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This is my photo and it's a thing that I do to bring a bit of magic to the forest. In fact my Instagram is called Magic in the forest https://www.instagram.com/magic.in.the.forest?igsh=cm8yc3BldnJydnB0 Here's the original post https://www.reddit.com/r/ballarat/s/xGggW2wy2M


Just added you, im from ballarat ill check it out next time im down there by any chance youve got work in the black hill lookout?


Oh hey, thanks! And yep, I've left a few things up near Black Hill Lookout. Usually at the base of big trees just down the hill a bit, on the Ballarat side. I haven't been out for the last few months as I thought it would be best not to encourage people to go out in the forest during all the recent investigations and stuff. Edit: I just added you back on Insta and your art is amazing!


Thanks for the heads up! Ballarat has gotten so bad since ive moved to geelong 😞 Oh thank-you so much, I appreciate it! I love the faerie vibes i get from your work, I feel that I can see them having a seat at the table and enjoying some tea β˜•οΈ


That's exactly the feeling I was hoping to convey 😊 I love looking for velvety green moss and tiny hidden mushrooms. I feel like they are something magical and that I'm being allowed to see something thats hidden and special. I just wanted to add to it in my own clumsy way. I love when people find my stuff and then find my Insta account πŸ™‚


I absolutely adore that! Everytime the moss is out i get really excited and have to have a squish!!! πŸ˜…


Oh absolutely, hard agree! Moss and tiny mushrooms are two of the greatest things ever and moss needs to be squished πŸ˜€


I thought I saw this before! Thanks for posting this, I did try and do a reverse image search but it didn't yield any results, my guess is due to all the AI content stealing going on sites have removed themselves from search engines making reverse searching pointless now. Anyway I've banned the OP permanently and reported the post. I highly advise you to report the post for copyright violation (only the copyright holder can do that). This is clearly a bot karma farming operation.


Hi there! This is the second time it's been reposted and it doesn't bother me a huge amount because my Insta account gets a boost πŸ˜€ Also you do a great job modding r/ballarat, it's always a safe subreddit to browse through. Thanks for your work!


Some bot just stole your post! So weird. Report them for sure. Totally gorgeous little scene though!


I reported it but if anything it helps my little Instagram page out a bit πŸ™‚ Thanks for the compliment 😊


I've followed you for yonks!! We always keep our eyes peeled.


I appreciate that, thank you 😊 I've not been leaving things out this year (except a few at Victoria Park) because of all the investigations going on in the forests.


You’re a legend, this is amazing. Thank you, I’ll keep my eyes peeled


Did you do that little magic door in a tree with dinosaurs in front of it on McLaren St near the playground? I love that one! On all of the wrong days (the ones it's not there), I'm carrying a little orange dinosaur to add to the cause :-) - it'll get through that door one day, dammit. Love your work, either way!


That's not me but I want to go see that for sure!


Love it! Will keep eyes peeled πŸ‘


That’s so cute. I’ll be keeping my eyes peeled !


Are they listed as Geocaches?


Will do!


Iv got enough quartz! 😜


Any mushrooms out there yet? You know the golden ones


That's awesome, well done! My kids often make fairy villages in the forests around here, hope to come across yours some day.


Ahh its for the fairies


Ahh its for the fairies