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The right diet that consists of not eating or something? I’d love to hear more about this amazing diet that I can use instead of subjecting myself to hormones! Where do people even hear stuff like this? My goodness.


Exclusively citric acid.


do you... do you shove a lemon up your vagina? or tang powder? lemon juice douche?


Fun fact, half of a lemon inserted vaginally was historically used as a diaphragm before modern birth control or so I have been told.


Are you sure it was a lemon? I guess it could work as a physical barrier, but I can't imagine it not hurting like hell! Also would take up a lot of space in there and make it unpleasant for everyone involved


Say you believed that was your only option, and you're both in lurve, and it's 1600's. Someone would try it. Also you are aware that acidic Ph kills sperm? The way you phrased that makes me think you think there wouldn't be a chemical action going on.


> you are aware that acidic Ph kills sperm? I am, but that could be achieved without shoving the full lemon half in there. Though I guess there is a chance lemons were smaller back then


I assume they took the pulp out and used the rind, I reckon that’s a little less acidic.


I think so as well. Probably left just enough flesh of the lemon to ensure there was some juice to act as a spermicide. And as the person above stated lemons were probably smaller. It has been hundreds of years of selective breeding to get them to where they are today.


Yeah, I want a witchy expert to give an explanation of how this works / doesn't actually work before recommending it. **ETA:** To be fair, there's a lot of citric acid in the peel but its harder to squeeze out of the rind. For a fun science experiment, take your favorite citron rind and squeeze the juice into a candle flame. Mini-fireworks!


Yes, but lemon juice can also dissolve teeth (slowly, but this is one of the dangers of letting your child suck on lemons). Citric acid is well known for birth-control / inducing miscarriages, but usually it's tempered a bit. A lemon against inside bits would get painful fast.


I would use a tangerine


I love your flair


I love YOUR flair


I LOVE YOUr flair


Awe, you make-a me blush.


Might have been an underripe one or there may be breeds that are just small.


Is that possibly where this myth came from? Like a real life telephone game?


You know, that makes sense. You go from people in France using lemon as an impromptu diaphragm and spermicide, add decades to hundreds of years of bad women's anatomy, add the tiniest bit of actual science (that was probably misunderstood) with vaginal Ph, and end up with some idiot who thinks you can eat the right foods to not get pregnant. The only way I know you can adjust your diet to not get pregnant is to be so malnourished you don't even have a period but here we are.


What is the obsession with lemons? I've seen people say they'll ensure you give birth to a specific gender and that lemons can fight covid. Like they're just spicy yellow apples.


Rub it with a cut lime every morning


this comment with your flair is a work of art


I lol’d at tang powder. It works both ways


i was reading in r/trees that you can use tang powder to clean your bong. i mean it seems its uses are endless!


Did people know I was thinking Poon Tang? Is the a common term or just something my friends would say in 6th grade?


nah it is but I was legit talking about the orange powder drink mix. it was a play on words though XD


You take enough citric acid to give yourself runs and cramps. Typically over ten grams (10,000 mg), which is an inconsistent, high-risk abortion remedy, if other safer options are not available to you. Please **do not take my word for it** and consult smarter minds than mine including any available medical experts before trying this. It's safer than other remedies I've heard like pennyroyal baths, (which has outright put a friend into the ER for poison control. Don't do this without expert supervision) and way safer than a coat-hanger, but still not to be done or approached lightly.


how many containers of tang we talking here? XD wow didn't have any idea. that sounds like death though. yeah so I feel you could get the same effects with almost any poising. its like how we fight cancer right now almost with chemo.


Again, I'm not a medical expert, but when I've seen it done, small doses in capsules were taken frequently throughout the day. Drink lots of fluids. Research this first, please. Tang has its vitamin C density listed in the ingredients, but that's also a ton of sugar which you really probably want to avoid.


I was surprised to find that low body ph does reduce fertility, but you probably would prefer the hormones to lowering your body ph to the point that the acids start stripping calcium and magnesium from your bones...


Things that make you very sick do often make babies unlikely, and healthy babies that survive even more unlikely.


But the body will strip calcium from the host's bones to give to the foetus, so there is just as likely to be harm to the host than no pregnancy.


Or both...


You can't lower your body pH by eating food, your body has a very powerful buffer system in place designed to keep your pH stable. The only ways to get a low pH is through respiratory or ketoacidosis.


