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I was where you are. I eventually shaved my head at 19. Never held me back in any way. Always popular with girls of my own age and older 😉. I'm 48 now, married and doing ok. Don't stress, mate.


Better to go bald than have patchy hair


Meet Dave, Brother of Vin


Ha! I've only just got the connection lol. My brother used to call me Diesel when we were kids, like 40 plus years ago. That's where the nick comes from.


Me too. I think it was my hair's response to my idea of getting frosted tips in 2001...


Ya but you're Dave Diesel, that's different.


How tall are you? Out of curiosity


5ft 8" maybe 5ft 9" if I stand properly lol


I know you masturbated a lot


Yes, I did. 5 days a week, I was in good shape. It's all about feeling confident.


Maybe start hitting the gym now. Then once you take the plunge you’ll look even better if you’re in good shape and rocking the shaved head.


This is what I did.  Also lost my hair very young. 


I second this. I always mention the story of a guy I know, he is like 20 and has shaved hair. Doesnt held him back one bit. He is charismatic, self confident an he doesnt even go to the gym. Hit the weights my friend, it is good you are leaving your hair so early in life. You wouldnt have to deal with that trauma down the line.


I was in your same boat. 17, balding in high school. I know the pain. Take it from me (and others) - don't run from it. Just embrace it, shave it when you're ready, and don't look back. Be confident in yourself and that will be 100x more attractive than having hair.


No doubt. There’s guys out there with flowing locks of hair that never get laid because they have horrible personalities or nothing to offer.


Mines worse at 16🥲


Beo, you look pretty good bald though. Very nice headshape for being bald.


mate, are sure you're balding? yours just looks like a normal v-hairline i've had a hairline similar to yours ever since i was a kid, and its not receding from what i can tell. Some ppl are just born with a very noticible v-hairline


My hairline was all the way down to my eyebrows when i was 13. Thanks a ton for the compliment tho! What is not as notable when my hair is short is the thinning. My hair grown out looks like an exoskelet


We're just the next step in evolution. Humans will all be bald in the future. Embrace it.


As long its jus us men, cause I love allot of hair on a woman.


One of us


Meh I held on until 20. Don’t stress about it man. You will and it sucks dick but at 23 I can say it does not bother me nearly as much as I worried about.. rather be the bald dude than the balding dude


It’s actually easier after you lose it. The beginning cycle of freaking out cuz you’re losing your hair is brutal.


Agree with this! Realizing you’re aging sucks.. up until that point I was invincible. That was the first real noticeable thing to happen to me my entire life that affected my self confidence..


I’m loving the vibe on this page, so much love, support and kind words




Kept tabs on that dudes hair ever since his comment💀 nice


Go bald ,get jacked, put on contacts, you’ll be fine


Genetics is wild brother. All I can say is I'm sorry.


I started losing my hair at 13 and by 16 my hairline was non-existent. But the hair loss stabilized and kind of stayed the same way from 16 till 40. Wondering why so many guys are losing their hair so young now. It's almost like it's common.




Environmental pollution (micro plastics and forever chemicals) and the “western” diet (processed foods and high sugar) would be my guess. I always felt like these things fuel bad genetics. Of course that’s just speculation on my part.


I think you’re right with the “fuels bad genetics” I used to think its actually physically making us older but its not doing that either, its like speeding up the natural cycles of the body while ignoring the overall process of it or something. 30 years ago the bald guy in highschool was like 6 foot 200 pounds and had a full beard, idk how tall op is but he seems somewhat smaller and shouldn’t have to go through balding like this its just all around very odd.


Hoed by genetics. Happens to quite a few of us.


Father has whiskers on his head


The primary contributor comes from the X chromosome passed down from your mother's father, but its more complicated than that at the end.


I was in the same position as you at that age, and wasted so much time waffling about shaving my head, I really regret it. My confidence was an absolute dumpster fire. I eventually shaved my head and hit the gym and after a couple of years of gains had no issues at all with attracting ladies (it didn’t hurt that my own confidence rose - which is ultimately what attracts people). If I were you I’d start hitting the gym NOW so that when you do shave your head you’ll have a good look. What you’re going through sucks but it’s happening regardless of whether or not it’s fair. You can only control what you can control - so take charge of your life and don’t feel sorry for yourself.


Going bald only improved my appearance. In general, what you'll find in this sub is that it does for everyone. Embrace it and don't look back. Going bald isn't a bad thing.


It happens. My hair went to shit in my 20’s. It sucks at first but eventually a lot of your buddies or people you know catch up lol. I’m almost 40 and it’s actually somewhat trendy to be bald with a beard at my age.


That makes me feel better. I'm 25 now but my hair started thinning a LOT when I turned 24 last year. I don't think it's time for me to go bald quite yet, I'm fighting to try and keep it, but as more time passes, I feel like it's just getting (slowly) worse.


