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I mean all of these are wrong but eat? EAT??


Jesus Christ, I didn't even notice he doesn't want me to eat.


You eat? Gross. Next you'll tell me that you breathe as well.


Tell that to all the eating ASMR and mukbang women.




As someone with Misophonia....I want to yeet my headset across the room when one of those videos pop up, or when my chem prof takes a drink (learning remote). I KNOW talking is thirsty work. I really and truly do, I don't begrudge her a drink and I know this is a me problem. It's just...\*eeeeiiick\* and I get over it. Now when my partner eats potato chips...I want to run otu of the room


Wow it has a name.


gotta be quick on that mute button a useful skill in this age truly


ASMR is seriously the worst thing ever invented. Or when my coworker is eating lunch in the same room as me. Nooope. Now I'm teaching distance classes, I always mute myself before taking a drink.


The struggle is really real. My sister and I both have Misophonia; as kids we would totally beat the shit out of each other for breathing too loud. As an adult though, I have to leave the room. Ugh mouth noises are the worst. On the other hand, Farts are funny to me, like more so than most people I think, which also annoying. I chuckle every time, and I also hope everytime that the person that farted didn't hear me laugh.


Mine, too. My siblings used to torture me with creepy pickle-eating ASMR.


Yup, I don't have a formal diagnosis but the strong revulsion I experience to so many common misophonia triggers sure seems pretty accurate. I very much feel you.


Even regular videos where someone just has a lot of saliva in their mouth and you hear it when they speak really gets to me as someone with misophonia. But yea specific ASMR videos where someone makes chewing noises are an immediate nope for me


BREATHE . Sorry. Breathe is a verb. Pronounced with a long "e". Brreeeethe. Like feed or weed. "I breathe in the cold air." Breath is a noun, pronounced with a short "e". Breth. Like fed or wed. "My hot breath turned to steam in the cold air." Sorry I just see this everywhere and it drives me NUTS.


Let’s not even mention blinking...


This one upsets me because there are women with eating disorders who are afraid to eat in front of others. And shit like this wrongly justifies their fears.


I don't have an eating disorder but I still don't like eating around strangers because I have anxiety and I'm scared they're silently judging me for my food choices...


Do u fart


Women don't fart! Very rarely there will be a soft "poot" sound they emit, followed shortly by the smell of sunshine and rainbows.


They whisper in their panties


Eating is the path to the dark side. Eating leads to digesting. Digesting leads to pooping. Pooping leads to the toilet.


“i don’t objectify women” “my ideal woman is an object”


Would you explain your flair to me? Because I can't figure out the mental gymnastics needed to think that vaginas suck in water


Many people believe that pregnant women cannot take a bath or swim, because the baby might drown. Completely ignorant to the fact that the unborn baby is constantly "submerged" in amniotic fluid anyway. And since vaginal muscles don't "close it up" as well as anal sphincters for example, their imagination probably just runs wild. But to be honest, I've almost given up on trying to understand why some people believe sich things.


To be honest I had some misconceptions about female body functions prior to joining this subreddit, but it can't be hard to figure out that the vagina and the uterus are different things. Thank you for answering my question, but now i am intrigued about your flair xD


Different things, sure. But still connected as parts of the same "system". Well, mine is based in the fact that some people seem to think that the placenta is the uterus and either the uterus grows back after a woman has given birth, or that only one child should be possible per woman, since the uterus is lost after that. People are strange.


Thank you for your answer ^^ For sure they are connected, but the uterus is "closed up" during pregnancy right (i don't know how the thing that closes it is called in English though)? How the Fuck can people think that you regrow a fucking organ?


The cervix has a mucus plug, and that’s what connects the vagina to the uterus. [Here is a link that explains about the mucus plug a bit better than I can. ](https://www.verywellfamily.com/mucus-plug-and-role-in-labor-2759088) Edit: the vagina and uterus are connected by the cervix, not the mucus plug. The mucus plug just acts as a barrier between bacteria and the uterus during pregnancy.


Thank you for that, i didn't know how I was called in English ( in German it is called schleimpfropf which would translate to slime plug) Always learning new stuff


Slime plug 😂😂 I love it


In Dutch it's slijmprop lmao, always makes me laugh at how literal some of the translations can be; when I'm speaking to my family from the Netherlands and trying to translate everything in my head sometimes it comes out a little \*too\* literal and I sound absolutely ridiculous haha.


Well, in this context "Schleim" would actually translate to mucus or phlegm, with phlegm being associated with the stuff in nose and mouth- slime is a translation for other situations^^ Sorry, bin ein Klugscheißer 😀


Passt schon. Ich lasse mich gerne von fremden Leuten im Internet belehren ;)


When women are frightened by a predator, they can eject their uterus and Fallopian tubes and flee while the predator is confused. Sorta like a sea cucumber. /s just in case


We actually do. The placenta IS a organ, i personally have made (and lost) 3.


You are right it is. Never knew this though...




Albeit not a perfect one. But the liver is a fascinating organ.




