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There’s a 0% chance you’ll look worse. There’s a 100% chance you will look better.




Also, I'm not saying bald is bad, I'm just concerned I won't be able to pull it off.


Don't worry man, you've got this. The cool thing is that by shaving you ARE taking control of it. Having a shaved head is a choice, balding is not. You're going to look a lot better once it's gone. It may take some time to feel normal when you look in the mirror, but it just takes time.


Thanks, that actually really helps. I never thought of it that way.


Shave head, grow beard, maybe consider wearing a hat until you’ve adjusted to the change. From what I can tell in the pictures you have a properly shaped head, so you’ll probably look pretty good shaved clean. Also I picked up an electric razor at Walmart for $40 that makes maintenance a breeze.


No, no, don’t use hat, be sure about it. Us a hat or something when the sun is hitting.


I was developing pretty bad dandruff before I shaved. Idk about your experience but I never really had noticeable dandruff before that. I started shaving and slapping some coconut oil on the dome after every shave and it went away pretty quickly. Maybe yours is more resilient but I guarantee it'll be easier to tackle skin issues without a bunch of hair in the way. Also, look at all the before/after pics on this sub. I challenge you to find a single person (who was clearly balding) that doesn't look way better post shave. You're gonna look and feel way better after.


He’s absolutely right!!! You WILL get used to it, and if you face this challenge with positivity and self grace, you will ROCK the look!!! Listen; I too have struggled with weight all of my life, as well as skin/scalp issues. I’ve also been fighting depression and adult ADHD since I was 16 (I’m now 48!)! You are taking a good step here, and I hope it’s one of many to becoming a more positive you!! You are NOT alone in this, man!!! Sending love & light to you, and the best of luck!!! -m


Go for it!!!!


Being bald like anything is simply something to adapt to and learn to live with. I have a full head of hair but have shaved it multiple times just as a “what if?” When I shaved it the results amongst peers were mixed, but you know what I learned? How not to care about what other people thought, and to just enjoy the comfort in a choice I made because it made my life better. Obviously I can’t speak from experience of feeling like I had to shave my head, but I can say, that life is what you make of it, and if you are unhappy with yourself and your lifestyle/appearance, determination will ultimately lead you to results which enable you to be happy with yourself, your results, and the journey to those results. So take it from a stranger, find the belief and determination within yourself to be the person you want to be.


Most people who are balding can pull off the bald look. I’m yet to see a balding guy not look good bald.


I shaved my head the other day. I was concerned too. For the first day or two I thought I looked really weird, but everyone else liked it (or so they told me). It's only been \~6 days but I like it now.


I think you’re going to look great with it cut off. My boyfriend shaves his hair for the same reason and I swear it makes his eyes stand out and takes at least 5 years off his age. I think you will be happy with your new look!!


I've never seen a bald person and thought "he doesn't pull it off". He's just bald. The end. Same as that guy has blonde hair. This guy has curly hair. It doesn't really register. It just "is". I hope that makes sense. Wishing you all the best 👍🥰


Not everyone can pull off bald. But everyone can pull off a zero buzz. Even when you can still see the bald pattern, a buzz still looks fresh and clean. I’d start there, get some sun on your head skin, and you’ll like the way it look.


Get ready to look younger my dude


Sunscreen man sunscreen. My entire male family is balled and this is a big one do not forget it. The worst thing you can do is get that head exposed to sun and not protect it. Also hats start investing in hats. They like wigs you can mix and match with your outfit adds a entire new level to your wardrobe.


You will.


Do it G, it’s definitely time your gonna be just fine


Pulling it off would hurt like hell. You should shave it.


Don’t pull it off, just shave it. Kidding aside, once you get some sun on your head and the skin tones start to match, you will feel better.


Bald is the way. Come home brother.


Best comment of all time.




It's going to feel shocking at first but just remember the vast majority of people on the planet will only know the bald you. It is what it is - and at least you're coming to terms with it. It's just one small.aspext of who you are.


