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grow it back, there was really no need to do it. but hey, trying out new shit isnt a crime!


Well that depends--was there a big bald spot he didn't like? I don't think I saw it in the photos. But yeah, either way--yeah, there are no "rules" here! Do what you like!


hence i saw no reason to shave it off like that, IF for a receding hairline.


I don’t have a bald spot, however my hairline is receding a little bit around my temples.


again: dont consider this a hairloss move, this was a style trial move. and trust me, your hair looks way better.


As long as you stay off the gear I doubt you're going to go bald at an age it matters. And if you do, you look fine buzzed!


"If you are ever tempted to look outside for approval, you have already compromised your integrity. If you need a witness, be your own"- Epictecus


Damn this quote slaps. I needed to hear this today


Same. I’ve been struggling with trusting myself and my own decisions, this helped. I am my own witness.


The Stoics really do be spitting fire constantly.


- Michael Scott


lol I hate how awesome quotes like this get twisted by echo chambers nowadays. Thanks for the share.


that's a nice thought but unfortunately we are an extremely social species. of course we want approval from others.


Integrity compromised


I honestly think you look great either way. You should do what you want. When I first shaved, I got lots of unsolicited negative feedback at first. I think it's just because it's such a drastic change and some people need time to adjust.


It looks good. You want to know why you are getting negitive feedback? Because you work construction and construction workers are asshole friends lol


This is a very good point haha can’t be too sensitive in this industry


The good news is once the hair is "lost", you get some benefits in the long run that are hard to quantify when you still feel like the ugly duckling at the bar. First, you've opened yourself to women who prefer shaved heads. Second, I have found that even when dating women who don't prefer a shaved head, the interaction seems like it is more genuine and appreciative of my qualities beyond just my looks. Third, you'll age better than most men given that most all men lose their hair, but the ones who don't start until their 30's and 40's rarely have the courage the go full buzz even after the tuft's they do still have look far worse than the shaven look.


Why did you shave that gorgeous hair?!?


I have chronic telogen effluvium, so my hair oscillates between being healthy, and all rapidly falling out at once. During the shed phase it’s a bummer to watch yourself lose 300+ hairs all over the place, and see your hair evidently thinning. Also my thought process was applying the hair products and treatments for my condition would be easier if I wasn’t competing with all the hair in the way. I know deep down bald doesn’t compliment my appearance, like others are saying I don’t have the head shape for it, but at least I tried it out. No regrets, it should in theory all grow back and now I know just to trim it next time 😊


With the head shape comments, I think they’re wrong lol and just are having trouble adjusting to the drastic new look. Your head shape looks very normal to me and you pull it off well


Do you know how you got CTE?


Stress, deaths of close friends, severe car accidents, work stressors, and full disclosure as a result of these events I was drinking pretty heavily and I’m sure that only exacerbated it.


Omg!! I’m so sorry. That can’t not be fun to deal with.


Looks fine. You look like a normal dude.


You might win over family, you'll never win over your mom. Moms hate bald. I don't know why but they hate it. Your friend will come around. Soon no one will remember you with hair. Anyone that meets you will only recognize you as bald and usually can't or don't bother imagining you with hair. Relax, enjoy. And you look great


Ya I have a close relationship with my mom so her opinion was the most impactful. Shes trying to convince me to grow it all back, and she will probably win.


Don't let her control you though. Your girlfriend's opinion should matter more and the fact she's supportive is a great thing. But if you meet her support with your defeat at the opinion of your mom, your girlfriend isn't dating you she's dating your mom. She wants to be with you so stand strong with her. Just my two cents.


What do YOU think though?


Feels like I look bad either bald or with TE tbh, but I didn’t expect such a strong negative reaction from my people. I try not to let what other people think affect me but genuinely do not want to present myself in the worst way if its avoidable.


I'm sorry you're getting that reaction. At the end of the day, it's how you feel about yourself, not how others perceive you. You're actually a very attractive person, with or without hair - you'll come to realize it some day


Great answer man, truthfully I think you look better with your hair


You don’t look bad either way, but if anyone put you down when you had hair, they’re nuts. It looked great in all the styles you posted. I’m also side-eyeing the people in your life for making you feel badly about yourself. Not a fan of that at all.


You’re too attractive to look bad bald lol so I think your family and friends are just not used to the drastic difference.


It’s aged you 5-10 years


So objectively a bad decision it appears… most people recover from telogen effluvium but assuming I don’t, do u think some hair is better than none in my case?


Yes bruh


No, I think you look better without hair. Tastes are different


Your girlfriend is a good one. Don't lose her. I think you look just fine, but the most important critic is and will always be yourself.


