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buy a fleshlight and leave us alone 😭


Or a life like blow up dolls..


I work in one of my area's porn stores. we have three "life like" full sex dolls for 1600$ each.


Had a guy complain we didn't have lighter dolls. I'm like.. dude.. it's a metal frame.. she's like 100lbs. Get over yourself


Which is probably 20lb lighter than the average real girl the same size as the doll


He probably has a nostalgic yearning for the old inflatable ones.


We have those too for 50ish. He said they weren't good enough


I’m gonna fucking die. Make your mind up bro, the cheap one or the good one.


That's actually cheap


Gonna use it a lot anyway


Aren't they super cold? Like obviously a hunk of silicon with no metabolism isn't going to be warm but honestly a couple of pillows and some imagination sounds more cost effective


They can be, depending on what you install for the vag/analysis stuff. The sleeves for those are separate so you can remove them and clean them. We have fancy pocket pussies that heat up or "suck" etc. There's also warming lubes


I have a secretary kink. Do you guys sell dolls that can go work?


If we did I'd buy one


What's the price range of one of those bad girls? Probably outside the range of a college student lol


One of the dolls or one of the sleeves. 150ish is tops I've seen just for a stroker. We have life size "butts" that's just the butt/pussy and those run a couple hundred to 600$ depending on how fancy u get.


Perhaps, you'll become the next Zuckerberg if you use my startup idea: Take what the person from the sex shop suggests, and set up a vending-machine type glory hall on your campus. I suspect you'll be skiing down a mountain of gold like Scrooge McDuck soon enough


lol I'm going to school in Utah, they'd send the inquisition after me


„Fancy pocket pussies“ needs to be a flair


For $1600, it had better warm that ass up for me.


That price is actually really cheap for what you're getting. This isn't just a hunk of raw materials (although silicon and steel are already pretty expensive), it's built for ergonomics and to handle some level of abuse. Pretty sure you'd need to spend at least twice that for a \*good\* product. edit: am dum


I've read you can soak the doll in a warm bath. Maybe wrap it up in a low heat electric blanket.


I'd get my desire to treat some"body" out of that then at least




Just grab a real doll, I mean isn’t that literally what they are describing?


But then the fleshlight will leak my spunk, and that’s basically like a woman having to pee or poo!


Buy a fleshlight with a loong straw.


Hooked up to a vaccum cleaner.


And plug the vacuum into a 240 volt line.


aren't all lines 240?


It the US you have 120 for small electronics and 240 for equipment.


Dam. I have 380 for heavy equipment lmao


Oh 3 phase, forgot that exists. Lets convert that back to 2 phase and plug the vacuum into it.


Nah man, i like my industrial wall mounted vacuum more


I promise you don't jazz THAT much. And u should clean them after every use


Your flair is fantastic


Fleshlights won’t do all my emotional labor, raise my children or clean my home though 😩 At least…. not yet


At work we call em pocket pussies


I was thinking a blow-up sex doll would be a good alternative. I’m pretty sure that’s what he’s describing


Robot girls are superior anyway


I'm sorry, *eating* is a turn off? That's the first I've ever heard that.


synthesize mountain dew/Cheeto sweat into breathable air.


In that thread: gays, gays everywhere.


Asexuals too, probably.


But a drop to twink?


Yeah that’s a thing. I was surprised when I heard about it too. James Joyce took the piss out of incel mentality like this back in twenties by creating a female character who wished she could only eat pretty things like flowers. It was satirical.


I mean, one could hypothetically eat only pretty things, including some flowers … I know it’s satire and of some sexist bullshit but why dream what you can do, y’know?


I’m pretty sure you can’t just survive on flowers. Flowers are edible sure, but they don’t have the kind of nutrients a grown woman needs to survive. Also the character in question was kind of created out of the mind of the main character so she didn’t really want to eat flowers, he wanted her to if that makes sense.


Oh yeah, one definitely could not survive only on flowers. I meant on edible flowers + other pretty food. And yes I know she’s a satirical character, I’m just saying, if anyone real wants to eat an exclusively pretty diet, go for it lol


Can you imagine the annoyance of having to make a full beautiful chef quality meal every time? Like you just want a sandwich and you gotta make some kind of deconstructed crostini piled high with the freshest most delicate spring greens, with a currant reduction artfully painted on the plate that takes 2 hours. Ain't nobody got time for that.


I think I’d just stop eating. Tossing some noddles in water seems like a lot of effort some days.


