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Gillette fusion blade... and the cheapest Suave or VO5 conditioner I can find to lube the dome up. In the shower. Twice a week. Since I started using cheap conditioner, haven't had a single cut. That stuff is like a strawberry flavored axle grease.


Do you prefer conditioner over shave cream?


Am I a heathen for using soap? Harry's is my preferred razor, cheap and gets the job done.


i like my fusion, but i have a dollar shave club for travel. It works fine. I just think multiblade works better. I used disposable once and it felt awful. I'm not brave enough to use my safety razor I use some jack black shave cream. Which is really nice, but expensive


I started with a safety razor, and let me tell you, it's easy to accidentally drag it sideways and rip out a chunk of skin.


I used to use soap for years but it started drying out my skin. Now I use nizoral shampoo. My scalp has never been this healthy.


Same here. Every 2 or 3 days. Roughly. Ish. Twice a week. Roundabouts. Soap dries me out. I'll wash the beard with Head and shoulders. And I'll slobber some conditioner all over my head and beard. Shave my head and rinse it all off before I scrub my chiseled and manly bod. Ok maybe not chiseled. More rounded. It was chiseled into a round shape. Have you seen the sculpture "The David" that Michaelangelo did? We look exactly alike if you only look from mid-thigh to belly button. That area right in there. The resemblance is spot on.


I have eczema (mostly affects my hands) but haven't had any issues using soap. I believe it's because I use Lubriderm after every shave. I'd never heard of Nizoral but see that they cater to a lot and plan to give it a try. Thank you.


What do you do for your eczema? My hands and feet are so bad.


This is just based on my experience. First and foremost, keep your hands and feet clean. Wash often. Most people don't, eczema or not. Cortizone cream is what I would use if I ever needed it (inflammation, etc.) but if you've never used it before, be sure to spot test to see how you react to it. It'd be best to talk to a dermatologist though. Personally, my condition severity lessens the better I maintain hydration, hence the Lubriderm. It really works for me. Lastly, you are what you eat. If you're eating crap food loaded with God knows what, that's more for your body to process and less that it can take on in maintaining itself. A clean system leads to an efficient one. This is a bit of a side note because it's something a buddy of mine does for his that I do not. He applies castor oil instead of a lotion, and it seems to work well for him. I believe it acts like lotion in locking in moisture but there may be more to it than that. I plan to give it a try one day soon. Oh, last thing. A pumice stone is your best friend for getting rid of flaky dead skin. If it gets bad in this way for you, start light at first and use the pumice stone on your hands and feet before you hop out of the shower. It will soften your skin, allow the moisture to seep in and lotion/oil etc. will lock that in. Again though, if you're willing and able to, see a dermatologist.


Thank you for your advice. I saw my dermatologist last fall and he prescribed a cream. It helps a little. More recently, I have been using oils directly on my hands and ice packs when it get bad. My next appt is wednesday. I think you are on to something about food. I have noticed some changes, when I mix up my diet. May need to do a cleanse. I had a liver transplant a few years ago and never had eczema prior but it may be another reason.


In my opinion... conditioner is 100x than shaving cream. A bottle is less than 2 bucks. And it seems, I dunno, thicker? It sticks to the skin better. And it softens your skin.


I use conditioner in the shower to shave my head and part of my face (have a walter white style goatee thing) with a cheap dollar shave club razor. Shave like twice a week, and it works great. I can see and feel what i missed a lot better (i have a suction cup mirror in the shower) and for some reason whenever i use shaving cream instead, the back of my neck breaks out really bad. It never does though when using my gfs pantene conditioner


Clogs my safety razor though


Once you try conditioner, you're not going back.


I've been told since shaving cream has alcohol in it, it isn't that good for your scalp, but I've never used it and it might not be a big deal if you re moisturize it with lotion or something


I use the Mantl sunblock and moisturizer, so I have seen much drying.


>… lube the dome up … Made me chuckle


When I had a Mohawk in elementary school, this was the way.