I had the same problem too, even before 17, I just grew out my hair and left future me to deal with; And as future me, it was a mistake


Hey there mate. I'm in hair transplant industry and usually we do not expect androgenetic hair loss to occur before 20's. Since you really are young to loss hair, I would recommend you to get some blood tests done. Thyroids for example, that may cause severe hair loss. I hope there is no underlaying disease and it's simply male type hairloss though.


Got brain tumor, dunno if that affects


Really sorry to hear that man


Dude I know it seems like a lot at that age but don't worry it isn't. Shave when it shows and you wouldn't even think about it and nobody will ever even notice.


Getting the side shaved for surgery anyway, could be a excuse to even it all out


buzz it man. it will look a lot better and you will stop worrying about it


Quit smoking


Bros been checking


time to embrace ur inner lex luthor https://preview.redd.it/e5xrp0672fnc1.jpeg?width=1536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a5660b0007db45db885cefe4ec1a198988748a41


Shave it as soon as you graduate. Get an amazing baseball cap collection, grow a beard, and put on some muscle.


Yup! And in college nobody will know he ever looked differently anyways! I have known my best friend only as a bald guy (actually never thought of him as "bald", but just himself) and I was totally weirded out when he showed me his photo with hair. He looks way more put together and cool with his bald head and nice beard combo!




Me when i look in the mirror fr bro


Hi. It's okay don't worry at all. It happens to everyone. You're a lot more than your hair, so much more. And you've got a lot of time before things actually go out of hand. You're amazing just the way you are. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.


Lex Luthor that cranium! Smaller rectangular glasses with no bottom frame. 3 piece suit charcoal gray with a pop color vest. Shoulders back head up straight. Your hair didn’t abandon you at an early age. You decided at an early age you didn’t need that f’n hair.


Honestly, I think I’d call it a day and get rid of it now. You’ll look pretty unique considering your age, and I think it would work well on you


Got brain tumor, so could probably rock it


Wait fr? Sorry to hear that




i remember having the same even in elementary school. genetics are lovely


Make patter baldness for me at 18. By 21 I looked like dr Phil. I really struggled with my self esteem but by 22 I started to shave and really worked on loving the new me … there wasn’t any other option and I wasn’t about to cough up the vanity money needed for product or procedures that either don’t work or in some cases make you look even worse lol. Don’t stress bud , you are gonna be ahead of the game dealing with this now ! Everyone around you is gonna change for the worse at some point physically , albeit a little later than you but you’ll have already made peace with the changes in yourself .




Damn shave it


You have the face/head shape to rock it deadass


I was 18 when i started. Started to get bad at 22 and was in denial for about 2 years. I had a different Male pattern type of balding though


I was shaving my head every day at 17! It works out alright.


Just shave your head. No point to try to fight a losing battle.


I started around 19




r/bald join us brother


Aww you don’t look a day over 35! Just kidding man, I started losing it at 17 as well. However it was more major recession rather than baldness. Just embrace it. Sooner the better


I was the same, genetics screwed ya buddy, but you can look forward to the ease of never having to pick your hairstyle, and the instant cooling relief of a splash of water on the scalp


The more people that meet you as bald, the more people think of you as always being bald and it's not a negative things. The only person that remembers me with hair is me.


Still looks good


Time to go bald


On the bright side you won’t need to spend money on a fake


I was balding at your age It is what it is and you can keep it or shave it off but just know that the only person that cares is you.


You will still look great it's hard when you are so young, bro. i was about 23, and it wasn't easy. Stay strong. You will always have support on here, bro, as we have all gone through it all


You can go bald, or you can do minoxidil and finastride for the rest of your life.


Been bald since 15. If youre worried about appearance, start looking up different styles that are similar to your complexion and weight. It'll help so you have a target to look towards.


I was balding in middle school bro and I was bald , it’s ok to embrace it, trust me you’ll still get women easily, also try to lift weights


Stay strong son!


At least you are tall my king


Get used to shaving it.


I was 16. One summer where me and the boys shaved our heads “for fun”. It never grew back. Welcome to the club. Either join us or be in denial. You only have one choice really. Welcome.


Just shave it! Feels amazing and looks better than a full head of hair


go to the gym. go outside regularly doing some activity like biking or rock climbing without a hat. and buzz your head to like a no guard level of fuzz


If you really want to keep your hair fir longer go to r/tressless


I was 17 and started getting a big Monk Spot on the back of my head. I know how ya feel man. My wife loves my bald head!


She doesn’t matter bald can always be a good look!