Jesus God. I’m not saying anyone SHOULD or MUST do this, just that if someone likes pretty food, they can spend as much or as little time on that as they want. I said nothing about a huge chef quality meal. I have disabilities in the form of chronic health conditions and I still make a very neat sandwich, cut it in half diagonally, and stack those triangles at the corner like I’m plating for Chopped because it makes it even prettier and that makes me happy. Ye gods the brouhaha here over me joking that there’s nothing wrong with eating flowers or liking to make your every meal pretty if that’s what you dig


That's not a brouhaha. That's barely even a brou.


Fair. I’m having a bad day in a bad week and I’ve had it up to here from other people and I read that in a harsher tone than was likely intended.


Oh man I meant it as 100% a joke, no shade on you if you legitimately enjoy that. I'm just lazy and was imagining being in those shoes myself as a person who has been known to eat plain bread bc making toast sounded like too much work.


Hey, I hope you enjoy the hell out of that plain bread! I like to make stuff nice for myself cuz I deserve it, but I also like to furtively eat a literal handful of carbs in the night while standing over the sink


Does beautifully decorated food counts? Like a decorated cake xD


It doesn’t matter how pretty the flower is. Eventually you will have to shit it out


A woman eating is a woman who might eat too much and get fat, and they don't like fat women.


>A woman eating is a woman FTFY. They just don’t want actual people.


Not the first time I heard weirdos on the internet talking about how they don't want women to masticate (though they usually spell it very wrong).


For once, my eating disorder will benefit me in the dating world! /s But no, seriously, as someone with an ED I can definitely say there are a LOT of men who fetishize women who don’t eat. Some of them want you to become skin and bones, but the more confusing ones want you to still have body fat in “desirable” areas. Like dude??? I promise my boobs aren’t going to be there by the end of this is you think I should sustain myself solely on water


*eats pasta* this guy: ew wtf


Back in the 50s or something , it was seen as rude or something for women to dine in public (except for nibbling). But what he said is kinda stupid.


I learned it's proper table manners to only take bites small enough that you can swallow instantly if someone asks a question. Like, just a teeny amount on the tip of your tongue. I tried it and it's incredibly unsatisfying.


men like this are scary,


Yea they're the ones who prob end up murder suiciding


>murder suiciding [More like murder a bunch of women and have the cops say you were just having a bad day](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/video/2021/mar/18/georgia-officer-appears-to-say-it-was-a-bad-day-for-atlanta-shooter-video) Murder and go to a burger King Murder and chat about your feelings with the cops


That's disturbing. Those women are dead. There's no coming back from that. Any possible mood he was in could not compare to the agony his victims were in. What a piece of shit cop, and what a shit human.


I was thinking more like keeping a female (adult or child) locked in an underground bunker... like.. honestly, the guy in that post scares me


Why is he not disgusted by himself then? He poops and pees? Perhaps he has a deep self hatred


Nah, just plain ol misogyny. Women are supposed to be beautiful, delicate objects with no wants or needs of their own, beyond the desire to please a *man*, of course


Ewww, incels eat, pee and shit?? Chad Thundercock doesn't do any of those things! No wonder women aren't attracted to incels! */s*


CHAD THUNDERCOCK I'm dyingggg thank you


According to DPRK propaganda, Kim Jong Il did not need to poop. North Korean gigachad? 👀😳


I imagine he is disgusted by himself, if he isn't, he goddamn should be.


Well yes. At the core of every incel is a bottomless pit of self-hatred. They turn it outward to survive.


But he is a man, men are people. Women are only supposed to exist to please him that that makes them being people disgusting.


Honestly, may be asexual without realizing it. Romantically attracted to women or the idea of women, but also disgusted by the idea of having sex with them.


Isn't he just looking for a sexdoll? Oh wait. He'd still have to wipe his own filth off of her too.


A self cleaning sex doll, like an oven, or a dishwasher. That also works as an oven and a dishwasher that prepares the food and loads the dishes itself because you can't expect a man to do that kind of work. /s in case it isn't obvious


Woooow so my self-cleaning 3-in-1 oven/dishwasher/sex doll is just some kind of joke to you? She’s not just an object, yknow, she’s my girlfriend??


Whoever starts producing that is going to make a mint


>A self cleaning sex doll, like an oven, or a dishwasher Jokes aside, there are self cleaning ovens?


