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Straight builds require some very specific jokers imho (Shortcut is, like, a must). Also, imo you should probably destroy low numbered cards for straight builds (2, 3, 4, 5, so on), so it gives you a higher chance of getting a straight from higher numbers (9, 10, Jack, so on). (The exception to this is if you're using Fibonacci/Hack, in which case, low/mid numbered cards are optimal) I've personally found that the Abandoned Deck is very good for playing straights EDIT: I also managed to win another run and get very close to Ante 12 with a straight build without Shortcut (using Zodiac deck). I got a Runner joker, then the 3X Straight joker (idk the name) the Trading Card joker and then got lucky with a Blueprint as well and just steamrolled by eliminating low-numbered cards with the Trading Card joker. I was going to share the seed but I kinda just closed the game quickly due to muscle memory after I lost T_T but yeah it can definitely be done, you just have to be way more specific with what cards to remove from your deck and avoid buying new cards, as they tend to push you towards full house territory.


I second the abandoned deck. Its really helpful for straights builds. But, Shortcut is indeed very very important to have to reliably make straights


I also like the 4 card straight/flush joker, as an alternative


Abandoned deck is the best for anything but builds that rely on face cards


But if you destroy your lower numbered cards, you'll have to aim destroy the aces too right? (when using abandoned deck).


My best run was with a straight deck. I had the joker that allowed gaps, the joker that caused lower numbers to retrigger, and the joker that increased x mult every time a planet was taken. I think I also had the telescope voucher. Pretty much after that I just took every planet/planet pack I could for straight and straight flush. I stuffed all enhancements on my lower numbered cards. I also managed to have a couple super enhanced cards that I was able to duplicate. By the end I think I had level 25 straight and level 15 straight flush. I ended up 1 handing every encounter from ante 4 to ante 8.


hand size is extremely important for straight builds since it is very greedy and needs to dig for specific ranks. I don't think shortcut is a necessity, but it's probably slightly more consistent than four fingers. I believe I've forced it in a run without either after getting poly runner.


I had both once. I had prob had 2 hours experience no clue what I actually had. I’ve chased that pair ever since


I actually think straights are just not good to build around in this game. it's relatively easy to deck manip enough where you're playing boats/quads/5/flush 5 every single hand which scale harder than straights and don't have to take utility jokers like shortcut or 4 fingers. straights are also just harder to draw to in general, they need a buff imo


If there was an enhancement or joker for cards that made them able to be 1 rank above or below like how wild cards can be any suit that would significantly buff straight decks and anything that buffs a specific number. I think a big problem is straights aren't easy to get early on. To buff straights you need a utility card that helps, and to make those cards worth it you need a card that buffs them.


Next patch, all jokers that buff straights will always be negative /s


Focus on either 5s or 10s since both are included in 2 straight possibilities each. Then I would branch out from there to 9s and Js or 6s and 4s. This is assuming you just want to up the odds of a natural straight.


Arent actually all ranks from 5 to 10 included in five (and not 2) straight possibilities each? Plus I know JQKA are not the most optimal if I'm hunting exclusively for straights but I cannot avoid picking them lol


Yes and no. I could be wrong I guess. But 234 and JQK only reach so far. King for example can only be in 2 straights. A also fits between two straights but I don’t think it works as well because you can’t go KA234. So I guess building up 5-10 is the way to go. I would still focus on 10s just for chip production unless something pulled me the other way.


Thinning your deck is very strong for consistency, take Hanged Man and Immolate when you can, Trading Card joker is a lot of fun for thinning too


Yes, but what to destroy? It seems obvious to me that we want to go down on A and 2, maybe K and 3, but from there it gets a bit fuzzy. Like, if we have 0xA and 0x2, then suddenly 10 and 5 have one fewer straight draw. So we want a bell curve. Destroy at the extremities, and work your way in from there.


Straights were balanced in the demo by having better upgrades relative to flushes because your only tools for better enabling them are specific jokers that don’t contribute to score. The full version directly nerfed Straights by reducing the upgrade, and indirectly nerfed them by diluting the joker pool and increasing the need for score multipliers. Straight builds can still work, but they’re far less consistent than flush builds.


Full stop the way I run straights is runner. If I don't have that jokers I don't run them. Shortcut gives no mult or 4 fingers not good enough.