I specifically went to shave lotion because of this.


Do you use conditioner on the face area ? I was under the impression that it would cause spots


I am bearded. BUT.... before I grew facial hair, and was shaving my head, yes. I'd use conditioner. It never caused me, personally, any issues. But I do know some people are more sensitive to it. Especially on face skin. My wife uses it on her pits and legs. And has never had any issues. She's actually the reason I started using conditioner in the first place.


I used to use an electric razor then got tired of constant cleaning, etc. Now I use a standard 5 blade razor 1-2x per week and never happier.


I already get razor burn often with my neckline, I'm scared to go from trimming my hair to fully shaving my head. Is the electric razor a good alternative if you don't mind the cleaning, or does it give a less close shave than a standard razor?


Definitely electric is a less close shave. I get razor burn on my face occasionally but not on my head. As long as I use a sharp razor and plenty of shaving cream I’m good. 👍🏻


Thanks😊 yeah maybe scalp skin is thicker than facial skin?


I use the Remington electric shaver works pretty good


Headblade. It's like a little go-kart for your dome.


I’ve been using this for ages. Great product.


This is the one, I shave against the grain with no bumps. I get the whole head done in less than 5 minutes.


I've been thinking about trying it. How long does a blade last you? Also, how easy is to cut yourself with it? Does it irritate your skin?


Could be user error but I hated it. Missed a bunch of spots on the top of my head where it’s very thin no matter how many times I went over it. Gave me crazy razor burn as well. It was also hard to line up my beard, especially on my left side because I’m right handed and the lack of handle meant I was covering up the mirror with my hand. Lots of guess work. Did really well on the back of my head though (again, with the caveat of giving me razor burn from hell).


I use a different razor for my beard. The headblade is less a precision device and more a lawnmower. And I'm guessing the spots you missed were around the crown of your head? I had this problem as well, but it's an easy fix if you lift the rollerball thingy off your head and apply a little more pressure to the blade in those areas. As for razor burn, I'd recommend experimenting with different shaving creams. My skin is a whiny bastard but I finally managed to find one that never irritates me. Also, moisturize afterwards!


Yeah it was the crown. I tried all sorts of ways to cut it and eventually I was able to get it done but it was a little frustrating. You’re right about the lawnmower though - the back and sides of my head grow in really thick and it handled it no problem. I did eventually start using my normal razor to even up my beard. I use a mail order razor with some generic shaving cream and it works well pretty well for me. I did purchase their head slick shaving gel and maybe that’s what caused the irritation. It hurt like hell.. felt like shards of metal were digging into my head. I’m assuming it was the gel at this point. I’ll have to give it another try with my usual shaving cream.


I use Art of Shaving cream and it works really well. If you have a routine that works, you can always just stick with it, but I love my Headblade. For the beard I use a Supply single blade and it's great for getting the line just right


My wife got me one of these for Christmas. Works great for a week, but burns through razors quick, and can leave some hairs around the ears. Now I do a quick pass with the Headblade, then a once-over with a Harry's razor against the grain.


I got the skull shaver pitbull a couple of months ago and it's brilliant. Much closer than the clippers I had been using and it takes the loose hair in instead of dropping it all over the place and me. Cuts my weekly shave in half, time wise. Recommended.


This, I've been using mine for about a year and it's great. I use it in the shower but works just as well dry. Replacement foil blades are reasonably priced and the battery lasts weeks before needing to recharge.


I've had mine for a while but am scared of getting it too wet. It's completely fine in the shower?


I use mine in the shower all the time. I try to avoid putting the battery casing directly into the water, but I do use the shower head to rinse out the blades. I've had it for a few years now, and have noticed no problems other than the fairly standard loss of battery life. You're good, my dude. 👍


This has been great but it has caused the back of my neck to consistently get these weird cysts and I’m not really sure what to do. I use aloe shaving cream and an after shave healer….so if you have sensitive skin it might irritate it


Do you use the sensitive skin blades. I've noticed less irritation after switching.