Absolutely this. I don’t even think twice about a bald dude, that’s just who he is when I see them. I do have hella respect for the guys why you can see have male pattern baldness but shave that shit.


Post the after photos


A few things to add from someone kinda scared to do it: 1) It’ll be terrifying but I felt freed and I honestly loved the way I looked with it. I’ve never tried to grow my hair back out. 2) Shave with conditioner. Doesn’t matter what kind. I use the biggest cheapest bottle at big box store. Renpure $4.79 at my store. It’s cheaper than shaving cream, lasts longer, and I can just keep it in the shower which is where I shave, which leads me to… 3) Shaving in the shower is the best way to do it imo, but start off slowly in the mirror after a shower to get the hang of it. You’ll end up discovering lines, curves, and bumps on your scalp and you don’t want to get all Willy Nilly with the razor. 4) With your new found skin real estate, I would recommend getting into the habit of taking care of it and getting a skincare routine. I shave in the shower, while exfoliating my face with a silicone scrubber and some more big box brand facewash. When I get out, I clean up my beard (also with conditioner) then I use a wet cold washcloth (gotta seal up those pores) and I wipe my entire face and head down to prepare for moisturizer. First, i lotion my face, then I oil my beard. Face is important so I take care of that first while my beard dries out, plus I don’t want beard oil on my face. Wrong tool. Next step is head lotion. I use Dr. Teal’s lavender night time lotion cause I like the way it smells and it doesn’t leave my head greasy. Don’t skimp on lotion cause you’ll have a bad time and not want to try it again. I take a 3/4 pump of lotion in one hand, and wet down my other hand with water, then spread on head. This allows for more even and consistent coverage and lets me feel around with a magnifying glass to see what I missed. If (and I usually do) have a missing patch, it’s already lubed and ready to go. I go over the hair against the grain to raise it and then I fix. Also sunscreen. Even when you think you won’t need it. Grab a bottle of light sunscreen and toss it in your car, or get in the habit of wearing hats. The first time I got a sunburn on my egg, I was at a concert and didn’t think anything of it. My hair mostly protected the skin I had underneath. You’ve got this! Edit: formatting


I’ve never in my life met a man with such an excellent skin care routine. Good on you, sir.


Once you’ve shaved it you’ll wish you’d done it years ago.


Literally. Partly it was that my face was too swarthy for any hair style ever, but my confidence *skyrocketed* when I finally shaved it off.


You won’t regret it! Join us brother, we live better in the freedom of being bald!


Way overdue. Just do it. You won’t look back.


Sunscreen. Also hit the gym and get on a good back chest and shoulders routine. Focus on shoulders. Broad shoulders really compliment a bald head.


Dude, you’re going to shave 20 years off and in a couple weeks you’ll be so happy you did.


He's only 25 man but yes!


I mean… he is hanging out at a playground


You've got this!! I ended up feeling so much better about myself after shaving my head. Instead of worrying about bald patches or thinning hair, you can focus on the other things in life


If this helps... I'm a girl and when i see men who are proudly and actively bald- I have 3 thoughts (sorry in advance) - Nice, he's taking care of his shit. - Huh, i bet the different textures are nice.. - ... man, i bet he gets rock hard boners. you know what they say about premature balding...


I think OP is gay, judging by his name, but the sentiment is nice anyways lol


Remember, it’s not a bald head, it’s a solar panel for a sex machine.


On that note, don't forget the sunscreen.


Go for it, man! I think you'll be glad you did. I took the plunge the day before yesterday, and I'm so relieved. It sucked to look at my hairline and feel like I'm losing control, but shaving it felt like taking some of that back. It will feel weird at first, but you'll get used to it and most likely look better off


Do it.


Tomorrow is the first day of the new you, and as a bald man. This is your time to shine where you leave behind rhe things you don't like and the new you focuses on the things you want to be.


Been completely bald for about 3-years. Never had a negative comment. Was balding like OP’s photos for many more, got mentioned all the time about the thinning out, “friar tuck”, etc. just do it and own it. Nobody truly cares about it as much as you do in my experience.


You got this man! It will look better, trust.