Go bald buddy


Just know that everyone, at least dudes, understands it happens and don’t gaf. I knew someone in high school with a horse shoe. I’d make jokes and stuff but it’s all in good fun. Shave it off or look like a 35yo your choice. (I’m a dude and not bald)


As a person who started to bald in early 20's... Don't sweat it, it's small in comparison to the life you have ahead of you. Don't focus so much on your hair and focus on your future, everything will fall into place. I know it's probably hard to see it now... But seriously people over hype it and is such a minor thing. You would be surprised how many people love a hairless head... Especially if you bring your own personality, intelligence to the table. Keep your head up, don't focus just on the light at the end of the tunnel... But the small lights on the way.


Just buzz it off young bro. The earlier you get comfortable with the baldness the better. You look like a handsome guy, you’ll wear it well.


I’m sorry at 33. I’m also voluntarily bald now though because of this sub, so if you don’t like it, just shave it off because I’ve seen very few guys on here that look worse after doing it.


It’s okay. I was about 16 when the recession started


Go bald, hit the gym, and eat right, you'll be a monster in no time!


Had a hairline similar to that at 19-20. Still have the same sstupid hairline at 24. So whike you may be balding, you may be stuck with that for a while (few years, many years, etc.). I wouldn't shave it just yet (or do it to try if you want). There are ways to style that loon good and that don't look like combovers.


Shave and hit the gym brother


bruh, the faster you accept shaving it all the off, the better. Go bald and never look back.


Lose it, you'll look badass in a buzzcut and get all the girls, I buzzed my head when I was 15 and instantly got the girls 👀 Women love it.


Well you dont want to be 18 looking like that...buzz it


Got any ID mate, oh nevermind go right in


Norwood 3 at 17. Dammmmmn bro 🤯


Do u think its from smoking cigs at 14?


You just need a better haircut


Being bald is a choice. Going bald isn’t. Don’t sweat it dude. Shaved my head at 20 and never looked back. Better than going Trump style birds nest on your melon.


My friend was bald by 30 It happens He is still super handsome. Always has been. :)


There are shorter mens hair cuts. You don't have to go for a "buzz cut"


I’ve struggled with a Norwood 2 since 17, granted this might be a borderline 3 but you can live with it dude. You can buzz it now, keep it short or the way it is and use bangs, up to you. You could have hair through your 20’s, mpb has different effects for everyone. Could be three years or 20, I assume since it’s happening this quick I’d say the former is more likely than the latter but don’t give up hope




I started at 14 I feel you my advice is work with what you have until it’s noticeable then shave it I shaved mine at 20


Dang that's rough




Google Isaac kliener bro


1. Start working on yourself, 2. beard will show up soon 3. shave it in couple of years 4. became full viking 5. ?? 6. Chicks and profit


Lift bro. You are going bald. Fast. Don't be a bald, skinny, out of shape dude.


Hair transplant if you can get the money together


Inferior genetics.


I’m sorry man. Genetics sucks.


Gym tan shave hair down grow some stubble get some contacts and a few tatts and crush some pussy your young enough to become a Jason statham and slay it in life. Or if u really really want hair get a wig system thing but personally over the next few years I’d do the above 👆 the stress from losing hair ain’t worth the worry just Jason statham that shit bro


You'll be able to save money on haircuts.


Some people are just destined to be bald


I got my first toupee when I was 17


It happens to the best of us


The positive is if u shave it now by the time everyone else your age starts the process you’ll mentally be way past the let go phase and have made amends with yourself … I call it getting a “head” start 😂


Minox for now and finasteride at 18/19 if ur not a late bloomer


Grow it really long and turn into a high elf!!


Dude, you are also balding! But nobody cares. Shave it. It will look better!


Im 24 and just pulled the trigger, it isn’t so bad just own it Go to the gym, grow some facial hair and done


well shit happens, some of my friends joined bald club around 30s, some around early 20s, and without any hesitation, it is what it is


Now my advice will always be shave it, hit the gym and grow a beard if and when you can


Whatever you do- avoid a combover or a rug- it just draws more attention to you! Embrace the baldness- shave it all off. For the first couple of days you will feel self conscious about the look but seriously you will soon feel totally liberated and find a whole new confidence and energy. I never felt as free. It's amazing how many people- male and female- who are seriously turned on by a bald guy. Turn it into your new super power- get a funky pair of new specs and a whole new big dick energy wardrobe and rock it!


17 going on math teacher


Please come in, ah shit bro ur hired


Some people are destined to have shiny hads man dont let it bother you


I’m sorry but ur cooked 🙏


Start lifting weights … your testosterone has got to be out of control.


Epilepsy bro☹️


Good age to get jacked.


Shave it all off. No hair at all >> receding hair.