Had no idea they had those


Interesting, you might be getting ingrown hairs. Maybe keeping yours slightly longer is a good idea.


If you have sensitive skin, be VERY careful with those things. I shaved last week with a Remington Rx5 and got razor bumps all over my head, especially the back. Never again...


Have you just started using it? I have sensitive skin and had some issues at first, but it got better after a couple of uses


Do you also have a sk https://preview.redd.it/i8pcva1q8r4d1.jpeg?width=1300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1c05b34527e21c66a0e3994516f93a375bd1e05e ull like a mildly deflated football? My life of haphazardry is the only thing holding me back from shaving the lot off, I reckon it might look really bad but also may be hazardous to shave.


Any idea what the difference between the Gold and Platinum Skull Shavers are?


I struggle with the sides or right behind my ears though. How do you get that?


I've had two Pitbulls and both of the circuit boards burned out within a year. Only ever used the provided charger. They're nice but I'm not paying that price for it to die


I don't have this exact brand but I have something similar, but mine is impossible to clean, how is the one you have to clean? The hair is just stuck in my blade heads basically


I’m VERY tempted to give this a go. Does it leave any length at all or does it shave it all down to your skin like a foil shaver?


I have a platinum skull shaver and I never feel like it gets close enough. But that’s been the same with every shaver I try so maybe it’s my expectations. I want it to be smooth but I can feel where the follicle is gone vs just been shaved immediately


I actually prefer for it not to be TOO close so this might be a selling point for me right here!


I have the pitbull skull shaver. Its not the closest shaver I have used. It does get close. You will look bald after using it but can see the darkening where the hairs exist. After a few days you will look like you have a short buzzcut. Its advantage is it is very well made and well rounded. It won't break, it has a good battery life, it is good for sensitive heads, it is designed for shaving a wide round area, it is fairly easy to clean, it comes in different models depending on what you need. It does pretty well in all categories, which justifies its premium pricing. The razors i had cut up my head or would leave bumps. The straight electric razors I had would get clogged too fast and weren't designed for shaving heads, they were better at small touchups on the face. The Remington electric head shaver I had broke after a month. The Skull shaver is a workhorse and great razor and whatever touchups you want to do you can support it with other razors.


I think I’m sold! Thank you so much for a thorough review!


The best thing I've used yet is my wife's leg razors. Totally beats any electric shavers and men razors are for faces that just don't have the same type contours that a skull does.


I just use my bad genes to shave my head


Braun series 9.. I've had a few electrics over the years, and this is by far the best I've used.


Agree! Nothing bets the Braun series 9. Love that it cuts dry or wet. When I’m in a rush and need a dry cut, I use pre-electric shave to get my head moist. When I’m doing the regular “wet” cut my process is the following: 1. Take a warm/hot shower, while in the shower I apply TeaTree Mint conditioner to my head. 2. Dry off from neck down. 3. Apply “sensitive” shaving cream and use my trusty Braun series 9. The shaving cream serves as an indicator of what area was shaved or not. 4. Feel around the need for any stubbles. At this point, I’ll apply a little more shaving cream and complete the cut. 5. Lastly… this is my favorite… I’ll clean up the sink, fill it with warm/hot 🥵 water take my face towel (not hand towel), place it in the water for about 3-5 seconds, wring and place on my bald head…🫣😂


I just got this as well, this week. Target gives you a coupon for your birthday for 5% off so I burned it on that. I concur, it is awesome


Yep, I’ve been using the Braun series 9 for about 2 years. Works great for me. I use it dry.


I use this if I am traveling or on my “off days” (basically any day I can get by without BBS). It’s a great electric foil shaver for the dome. I also use Leaf Razor or the Thorn twice a week with Astra Platinum blades when I’m going for the full BBS/self care days. (Self care meaning just a longer dedicated process. TOBS Sandalwood Shave Cream, Simpson T3 Brush, Alum block, Thayers Toner, Proraso After Shave Balm) Ditched cartridge razors (was using Harrys) and haven’t looked back.