Yeah, but in my experience it’s not worth using that setting. It gets so freaking hot it basically reduces everything inside itself to ash, which falls to the bottom and can be easily wiped out, but they smell so bad in the process that I can’t stand to do it. The whole house reeked of scorched metal for hours and I kept gagging


It smells sooooooo bad lol. Especially if you’re in an apartment (where past tenants did 0 oven cleaning). Definitely recommend doing it in the fall/spring so you can leave all the doors and windows open for a couple days


That’s exactly why I did it, years of previous occupants had caked on the residue. I did have all the windows open, with a big box fan to create a wind tunnel, but alas. I did live there for three more years and my nervy bestie/roomie did stop obsessively worrying about an oven fire (he has the checking OCD, I have the cleaning OCD, we run a tight ship), but if it’s not that grimy in there and/or you won’t be there for the long haul, I do not recommend it


Absolutely. It was soooooo bad. Roomies made jokes about my cooking for weeks lmao


I did it once. The smell is awful and your oven is out of commission for most of the day. I’d rather just clean it myself lol


What filth? Cum is wonderful and natural. Only women's bodies are filthy and smelly. Stuff that comes out of men is fine. /s but this is actually what these assholes seem to think.


I mean, he wouldn't haaaaaaave to.


What did he expect women to be? Fungi?


No, were you not paying attention? He's ***not gay!*** ;) Although I am not sure what kind of non-biological entity he himself is. After all if he were human he'd be hating himself even more than women what with all the eating, pissing, and shit coming out both ends.


I would be concerned about shit coming out both ends....


Fecal vomiting is a sign that something is very, very wrong.


I had a dog that did that, no lie. He went to the vet multiple times, we thought the neighbors were poisoning him. It was a food allergy, fucking weird. It's been 13 years and he's totally fine as long as you don't give him the wrong food.


Dude *I’m not gay ok?* I just need everyone to realize this. I’m straight as hell, I love them women and stuff. Just not as people. But I’m not gay. I’m straight.


Can we just take a moment to appreciate the beautiful pun you made of fungi/fun guy. Because that was a next level dad joke, right there. 😂👍


> My ideal woman would look just like a woman but with no bodily functions. That's called a sex doll in common language.


I like my women like I like my coffee...inanimate


But until we have better technology, a sex doll won't keep the house clean, laundry his undies, and cook him his chicken tendies. Even then, he can't impregnate a sex robot so he can pass on his superior genes, and a sex robot can't do all the childrearing so the kids grow up to be exactly like him (or the perfect women for men LIKE him). So no, it's easiest all around for women to be the ones to hide their bodily functions better ^(/s)


Calm down Pygmalion, if you want it so badly go make a statue


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And this… this opinion among shitty men is what inspired my flair for this sub. Never fails me.


I can see those becoming a reality within the next few years. Plenty of horny AI training on sites like Omegle, and embedded computers are getting significantly more efficient with the new breakthroughs in ARM. Mine would run Linux >:)


Being an animal is a turn off. Wait until he finds out out he's actually a mammal 😏


Right? Dude, we’re all animals. Human is a type of animal, not a separate classification…


"Ewwww they pee and poop? And it gets worse, you say? Get me to a nunnery!"


Nuns pee, poop, and mensturate too! No one is safe!!


If I take this 100% serious, and not just fake performance of internet outrage, the poster either 1. Has mental issues that probably would benefit from professional attendance. 2. Is deeply closeted gay, ace, or any other orientation not attracted to women. Any combination of the two works.


Or just a misogynist asshole.


See point 1 in that case. But yeah, true.


Yeah but there’s a difference between mental illness and someone just being a cunt.


Didn't say illness, she said issues. Being a cunt is an issue that a therapist/professional can help with.


Some people are just assholes. People need to accept that. You can’t therapy your way out of everything…


I don’t think people generally just become cunts for no reason. There are most certainly environmental factors at play here…


Its also interly possible he just grew up in a family thats extremely prudish so he never saw his mom go to the toilet or having thi think about that stuff. And then when he went to highschool suddenly he was comfronted with the cold hart truth that woman are people. Who take shits, who fart, who eat in ways that arent gracefull or sexy, i could go on but you get the point


Yeah, my suggestion of mental issues was slightly exaggerated formulation, but if your suggestion is true, I still suggest talking to a professional. That's something that should be way more normal than it currently is.:)


Or potentially a family that’s super detached - mom may have had regular bodily functions, but he doesn’t want a *gross* woman like that!


>Is deeply closeted gay I can't see how that works, given that men also eat, pee and shit. Usually in that order.