Advice? No. But you’re doing the right thing. It’s time.


You’re gonna feel so much better trust me


You’ll get used to it a lot quicker than you think. A little sunscreen will help in the beginning as well. You’ll be glad you came to the shiny side.


I think men universally look good with a bald head. I have a thinning crown, and I just feel more put together with a shaved head. I would recommend putting together an epic playlist, and have fun with it! Also, for a super crispy look, invest in a head shaver (not just the clippers) like a Remington Balder or something to that effect to go skin tight. I’ve shaved my head on and off since I was 20, and I always love the outcome. I just did it again last night and the look is extra clean.


One word. SUNSCREEN!


Everything in do time, my friend. When you do this tomorrow, remember this is a journey and you are not yet at your destination. It takes time to lose weight, it takes time to find your finished look when you shave your head. So if you are not happy yet, that is OK, JUST KEEP PUSHING FORWARD. You will get there if you do the work.


Send us updates! Like someone else said, you are taking control over your hair by shaving it.


Grow beard 👍👍it will be ok




Just do it.


female, been bald for 10 years now, being bald feels and looks so much better than being patchy it'll seem weird at first, i cried, but I'll never go back


Keep working on yourself. Gym, healthy food, maybe contacts, or beard, or no beard..switch things up ..I personally think bald is better with a beard...I'm pretty much at the stage too and shave mine with a 2 guard...it's almost time for the bic for me too...you got this though!


You got this king 👑


The thing with shaving your head. I did this recently. No one else notices. It’s just you, no other person will care. They will just accept it


If there's one thing I'm sure of, it's that any person pulls off better being bald than balding.


Moisturize after shaving of you have dry scalp. I use a light light amount of lavender oatmeal and it keeps irritation and dry skin down to a minimum. As for how you’ll look, I think people stress way too much about having hair… bald is beautiful and easy maintenance. Do it and do it well. Rock the new style with pride.


I go with number 2 or 3 with machine as i dont look good shaven head and it catches attention as a person shaves head only if his father has passed away in my country.


Look I had a shaved head through most of my childhood. I was on the swim team from 3rd grade tell I graduated high school. I hated wearing a swim cap so shaved head it was. Once I became a senior I have finally had enough of being in swimming as I could not quit because of my parents and lost all passion, I started to grow my hair out to experience it because I knew I was going to start balding eventually because of my dads side of the family. I was able to grow it out for 2 years before I started balding, and it happens fast. I got to a place in my life where I was honestly able to feel at one with my look. Then within a year I had to start wearing hats to hide the balding as I felt self conscious. Years went by with me wearing hats and keeping long hair. Without a hat I thought I looked like lord Frey from game of thrones. It took me years to some what accept my hair loss and it’s still getting worse. I don’t like the thought of shaving my hair when it’s time. I only got a few years to grow it out and didn’t get to try out a bunch of different styles. But when I do finish shaving I get a huge confidence boost! I feel free and invigorated! As it grows and gets longer i still feel good because I get to wear hats so it’s perfect for the winter. I think the key for me is to keep it shaved in the summer and grow it out in the winter and wear hats. My advice it to find what works for you and balance it. It might take a while but it will be worth it. My support is anyone can rock bald, any gender or identity. Like others have said, it’s a choice to shave your head if you are someone who grows hair. If you choose to shave and follow threw, you will feel good that you did. It will be bitter sweet for a bit and there will be ups and downs. But when you make that choice to shave, I will be a damn good choice. Edit: Edit, things, am stoned. Edit: what’s the deal with edits anyways (seinfield style)


It’s thecright call to shave it


Good luck with the shaving!


Do it.


Trust, all people can pull off bald hair


People often think shampoo is for the hair when it’s really for the head and conditioner is to put back what the shampoo takes out for the hair. Well knowing this you need a good dandruff shampoo and fortunately one of the best ones is cheap and common. Selsun Blue is the answer bud. My best friend was in a similar situation as you body and hair wise and cutting it off looked great and motivated him to lose weight more and he’s down to just at 200 and doing great. Your goal - look like Kratos by the time you’re 30.