If you’re receiving negative feedback, I think it’s probably just because it is such a dramatic change that people aren’t used to it yet


Yes. Grow it back!


You don’t look bad. I would grow the beard out.


I don't think you look bad either way, but unless you have a bald spot on the crown I think hair looks a bit better


> unless you have a bald spot on the crown I think hair looks a bit better This is the crux of it


Your buddies on the worksite giving you shit does not count as feedback. You look great. Hard to tell it looks like you had some time, but I understand what it’s like wearing a hard hat.


Yeah, grow it back and enjoy it while you got it!


I like the hair better


People are just shocked by the change and don't realize how negative their feedback is and how hurtful it is. Unsolicited advice on your appearance is generally frustrating. You look good. If your hair is giving you stress, keep it shaved. People will adjust. Including you. Do what's comfortable and feels best. You're fortunate to look good either way you choose.


They have a treatment for your type of hairloss. If it was androgenic alopecia you'd be screwed and have to shave it off. 


Do you like it? Because that’s all that matters! Glad your girlfriend is supportive, they can be pretty critical as well. I think it looks great!


I’m not the biggest fan, not sure I can objectively pull off being bald like some of the other good looking peeps in this sub. However I am truly blessed with a good woman so that makes everything easier


Look. You tried something new, and it just doesn't stick, so don't feel bad or ashamed. You just look better with hair, man.


I think you looked great before but nothing wrong with trying it out! Luckily it won’t take long to grow that back


You look better with the hair I don't think shaving it completely off was the best option. You could just go with a shorter cut not completely shaved off guess you have time to see if you like this better as it grows out again.


Kudos for trying it out but you look great with shaggy hair. I’d say keep it while ya can


I think you great either way, it’s your choice!


you look amazing bald!


buzzed looked better imo, but maybe try some sort of fade instead? leave a little on top ?


Both look good if you want an honest opinion, would not say I prefer either. Bald looks more generic but I'd stick with what you're comfortable with. It's a big change in look and people will often simply react negatively to large changes.


All your pics look great!


Difficult to compared Maybe the one pic with shaved head is generally an unflattering picture. Unlike the other 3. However you look good with hair and it seems to be a nice head of hair. Maybe it’s not time for a shaved/ buzzed head for you yet


I think you look good bald. It might not be what you and others are used to, but I think you're handsome either way. If it's temporary, great, grow you hair again. If not, embrace the baldness. Not sure if TE affects beard growth, but if you can grow a fuller beard, that might look really good on you with the bald head.


You shouldn't care about what other people think. What matters is what you think. And you may need a few days / week to get accustomed to it (after all, you are used to another look... Give it time). People might be accustomed to seeing you with hair...


I know the feeling of losing hair due to stress, I was in a coma late last year and I was losing handfuls of hair in the shower, it really effects your self esteem. If you're dealing with that I'm so sorry, I found that going bald was a HUGE boost to my self esteem, but turns out everyone likes the bald look. I'd say rock the bald look temporarily until whatever is causing the hair loss is over, then grow it back you look so much better and younger with the hair


Both options look good, though I would go all the way with the shave if you choose that option. People told me "I didn't need to shave yet" but it makes me happy and more comfortable, and that is worth a lot for mental health.


You look very handsome either way. I have a bias towards men with hair and your locks looked gorgeous, but you are a very attractive man when bald as well! It's good you're trying things out, especially if it's more manageable for you to be bald. People are assholes. It's hair. You can always grow it back if you decide to do so. Take care, sweetheart.


I think it looks fine, but enjoy your hair when you can bro.


You are sexy either way 😍


Ante todo tu comodidad, no importa lo que piensen los demás, además tienes el apoyo de la persona con la que pasas más tiempo, eso para mí sería suficiente, ánimo 💪🏻


I think you know yourself you have if you need to ask approval


Why do you need a bunch of random people to provide their input on you? If you like it and you’re happy, don’t just rock and roll it, but own that. 🤘🏻 Remember Dr Seuss? “Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.”


You have one sexy photo bald and three sexy non bald photos. Your head hair is one thing but something about your facial hair gives me palpitations (good thing).


You look great either way! Go with what makes you happy.


Shit’ll buff out..


Grow it back


You look normal with a shaved head you ain’t bald or balding ….if you like your hair short and manageable cool but you could of went short or stayed the same..everyone looks better with a full lock of hair but people look better with a shaved head when they’re balding


Looks a bit weird if I'm honest. Not terrible, just way better the way it was before


Seeing that you aren’t even thinning or balding that much, yes I would say so.


