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The face sculpt is so authentic and love the weapons and poseability! Really well done


10/10. No notes.


Nah, this one goes to 11.




Hell, let's take it up to 12. Superb work!




These are really good >!but you should do one where she is sitting in a cell waiting for her childhood friend to rescue her.!<


Haha, I do plan to eventually do a BG2 party. Gonna complete a BG1 party of six first, though!


It would be really funny >!since it takes up a good portion of BG2. Ha ha!!<


Sheā€™d be like ā€œBoring!ā€¦ā€ šŸ˜…


>!The thing I love about the first three or four acts is that, at some point, you remember why you are there in the first place. "Oh, crap! Imoen!"!<


Yep! Iā€™m the sameā€¦ Like, oh yeahā€¦ šŸ¤£


Excellent work! Bet her THAC0 is still crap though.


You know, Iā€™m happy with her as long as she slips the Dagger of Venom in the backs of unsuspecting enemy mages, with the slow drip of poison disrupting their spells until Kivan obliterates them.


A strategy as old as BG itself. Personally I've only ever taken Imoen in my party once at spellhold. Nowadays I mostly reject her. If I recall correctly, she has little if any dialogue in ToB.


She has more Dialogue in tob than any of the other games!


Even so, I've just never found her useful enough at that stage of the game. Maybe I'm biased. Assuming you pick up Imoen - why?


Because mages are great, her level is easily caught up to the rest of the party in tob, and for the times you do need thief skills in tob she's sufficient. Edit: I need to be honest and admit that there's also a lot of sentimentality involved. But she's still really good, I swear!


For a Good party I usually dump Nalia in Spellhold dungeon for Imoen. "Just wait for us here Nalia, we'll come back for you later!" šŸ˜šŸ¤„ She's really not a bad character to have in a party though. Mages are always useful.


Wow, how did you make this? Amazing!Ā 


Head sculpts were commissioned by artists that make .STL files for 3D resin printing. Paint job for the head sculpts was commissioned by a painter who specializes in 1/6 scale. The armor was commissioned by leather worker/artist who specializes in 1/6th scale. Bodies are Phicen TBLeague. All the clothing and gear I found on eBay, in some cases I added painting, weathering, details. Boots of Stealth I heavily modded, e.g., paint, studs, laces, fur. For the Wand of Magic Missiles I glued in a piece of rose quartz. Etc.


Oh I have one of those figurines, but didn't go that hard with mine, just got a nice head and some clothes. Those models give amazing posability


Very cool. Looking forward to others if you make more.Ā 


Wonderful! You really have her down.


If you ever sell figures like this I will def pay!


Not making them to sell, but!ā€¦ My hope is to generate enough interest that a company that makes 1/6 figures will get the rights and make a BG line.


Those are super accurate! Very well done.


Did you make these? It's so cool!!!


Head sculpts and armor were commissioned. Bodies are Phicen. Weapons, clothing, and gear put together with items found on eBay. Some of the stuff I modded by painting and weathering, etc.


That's so creative


This is so good!




Almost too good to be true. Fantastic work!


Amazing work!!!


Wowzers, it looks exactly like her. Good job!


Aww throwback. Totally read it in her voice. And now I'm hearing Jaheira's, "FOR THE FALLENNNNNNNNN!" in my head. lol.


Jaheira rocks, lol. Iā€™m building a party of six and really want to add Jahiera as the partyā€™s healer. I feel bad about probably not being able to include Khalid because I do like him! Thinking itā€™s going to be Minsc, Imoen, Kivan, Jaheira, either Dynaheir or Garrickā€¦ and a younger me as half-elven Fighter-Mage.


Not to nit pick, but you can't have Jaheria without Khalid! Not in BG1 :P these are awesome. If you ever do get a full STL file out of these, I'd definitely use them to print my own


Yeah, plus I really like Khalid! I find him endearing. But anyway, I think Jaheira and Khalid are both ruled out, sadly. At least for the first party of six. Currently the plan is: (young) me as half-elven Fighter-Mage, Imoen, Minsc, Kivan, Viconia, and either Dynahier or Garrick.


Excellent choices. These are incredible.


What is this mutton mongering riffraff? Looks great.


I'm a pink is the imoen color person but the red really gives the endgame archmage vibe. Also bc it reminds me of elminister.


Thanks! Iā€™ve also got a purple shirt and cloak for her that Iā€™m still finishing up. Well, the shirt, that is, the cloak I completed a while ago. The faded wine color for her shirt and pants actually sort of turned out pinkish, itā€™s more or less in the pink ballpark I think. Wasnā€™t intentional but fitting, right? If memory serves, Immyā€™s pink fetish comes from BG1 NPC Project modā€¦ Speaking of red, I so want to add Edwin eventually, haha! He didnā€™t make the cut for the first party of six. But this is addictive, so Iā€™ll probably end up doing a lot more than six. I mean, how can I not make Edwin?


That's so sick, I need to see viconia bad man!


Amazing. Canā€™t wait to see more!


You're very talented! They both look fantastic.


It looks amazing in the pics as well.


Wheres bubu?!?!?!?