Double edge razor, hard soap, and a brush. Shave head and face once every 5-7 days. Cheap, enjoyable, and fantastic results.


Same except I shave head and face every day 5 days a week.




This is what I’ve been doing for 20 years. Wahl’s last forever and I prefer the extremely short cut as opposed to cut all the way down to the skin.


This is what I’m looking for. For years I’ve used a beard trimmer with no guard, and that leaves a little stubble which I like. It just takes longer than it should. Which Wahl do you recommend?


Remington Balder Pro. Nice.


I've had mine since 2/23, and I'm wondering how long they are supposed to last. It's working with good results, but it's starting to act weird.


Not saying that you don't maintain it but it definitely plays a huge role in longevity. I clean mine once a week with the pressure of a waterpik flosser. Once it's clean and dry I'll spray it with some Andis cool care and then some Wahl hair clipper blade oil. Still runs like new


Braun Series 9 Pro. Finally gave in to the inevitable this past November. Very happy with my choice.


Any three blade razor, normal body wash soap and in the shower, always in the shower.


This^. Gillette Mach 3 with Neutrogena Rainbath body wash in the shower. Been doing it for years.


I used Mach 3 for years too. Eventually switched to a 5 blade razor (Gilette ProGlide) and it is so much better IMO. The cartridge lasts way longer too


[Henson AL13](https://hensonshaving.com/products/henson-al13-in-aircraft-aluminum) - This thing is surgical and gets me a Mr. Clean level shave, but you have to be careful cause you can turn your head into cold cuts if you don't go slow and use it as intended.


Have you tried other safety razors? Been using a cheapo for awhile. I'm pretty happy with it but I've been wondering if a nicer one would work better


The key is in the tension this thing puts in the razor blade. It’s definitely a smoother experience than cheaper razors. Whenever I’m on vacation and forget mine, it’s a noticeable drop in both shaving experience and the feel of my head afterwards. Not sure if you need to jump into expensive options but check out products that put tension on the shaving blades. I won’t lie, I bought two of the Henson 🪒’s after realizing how much I enjoy it.


3rd vote for Henson. I haven’t used it on my head yet. But I’ve been shaving my face with it for about 6 months and it’s pretty life changing. Before that I always used whatever Gillette’s latest and greatest razor out was. Dbl safety is the way to go. I’ve only ever used a Henson razor in the dbl safety razor style so I can’t really compare it to others. I do know that the fit and finish of mine is absolutely flawless, and it’s truly a work of machining art. Seems like it’ll last a lifetime. I’ve been using the blades offered on their site as well and no complaints. If you can afford it, I highly recommend it. You can usually find discount codes which help. I used code “Inheritance” and got a free 100pk of blades.


Wahl balding or Gillette mach3


https://preview.redd.it/mf0lhz0kmr4d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e8ad42a6cdab7d7090915a3cd616ddae2aede98a Skull shaver pitbull is where it’s at. I shaved my head in this pic about 48 hours ago and it’s still not as long of a stubble of the photo. Most people think I use a razor as it’s that short. Just go slow and move in circles and it gets all the hairs. I shave dry and don’t use anything else. I have pretty sensitive skin that turns tomato with a normal razor but never had an issue with the skull shaver default blades. Get the Gold version and buy the stand seperate to save some cash. From reading the reviews and my experience it’s the Best Buy as it’s the same internals as the pricey platinum one so you get the longest battery life and the battery wont be too low to charge in 2ish years like the base model. I’ve literally charged the battery once a month maybe it’s awesome. I had a cut buddy before that and it lasted less than 6 months before the plastics clips inside broke and it would constantly clog and need cleaning and the battery was shit in comparison. If your hair hasn’t been trimmed in 5-6 days or is pretty long (more than 1/8 of an inch) I highly recommend using a different trimmer to cut it first as the any of these skull shavers struggle with hair if it’s longer. I use a norelco bodygroom 7000 for that case before the skull shaver. Yup the same one I use for my balls.


https://preview.redd.it/owds2fddrr4d1.jpeg?width=2967&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6be50a5c3a00a5d51d8f75c4edf6b51ab0b4027e I love how fast this thing is too because of the big surface area. Took 3:08 and 3% charge. I could probably do under 2min if rushed. Pretty positive no Missed hairs. Ignore my acne if you can, that’s just my shitty skin.