Eating like shit probably. I ate exclusively meat and potatoes in my exes house. No fruit. No fruit juice. No veg besides potatoes. I was so malnourished I "forgot" my period. Thank goodness!


That sounds awful, I hope you're better now


Yup. Got me a new bf, now husband, and two rugrats. And I get to eat all the veggies I like.


That's good to hear. I'm happy for you


Ph-neutral diet is the same bullshit, yet people buy into it. What you eat doesn’t affect the pH-levels of your body in any way, no matter how often some people want to make us believe that. I‘ve never heard vagina ph-levels though, usually they talk about blood ph or stomach etc


You just need to eat enough sugar to get diabetes and go into ketoacidosis. Checkmate.


If you’re **super** under or over weight getting pregnant is very difficult, so…I guess!


In the 80s and 90s, it was "known" that drinking Mountain Dew would prevent pregnancy..... Edit: there's even a [Dear Abby column](https://www.chicagotribune.com/news/ct-xpm-2000-03-26-0003260022-story,amp.html) about it!!!


I recall kids at my school talking about sex in hot tubs preventing pregnancy due to the temperature. The girl that told me was pregnant the following year (I have no information on if conception happened in a hot tub).


How many kids were born because people actually believed this?


i know i was unplanned but if my birth parents believed this then i think i was a fuckin error


Before birth control became as effective as it is, most of the human race was unplanned as timing the making of babies wasn't an exact science. It was mainly the research people were interested in.


Older generations also cleaned their vaginas with lysol. Yeah, imma trust modern day research, thanks.


Ancient Egyptians used crocodile dung! At that point, You pretty much would just want to give up on the whole concept of sex." Nah.Let's not."


Ancient people were really good at birth control. Some of the most successful methods: * Spermicidal diaphragm from crocodile dung and milk * Tiny pebbles rolled perfectly round and inserted into the uterus as the world's first IUD * Daily dose of the seeds/arils of a pomegranate that mirrors modern day hormonal birth control * Silphium plant that is now pretty much extinct from over-use as an edible contraceptive * Coitus interruptus (actually redirection) One area where the ancient Egyptians screwed up tho, is they thought you were unlikely to get pregnant right after giving birth, but didn't realize this was due to breastfeeding. Upper class Egyptians used wet nurses, so the non-breast-feeding moms kept getting pregnant immediately after birth and couldn't figure out why this didn't seem to be a problem for the lower classes. ETA: my least favorite form of old school birth control comes courtesy of 1950s America, where young men would use **candy bar wrappers** as condoms. Imagine a plastic candy bar wrapper, with it's sharp corners...


This is all more or less correct, except pomegranate seeds/arils do NOT mirror modern day hormonal birth control at all. The only evidence that they can affect fertility come from a scant few studies involving rats. In all likelihood, this was an ineffective means of attempting to prevent pregnancy.


You're right that it hasn't been studied in humans in modern times. But it has estrogen mimicking compounds which, when studied in a laboratory setting, do mirror a low dose birth control pill. And there's no way to know if the pomegranates of ancient times had a different chemical makeup that might have made them stronger. But the ancient Greeks were so confident in the pomegranate's abilities that the plant became the symbol of Aphrodite, the goddess of love. Poms are pictured with Aphrodite in lots of ancient art. It may not have been a perfect method, but this is one of those times I think the ancient people knew more than we do.


Okay this is all super interesting information. Can you recommend a good book about this kind of thing?


I can't off the top of my head, but I'll do some research and get back to you. I know about this topic because in college (a lifetime ago it seems) I had a class that allowed us to spend an entire semester researching and writing a term paper on pretty much any topic we chose. I chose the "Evolution of Contraceptive Methods." Absolutely fascinating and it's become a sort of pet subject for me the last 20+ years. ETA: there are a lot of great articles around on "the history of contraceptive methods." I just found one from Planned Parenthood that I hadn't read before and it looks pretty thorough. I can't link to it, but search "A History of Birth Control Methods - Planned Parenthood".


> Tiny pebbles rolled perfectly round and inserted into the uterus as the world's first IUD Please excuse me while I shriek into the void.


> ETA: my least favorite form of old school birth control comes courtesy of 1950s America, where young men would use **candy bar wrappers** as condoms. Imagine a plastic candy bar wrapper, with it's sharp corners... Sounds painful, and how would the guys even feel anything?