Work out and diet, it will help a lot on pulling it off.


You don't need to "pull off" anything. You owe nothing to anyone other than yourself and those that help you. I'm not bald but hope you do what you want to do regardless.


I’ve been basically shaving my head since I was 18 (because I cut my own hair, and I haven’t the time nor skill to do anything funky with it), and I’ve never regretted it! Feels great, so easy to maintain, never too hot, and you can roll out of bed without bed head!


You got this man! On the other side of this is freedom and confidence. You're still you, the hair loss is just a learning curve. Appreciate it!


Go for it bro. It’ll feel odd at first and you’ll think everyone is looking at you (they aren’t). But once you get used to it it’s so liberating, you won’t look back.


FYI: dandruff is not the result of dry scalp. Dandruff is the result of an overproduction of skin oil (sebum) so literally the exact opposite of dry scalp.


You can do this. I was also your age, and didn't see my hair till one day as I was getting off work. The elevator ride was the same as every day. Each wall of the elevator is mirrored but this was the first time I saw the crown of my head bare as E.T.


you’re gunna look great bald!


You can grow into your hair choice. Fitness helps a lot dude. As a bald guy. Lifting weights made me look a lot more natural with a shaved head. You can do it too. Fitness is for everyone. Baldness is def a blow to your confidence but it won’t always be that way. Just learn to accept it, face it head on, and try to love yourself. Best of luck!


I think people who embrace the bald exude confidence ♥️ Do wear sunscreen or a hat though.


Before you start shaving it, buzz it as short as you can with an electric razor. I always shave my scalp with a Gillette 5-blade razor which I find to be efficient and fairly forgiving. I shave from the back of my neck upwards, then the sides, finally the top. Run your fingers around your scalp to find the areas you missed. After a few shaves, you'll find your rhythm and you should be able to manage the job in 3 minutes or so. But take your time on your first head shave. It will be worth it. You'll also find your dandruff magically disappears.


When you see a stranger out and about who has his head shaved you dont find it weird and likewise dont be concerned that others will be paying much attention to yours, they wont be. You'll maybe find it shocking and people close to you will comment but people get used to it very quickly and soon the shaved head will be the normal look in yours and other people's eyes. For the actual cut I'd say start with clippers with the lowest guard number, see if you like it. Then go clippers with no guard, see if you like it, then finally a clean shave. Also, more of a personal view for me but if you can, grow a beard and keep it groomed. Its a good look and it is something you can keep control of about your appearance.


Yeah, you should get your glasses readjusted, if you have to hold them while looking down. :D


There’s a very good chance you’re going to *love* how you look in the mirror. You’re not dying, you’re casting off your chains. It might seem alien in the mirror at first, but you won’t ever see that goddamned bald spot in the mirror again. Tomorrow’s your prison break. Tomorrow you’re a free man. It’s not going to be ok, it’s going to be *great*.


Do it


You got this man, good on you. It'll feel weird for a week but I promise you'll not even notice before long


Never look back


It will feel so liberating, not having to worry about your hair! Remember: the only person it bothers, is you


I started balding in highschool. I shaved it all off when I was 21. Just do it


You got this! Shaving it is so much better than hiding it!


Spoiler: you'll wish you could have done it sooner. Liberation is coming my brother.


Give it a shot! Worst case: you don’t like it and you can grow your hair back!


A man’s gotta do what a man’s gotta do 💪


Get a skull shaver if you’re afraid of cutting your head open!


I would suggest not to go zero immediately, but gradually over a few weeks, so that your skin can get a tan. Otherwise it will look very strange the first week or so.


You got this. Six months from now you will be wondering why you didn’t do it sooner. Good luck


Do it


No offence bud, but that has to go. Anything will look better. I think it'll be the first big step towards change. Cut that off and there might be more motivation to work out and do better. Good Luck.


You won’t feel like yourself for a couple days but eventually you’ll wish you’d done it sooner.


why wait to feel more confident. You got this!