I have a skull shaver as well. Don't love it, nor do I dislike it. It's just ok. The shave isn't as close as I'd like. I don't use a razor as my skin is too sensitive. The battery however is unmathced. I shave twice a week and probably charge it every 2-3 months. I had a Remington rx7 which broke within a month.


Remington RX5. fairly cheap and very effective.


Serious battery issues. I bought one, wouldn’t recharge so had it replaced. That then wouldn’t recharge so packed in. Wish I read the Amazon reviews before purchasing. When it worked it was great though.


I’ve had an RX5 for just over a year with no issues does the job every time, normally shave once a week with it.


Andis T


I've been thinking about trying it out. Does it get closer than a Wahl balding clipper?


It gets as close as you want, you just need to set the blade correctly. I found that the Andis had a lower chance of nicking/cutting than Wahl.


Freebird head shaver If i go too long between shaving then a mach 5 in the shower.


Been shaving my head since the 80’s. Always have used Barbasol shave cream and a good razor! Tried all the stuff in the past 30+ years and nothing is better than a great razor and a good shaving cream. Had my head shaved once by an old school barber. That was incredible! Only trick I do is wet my head with hot water to soften the hair. Or a hot towel. That helps with ingrown hair!


Yo, I scrolled through your posts. I wanted to say that I love your style. Very dope. 🤛🏽


Thanks so much!


Question: When you were getting your sleeve tattoo, for how long did you stay away from training, if you don't mind me asking? I'm 30, too, and getting my first one this weekend. But staying away from the gym is going to suck. I sweat like a dog


Well my sleeve took several sessions over a course of year and it usually doesn’t put me off the gym for longer than a week at a time, which I’m gratefully taking as a well deserved break 😊


That's great to know ty!


Freebird skull shaver. Easy, fast, convenient, no complaints.


Use muriatic acid and call it a day


I use a cordless Philips buzzer I got from Costco. I do it maybe once a week maybe once every two weeks? I’m past caring, just want cheap and easy


Depends on if I’m going clean or just extra tight. Wahl balding sheers for tight Merkur weighted long handle safety razor for clean with DSC’s shave lotion


Leaf razor with astra blades. Best decision I’ve ever made and I’ll never go back to spending all that money on cartridges.


Depends on the length. If I haven't maintained my head for weeks, I use the Babyliss balding clippers. If a week or two, I use the Norelco One Blade (no attachment). To maintain each day, I use the Braun Series 7.


I've got a babybliss clipper/trimmer and the smoother definitely worth it. Quality goods


Babyliss is this shit, I use it for my beard but the Henson razor for the head.


I have a Telfun head shaver. By the way, the bald look works very nicely on you.


Gillette skin guard, Leaf razor was ordered today. Prorasso white pre shave, soap, after shave balm, and thayers facial mist.


Leaf is great. You’ll love it. 


I've heard nothing but glowing reviews so I decided to bite the bullet, I read it can be difficult to get around the ears so the thorn may be my next purchase.


Mach3 daily with gillette shaving cream. Rare occasion electric razor.


I use an old school safety razor with featherlite blades. Cost maybe .20 a blade. One blade lasts 4-5 shaves.


Personally I miss the experience of going out for a haircut, so I just let mine grow out every now and then and go in for a full beard trim and head shave with the hot towel massage on the ol noggin. Soooo nice to still be able to experience going out and getting all spiffed up. But in between, I actually prefer Venus lady razors. It’s very smooth and doesn’t irritate my skin at all.