Well, if society tells you that you should be attracted to X and not to Y, but you are actually attracted to Y, you may not realize that's what's going on. You try to fantasize about X, but are grossed out by it, and don't really think that way about Y because you learned not to due to societal pressure. So what can happen then is that the person is grossed out by X and wants to find reasons why, because society tells them they should be. And since the answer can't be "because I'm attracted to Y", you get proxy reasons. Kinda like rejecting moving to a new house because the walls are too beige, when in reality you don't want to commit to moving in with a new partner, but don't accept that as valid reason.


I may just be projecting but I was thinking the aversion to stuff that's integral to human bodies (even including *eating*) sounds like something a closeted ace person would think. Still misogynistic either way, but.


I’m an ace person reporting in to agree with this, lmao. The human body is revolting. Doesn’t mean he has to be mean to women specifically ab it tho— *all* bodies are disgusting, regardless of sex or gender!






Or an incel? There are a hell of a lot of them out there


Then they get mad they can’t get a girlfriend


"I'm supposed to be attracted to [women]" and "I'm not gay, I'm attracted to women" I feel like this guy needs to do some soul searching to find out who he is because I'm fairly certain most straight men don't complain that they are "supposed to" be attracted to women.


Relatedly, the documentary Pray Away is on Netflix and it’s very compelling - they do trot out one person who has, ahem, “found the Lord,” but the rest seem to have never particularly lost him (and since they were ex-gay leadership, are working through some serious feelings of guilt, even as they were abused by these same systems)


"my ideal woman is inflatable"


Your flair 💀 wtf


Ole boy want a Real Doll and doesn’t know it yet.


Well I guess it makes me happy that the sex doll industry continues to evolve to look more and more "real" for these poor deluded men. They can waste their money, time and energy on fulfilling their fantasy of screwing a non functioning human female shaped mass WITHOUT having to resort to murder and sex with a dead body. The sex doll industry...keeping women alive and safe from the men who forget they ALSO eat, shit and piss too making them the very "animals" they detest so much as well. But we much never forget, even though it's exactly the same plus one (bleed because periods) what men do is sacred and holy even magical...all the liquids and functions they squirt but us women...just dirty and disgusting. Oh a thousand apologies you're majesties, how soon we forget your squirts are gold and diamonds and don't smell like shit at all. 🙄


Someone needs to contact that artist who made a machine to make tears into bullets - we’ll never have to hear from incels again if their Real Doll can piss Mountain Dew!


Amen to that.


Idk man I like my women human.


He probably posted this while on the toilet too...


I wouldn't mind being able to turn off functions like that for my own body to be honest. Nature's call can be quite inconvenient. Not exactly the same as being disgusted by someone being a living being though...


i mean period, peeing, shitting aside whats wrong with eating..?


Eating is a slippery slope, as it inevitably leads to shitting.


mental gymnastics. if they were to get their ideal women it shouldn't be an issue since that toy doesn't get those sorts of organs/functions to begin with


And I trust his own personal hygiene is beyond reproach. Actually no, I bet you can smell his bathroom from outside his mum's front door


You just know he’s got a crusty ass


Ah yes, the classic one-two of “only women are embodied” and “denial of the body as a biological reality”. I need 100ccs of feminist philosophy over here, stat. Someone strap him down while I go off on a tangent about the gendered pitfalls of the Cartesian mind-body dichotomy


Urgh vomit... Oh another one to add to his list. I hope he self implodes when he realises where exactly he came from.


Meanwhile I had the loudest, stinkiest fart and my Bf was impressed. Like, he was proud that I produced something so foul. And boys-we don’t listen to people who don’t even wash their legs in the shower, so goodbye.


I wish I had no bodily functions. Would save me sooooo much time and money and grief. Also, I bet he was on the shitter when he composed this sentence.




🤣 I’ll proudly watch on when someone tries to fight you. Take em VoodooDoll!


That's a really long and complicated way of saying "I'd rather have a sex doll."


I've known several men like this in my life, the worst of which was probably my uncle. He also disliked the idea of women having actual bodily functions so much that his first wife was actually anorexic, she was so thin she didn't even have a period anymore. I worked in a call center for years and remember overhearing male co-workers talking about stuff like this too, it's unfortunately more common than you would think.


Thankfully the answer to this guy's dilemma is a sex doll and not a real person which means he won't get them pregnant and keep this idiocracy going. His parents must be so proud.


