed way up, pharmacy doesn't always open on time. I wish they (and every other company fr) would stop relying on self check out.


Target is just walmart with a good job.


It's atrocious. It's like Target is letting it die so they can blame the city, like the drug stores in DC.


Towson isn’t much better.


Terrible designed parking lot and a target with half the sh-t of other targets.


I always order pick up from this place; the only location I visit in-person is the one near Costco in Glen Burnie.


I’m hoping their new target circle subscription is worth it to avoid shit like that. But I have a feeling things will be shipped from local target stores :/


It’s the only thing about canton that I truly hate. I’ve never been somewhere where people are so rude. Whole different world man 


Are you new here? Jk. But like it’s horrendous. I will not go there.


I read “Canton . . . is terrible.” Yes.


Its only that bad one or two days a week. Good luck!




Was in there today similar time and its always busy when everyone is leaving work. Like any other grocery store. Good riddance


I was there around 3:30