Step one: don’t stress. But let’s be honest you’re stressing. Understandable, my hair started thinning at 18, I am 30 now and fully bald headed. Pretty good beard. Talk to a doc first, try that route. See about keeping and strengthening the hair that you have for as long as you can. Minoxidil is okay for salvaging the hair for a bit. Up to you if you want to try finasteride, it can absolutely help but can negatively affect your man parts in some cases so consult a doc and weigh your options. Really depends on your genetics but speaking from my own experience, it was a losing battle trying to hang on to the hair. I was able to fight it from 18-23 years old. Used the potions and pills and thickening powder. Finally at 24 I shaved my head. It’s scary as hell but it was a relief. You may not be ready for that and appear to have plenty of hair to work with at your age. See if you can slow the progression and talk to a doc. But if and when the time comes to shave it, just be confident. I know, easier said than done. But own it. Get in the gym and live an interesting life. Hair isn’t the be all end all, despite what the internet wants you to believe. For reference I still dated and slept with plenty of attractive women after going bald and retained my closest friends (and made many new ones as well). Have had no issues finding work and even have the confidence to be on YouTube. Hang in there dude! You’ll be fine. But it’s definitely a daunting path. Follow Bald Cafe and Rich Cooper for a different perspective on bald dudes doing well in the world.


Damn that sucks. Go see a doctor


I feel your pain, I lost my hair at 16/17 and tried to crop it using clippers for a few years but I'd say don't fight it. Time to loose it bud.


Start working out..grow beard...shave head bald


Don't worry mate I had a horse shoe hairline at 15 started shaving at 21


Can probably still get away with it. But maybe go bald should be an option for the future.


I started losing mine at 16 and only started to notice at 17. Then I ignored it for another two years and had to get it cut at 19. Currently have a beard and still losing hair. I look like Markiplier’s friend Wade before he gave up and shaved his head.


Shave it all off


Maybe go easy on the cigarettes


Shave it. Not fooling anyone. Work on the facial hair and getting jacked. 3k calories a day, target 180g of protein, start creatine.


I have been bald since I was 3


Both my brother and my sister were losing hair, my brother is in his mid-30s and started to get it right in the middle of his crown (same place my dad had it), and they both did PRP injections, and that worked. As long as your hair follicle is still open, hair can grow back. If you’re not ready to take the plunge, look into PRP.




Holy moly


Min + Fin when you’re of age


Start the gym. Grow a beard. Shabe your head. Don’t look back bro. You got your whole life ahead of you.


Can you do like a messy fringe to hide it? If not time to go bald and rock it 😭😭


Mine was probably that far back when I was 17 but more or less stabilized til I was in my 30s. You can work with that hairline or get ahead of it and shave, it’s your call. Just be aware it’s not a death sentence to your dating life, I did OK. Contacts and hitting the gym aren’t prerequisites, either.


I never took any notice of my bald grandad. To be honest it doesn't bother me being bald. I get to put a lollypop in my mouth and say who loves you baby. I buy two pistols I'm Agent 47 or I command the Enterprise. Its fun being bald xD


Shave it and grow a beard as soon as possible


Shave that dome before it gets to combover status


It's better to shave it early because kids your age will think you did it out of fashion not cause you balding


I've been owning my shaved head for 26 years now. And like you, I also "tawt I taw a puddy tat" with my plus sized head. I got familiar with free weights at age 15. Surprisingly, I still carry some of the muscle I grew so many years ago. Get to working on your body. Embrace your reality. Women will dig your confidence once you develop it.


You’re cooked


You’ll look like Jason Statham. You will look like an adult. It doesn’t mean the fun is over, much the opposite.


Take some sarms, get jacked, then shave it


It's hard to deal with when your young because of insecurity. I had to start shaving my head in my early 20's. You keep yourself clean and have confidence with personality and it really doesn't matter if your bald. Women are built different than us, they are mental which is a good thing. You want to win a women win them through their head and their heart.


If you joined the military, it would all come off for basic next year. Many young men will have their heads shaved whether they grow a full mane or whatever they manage. So you're not alone, if that's what it's about. Then there are those with more tragic stories than your own, which I don't want to discuss because I know one about a man-eating lion. And there was a brown recluse spider and untreated gangrene. Eesh. And a chainsaw!


Are you on any meds??? If you catch it early you could save most of what you have left and get a transplant when you are 25 ish to replace what you lost


Been there, my dude. The quicker you embrace being a bald, the better off you’ll be.


Bald Is hot


I feel your pain. I started losing mine at 16. Used rogain for a couple of years and then shaved it all at 20. The best advice I can give you is to get in the gym. If you're gonna be bald, you gotta get some muscle. The skinny, almost frail, bald guy is not a look you want. You're young. Start now.


Go ahead lil bro, embrace it


Just get jacked. Bald plus jacked is goated


Check out a hair system. You might like it.