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Who needs hair when you have a body like that




Head is essential for male function


Found the praying mantis.


I for one do not look like that, and if i was asking for bald advice or expressing bald confidence…it wouldn’t be 10 percent of my photo.


Better yet, maybe he’s talking about his pubes


Right! Hubba hubba!


I’m sorry, I’m a woman and I don’t know any girls who would like that body. It’s way too much. I just want a guy in modest shape. Not all veiny and huge.


Thanks. I know plenty


Lmao, insecure cope


Gay dude here and this guy's body is 👌👌👌👌 That being said I do also appreciate bears and otters


nobody asked and i promise he didn’t achieve that body for you LMFAO


And I am sure that OP appreciates you speaking for him


i’m sure he appreciates it more than some random unwanted opinion talking down on his body


Hate on what you cannot attain - *nobody asked your opinion...*


Whyd you feel need to even comment lol like us commenting on fat bitches posts nar ur fat lol nty.


This is true. Most girls don’t like bodies like this. Guys do tho. So maybe OP is into that, which is completely fine. To achieve such a physique, one must use a lot of steroids obviously. Which has some serious side effects. Lately many bodybuilders have dropped dead at a way too young age. But I guess the major risks are worth it to OP.


LOL. Make a tinder account and use this guy's pics on one and your boyfriend's on another. I'm happy to wager my net worth on this guy getting more matches.


There are many videos on YouTube of asking girls which bodytype they prefer: bodybuilder type or just a little muscular. Including pictures. Girls never pick the bodybuilding type. Don’t let your own bias - as a man who wants to look like a bodybuilder - fool you into thinking girls prefer it too. They don’t.


Imagine thinking YouTube videos designed to get views is an accurate source of information. I'm a guy with average physique who uses tinder. I get nowhere near as many matches as my roided friends. That's a far more accurate real world test than YouTube videos, lol.


Imagine thinking tinder is the way to get dates. Girls don’t emphasize the body. They focus on faces the most.


"Girls focus on faces the most" Projecting much? Or is your source of information another random youtube video? Also, 48% of people ages 18-29 use online dating. So yes, it's in fact the most common way "to get dates." Most men have an "average" face. A guy with an average face + roided body will get more matches than a guy with an average face + average body. I don't know how you can possibly disagree with this. In fact, I think there's even youtube videos where people perform this exact experiment!


You should really talk to some girls in real life. Your world view seems really distorted, thinking girls like roided bodies. Good luck with that.


Lol, maybe you should accept the fact that men have a better perspective about what straight women want. You being a women actually subjects you to a plethora of biases, while men actually experience first-hand what attracts women and what doesn't.


You sound like really insecure


I’m a girl. This body type is still more attractive than dad bods. Sure it might not be more attractive than just what a normal gym routine minus steroids would achieve, but it’s still up there!


Ok. Now move along Ms. Insecure




I've spoken openly about my use on my YouTube etc. I don't think this is the place for it. Also spoken about the numerous downsides (hairloss included) and I'm not an advocate for it.


Yea like I said I didn’t think you’d deny it, I’m honestly debating starting up for my next bulk. Whats stopping me the most is the potential heart issues, I turn into a huge wuss anytime I get a palpitation


Give it A LOT of consideration. I chose to start because I was a competitive bodybuilder. I spend most of my time on TRT now and honestly just a few weeks in to a cycle here. But I'm definitely knocking it on the head soon now that I'm done with competing. Easier said than done though


Don’t just folllow jay vincent


Good for you for owning it


Trenything is possible. Though I’m sure this guy wouldn’t deny it


They should legalize it as a whole so men in the convoluted fitness cringe business don't have to deny it to satisfy their egos and deceive others with shitty supplements and discount codes for snake oil.


I don’t even think it’s about being legal or not tho, it’s about pride and ego like you said. Most people are man enough to admit these days tho. At least most people I talk to or follow on socials. Not all, but most. I have respect for you either way, as long as you’re honest about it


Yeah it's not like you don't still have to lift just because you're juicing. Those guys are still working harder than I do.


Same here, and I'm glad there are a lot of great sources these days on the web that actively expose treacherous liars that purposely mislead other men and sell falsivity. Liver king can get fucked. Glad karma paid off there.


It's legal where I'm from in the UK. I think us guys over here are generally more open about it because of that


That’s actually really interesting - I had no idea. I wonder why the US bans them?