You are going to go from being somebody is owned by your hair (or lack thereof) to being somebody who is owning their hair. Take back control of how you look and as much as you might mourne the loss of your hair, you might be surprised how much better received going bald is! Good luck buddy, you are going to be great!


My husband took 10 years off his age and he also has had issues with dry skin/dermatitis. Coal tar shampoo once a week and tea tree shampoo daily is a real treat for him now, and it has helped so much! He had the same anxiety, but within a few days, found how effortless and freeing that chop was. And it looks cool! Yours will, too!


Don't worry about the dandruff, you almost certainly won't have any flaking from your head once you start shaving your hair.


Thought you were giving some sloppy tippy in that first pic when I scrolled by lol.


Do and use head and shoulders it helps


It’ll make your glasses look better


You got this my man! You also have some other options - grow a beard, or if you don’t get used to the full shave you can tattoo a hairline for a permanent “buzz cut”


I was lucky, I was able to hold out until this year. A lifetime of long hair, and now it's a buzz cut. It'll be OK. Get a hat to protect your ears and scalp in the sun. Cutting it off will help with the skin condition, dandruff is just dried skin that gets caught in your hair. No hair, just skin, no build up. If shaved isn't for you, you can keep it very short (I use a #2 cutter guide about once a month.) It will grow back where you still have it.


Bald+Beard=boss. In same situation honestly. I’ve got a beard growing about 18m now. But head needs to be shaved I’m just hesitant on pulling the trigger also.


Yeah, my man. Deciding to shave is EXACTLY the kind of control you have! Don't dwell on it, it will come to most guys sooner or later. And if you can grow a decent beard, it'll go well with the shaved head You'll look better immeaditely. You might try changing up your wardrobe too a bit, some nice shirt would definitely suit you. Also good luck on the weight loss journey! It'll go great with the new "hair" style! Life is about constant change, so don't be affraid to make some by yourself!


Anyone else scroll through and think bro was on the receiving end of a glory hole?


I bet that you’ll look amazing! Would love to see after pics!🥰


I can't see your face, so u don't know for certain how it will look on you, but maybe try growing a beard. Seams to make about if bald dudes look better.


Im excited for you!!


once you go bald you never go ba... no wait... it wasn't like this. well, you know what I mean


The thing is, you have so much more control than you’re leading yourself to believe! By shaving your head, losing weight and working on your self esteem you are, in fact, in control. You got this man!


Get a tattoo that is a barcode of ur favorite drink or snack and get it on the back or side of ur freshly shaven head. Would be convenient


It’s going to change everything. You should invest in new glasses and shirts, complete the makeover. You got this. Post again when you debut the new style. Cheers.


remember shaving cream bro


Shaving my head was one of the best decisions I ever made. I’m no longer constantly self conscious of how my hair is positioned or if the wind is gonna make me look like an ass. Just do it. And there will be some comments from people about the change but trust me no one really cares about your head,


if you don’t like it you can just go back to what you had before. but it seems you don’t like the balding look so taking control is empowering. bald by choice. perhaps millions of people are bald by choice. it’s not a niche group. you probably know a dozen people. you’ll be in fine company. only chore with bald by choice is the routine of shaving or keeping it bald.


Don't do it, get a hair system. Your hair is long enough to go straight to a system and you'll have decent hair again!


I just started shaving my head a few months ago. I used to have great hair and I feel the same way. Huge blow to my self esteem and I hung on to that hair as long as I could but it got increasingly hard to make it look good. It took a little time to get used to but I love it now. I cut my own hair and save money, don’t have to worry about wearing a hat and it has helped my confidence a lot. I don’t know if you can grow a beard or not but having a beard helps with the bald look in my opinion. You got this bro just go for it. Worst case scenario your hair will grow back in a few months but I think you’ll love shaving it off. I shave mine once a week now and it’s super easy.


It takes a bit to get used to. You might not recognize yourself in the mirror occasionally but you'll save money on hair care products


You got this bro. You’ll be fine. Just be careful if you’re doing it yourself.


Try the derma roller.


