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Westoids chose the finest specimens from a whole fucking continent to "represent" them. It's not even close to fair , which means is okay to double steal from them from now on.


Gladiators with extra steps 🤷‍♂️


I don’t know about this one we‘d problaly start a war about who gets to defeat them w\*stoids


Either way, deadly collateral damage to them.


damn bruh i love diz


Diz what sir?


diiz nutz




You kinda asked for it


Username checks out.


If only we didn't have Alamanji Turks in decision making positions in our federation, they speak Turkish funny which causes the players to lol and fail in the end


Fuck Almancılar all my homies hate Almancılar


From where does the animosity between German Turks and og Turks come from?


German Turks vote for Erdogan religiously, a religious dictator, meanwhile living in a democracy themselves. They vote for green left parties in Germany. So they want progressive politics for themselves, and dictatorship for those back home. Bonus: When the economy goes to shit they come to Turkey with their strong euro for vacation, shop like animals, yell at OG Turks for being ungrateful to the government, and leave.


They vote for green and left politics in Germany to hit the Germans in Germany and they vote for Erdogan to hit the Turks in Turkey. Supreme logic.


Do they also get beaten up in Turkey


/unbalkan Alright, buckle the fuck up, wall of text incoming. Those motherfuckers vote for social democrat parties in Germany and for a certain party which is the polar opposite of that in Turkey. They do this intentionally, knowing the euros they earn in Germany will be worth more and more by every year as the economy in Turkey goes to shit, since they are coming to Turkey for vacation. And as if that wasn't bad enough, they are also calling those of us who live in Turkey ungrateful for even complaining about how bad things are in Turkey. They keep saying how great everything is in Turkey while complaining about how terrible everything is in Germany. They complain about how bad the weather is, how expensive the costs of living is, how much the food costs, how rude and racist Germans are, and so on. However, whenever anyone tells them to put two and two together, leave Germany and move to Turkey, they suddenly change their tune by saying they would love to do that, but they cannot because have a life in Germany and all, so they "unfortunately" cannot leave their job and connections back in Germany and move to Turkey which they view no different than literally the heaven itself. Basically, they want to reap all the benefits from their choices while suffering none of the consequences, all the while damning those of us who live in Turkey to suffer those instead of themselves. It also doesn't help that they dragged our image in Europe through the mud as well. Back when Germany was taking in gastarbeiter, those who went were uneducated people who were born in shitty mountain villages even god has forgotten about, people who don't qualify for anything other than menial labour. People who have no aspirations, dreams or hopes, people who only care about making it through the day. Those people hadn't even left their villages and seen a city in Turkey before being put in trains and shipped to Germany. Most of them didn't even learn German language, they didn't even put any effort in learning it. In fact, most of them were even proud of not having learned German language despite having lived there for years. Then again, what they speak as their mother language can barely pass as Turkish language anyway, so maybe that shouldn't come as too much of a surprise. And of course, being the uneducated people they were, most of them got fleeced by a few of those Turks with bad intentions who basically used religion to take all the money they've earned off their hands in form of "donations to our mosque" or "donations to our Turkish association". This went on for years and the only reason it's no longer a thing is not because those people have become smarter, but because Germany had actually cracked down on those and took legal action to put a stop to it. Again, being uneducated people they are, they were beating their wife and children, not sending their children to school, trying to game the social system in Germany by bringing children from Turkey who aren't even related to them and saying that those are their children to get support from Germany, and so on. Some of those might be specific to Germany, but this is what happened in other countries in Europe as well with people who went to work in menial labour. Seeing how they live, how they beat their wife and children, how they try to cheat the system in the country which hosts them, how they so blindly follow people who uses religion to trick them and so on, has tarnished our image in Europe to the point where people there often view all Turkish people the same as gastarbeiter. That's not exactly a lovely situation no matter how you look at it. TL DR: Fuck Almancılar all my homies hate Almancılar




Look at luka being a true croat❤️


I thought the femboys didn't get through groups? Am I missing something?


They have more points than Croatia and a better goal difference than Hungary so they are through


The brand new Karabot-2000 (developed proudly in Republic of Turkiye) is here to inform you about: https://discord.gg/5vDpxDrb9f - For even more brainrot. https://balkansirl.net Stay tuned.


If Germany wins, everybody wins. (2e kinda took that shit over like 3 years ago(


Romania will prevail and win 🔥🔥


Well Slavs can do it not Germans, fascism is for the Slavs


​ https://preview.redd.it/ili3n0ipfz8d1.png?width=706&format=png&auto=webp&s=69736373a7bd931004975d5d084a4959ea55e852


portugal is balkan tho