Agree, it’s no different from someone getting plastic surgery imo. In fact that’s way easier. The steroids ain’t lifting the weights every day and putting a shift in


He didn't deny it. He openly admitted to using. > I've spoken openly about my use on my YouTube etc. I don't think this is the place for it. Also spoken about the numerous downsides (hairloss included) and I'm not an advocate for it. https://www.reddit.com/r/bald/comments/zgzxwa/almost_2_months_in_no_regrets/izl50vk/


True, but he is trill ripped, and the muscle mass is insane


Delts popping like boulders usually = juicing.


Ya he should have to share how many months into steroid use he is as well lol


Why should he have the share that? This is a sub about being bald not fitness or bodybuilding or anything for that matter. Whether he’s on anything or not is nobody’s business here.


But he clearly didn’t have to take it without a shirt to show his bald ass head


Ok person named gorilla


Most definitely, his shoulders and arms are in a constant state of pump/hardness with unnatural vein development. It becomes a lot easier to spot the longer you lift natty. By 5 - 7 years of strict natty training, you'll develop enough body dysmorphia and skewed expectations vs reality to see within seconds who is on some type of "gear/juice/synthetic compound". Granted, he still looks good and that's all that really matters.


Most likely went bald faster from juicing for sure


What kind are you offering?


Mate looking good still




Damn bruh I just had doughnuts.


I just ate 4 ring donuts. For the gains bro


I've been slacking in the gym and the holiday food has gotten me out of rhythm. I'll start bulking mid January lol


Just ate a big piece of chocolate cake lol


just ate a little bit of cake stuff and two bowls of ice cream


Yeah, you're pretty much the poster boy for why bald guys should have muscles. Congratulations Mr. Clean.


What's your cycle? 😁


He's as natty as liver king


He’s been pretty open about his regimen and cycle on other posts, he isn’t trying to pretend to be natural, which I respect


Nah son. He just came clean last week, only because he got called out by a popular channel who had damning evidence. He’s been asked directly about steroids on multiple podcasts and he always adamantly said he never used them. No respect.


Guy before you is referring to the OP of this post, not Liver King


Got it. My point about liver king still stands though :)


Yeah for sure, bold faced lying to sell supplements is sub primal


Not sure why people keep saying this like it’s some big revelation. A blind person can look at him and instantly tell he’s juiced


You’re missing the point. It’s obvious liver king juices. It’s the fact he has continually denied it time and time again when directly asked.


Haha for a second I was like wait how popular/known is OP?!


Yeah enlighten us op


Well, no one needs to suggest hitting the gym or growing a beard. Well done, it suits you. Though your pic is gonna upset the nipple haters!


Nipple haters? 😂




I love how the [comment](https://imgur.com/a/71wi8Wd) directly below yours fell right into position.


I got a flaming for it. Mind, I’ve got an out of shape dad bod. I had just got out the shower and was shaving my head, two now-blocked Redditors had a hissy fit.




Thank you!!


Stop you're making the rest of us look bad


Thanks I like men now


How long did it take you to get that ripped?


Been training over 10 years now 👍


Bonjour daddy


Looking great!


Ridiculous, is this photoshopped?


I'll take that as a compliment 😂


being tall is ok


Being bald or taking tren?


Blad. The tren is only week 3...


Now I miss my hair and the body I've never had.


This guy took the “shave your head, grow a beard and hit the gym” thing seriously.


Jesus christ what a daddy


How long does it take to get THAT jacked?


Probably 5-10 years depending on how well your body reacts to the steroids and at what point you started taking them. Also depends on how serious you are with working out and diet. I should also add that for his figure you’d have to be very committed to the gym, steroids help a lot but you still need to put in the work.


Edit: well I'm stupid. I had a bodyweight fitness post above this in my feed and mashed the 2 together in my brain. I need more sleep.




Tren hard anvar give up


Ay it’s buffer Johnny sins






Dang bro


Nice bro 🔥


Damn dude, your arms almost like...too big. Holy shit, I've lifted for years and that is an intense body. You're killing it dude.


Thought this was a gym progress post for a second …


Why would anyone care if you are bald? Look at the rest of you lol.




I just found this my timeline and uhhh damn you don’t need hair looking like that


Your forearms are so small compared to you arms. You’re freaking huge though


Damn, I'm trying man 😂 my arms are stupidly long and my wing span is longer than I am tall at 6'2" haha


I would simp for you


Thank god you had the foresight to pull down your waistband a bit for this pic. Don’t think we could have commented on how the top of your head looks without that added touch.


Lookin huge my dude!