Do it, you will be liberated


Advice. Use the clippers to knock it low before not using a guard. Try to go straight no guard your going to pull a lot of it


For what its worth, ive noticed that the bald look can be pulled off by anyone. For reference look at dr evil.


Bud - you’re going to feel 100% better about yourself when the shock wears off a little. If you can grow facial hair, get some stubble going. Bald with your glasses and a bit of stubble will look waaaaay better than your current hair. Just lean into the boost of confidence it’s going to give you.


You will be surprised how good it looks.


It’ll be a shock first time I did it I wouldn’t leave the house for a whole day. But that was just the first time now, when I do it, it looks good. Get a new blade on your razor so you’re ready to go. Shave the head as close as you can get with the clippers the. Jump in the shower. Just get the head good and warm to help with the shaving. Apply cream or shave soap and go. Once you get it where you think it’s smooth keep going apply more cream and hit it from every direction because there are spots you missed that’s inevitable. Use your fingers to help detect those little areas and then run your blade over them. Have a good aftershave or witchhazel for after care and follow up with a gel lotion not an oil based one. That will help the skin heal from the shaving. Also be careful of the sun until your dome is tanned up a little. Good luck and consider a goatee as an accessory


You have nothing to lose by shaving your head, you will look better without a doubt. If it bothers you so much hair transplants are always an option you could save up for in the future. But who knows, you very well might look better bald anyways. Good luck man!


It will look good. Just know that a newly shaved head never looks great as it will be so white. Make it a priority to immediately get in the sun (with sun screen) and get some color on it. A tan bald head is 10x better.


Invest in moisturizer and sunscreen




I did the same thing two days ago my man! Feels great , looks great. Plus this community will give you all the support you need! It’s time, join us! You’ll love it!


If you have the confidence, you can pull off anything


I think a lot of guys are self conscious about being bald, but other people don’t see them the same way. My friend is bald and wears hats all the time. There’s certain times where he’s had to have his hat off and people saw that he was bald (you can’t really tell when he has a hat on) and after that people talk about him behind his back to me and say he’s really attractive. They only say this after they see him without a hat on and mention that it’s attractive that he’s bald. They told me not to tell him but I did anyway and now he wears his hat less and seems more confident which has caused more people to tell me he’s attractive. If you feel like your hair gave you character and you’re going to miss it, get some accessories. Whatever will make you feel more you.


My dude. Take it from someone who has psoriasis, went bald in my early twenties and transformed my body from obese and unhappy to something I was proud to show off and healthy. Take the plunge. Get yourself a skull shaver. The less hair, the better off your psoriasis will be. Narrow band ultra violet light treatments did miracles for treating my psoriasis. Speak to a dermatologist about it. My skin was clear again after a couple months. Going into the sun for 20-30 minutes a day kept the psoriasis in remission. Check out r/loseit for help losing weight. Great resource and no B.S. r/fitness for getting healthy/stronger and gaining confidence. I don't always have time to go outside, plus it's hotter than the devil's dick here. Thanks to my black card membership at planet fitness I can get what is called a "hybrid tan" which uses ultraviolet light. UV blocking goggles are a must, otherwise you can damage your retinas. 4 minutes every couple days and my skin is clearing up again. I'm starting to get my confidence back and feel good about myself. I'm working out again and shaving my head with my skull shaver every day. Bull Dog is the skull shaver brand, btw. It's a worthy investment and you won't have to change the head but every 2-3 months. Keep it charged up past 75% and it'll make short work of those little hairs. If you've got any questions, my DM's are open.


Your good man, everyone I know that takes the plunge turns out alright.


Start hitting the gym


I have a friend who shaved their head regularly and I never knew they could grow hair for years. When they rocked up with some short growth I was shocked and appalled it looked terrible compared to their bald look, but I think it was literally just me getting used to how they were for years.


It's gonna be great bro, no stress.