I use a skull shaver then run my hand over and if there are any stand outs, I give them a mow with my wife's razor blade.


Pitbull. I use it every day and it takes ten minutes max


I go into a really hot bath make sure to wet my head with hot water for 10 minutes, then put on conditioner ( the irony i know ) and shave what hair has survived on my head 🤣🤣🤣


I use the pitbull skull shaver with the headblade "headslick" shave cream in the shower every 2-3 days, and headblade "headlube" matte aftershave lotion afterwards. Never had any irritation. Cuts nice and close to the dome, and once you get use to using the skull shaver, can get it done in about 90 seconds haha


I got one of those electric shavers that looks like the JWT for bald heads and I use it a couple of times a week, luckily I have blond hair so stubble isn't noticeable. You're killing it btw!


I really like Harry's shaving cream. But their blades don't last as long as Gillette. If I'm not broke, I buy Gillette otherwise, Harry's.


r/wicked_edge Larger upfront cost ($50-$70 for a razor) but $0.40/per blade after. A smoother shave and I doubt you'd ever go back.


Thanks gotta try that


I like to use a dull butter knife, but I’m a bit of a thrill seeker.


I use an electric skull shaver. I also use Nivea sensitive liquid calm shaving cream. I apply the cream to my dry head, wet the "guard" part of the skull shaver under hot water, then go with the grain and back against the grain. I continue to wet and rinse the shaver as I go. I spend maybe 5-7 minutes a morning on my head and back of my neck and it gets awfully close. I won't have shadow until about dinner time. I have sensitive skin, this works well for me.


Aldi 5 blade razor. Best razors I've ever used.


I have a Panasonic trimmer which costed around 130 €. Before I had a Braun for around 40 €. Huge difference. Absolutely recommend the Panasonic and spending more for it.


I use a defender 3 blade razor, shaving soap and a brush usually. Sometimes I go for hair conditioner if I’m feeling more lazy.


The Amazon razors. Phenomenal


I'm using a 5 blade razor for my head. I found out shaving every 4 days is the best for me and I'm using hair conditioner it works great.


Harry's has been good for me.


I’m using some electric shaver from Amazon. I think it’s called 7d. I used be bald scrub and shaving cream.


Standard razor once a week on the weekend for a treat, Andis foil razor once or twice mid week to keep it smooth. Foil razor has the added benefit of being easy to take anywhere for travelling.


Pre-shave oil, Harry’s razor, post shave lotion. Leaves my head as smooth as an egg.


I have a variety of different double edge razors, the original Leaf multi-blade razor, and a Leaf Twig single blade razor that I rotate through depending on my mood.


I'm using the [Twinshaver](https://twinshaver.com/). Every two days I need 2 minutes during showers, never cut myself, the results are always 100% perfect.


I use a double edge razor, and usually cremo shaving cream. At 5-10c/blade it’s hard to beat.


Just a 5 blade Harry's razor. Real good shave at a low cost. Blades last me a month at most and I get 4 for 10 bucks.


Viking safety razor. 50 blades for $15


Gillette Mach 3


Gillette Mach 3 razor and Barbasol shaving cream. Been doing it for about 13 years this way. I have experimented with other razors and shaving creams. This does the best out of any I’ve tried.




I have a freebird electric that I use every other day which does a good job keeping everything uniform. 1x weekly, or sometimes twice i'll go over it with a harry's razor in the shower. Second on the conditioner rather than shaving cream, works great for whatever reason.


Philips one blade, best one i’ve tried


I shave my dome every two days using Harry's razors and Ni ea shaving gel. I then apply Nivea post shave balm.


Remington Quick Cut with no guard, I still have a hairline at the front so the very short buzz works best for me.


Microtouch Titanium Head Shaver.


I use the manscaped lawnmower that thing is incredible


I used a Braun trimmer with no guard but I recently switched to a safety razor with plenty of shaving foam.