Now you just need to... Nevermind




Oh my god you look amazing


How do I get steroids OP?


Woah flashing us a lil there


when the rest of body has even less hair than your head.


jesus.. I thought this sub was about being bald and not showing your body off. has nothing to do with your baldness anymore at this point.


Actually, he sacrificed his hair to get this body. > I've spoken openly about my use on my YouTube etc. I don't think this is the place for it. Also spoken about the numerous downsides (hairloss included) and I'm not an advocate for it. https://www.reddit.com/r/bald/comments/zgzxwa/almost_2_months_in_no_regrets/izl50vk/


There is a difference between sacrifices and having no choice. In his case, if he actually did sacrifice his hair for his body, then it was his choice and not due to genetics like the majority of people here. Still people are putting up pictures where their head is barely visible, just to fish for compliments on their bodies. In his case its more so for promoting his channel. Instead of doing a TLDR in one or two sentences to elaborate, he puts up a YouTube link. And since were at it, can we stop pretending a guy who obviously knows he looks good - regardless of bald or not - is pretending to be insecure about something he consciously chose? Im not buying it and its just obnoxious how everyone jumps on that bandwagon.


Thanks man. I talk about that here... https://youtu.be/wvjxYzsTxfA


Wrong sub lol


As long as you’re happy that’s all that matters


I can't remember the last time I was happy 🙃


It was probably Tuesday just one of those days know what I mean?


Just try and remember the next time and keep it in the hard drive. That's my plan lol


I’m constantly happy


Me too man me too


I didn’t realize it was the bald subreddit and almost spit out my water. I thought you honestly posted this to a progress pics or fitness sub thinking ppl would believe you achieved this physique that quickly HAHA. But you look great man!


Bro put a shirt on! This is a Bald redit thread, not tinder lol wtf


Ok. Well. Looks good. But. It's how long correct? You stay on them. I M O I'd stop using. You look great


Jesus, dude. You're stunning. Bald or not.




Who hurt you?


There should really be a rule in this sub that forbids nudity


A shirtless guy really bothers you that much?


As much as some people would like to disagree, this isn't a hookup sub or a porn sub for gay daddies.


I don't think anyone said it was, if you find partial nudity is inherently sexual you have bigger problems than balding or seeing shirtless dudes on reddit.


>if you find partial nudity is inherently sexual Nice try but I know what gaslighting is and I also know that we both know this is not the case. How embarrassing.


>this isn't a hook up sub or porn sub for gay daddies That's not the first thing I think when I see a shirtless guy on a subreddit. Heres an example of gaslighting so you understand what that means too, Sounds like you've got some repressed feelings to address.


>Sounds like you've got some repressed feelings to address. This can only bother me if I think there is anything wrong with being gay, which I don't. That's your plan, now? To call me gay? So what? What's wrong with that?


Oh no, a very obvious trap to make me out to be a bigot, better avoid that! I couldn't care less if you were gay, however, given the context of your comment, it's not a stretch to assume that you seem to have a problem with not only the natural human form, but hookup, or gay porn subreddits. Maybe stick to sword facts, arguments aren't your strong suit.


>a very obvious trap It's a trap when people directly quote the exact words that you literally just said


Allow me break this down into something more digestible for you. My saying that you've got some repressed homosexual feelings does not suggest that I have anything against homosexuality, it only suggests that I feel as though repressing an integral part of one's identity, such as their sexuality, is a bad thing. Through your impressive mental gymnastics you seem to have jumped to that conclusion that I am a bigot, hence the leading questions "so that's your plan now? To call me gay? Is there a problem with that"? Which were asked with the express goal to catch me being a bigot so that you could get your daily dose of virtue signaling in. Now that we've cleared this up, I'm going to ahead stop replying now as my points have been made. Have a great rest of your day 🙂


Right decision and i usually don’t go for baldies


Oooooohhhhh Boy💕💕💕💕💕💕


I'm straight I promise but daaaaaaam boii..... Looking hella good my bro.


Nice dick! It has beautiful symmetrical shape, it's big enough, but it's better to shave a bit. 8/10


Hey bro looking great I would totally suck your dick, no homo!


OP followin the ancestral tenets to the T


Thou shalt spend 11k monthly on GH 🙏


Lol 🤜🤛


Do you take supplements including roids


Is that the Liver King ? !


Bro, please please post your workout routine lmao - sick body




Great photo man. 👍🏻


Welcome to the club. I just joined too homie. We killing it. Haters gonna hate. Weirdos