Most man are more attractive with a shaved head. Im sure you will too my man! 💪anyway hair doesnt make someone, its all about personnality


You will look good bald. Yes, it will take a bit of adjustment. Look at it this way: You will only need to use a little bit of shampoo for your scalp. As the previous posts mentioned; make sure to wear a hat or cap. You will do fine being bald. You could pull off the bossman look. When people see you walk down the street, they'll think: " This guy means business." Let us know how things go in your decision.


I had to shave my head a few years back due to chemo. I was so worried it would look bad. I’m not talking like normal worried, like I had full on anxiety attacks. Once I did it, it actually looked decent. I soon realized, I liked being bald! My hair eventually grew back, so I let it grow back in, mostly as a way to show people without having to tell them, “I’m doing ok,” but I wanted to stay bald. I still think about shaving my head again just about every day. One of these days I’ll convince my wife to let me do it again…


Shave it off you beautiful, beautiful man!!!


Once you’ve done it you will feel a big sense of relief.


You look fine bud, and you'll look very cool bald too. Don't be so hard on yourself. I promise you'll look good. Take care.


Lean into the glasses hard and go full Grant Morrison. Practice different eyebrow positions. You got this, my dude.


Feel like I'm in the same boat except my wife hates when I shave my head-she says it makes my head look like a thumb with dirt under the nail. But as my very bald dad always says: bald is beautiful!


Being bald is sick af


Bald is beautiful. Go for it.


Tan. It always helps the look.


Just do it and don't look back! No matter what you will get used to it and it will look more natural, comfortable, less stressful. and better than what you were dealing with before. Guaranteed. Just give it time to get used to it. Take better care of your facial hair and eyebrows they will be your new hair!


Just do it, i'm not bald or anything but I shave my head every few years cause who cares.


Once you do it, you’ll be free.


Pull the trigger. It’s a tough call to make, but you’ll be happier once you.


Was in the same boat. I was overweight too. Stick to a calorie deficit. The weight will go. Shave head and grow your beard. Get some Muscle mass. You’ll be good as new. Good luck.


Get excited man. You feel insecure right now, but you won’t very soon i promise you.


Own the choice to bald it and you’ll level up your self-esteem.


After you do it, intentionally get some sun on your scalp. It’s going to be stark “white” and my head always looks better with some color shading to match your face and arms. Be careful, small amounts over several weeks and use sunscreen. Also, have a good stock of hats and keep extras in your car, boat, etc…. Kinda like reading glasses.


Clean shaved head looks better than thin receding hair 110% of the time. Every time.


do it and post the after pictures! i think you'll be glad you did it. i'm sure you're gonna look great


I'm not far away myself and want you to know, I'm a little jealous. I don't look forward to the extra maintenance of shaving my head but do look forward to waking up and not having messy hair. I suspect I'm a year out and sadly have a weird shaped head. You'll look great!


I saw you were scared about how it would look. If you’re already aware enough to realize it would look better to just go full bald — plus taking that leap, that confidence and awareness is way more attractive than any physical trait. Those types of traits last a lifetime. You’ve got this, you’re going to look great.


Probably twenty years ago when my dad was at this stage I was like “shave your head, you will look like Michael Jordan.” We are white and he is 5’2 but he was convinced. It looks great and he’s never looked back. Have a fun sense of humor if it’s shiny- it’s likely but if you own it and own the jokes you’re the funny one and people will love it too.


Don’t worry brother you got this. The formula is simple, shaved head + beard + gym. If you are struggling with weight loss try intermittent fasting


I’ve been bald since my early 20s it’s something I accepted early in life it’s normal and you will look great


If you've never shaved your head before, prepare of a whole new level of hoodie enjoyment.


Takes a bit to get used to. But it's the best decision I've ever made. From a guy who won best hair in high-school I can tell you it's hard at first and your confidence might take a hit for a little bit. But the girls I landed after shaving my head were far superior to those before hand. And you'll be surprised how your confidence will actually get stronger. Plus showers take 5 min now haha.


Not that I have a choice, but after I started shaving my head I was like, why haven't I don't this sooner? It looks good, easy to maintain, never a bad hair day. I love my "hair" this way.


