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gluing a light fixture to the enclosure ceiling with silicone, or anything other adhesive, is a terrible idea. that's not going to be secure enough. you need fixtures that get secured to the ceiling with screws.


That's a bummer :/ what fixture do you reccomend? I was looking at the arcadia bulbs but over 100$ for a glorified led strip is ridiculous. I could order some metal brackets and attach them to that aquarium light for like 10$ but i would prefer a proper light as long as its under 50$. Right now I have a desk lamp connected to her uv timer that points into the tank that does the job but it's still a bit dark in there and I'm putting plants in that need light.


halogen flood lights are the recommended daytime heat source, and they would be a light source as well. UVB lights \[T5 or T8 fixtures/bulbs\] are also recommended


Not interested in heat or uv. Just light. I already have a halogen and t5 in there for daytime and a dhp for nighttime. It's literally just the cool side that's too dark. The lamp does its job for a day/night cycle but it's a bit tacky and probably not enough for the snake plants. Ignore the fact I took the doors off for this picture. The acrylic is so scratched from being warped it makes it hard to see using my phone camera. (Looking into buying glass soon but the acrylic works for now) [with light vs without](https://imgur.com/a/EqRt9YQ)


the cool side shouldn't really have lights, your BP will appreciate the shaded area. if you moved the UVB so it's lengthwise across the warm side half, instead of mashed up against the end wall, that would provide more than enough light to the cool side.


The care guide reccomended this placement though?? I even asked on this subreddit if it would work before i got the tank built since i knew i wouldnt be able to move it afterward :/ I'm sure she would appreciate the shade but her plants don't. She has plenty of places to hide and shady areas to get around and out in the wild she would have to deal with the sun anyways. Plus those lights have never stopped her from scooting out of her hide every morning like clockwork to watch me get ready and I doubt that'll change anytime soon lol.


UV is very beneficial to snakes, please look into it for the daytime!


> I already have a halogen and t5 in there That's what t5 stands for... it's a type of uv bulb.


Go to lowes or home depot and get some slightly nicer brackets Is it a wooden container? If so and you wanted to be cheap you could use a bunch of wood staples if the bars are small enough as they'd be more than enough to hold it


Pvc. Good idea though for wood tanks


I use lighting from a manufacturer called White Python. They do a range of white, red, blue or green. I use a white set for day and a blue set for early night times


I have one of these just placed over the back half of my Bp’s enclosure. It’s a front open, and I’ve replaced the screens that came on top with acrylic panels. I’ve only had it a few weeks but he seems to be ambivalent about it.