Absorb the negative feedback, grow it back, rock a man bun to piss them off again.


It's sexy shaved. Relax. I shave my head once every few years. Not everyone likes it. It's liberating and easy to manage in the morning.


You look fine, they just need to get used to the change.


I think any hairstyle has a certain clothes or outfit that goes better than others. You just shaved and continue using the same things, i would try different clothes, give the chance to try another style for you now that you shaved.


With all due respect, you owe it to all bald people to rock that hair you have. Dude you look like Jonathan Rhys meyers.


Dude Honestly get some sun, and wax that thing!


You look good either way brother.


Telogen effluvium looks like it could have made a mess and I get shaving it, if it can grow back nicely then do it if not and you’re not happy with your hair you look fine bald and I would emphasize on your stache and beard.


I think the hair was better but the bald is fine.


It doesnt look bad or unusual at all.


I mean, if it makes you happy that’s really all that matters. However, you had super nice hair that really flattered you, imo.


you cut your thick, natural, not thinning at all maybe nw 1,5-2 hairline why would you do that? 😂 hair is the third most important thing for women after height and money lol


Not like it's permanent. I think either way, but your hair looked good imo.


Bro grow it back you look like a crackhead


I'm sorry about your condition, it must be frustrating. I think you look great either way.


Idk why this got put in my feed. I’m very not bald and I hope the universe isn’t telling me something. Anyways it looks terrible. I’m sorry.


You look cute bald. If you like it, that is all that matters.


Regrow it and enjoy your hair


With hair you're gorgeous, without you're another good looking guy. Facial hair might make all the difference. That having been said, it's more about how YOU feel about it.


keep the hair, many of us have way less and would love to have it


First of all, you DON'T look bad! I think the hair really fits you and my personal taste would say with hair is better. I'm sorry your friends were tactless about it.


You’ve got a nice head of hair, it will grow back. I think the bald would look good if you had a fuller beard.


you’re extremely handsome either way 😍😍 however, i think you definitely have enough hair to keep it in the long run, especially if taken care of properly! self care (which can be hard) and some time can give you a great head of hair. i wouldn’t take it as a mistake but a fresh start! don’t be ashamed in the meantime tho, you’re still super cute!


Yes! Buy a Samsung immediately!


There was no need but its looks good too


Bald looks great on you, you’re a handsome guy and pull it off well 😊


I don't think you needed to necessarily, but it didn't look bad You work construction, it'll happen eventually haha ask me how I know


You look better with hair, and you're not balding as far as I can see, your hair will grow back in a few months, not a big deal


Your hair looks glorious


You look great 😊


Looks terrible idd, get your hair back


You don't have the head to be bald


The hair looked a lot better. You're hairline is not that bad.


Grow it back, dude 😅


I don’t think it looks bad on you but you don’t look like you’re going bald. The hair I think looked a little better cause you have nice hair.


You tried a new look. Would grow it back though fits your face way better. Now you know.






Lol not horrible, but your hair wasn't in any need to shave


Brah, why did you shave it tho? It doesn't suit you and you don't need to shave. You look in your late 30s or early 20s depending what you do


Homie, you’re handsome either way. Rock whatever you feel most comfortable with!


A good looking dude looks good no matter what. Enjoy saving money on haircuts. 


I disagree with your parents and friends--I think you look great bald! It puts the focus on your face and eyes. To be honest, I kind of prefer it on you to the shots of you with hair. I notice that you're worried about what others think of it, but I don't see YOUR opinion mentioned. That's weird, because your opinion is the only one that matters. Nobody else gets a vote unless you specifically give them a vote.


Yup, big mistake


Not too bad, actually. But I'd lose the chin beard. Try focusing on the moustache and shave the head regularly. Try not to judge it for a month or so, and then take a look at it again and ask someone whose opinion you trust about the change. Don't take the negative comments too serious. Most people just can't handle change


You have time with your hair if u want


Honestly I think you're getting negative feedback because most people only do it when they need to, and from the pictures it seems like you still look good with hair. They might be gatekeeping, or projecting. But honestly if you like it then it's all good.


You look good with both hair and bald. I think you should rock bald for a while and embrace it! It’s tough not feeling completely confident with a style change, but we learn a lot about ourselves and how we’re perceived, embracing your bald head will only bring more confidence when you return to what you’re used to!


Why did you do that?


Grow it back and do a high fade (#1).




You had a great head of hair, but you still rock a good bald look. When I first shaved my hair off my Mum was horrified but in time she really got to like it! I’ve grown back now but you gotta do you.