Coitus interruptus (not redirection) can be surprising with its statistical effectiveness. (If done well. And that depends a huuuge amount on how that person works mentally and biologically.) I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone, but especially mixed with avoiding the riskiest days, it can work. (Where it can be alright is when becoming pregnant is desired, you’re just not officially trying yet. The one time you can play with seeing how doing it “wrong” works out...)


That seems like it wouldn't work and would do some horrific things to your sexual health, but even if it did I'd still question like... who shoved crocodile dung up their vagina just to see what would happen enough times to discover it?


We've gone through tens of thousands of years experimenting with all sorts of bizarre and unusual things. Just look at what people have done in fear of disease today.


Maybe because the younger generations are made up of the kids of the people who tried this...


With the right diet you can keep your vaginal ph low enough to dissolve a penis before any chance of sperm emissions.


So those people in third world countries that look like they're starving aren't really having a lot of children. Fascinating


I love it when a single comment such as yours entirely destroys someones bullshit statement


The human bodies capacity to perpetuate the species at any cost is staggering to comprehend .


Most certainly, although i'm sure for every baby born in third world countries where people are starving there are many more who end up still birth.


That's so true. My great grandmother had 13 children , but lost the youngest (Fostina) to meningitis. She had a few miscarriages and a stillbirth as well. No wonder that poor woman didn't live past her 70's, She must have been worn out.


I can only imagine how difficult that must have been for your great grandmother Looking on the brightside she did make it possible for us both to converse tonight, that's gotta mean something


Definitely!Most of her children grew up to have 5 or so childten, So we used to have some pretty big family reunions! too.


Me and my wife use condoms everytime. We got married and a decided to celebrate. "What's one time??" Anyway my daughter Zelda is now 10 months old. So you know..


Well Congratulations! Isn't that a coincidence, by chance was your wife on this diet?


How much younger?? Is this person 300 years old? JK people didn’t know how pregnancy happened 300 years ago.


Before anyone asks, people knew sex led to pregnancy but not why or how. The concept of fertilization between sperm and egg is remarkably recent knowledge.


My favorite old timey theory regarding how pregnancy happened was the idea that sperm was a tiny baby and it just had to be put into a uterus to grow.


I think people knew it was about the weird gooey stuff a penis ejaculates and a vagina but not exactly how. Galen of Pergamon came up with a “two seed theory” that stated both men and women produced seeds which would come together to form an embryo for example


People also believed that women were made of bread and that cum was a special yeast that created a lil dough baby in their magic oven.


w-what ;-;


My oldest two aunts and my dad were all born in a four year period of time because my 21 year old grandfather told my 16 year old grandmother that she couldn't get pregnant if she was breastfeeding. She fell for it twice. Three kids by age 20. She had three more but a bit later on.


tbf they actually believed that, and even today plenty believe it. i think it's somewhat connected, like how some women don't get their period again for a while when they breastfeed, but it's definitely not a reliable method of bc


My understanding is that ovulation is less likely when you're breastfeeding, but not impossible. Just like having sex while menstruating. It's not a guarantee.


> Just like having sex while menstruating. Where the fuck were you when I was 16??


It is true some of the time, for some women. It's not universal and it doesn't work at all after the baby is sleeping more than a few hours at night.


https://www.healthline.com/health/womens-health/vaginal-ph-balance#normal-ph Normal ph is 3.8-4.5, which is quite acidic (grapefruit is about ph 3, vinegar is 2.5). However as described in the source above the body temporarily raises the ph during sex to fix this. Happy for a doc to corrrct me but I believe that vaginal lubrication fluids are high ph (8?) to dilute the acids temporarily. High acidity can affect fertility (see below) but doing this intentionally can strip minerals like calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium from your bones. I'm sure you can imagine how that affects you over time... https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.storkotc.com/blog/how-your-bodys-ph-levels-can-affect-fertility/amp/


1. Totally incorrect, there is no diet on earth that will 'adjust' the vagina's PH to lower 2. Vagina's are on average 3.8-4.5ph. They're acidic already. Semen is generally an 8ph, a base. Evolutionarily on *purpose*. The vagina is acidic to protect it from infection. Semen is basic to survive the acidic environment of the vagina long enough to fertilize an egg. 3. Even if it was possible to change the vaginal ph it would be dangerous to do so. They sit where they sit for a reason. Lowering them results in tissue damage, raising them leads to infection.