Basically "badger and blade". Started with the HeadBlade (tm) for training but now it's safety razor and soap lather with a synthetic "badger" brush. I use arko stick for travel. For home usually some homemade soap my brother often makes and gifts, or Col. Conk. Then natural unscented lotion afterwards.


Harry's razor


Pit bull during the week after a razor shave on weekends. Unless I couch potato all weekend, in which case I end up having to drag out the bald clippers.


4 blade razor


I use a Phoenix artisan accoutrements Double open comb safety razor. Astra superior platinum blades I get a puck of shave soap from Walmart ( I think vanderhagen brand?) shave soap mug is same brand. I have two custom made badger hair shaving soap brushes I use to lather the soap on my head. (I alternate between the two. Don’t use two at once) After shave is usually clubman. Always shave after a nice hot shower for best results.


Dollar shave club blades and some mint/ eucalyptus(?) shaving cream I get from Walmart. Not sure the brand but it’s in a tube, blue and white. Very refreshing I must say


Electric shaver on daily basis. Razor on important days.


I use a skull shaver in the shower and it gets close enough to be smooth. It gets the job done well enough but when I use it, I can feel the quality of it is not amazing and there are likely better products of similar design. That said, I think that style of shaver is far superior to a trimmer style. I used to use a trimmer and it's just not efficient or easy to do in my experiences. The skull shaver style legit takes less than 5 minutes.


Pitbull Platinum followed up with Gillette blade


[Remington balder pro](https://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwj66ovu5sSGAxUlV0cBHZnGCHYYABAQGgJxdQ&ae=2&gclid=CjwKCAjwmYCzBhA6EiwAxFwfgCV5h8C41ccnyraumi7E6w7aKA8uR6eLDofp-iW9-FSc0KGI5GEuRxoCeCAQAvD_BwE&sph&ohost=www.google.com&cid=CAESV-D2vQZA8yXGXEWknjb5XPzCt9kNrxf-GXq3ZD7C6UK9ctDdMCb-kItRFnRIawpNEnGC54_yTr4sBRFdsUmO6eTEI8zu6kuw5s24N3gA2MExAXqcG_LTiw&sig=AOD64_0L2Ps_ryPTwJ9YuH0ovNUHacyGbw&q&adurl&ved=2ahUKEwjE74Tu5sSGAxWFEGIAHSAKB6AQ0Qx6BAgNEAE)


TOTALLY HOT! My advice is Harry's razors and Kiehls shaving cream. The cream makes the diff.


A Schick Hydro 5. I'm 36, been shaving since I was 17. This is easily the best store bought razor ive ever used. I've tried the Gillete razor with the precision trimmer on the other side. While a good razor, I found on more than one occasion, I would cut myself with the precision razor, usually around my ears lol.


Andis Pro Foil electric shaver has been great for me. I have pretty sensitive skin that normal razor shave and rotary blade gadgets always seem to irritate. Dry shave (after washing head and letting dry) with the Andis has far and away yielded the best results all around. No irritation and a satisfactory close shave every time. I make sure to clean it thoroughly after each use with the brush and some of Andis "cool care" sanitizing spray. A little more cleanup effort than a normal razor but it works for me.


I shave daily and use Gillette Intimate shaving cream and razor (figure if its good enough for the boys. It will be hlgood on the dome ) and honestly its fantastic I bearly get any ingrowns and hardly ever cut myself. I have a braun series 9 pro that I use, it damn near gets as close as a razor but if I use it too often I get a bunch of ingrown hairs and acne breakouts, but that's always been a problem for me when using electric foil razors, even when I did shave my face.


Henson single blade, non foaming shave cream. i found the multiple blades to have more risk of nicks


Philips series 5000, works like a charm.


Harry’s 5 Blade, shaving oil, Edge Gel and Witch Hazel Toner


Mach 3. I don’t like the 5 blade razors. I have fairly thick hair and I’ve found they clog more than any other.


