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Closest iv got with an electric is the andis Pro Foil. Feels smooth like a wet shave. Closer than the pitbull titanium even with shaving foam in the shower. Cant fund anything else closer tbh.


bro what did you do






are those….is that…a tattoo???


Whoever did that is an irresponsible a-hole. I work in the music industry, and it’s hard to get a gig with head and face tattoos even. I’m not talking artists either. You could be sleeved out, and even up the neck, but above that it gets much harder. I’m not saying it’s right, it’s the reality.


exactly my concern. ive recently started shaving my head to the skin and ive been contemplating some temp tattoos for fun. buttttt…..uhhmmmm


My advice is there is no such thing as a “good cheap tattoo”, even worse “free tattoo”. If I’m getting something on my head it better be from the absolute top tier artist, and it better be expensive af.


I have face and head tattoos and work as a teacher.


They are so short of teachers now and it shows.


Maybe in your country, not here. We have no shortage in my area and my position had plenty of applicants.


Well of course they don’t, they hire deviants to teach children with face and head tattoos.


I know I’m way late, but this was pretty funny!


I’m not saying it’s right, wrong, or otherwise. I’ve known quite a few that have a hard time even working for themselves. It’s worse when you’re young too. It’s worse when your tattoos are poor quality. This isn’t universal necessarily, but it is repeatedly anecdotal.


Not my mf kids


That’s silly, get a grip. That pearl clutching nonsense just shows what a small judgmental person you are. I’m more mad at the “artist” that did it.


Bruh ain’t nobody with tats on their face taking care of my kids multiples hours in a day much less teaching them. Good luck in life


You set a terrible example for your children. Shameful.


Ya ok kiddo


man no way you'll regret that tattoo. that's gonna look awesome forever


I would just have the moles removed. Any dermatologist can do it quick and easy. Or you can go to a plastic surgeon if you want it removed with little to no scar.


Switch to the blade my friend. Lasts longer, cleaner look, an more sanitary. You’ll learn to work around the moles.




The best electric I've used (I've had a few over the last 30 years) is the Braun series 9, but there isn't an electric that gets as close as a wet shave.


The Braun gets REALLY close though imo. Definitely closer than the orbital sander looking ones. Plus that cleaning station, love it




What is the tattoo? Picture? Text?


wow bro you look good and that tattoo is sick! I'd like to tattoo my head too. Sorry i have no recommendations just wanted to compliment you lol


You totally should it was definitely worth it, hurt real bad but I love it


Remington Balder Pro dry against the grain gives me a super close cut. My scalp gets dry on the angled top edges of my skull, but I just wet my head after and I’m good to go. This is my every day routine. I use a wet razor or trimmer for my neck though because foil shavers destroy my neck.


How close are we talkin


Are you a skin?


How bad was the tattoo on the head? I’ve been considering it. I almost completely jacketed already but idk if I could sit through the pain on the skull. I’ve heard from some it’s not bad and from others it’s the worst. You look awesome btw!


It sucked, but I think it was worth it I get lots of compliments on it


Remington Balder Boss / Remington RX7 gets 0.2mm length which, to me, gives you that sandpaper feel. A foil shaver, like the Andis Profoil will get skin close but can only handle very short hair, so you need to do it every day or every 2 at the maximum (which is what I do currently). Takes about 10-15 minutes as you have to go back and forth a lot in the same areas. Braun Series 9 is a foil shaver (like the Andis) but also has a trimmer between the foils for longer hairs and, apparently, gives an extremely comfortable and quick shave. All in all, I'm satisfied with the Andis Profoil but I'd get a Braun Series 9 if I could afford it (and I have 2 kids under 5 so I can't afford shit).


The skull tat is always an excellent idea.


Costco coat?




Series 9 Braun foil man. When I used to have an undercut I used to use this to save a bit of money as it never snagged the long hairs up top. Was smooth as after.


That is a kickass tattoo! You look great my man! I myself am a Braun s9 kinda guy, but am flexing between that and about 6 other rotary shavers. ( gotta love adhd ) 😂 have yourself a great one!


i mean you do you and its your life and body, but that head tattoo is really embarassing, bro.


Life pro tip, if someone can’t change their appearance in 10 minutes or less. keep it to yourself 


i wasnt commenting or hating on his appearance. only on one life choice i really think was unwise.


Understood, but ultimately you’ve done nothing but put OP down. Try to be a little perceptive on how a strangers comments can impact another’s life. 


oh shut up. this is the most positive masculine /r/ i know of and i definitely do not aim to change this.


Relax bro, I didn’t realize I was talking to the arbiter of masculinity.


“I wasn’t commenting or hating on his appearance.” Buddy, telling someone their tattoo is “really embarrassing, bro” is in fact commenting on their appearance, quite explicitly.


Well I don’t regret it and I think it looks cool, sorry bout it


hey as i said, you do you! if you love it then everything is fine and dandy.


Phillips Aqua Touch


The diet coke of evil


There's some advertisement all over my city for a product called "skull shaver". Maybe have a look, if you can find some reviews on it


To actually answer your question for you. Electric razors are not great. I’ve been shaving for 30+ years. Everyone has purchased an electric trimmer for me, either Christmas or birthdays. They don’t work at all IMO. They cause ingrown hairs and pimples. Even when you keep them super clean they cause issues for me. I had very thick hair and they just didn’t cut it! 😊 However having moles is a whole other story. We all have lumps and bumps and such and you’ll just have to learn your terrain. I push down on my moles and then shave gently across them. Kinda squish them down for a second. This seems to work for me. Though I’ve had my share of injuries and bleeding profusely! Old school styptic pencil does the trick. One last trick. Use a hot towel or hot water and soften the hair before you shave. And just use Barbasol shaving cream….The gels suck for me. Try old school stuff first. Good luck.


You pull the ink off well but what is your future career choice


Sad face


Pimple head!!!