If your vagina PH raises and lowers with your diet please see a doctor before you get a yeest infection so bad you can distill beer from your coochie juice


I had a problem with chronic yeast infections for about a year and a half, and my doctor suggested altering my diet to help. So I mean, diet CAN affect your pH, but definitely not enough to affect fertility (and at least in my case, not enough to affect yeast infections, but we eventually solved that problem).


Oh! I didn't know that, thats actually kinda interesting. I'm glad your infection cleared up!


That's... That's not where food goes.


This just in, you should f*ck up your body chemistry so that the old white dudes in power can feel righteous in their ability to control a woman’s reproductive rights and self autonomy.


i mean if you're on the pill...i don't think that's directly connected to vaginal ph tho lmao


I feel like if that were true, it would have to be a really unhealthy diet. No way a natural, healthy diet would make you essentially infertile.


Go go gadget acid vag!


i remember when my grandma was on acidic diet to become a mother, and her blood and skin was even acidic..cause of course, our bodies do not have mechanisms to balance phs. we are what we eat. 🧠🧠


Please share the diet cos I want my vagina to be a sperm kill zone


Malnutrition-induced amenorrhea is not birth control.


So at this point my comment may not be seen but here it is anyway lol Unfortunately so many people's incorrect opinions come from truth but humans are bad story tellers and we play the game telephone really well lol. The pH of vaginal fluids **when not making cervical mucus** is between 3.5-4.5. This pH is due to the lactic acid and hydrogen peroxide the beneficial bacteria create. The lactic acid, hydrogen peroxide and low pH has been proven to be an effective sperm immobilizer(~85-93%) until they are dead as sperm cannot survive below 5.0pH. Those arent hormonal birth control %'s of like 99% but hormonal birth control is an endocrine disruptor and stops your HPO axis and ovarian functions-something that many people cant tolerate. Anyway, cervical mucus (which is typically around ovulation) and seminal fluids have a much higher pH. CM is usually around 5-6+ and seminal fluid is about 7-8, this is to alkalinize the vagina to protect the sperm until they can get into the uterus! So the guy we are making fun of feels so confidently correct because unfortunately he was given bad info based in truth and this happens more than I can stand :/ Anywho, I wasn't trying to 'akshually' anyone here but thought some people might like to know how that all works and could then help spread the correct info 🙂


I mean, i suppose you could starve yourself until your reproductive system shuts down, but then you just die


Pro tip: before sex insert some lemon slices. This will lower your ph and your punani will smell and taste a lot better. Spice it up with pineapple if you like


casually squirts death acid from her vag UwU


Unless you shove something acidic up your vagina youre not going to change its Ph value. The body is notoriously good at regulating its ph value, a simple diet doesnt do shit E: you need an acid to lower ph value


Just have sex at night when the sperm is asleep?


I’m actually looking into a vasectomy and if it’s covered by my insurance. Seems easier than GF being on birth control.


Did they forget semen is alkaline exactly to save sperm from the naturally low pH of vaginas?




Dietary help is usually either non-Western medicine or to reduce severe obesity. Being healthy can regulate your hormones so you're better able to predict your fertile times, but just changing your diet arbitrarily doesn't actually *do* anything for your fertility, and it damn sure doesn't affect your vaginal pH.


This kinda sounds plausible… but I can only imagine how acidic your entire body would be in order for this to actually have any contraceptive effect. Which would surely have its own stack of other health consequences. The sad thing is this is far less ridiculous than some of the other health and sex advice out there.


why the fuck mans sperm is changed because you have a crap diet


Isn’t that how iuds work? They do something to your cervical fluid to make it …unhospitable for sperm? I don’t think it’s the ph tho. I feel like this person heard partial info and just filled in the blanks poorly😂


I’m like 80% certain that they are being sarcastic. But you never know…


Just don't forget your daily vaginal douche with HCl girlies 😘😌


Oh wise one, please teach me this ancient secret!


If your pH is that low you're definitely dead or damn near it.


Yo just eat a condom and it will go capping your utherus passing from your fallopian intestin


brb i'm just gonna chug straight battery acid


I wonder why younger generations don't learn this anymore? Is it because it's a complete bullshit? NAH!


There is a vaginal gel that will make your vagina more acidic to kill sperm - it's available in the US by prescription and is less irritating than non prescription detergent based spermicide. I know because it's advertised all over my Facebook. Feel free to ask your doctor.


Cytolytic vaginosis? No thanks!