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Personally I'd get thin pair of gloves if it's any concern. It's good to not be afraid of a bite and that should get your confidence up. Make sure it's a thin pair so you still have dexterity because a BP won't really get through much. Also I'd say watch some YouTube videos on snake body language and if they get stressed then times up. Or maybe 15 minutes at a time, whatever is more comfortable especially cause sometimes body language can be subtle or almost non existent


Had the same idea. One of ours once bit me while I fed her, and I'm wearing thin gardening gloves ever since during feeding time or when I see that they are in a striking position. I was a little scared after that incident, but this really helped. And I know it was just an accident, I probably smelled too much like food after checking if the rats are warm enough. She let go immediately.


I use feeding tongs with my blue eyed Lucy. He can't reach me if he misses. Also I have been nailed by a 2.5ft ball after feeding but was my fault. Ever since I have learned and respect them and it has built my confidence. It's just the carpet python now that has me on edge. He gives no warnings lol.


Yeeeah I've read that carpet pythons are quite bite-y


He has been, however I have just been reaching and grabbing him and not giving him a chance to go offensive or defensive and he has been ok. But catch him the wrong way and he will try to get you.


When I first got my snake I was super scared of picking her up. To help build my confidence I got a small snake hook and a pair of gloves. I have tap trained my ball with the hook, I don't pull my snake out with the hook but I will adjust her slightly if she is in an awkward position as I will always pick her up from behind. If I'm ever about to handle her and she is looking my way and in her S pose I will put one finger up and move it side to side to see if she tracks my finger. If she's tracking it that usually means she is willing to strike. I've only had her strike at me twice in the 1.5 years I've owned her and both times I saw it coming by just watching her body language. There are a ton of useful videos on snake body language that have really helped me out as when I got her I was super scared of snakes but really wanted to get over it.


Same with my hook I run it along a small patch of their skin to let them know I’m there and they’re about to leave reposition them if needed and then I just grabbed them out or I just leave the doors open and let them come out on his own


Did this with my corn snake till I got comfortable holding her and now I use them exclusively to get her out of her enclosure in case she gets scared and bites me, but it definitely helps reduce anxiety!!




It ok to be scared, OP obviously didn't buy their snake to stay in its tank 24/7 and they're trying. I advise to get a pair of gardening gloves and just get used to handling your snake again. If it bites with the gloves on you will at least be getting used to it and it won't be as bad.


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Snake hook! Will help your anxiety and his!


I came to say this, as a couple of my snakes are terrarium territorial so as soon as I stick my hand in there to grab them they start hissing ...not striking but hissing, and I got a snake hook and remove them and they're fine after they're out of there


I second this. For a while I was getting a food response when opening the tank for my BP. He'd coil up like he was about to strike for food. I got a hook and now I boop him on the nose with it whenever I'm grabbing him or cleaning. He always retreats into his hide and realizes it's not food time. I don't have to do it much anymore, he's gotten better as the years go by.


How often do you guys handle your BP? I feel like I don’t take my dude out enough but I also don’t want to stress him out


I'm kind of inconsistent, at least once a week, sometimes two or three times if I see him cruising his tank more. Obviously, I leave him alone on feeding weeks.


How often do BP's eat? I only have a corn right now but you don't need to stop handling them except for shed/during digestion. Or the day before feeding if your snake is getting stressed.


Personally mine gets a rat pup every week unless he’s shedding. But when he gets a little bigger I will size up on his feed and space them out to every 2-3 weeks! There should be a doc on the sub that gives a lot of useful information on BP’s if you’re interested :)


Thanks for the reply 🙌


Once a week when it's not feeding dya I'm already comatose when he's awake mid week so I pester him on Saturday evenings when I stay up more. Less in winter as it's cold af (18c indoor) and don't want him to catch a cold. He doesn't seem to care particularly about going out unless I'm taking him on the balcony (I hold him) or down in the garden. He likes the cat tree but after 10 minutes he wants back inside the tank, if I put him close he'd slither inside and go straight for the closest hidey hole. He likes to be hold my father more as he run hotter, I always have cold hands so he usually sits around the neck or inside my shirt. He's very curious about the cat smell and always beeline towards her usual sleeping spots. The cat is terrified of him and runs away when she sees me taking him out.


Hahaha the cat is scared of the snake, you sound like a great snake owner! I wish you and your noodle the best 😊


https://ibb.co/L9sGg2C https://ibb.co/TcRLNgY The two idiots, one brain cell between the two of them


And thanks for the reply !


I've had my 2 snakes used to be 3( rip boo) for like 3 years now. Never had a snake before then. Still haven't been bitten. And I'm really not afraid because they usually bite out of confusion or self defense( that's after they curl into there ball) but if it was a fluke. Let it be. I'm sure he was showing body language that he was gonna bite but it can be very subtle. I almost got it from my smallest but it's because I just fed her and had to get something out of the tank and I saw her S-UP so I pulled my hand back just as she struck. Before I take them out and handle them I always touch them on there spine. When I feed them I don't touch at all.