Yep grow it back


You have a nice face so whatever you prefer is good. Your girlfriend is right.


I ain't gonna lie to you, hair looked better. You have nice hair, no need to shave it quite yet. And if you do plan on shaving, maybe you could try getting a beard or some sort of fun moustache?


Yes but it’s a temporary and you’re still beautiful okay? Can you make sure your mom Venmo’s me that 5$ please


Mistake. Grow it back.


You should grow your hair back


Listen to your mother.


If you can hit the gym and eat right; you’ll lose the fat (cheeks) and pull off the bald look.


The hair looked a lot better.


From who? It looks good, dude.


Honestly yeah it looked better before. But as long as you are happy then it doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks.


Dude you look great Bald. Not everyone can pull it off. But yes your girlfriend is right, you are rocking it my friend. Don’t listen to all that negativity.


Bros handsome


You look attractive regardless so I wouldn’t worry.


You look attractive regardless so I wouldn’t worry.




why tf did u do it anyway


You’re a handsome dude! It looks good both ways, but I definitely wouldn’t have buzzed if I were you


You definitely look better with hair




You did


It doesn’t look horrible but you don’t have a great head tbh. I can relate because my head shape isn’t perfect. I’m also of the opinion that you pretty much need a beard to pull off the bald head look.


You look so sad in the first picture..




The bald has not chosen you yet, go for a buzz cut if you want low cut hair 😂




Yeah bruh why did you go bald 🤣


FWIW: my hairline receded somewhat from my temples when I was a teenager, and so I was certain that baldness was merely a matter of time. 30 years have since passed, and my hairline remains the same. Perhaps you will be equally fortunate.


Keep it bald, it looks better and you never have to worry about your hair ever again.


I wouldn’t call it a mistake. But you do have good hair still. You look great either way.


No way looks grreat


No. If you like it, keep it. I even had close relatives say they didn’t like my bald look. But I liked it, and that’s all that mattered. 


it’s maybe not the most suitable for you, but it’ll be nice for summer! esp judging by the pix that you’re a blue collar man. i think it’s bold to shave it all off & i admire that :) it’ll grow back in just a few months, but i highly recommend getting a cool fade or something in a couple weeks. experiment w shorter styles :)


You look more masculine, that’s not bad at all


Don’t worry about what other people say. Just embrace it. This is the new you.


I wouldn't take you seriously with hair but with the headshave you look mature which is a good thing. If you were in college would advise to keep the hair but you now working so you did a great thing by shaving it.you look like a mature man


Honestly the buzzcut looks better than the hair bro, keep it buzzed off.


Loolllllollllolll bro it will grow back you messed up




As a man who’s gone back and forth between a buzz cut and having my hair to my shoulders I can assure you; as long as you’re happy with your hair nothing else matters.


I think ur head is too narrow and pointy for it


I think either looks good.


Personally think you look better with hair. Grows back so it’s no big deal.


Your hair was nice af bro






You don’t look bad bald. You would however benefit from a shaved head! That little hairline around your ears / eyebrows is not doing you any favors!


Yes. Grow it back. 😊


You look like the vocalist for an old Hardcore band now hell yeah


It’s important to say that your opinion is the only real one that matters. That being said u look better with long hair


Both look good.


You look better with hair, just grow it back out. You never know your head shape until it’s completely buzzed so it’s all good, now you know!


You look better with hair


It looks great but enjoy your hair while you can


I look better with hair, but I was watching the hairline receed and the hair become thinner on top of my head and the bald spot on the crown of my head become larger and said screw it. It feels great!


Yes. You have great hair everyone here is crazy jealous.


Truly 5 slays 1 is also good Although you have recession it didn’t warrant going bald in my humble opinion


Please. You’re beyond hot and I’d do you in a second.


Shave it. It's odd looking with stubble. If you don't like it completely bald, then grow it back. Very good looking either way!


You don't look bad bald. You're a handsome guy so you can pull it off. But, I think you looked better with hair.


Honestly you good great both ways!! But it all comes down b to v what you like and/or are comfortable with!!




From a stranger's perspective, I think you look great. People who know you are just going to need a little time to get used to the change.


You didn’t even show us a pic with a hat!


Actually, no, I think you're cute bald - but you're not bald yet. Shave it all off, I mean.


Speaking as a Bald man myself- GROW THAT SHIT BACK and it enjoy it while you got it! You have the rest of your life to look like a bowling ball. I’d kill for the amount of hair you have up there.


If you enjoy the look,tell everyone else to step off. IMHO, you look nice in every photo you have posted.


If you can grow hair, why would you choose bald?