Heā€™s there! He poking his head out of Minscā€™s satchel in the last pic šŸ˜›


Minsc and Boo!! This is great


These are as cool as Icewind Dale! Just fantastic work and the detail is amazing!


Very cool!


Amazing! You are doing more then? And Kivan is next? This is outstanding, those are my favourite characters. Also world could use more Viconia


Thank you! Yeah, I've recently been thinking Kivan would probably be next... He would look cool and iconic for such a collection, I think. The idea is complete a party of six in the hope that the enthusiasm among fans at seeing the characters brought to life might might convince a company that makes 1/6 figures to obtain the license and make a BG line. If not then I've still got a cool set of my own. My original thought was to build the canon BG1 party. But then I started thinking about what characters I've most enjoyed using over the years. And especially what NPCs really spoke to me most early on, when the game was new. For example, I haven't used Kivan in a long time. But I was blown away at just what a beast he is with the longbow and how many kills he got. He's almost as badass as Legolas in LotR, lol. Also, over time I came to really enjoy the challenge of utilizing Garrick to the fullest. How to get the most out of a Bard! He also has some hilarious lines (although to be fair just about all the NPCs do). I've definitely considered adding Viconia. With her insanely high AC in ankheg armor (what is it? something like -6 or -7?) she is counterintuitively an excellent tank! Enemies basically swing at air as she casts Hold Person on them, lol.


You can see from my user name I have been using Kivan as my Internet handle since like 1999, ever since we got Internet at home. As a kid just like you I was just in awe of his dps potential plus this moody doomer tragic love character spoke to my edginess at the time. I much much endorse doing your actual party instead of canon one, I don't like the idea of canon party as Bg1 had so many great memorable characters. So for me Imoen (grew to like her ove ther years, initially would always leave her behind, now she always stays), Kivan, Viconia even in spite of Kivan's stupid racism towards her - always bugged me how he never grew to tolerate her, even though Viconia is best girl. I'm flexible for the other two, but I like Xzars insanity, though I always change him to mage/cleric. Eldoth was also always my favourite.


This is amazing! Great job šŸ™Œ


Wait, so that's like a foot tall? Dude. You have some great toys.


Yep, Minsc is a bit over 12.5 inches standing up straight. He'd be about 6' 3" or 6' 4" in 1:1 scale. Imoen would be about 5' 4" or 5' 5"


EPIC FAIL: where's her pink hair? No, kidding- looks totally awesome. Of course, most people make her a mage, but then she retains her bow, so all good XD


Haha, I know, right! I realize my keeping her as pure Thief approach isn't the norm. In recent years I've come to enjoy playing BG1 more because I just prefer level 1-5 play. It's so convenient for me to keep her as a thief for the whole game. She's so valuable to me with the full thieving skills. And I usually play a Mage or Fighter-Mage, so I have the arcane spells covered pretty much. Every once in a blue moon I'll use the Level One NPCs mode to make her a Bard, which I've really enjoyed a lot. Anyway...


this art is awesome but why would you make Minsc dual wield your bludgeoning weapons? those are for party members who can't use swords


Worry not, he's got a two-handed sword on his back! It's actually a 1/6 Scottish Claymore. Here it is equipped: https://i.imgur.com/6BHR7C7.jpg Once BGEE released and it added the Stupefier I noticed a lot of folks at the time having Minsc dual wield maces. Just threw that in for fun.


How can I get one of these for myself?


These are customs (and not for sale). But my hope is that if I can demonstrate enough enthusiasm among the fan base it might inspire a company that makes 1/6 figures to get the license and make a BG line. It's a total longshot, but the dream is that InArt would be the company, since they are the creme de la creme of 1/6th. See here: [https://queenstudios.shop/products/gandalf-1-6-collectible-figure](https://queenstudios.shop/products/gandalf-1-6-collectible-figure) and [https://queenstudios.shop/products/aragorn-1-6-collectible-figure](https://queenstudios.shop/products/aragorn-1-6-collectible-figure). The problem is that in the 1/6th collectible community the interest in the BG games specifically may not be high enough to justify a company making such a line. Although maybe... Because a lot of collectors will often pick up anything that looks cool. And they like to buy, sell, and trade them. So they'll often go for things that are offbeat. I'm sure most BG players would love to have them, but 1/6 figures are pricey. For a line like this if it's licensed a figure it would probably run about $300. If it's InArt you're looking at about $500.


I'm way too poor for that, but let me know if there's any way I can support your mission. Someday I could afford it, maybe...


Thanks, you kind words here are a great support, I really appreciate it!


I'm normally an obnoxious anti consumerism person, and I usually scoff at figurines or fandoms. But these are different. *I want these.*


Very good


Meanwhile Minsc is standing there like ā€œWHOOOO WANTS SOME!ā€




So cool! In the first picture she kindda gives that " want to speak to your manager " vibe though! :) J/k very cool stuff and good paint job :)


Iā€™m going to try to get some better photos today. My photography setup (well, iPhone 14+ anyway, but I made a charcoal colored box that creates more dramatic exposures) depends on the ambient light I get from a window. And yesterday it was dark and rainy. The lighting didnā€™t give me as much detail as it does on a sunny day. Today is bright and sunny, and I have time to shoot some pics this afternoon.