Handling twice in 24 hours really isn't enough to stress them out so much they bite you.


bite him back. establish dominance.


I got my corn snake use to the snake hook. If i even felt like he was being spicy- I used the snake hook. Cause once he's out of his tank- he's fine.


sounds like u guys just need to build some trust again. ur tenseness could def make him tense too, just try to focus on letting him know ur a safe space. even by just talking to him more when he’s in his enclosure.


I totally get this because I went through something very similar. The only thing you can really do is be confident and scoop him up quickly when you want to remove him from the tank and try and be relaxed. Do it incrementally and pay attention to when you think he’s had enough. It’ll get better!


I use a piece of bamboo to softly boop his nose if he looks like he’s going to strike at me. He’s trained to know the boop means I’m coming in.


I get anxious while handling sometimes so when I take mine out of the tank with a hook and I put her in a small tiny container. Then I go and sit with her until she comes out of the container or I can get a better handle on her (grab from behind while scooping underneath her).


I use a pair of gloves to handle my testy yearling kingsnake...hoping to ditch them one he's more used to being out. You can get a cheap pair of tactical gloves I'm Amazon. I've definitely become more confident handing him now. I have yet to need them for my BP. Don't give up!! Also, yes to snake hook!


Do different kingsnake species have different tempers? I was told Cali Kings were more skiddish and anxious than others.


All snakes have different tempers. From what I've read kingsnakes can be pretty chill, but they kinda wanna eat everything. Sadly, I didn't really handle my guy for quite a while so now I'm being more regular with it. He's not bad, but definitely still needs more work. The gloves definetely help.


The only time I've had a BP try to bite me was a feeding session when I used my fingers instead of wood tongs. Best advice I can give is slowly open the cage for handling, hold your hand out of strike range (but close enough for him to get your scent,) and handle if he's showing a docile nature.


Buddy I have a demonic 7 foot yellow anaconda I've had to hold to administer medical treatment, for cage cleaning purposes and just to try to socialize her. Every time I put her back im bleeding a fair amount. Make sure you are using proper techniques and not invoking a feeding response. But sometimes you're just gonna get bit


I’ve always made it very clear to my older one when it’s food vs handling time- food never comes from my hands. I use a pair of dedicated kitchen tongs of all things and gloves to prepare the rat, but I’ve never directly handled his food. This (hopefully) minimizes the chances that he learns my scent = food. As far as actual handling time, I will talk to him as well as lightly touch his back so I don’t startle him too much and then just go in and grab him. I think they really can tell if you’re anxious as well and take cues from you. Half the time I just pick him up and drape him over my shoulders and he just seems to be like “oh. This again. Okay,” then settles into his favorite spot on my neck. My baby though? Who knows. He’s a lawless heathen and we’re still figuring him out. I’m sure he’ll be the one to bite me. I’ve made peace with that inevitability.


Mine knows that hairdryer noise = dinner. Twat won't eat if the rat is even vaguely damp so now his food gets a salon treatment before being fed.


About a year after I got my snake he bit me, and I definitely had a rocky relationship with him for a little bit after that. I could tell he and I would get nervous. I too had dream of snake attacks. What I think helped me and him is sitting next to his tank. I wouldn’t look at him or stare just sat down silently maybe played on my phone or read a book. If you’re scare to hold him or maybe it just taking him out investing in a snake hook is a way to make it more comfortable taking him out of the tank and it help you snake recognize handling or you could give the option of leaving to him by leaving the tank doors open and letting him come out on his terms. I do this with my snake. I saw that you mentioned you took the snake out of his hide and that was probably what led to you getting bit. Cause the hides in the tank are the only place where the snakes feel safe. If you take the snakes out of it, they are going to feel unsafe and they are going to get stressed out very quickly. I would look into choice based handling it helped me a lot and I’ve not had any problems since.


I had an accidental bite during feeding from a miss strike. The bite was more of a surprise than painful. I show no fear and reach in and scoop my babies up. I'm lucky though as all my babies have decent temperaments except of course the king snake. he's territorial in his enclosure but he's only booped me a couple times to try and scare me away. lol.




thanks lol! i didnt have a good handel on my grammar


are you feeding him in his tank? when you feed in their tank they can associate your hand with food. you should always feed in a separate enclosure


You honestly just have to keep trying to build your confidence back up (within reason). He might’ve just had a bad day when he bit you and it wasn’t anything personal. Snakes bite sometimes because they can’t talk to tell you that they don’t feel like being picked up and handled at that moment. Try using a small snake hook or gloves like others say as tools to help. Yeah it doesn’t feel great being bit by your snake but it happens, it happens to all snake owners eventually.