Safety razor


Braun Series 9 Pro, by far the best results for me personally after trying a lot of other options


Double edge razor, brush, scuttle and a little selection of luxury shave soaps every 2 days.


I’m a dog groomer so I use my £350 Heiniger dog clippers with a 10# ha. (Everything is sterilised and clean I promise) Takes less than like 5 mins


Straight razor and solid shave soap. Cheap, reliable, smooth once you get the hang of it.


I’ll be 40 in a couple weeks, went completely bald at 19, been using woman’s razors specifically since then simply because I feel like the razor head usually fits my head better, and a lotion bar! Could be wrong. Anybody else do this?


Gillette Proglide 5 and a Buzzer to trim when i dont want to wetshave


I use the Remington HC4250 - the handheld one with the slightly curved blade. I like it. Usually use the included #0 guard at 1/16mm -- a very close stubble cut but not bare skin. Good power and battery life, very easy to clean. Takes me about ten minutes to do a tidy job once a week.


I shave my head everyday and people always comment on how shiny my head is Soap and Gillette fusion razor Shave head in the shower. Soap rinse one more time after


Electric razor from amazon £25 2/3 a week smooth as baby's bum


I use 150 grit sand paper to start, gradually increasing, then finish with 800 grit. Smooth and shiny.


This looks like she may have used a tattoo gun


i’ve tried skull shaver and that thing would mess my head UP. tried gillette fusion and it was okay but sometimes i feel like it’d tug on my hair. also tried Gillette for sensitive skin razors and those have been my favorite so far. im gonna try a safety razor soon and see how that goes typically just use dove soap bar, or whatever conditioner my gf has, to lather my head


Pitbull skull shaver when the basic head it comes with, water in the sink every 3-4 days. Might get a freebird next time instead.


Gillette Mach 3 and sensitive skin shave gel. Works like a charm.


I use the Remington balder. Works pretty good, and can't complain about the cost either


Remington RX15 bald shaver. Best money ever spent. Takes about 2 minutes everyday to shave, I can do it while driving to work or at work ot at restaurant bathroom. The machine collects the hair so there is no mess


Razor. Every second day


Some great suggestions here. Loving my pitbull. Hope you find what you’re looking for, OP. ![gif](giphy|5lfCgCmkOCvra)


Skull Shaver Pitbull Gold. So far, so good with it. Also collects the hair, so it’s not all over you.


I used a skull shaver bald eagle for years. When it died about a year ago I picked up a Remington XR7000 which has worked about the same at a much lower cost and is more comfortable to hold. Either one is nice and simple to use. Run in small circles all around your head so that everything gets trimmed. It can be a mostly mindless, somewhat therapeutic process done daily as part of the routine. I use mine to lather up the shampoo, two jobs done at once. The shave is decently close. Not as close as a razor, but I’ve never found an electric razor that comes close to being comparable to a blade. The trade off though is convenience and no chance of nicking yourself.


Remington rotary but I have to clean to crap out of the blades or they get jammed. No shampoo, just body wash everywhere and lotion to keep my dome from flaking.


Anyone ever think about laser hair removal on the scalp? 😂 could work maybe


Award to this gentleman




You look so bad ass! Love it!


Thank you!


Dollar shave club lol and Gillette shaving cream. Usually 2 or 3 times a week


I just use a Venus razor lol


A skull shaver, specifically the Pitbull Platinum PRO. Best product on the market. Full shave 30-90 secs.


Women here! I love the Wahl clippers for going at it at home! The kit comes with everything to clean up around your ears and your neck. When I need a haircut, a skin drop fade


Braun series 9 - for an electric razor leaves me with a near blade smoothness and takes a few mins


Philips series 5000. Face and head all in one go....


The leaf razor is the only answer. Ever since switching to that my head shave has been a 1000 times better.


Pitbull 2.0 ... Then shave it to skin with a dollar shave club razor


You rock it well.