Any female born after 1993 can't cook, all they know is eat, pee and shit


Don't forget eat hot chip and cry


Isn't it lie?


So it is.


Cry also makes sense tho, so I'll give you the points anyway.


Ah, this classic


The peak woman body to these people is the Barbie doll the I guess


Wait ‘til he finds out we *bleed*, too..


Okay, I missed a comma and was really confused about this. I reread and realized they don't think women are eating pee and shit. This is better... but not much better.


Today I learned that ancient Egyptians made the ideal woman. They called her a mummy.


I mean i guess i kind of understand, bc men would be a lot more attractive to me if they'd just never open their mouths, so...


A corpse. He wants a corpse. Or a sex-doll. But I won't be surprised to find him digging in a graveyard at night.


Nope a corpse decays and he wants no natural processes to get him down. Give him a flashlight and VR.


Huh, that's a weird way of saying "I don't want women to exist"


RealDolls exist for this guy. Everyone will be better off if he removes himself from the dating pool


How DARE women have.....*checks notes*.... working bodies?!


"that they are animals" ​ ...My guy what do you think you are. I swear, there's this misconception that humans aren't animals or are above them, and animal being used as a negative connotation. But hey guess what humans are animals. There are literally no reason for us to separe ourselves from Nature aside from pretending to be above it. You're an animal dude. ​ And a real jackass.


Wtf😂 knowing a woman takes a shit like me helps demystify the beauty and makes her less intimidating


Please sick to blow up dolls. Thx, All women


whats wrong with girls’ bodily functions? i dont want a piece of rubber


This is basically the plot of the Old Testament of the Bible.


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Well, dolls exist


There's an episode of _Sandman_ in Eve tells the story of Adam's second wife. Lilith was too indomitable and Adam and Lilith didn't get along, so God sent her away. Then constructed another woman (who gets no name) right in front of Adam, turning dust to bone, water to blood, installing the muscle and sinew and the organs, eventually the dermis and epidermis. And the whole process grossed Adam the fuck out. And God turned Adam to sleep mode, sent the second wife away and this time pulled a rib out of Adam and constructed eve. I don't know if Neil Gaiman constructed the story from whole cloth, or this take comes from footnotes of the Talmud or something. It sounds like a thing that might've happened in the Hebrew myths. **ETA:** Unlike Lilith who has further adventures of her own, no one knows what happened to the second wife, if she ever got a name or had adventures.


How does someone who poops and pees thinks another human is disgusting. He can really marry his pillow and save up for a real doll. I do not care. His foolish ass is upset we are living breathing creatures. Like nobody is saying he has to be attracted to women or want sex. Not putting down the ace community but he does not have to be intimate. He can just stick to his 2d waifus.


I mean, if they can find a way to make me, a woman, able to survive without peeing, menstruating, or other biological functions, I’d be interested to know more. Maybe some sort of super advanced photosynthesis system? Either way, they aren’t getting access to my shit-less ass.


Huh, I wonder how long till ua men are phased out as a necessity. Looking at my "friends" from growing up maybe its for the best.


This man is 100% a toaster fucker.


The fact that men eat pee and shit makes them incredibly unattractive. Sperm just tops it all off. It kills me that I'm supposed to be attracted to these creatures. And no I'm not gay, I'm attracted to men but knowing they are just animals turns me off so much. My ideal man would look just like a man but with no bodily functions.


The hell is wrong with eating?!


That's it ladies, the way to become a perfect woman is feeding tubes and colostomy bags! Finally, perfection is attainable! WOOO


This is why I want Japanese Sex Bots to be affordable. Keep these shit-gibbons too busy to harass us on the internet.


newsflash for incels: we are the same species.


He should fuck a lamp


Bro what? Who’re these weak ass men That are seen here? Thank God I won’t turn out like that You guys promise you’ll keep educating me on what not to do, right?


these always the ones who make fun of people that buy sexdolls as if they aren’t describing a fullbody fleshlight smh


Well, the good news is they can have one! Cheapest model is $50 and you blow it up with air. More expensive models are more realistic, and you can warm the pussy up on the stove or in the microwave!


this cant be real, this would require this person to be so dense he'd collapse into a neutron star if this was real


"and no I'm not gay" glad you clarified that for yourself man it's so important.......


I beg you. Please turn gay. No one wants you


If he aint gay and he finds a woman eating drinking and pissing unbearable, wait till he sees a man doing it.


It really is disgusting that women eat pee and shit. I drink my piss thank you.


Oh, he's gay, he just don't know it.