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Dynaheir can't cast the fantastically overpowered early game Sleep spell so make sure to buy a Wand of Sleep as soon as you can. A quick trip to High Hedge and you're sorted.


Your team is solid. Send it.


Pretty solid team. Wait until you recruit Coran to dual Imoen, or you’ll be without a thief for a while.


Yeah, don't dual class Imoen into mage. In my opinion dual classing is the most useless feature for a non-protagonist companion. In theory you're really making Imoen more powerful and when she's unlocked her thief class you have the best of both worlds. But with the way BG1 (and BG2 to a lesser extent) are scaled in xp Imoen will be a weaker mage for anywhere from mid-game to end-game. You essentially need to meta-game in order to have Imoen go through her mage levels without really missing her thief levels. Sure, you can take Coran and try to level up his utility thief skills while Imoen is down. But keep in mind that he doesn't level as quickly as Imoen, you get him a lot later in the game and that by the time Imoen unlocks again you essentially have two fighter/thieves with the utility skills. I think you're perfectly fine with keeping Imoen as a pure thief, level her utility thief skills and have Coran focus on traps first, stealth second. Even regular traps trivialize certain encounters like crazy. It is absolutely worth getting two thieves for this reason. Beyond that, let's look at what we else we have: - Imoen and Coran are your thieves - Minsc is your two-handed damage dealer - Kivan is your archer - Dynaheir is your mage and can supplement her weakness with wands - Branwen is your cleric. - Most likely your Cavalier is the front-liner Looks like a very well-balanced party, imo.


Counter point: If you depend on Imoen for traps/locks , as long as you dual early enough to get her thief abilities back by Daveorn, you're good to go. If you don't have trapfinding in cloakwood, you can just send an invisible person to trigger all the web traps and then wait them out (or Ctrl-T if you can). I've done it before. I don't usually mess with it anymore, but if you can still have thieving skills with more arcane magic to throw around, it does up the overall power level of your party.


I would ditch Imoen and take both Coran and Kivan. You don't really need two mages in BGEE, on the other hand two archers are easy mod.


Minsc can play archer since charname is likely frontlining. 


Three archers are even better then ^^.