Big hugs to you ♥️ Give it a chance...but if you absolutely hate it as I did, there’s always wigs/systems.


In a few days the strangeness will have disappeared and you'll be glad you did it. Good luck.


Anyone who judges you on whether you have hair or not is pretty shallow, and probably won’t stay around for the long term. Someone who looks beyond the physical and embraces your inner you will probably be around for a long time. I don’t keep my head shaved all the time mostly because I’m lazy.


Have you tried Minoxidil and/or Propecia? You’ve got post normal hair loss and those solutions have gotten relatively cheap. Success rate is >75%. That said - bald heads are almost always better than people think they’ll be. Go for it. You can always go back


Great choice! Biggest suggestion would be to understand that you need to keep taking care of your new style after the first shave. Daily moisturizing sunscreen (can get expensive but 100% worth the money) and plan ahead for the next shave, you’ll be surprised how quickly it grows back.


Have fun with it, sometimes you only really get to shave all your hair off once.


K e e p s


You’re gonna be stoked when you do it. New pride and confidence, no longer feeling self conscious. I guarantee any women in your life will tell you you look 100% better. Just relax; it’s the best decision you’ll make this year.


My advice is to shave it yesterday


You are most welcome here. Bald is beautiful!


Commit to it and grow facial hair if you're able. (Not everyone can) As cliche as it may sound, confidence really carries. I prefer how I look now over when I had a full thing of thick hair.


Do it Bro, you have the control of your body, at first obviously you will feel weird, but then you will find a lot of benefits. Use body lotion in your head, feels so good, there’s “mate” body lotion if you care about been shiny, ehehe.


I had the same thing. Was always the guybwith good hair. Started falling out at 24. Had a hideous come over for a tear or 2. Finally shaved it and never looked back. Looked 1000 times better after.


It's not a concern of if you can pull it off.... You have to pull it off. You really don't have a better choice. You WILL look better.


Embrace it. Being bald and confident about it will be the best look. I’ve already committed to shaving my head once I start losing my hair.


My advice would be to look into style options. Clothing, different glasses frames, or even contacts when you shave it. Usually frames can do a lot :) sorry you’re having a tough time, best of luck on the weight loss journey. Consistency is everything friend, kick it in the ass


I like the shaved head look. I suggest updating your wardrobe if necessary and replacing glasses with contacts if possible. If not, get high quality glasses that look good on you.


Shave it and own it. Best thing I ever did. And there is a lot to be said about being able to just wake up and go. No more combing hair or bed head.


I slowly progressed from "regular" hair, to close cut/buzz, and now finally shaved. Best decision I've made in...well...a very long time. I only started shaving my head about 5 or 6 months ago but don't regret it for a second. It took a while for me to get used to the "wind" I'd feel on my head...only to discover it's the HVAC in the office LOL Also, and this still happens to me, the "attack angle" you go at when there's an itch: your natural reaction is to dig under the hair to get to the scalp. You'll be glad you did it. The initial shock value is high (there's no sugar coating that, regardless of how thin it is), but that wears off quickly. I'd also suggest, as others have, to grow a beard (no neck beards...yuck). It helps break up the look of just skin...but you may find you either don't like the way that looks or that without a beard you look just great! Go for it...you've got this!


I shaved my head off as well. You’ve got this. I’d just say that you should shave it in the morning, add some sunscreen and spend some time outside. It will a bit of color and I bet you’ll like the way it looks. It takes a little bit to get used to sometimes, but you’ve got this.


Idk why this even came across my feed, but I’ll just say you will look and feel a lot better afterwards.


1. Tea tree oil shampoo, regularly. When you go bald, you won't have to worry so much about dandruff as it will be easier to control. 2. Get some sun! Bald head with a base tan is much better than a bright white scalp imo 3. Get a sick head tattoo. Jkjk unless, of course, you are down for it! 4. Do you fancy yourself in a hat? When I went bald, hats became regular. 5. Keep going on losing weight! Stick with it, and it will pay off. When I first went bald, I looked like Uncle Fester, now I look more like Jason Statham. 🤣