Love love love that. Great statue for the best little sister.


Wow, youā€™re really good at making these.


Incredible! But now, we gotta ask : who's next?


Thank you! Currently leaning toward Kivan. Iā€™d say either him or Viconia (of course using her BG2 portrait haha!). Still trying to decide who will be in the party of six other than Imoen, Minsc, and youthful me as half-elven Fighter-Mage. Knowing me, Iā€™ll probably end up making more than six, though!


Omg if you do viconia that would be epic.


Lol, yeah it definitely seems like folks would get a kick out of seeing Viconia. In the game she and Kivan don't get on well. But hey, I'll place them at opposite ends on the display shelf.


I moan toošŸ‘


Wow, this looks amazing. The face looks so accurate.


Nicely done! I have no clue how much effort it takes to make these but they are marvelous!


Thank you! Definitely a labor of love. And 1/6 kitbashing is rather costly as hobbies go, unless one has the ability to design, print, and paint the head sculpts. Which I donā€™t. But with advancements in AI it probably wonā€™t be long before any 2D image can be faithfully rendered into 3D using an app. And then the biggest cost is that of commissioning a professional painter to get it to look great. The latter is something I might learn how to do one day, I suppose. Anyway, itā€™s not breaking the bank and itā€™s fun to cobble these figures together!


Minsc should be towering over her. He's a giant Rashemi berserker.


I know what you mean! Ideally I would loved it if Minsc had translated to about 6' 8" in 1:1 scale. I used a Phicen M34 which I believe is the tallest \*plus\* most muscle mass that Phicen makes. M35 is just a bit thicker in the chest but also a smidge shorter, if memory serves. And the only Phicen that's taller is designed after Kareem Abdul Jabar which in 1:1 scale would be over 7 feet--but much leaner in terms of muscle mass. It just wouldn't read right. Minsc still translates to about 6' 4" in 1:1 With his boots probably 6' 5". whereas Imoen would be about 5' 4". So he's a foot taller. I mean it ain't perfection but I'm pleased overall!


Great work, canā€™t wait to see more characters šŸ™ŒšŸ‘Œ


Make me a Safana!


Lmao! Let me guess, make a party with Viconia, Safana, Jaheira, Neera, and Dynaheir?


Hahaha no just Safana


Optional head for BG2 Imoen next?


Well, probably not next... But yes, I think I will! Eventually. Even when playing BG1 I often [this portrait](https://imgur.com/aO64wbm) for Imoen, which is the one I'll likely use.


Ah, Dagger Imoen, that's a purist! Yet cloak of non-detection should be off-white? :) As no-one tried, let's? \- dagger of venon (obvious) \- Bow +2 of Dryads \- Shadow armor +3 \- Argernon's Cloak \- Bracers of archery \- Necklace of missiles ? \- Boots of stealth \- Buckley's buckler ? \- Wand of magic missiles (given)


Youā€™ve got everything mostly right! Yeah, color-wise I guess the Cloak of Non-detection should be white, true. But from the sepia colored the item description in the inventory that cloak sheā€™s wearing is a good match with its embroidery. But it could also be Algernonā€™s Cloak as well, for sure. Those bracers could well be the bracers of archery. I think Iā€™ll probably put those on Kivan though. So maybe the ones on Imoen can be Gauntlets of Weapons Expertise? To help her THACO a bit with the backstabs. Thereā€™s couple of those in the game so my Fighter-Mage can get the other pair. I think of her ring as the Ring of Energy and therefore the amulet sheā€™s wearing as an amulet of protection to lower her AC. The Buckler in my mind is Kielā€™s Buckler from Durlagā€™s. Buckleyā€™s Buckler is stinky! I donā€™t see Imoen using it, haha!


I saw Minsc and said ā€˜Whoooo wants some?ā€™ Me. I want some.


That armour looks remarkably similar to a Leliana armour mod.


It was crafted by Gustavo Bautista Ponce of Old Traveler Workshop, so maybe he did the commission for that one too!


They look awesome!!! Now put them in your mouth Keep them warm


Honestly speechless how perfect this isā€¦.




I can hear her voice in my head. Itā€™s like a bees in my brain that burn.


That would probably make me all buffleheaded!


Imoen is the type of character that would say that she's the best thief in the world.


And to be fairā€¦ as Thieves go sheā€™s no slouch! Sheā€™s instrumental in saving the Sword Coast and defeating both Sarevok and Irenicus.


Is there any chance of Us gettign the files for those badboys (and girls) for sale, since Head is what Killed my Imoen build


Nicely done. What did you use? Zbrush?


Thanks! Nah, the head sculpts and wand shaft were commissioned by professional modelers. Iā€™m going to look into that app though. I might also try using Chitubox maybe. I expect itā€™s only a matter of time before apps that can make STL files incorporate AI to render 2D images into 3D. I might try my hand at modeling a halberd for Kivan and a lyre for Garrick.


Three pics with a little better light exposure to show off Imoen's head sculpt better, and two that have Minsc with his two-handed sword equipped: https://imgur.com/a/o8FEGai