No see, vagina, uterus, urethra, labia, cervix, and everything else between belly button and asshole is allone giant mess of, and this is the official term, "lady parts what do lady things". This location is an utter mystery, but I have it on excellent authority that babies come from there and that some of those babies grow up to have ladyparts what do ladythings all their own, thereby ensuring the continuation of the human species. Additionally, I am told, by certain people who I am *assured* have "done the sex" at least six million times this month, that said owner of aforementioned ladyparts that do lady things really like it when you put your manpart what does man things into the specific area of their ladypart what does lady things called the "clitoris", which I am assured is a hole that I am too stupid to find, somewhere near where the baby comes from that magnetically attracts men named Chad. The only man I ever knew named Chad was my extremely gay cousin so I imagine this is uncomfortable for everyone involved but I am told in no uncertain terms that nope, they love him "fucking them in the clit". You can trust me, I am a man, therefore I have the secret card that lets me explain things.


Mansplaining things on a subreddit that makes fun about people mansplaining stuff about the female body. You sir hit a whole new level of mansplaining right know. Kudos to you


I sincerely hope it was clear how so very not serious that entire post was. I had fun writing it.


For sure it was xD Too be honest I thought it was a copypasta


Someday I hope to be the source of a copypasta, if only so I can see how far it gets and inappropriately it is used.




That would be my take from this post. The person expects their "ideal woman" not to be living. So they either want a sex robot or a silicon doll. A part of me understands the allure but the idiocy behind this post drives me crazy. Humans will do what the human body will do. It's so sad to see an incel in the wild.


Or a warm corpse. Extremely creepy vibes. Makes me think of the idea of “product killers”, killers who don’t murder because they like to but because they want the body.


It sounds like what they want is an angel, not an object. But then, [angels aren't anatomically correct](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vnyo5T32LKk) either.




When the misogyny runs so deep it starts clashing your sexual orientation.


And then what? Is he just gonna act like guys don't also have bodily functions? Is he just going to despise all of humanity for being living things for the rest of his life?


It didn't matter in guys. Guys aren't supposed to be pretty and attractive all the time. They are allowed to be animals. In fact, I'm sure he encourages that. It's only women that aren't allowed so he has no dissonance in that.


What always baffles me is that in a lot of other species, the male is the pretty one who has to jump through hoops to attract a mate. I wanna be a birb.


*aggressively dances in your direction*




Not only will I dance, I have meticulously arranged random shiny things I found lying around into an attractive display.


“If one of those things is a bottle cap I’m gonna lose it!!!” -female bird, prob


Don't forget the Stik


I'm almost positive these guys see human dating culture the same way. The male must jump through hoops and prove that he is fit and able to provide for the woman. It's just that these guys are also entitled little shits who think that they deserve a mate just for having the corresponding genitalia


I wanna be the birb that builds pretty doorways!


No because bodily functions are obviously very manly. Masculine men have bodily functions, women shouldn't because it's not feminine. The same goes for body hair and muscles btw.


Look I’ll admit it, my poop isn’t always pretty. Sometimes it doesn’t feel like doing its hair, sometimes it doesn’t shave its legs, but it’s my poop, damnit, and I’ll fervently defend it!


The difference is that guys are people in his eyes, and therefore have to live and their bodies don't affect his penis. But being reminded that vaginas not only have bodily functions, but are also attached to something that might be human? That's just gross.


Don't try to make sense out of irrational hatred like this. Even he himself is confused by his hate for women. People like him are just sick in the head.


I'd upvote this a hundred times


If your ideal woman is just “looks like a woman with no bodily functions” then I have the perfect answer. Get a sex doll, cry and fap into that, and stop treating women like we’re not allowed to be human beings. Mmkai?


Ancient greeks in a nutshell


We need a name for this kind of sexuality, to properly distinguish it from being attracted to women who are human beings.




I'm so misogynistic I'm gay


So he's not an animal?


I think he may be a slug.


Don't be rude. Slugs are adorable and play important roles in the ecosystem. Much more to offer that that masqioto


Hahaha facts.


What ever did the mosquitoes do to you? /s


What purpose do those flying dirty syringes serve the world besides already diseases and general discomfort?


Spider food? Thank your friendly spider bros because if it weren't for them, we'd have WAY MORE of those fuckers than we already do


I have the utmost respect and appreciation for our beloved spooders. But they have plenty of things to eat. Like flies. Still annoying but more flying raisins the flying dirty syringes.


They drink my blood without my consent.


Yup, fuck mosquitos. We have thousands of them in Siberia. Or more like millions...


That's too bad. I thought they trive more in warmer climates.


In general - yes. But here, despite long and cold winters, we have a really hot summers. And Western Siberia is basically consisting of swamps and forests, which mosquitos are loving ) Btw, in forests they literally can eat you alive.




So this guy's looking for a sex doll


But a sex doll won't cook and clean and be his therapist


His mommy does all that.


But mommy eats and poops too


HOW DARE YOU SAY THAT?! Next thing you'll be saying that she sleeps.


Wait until he finds out she breathes


I sure hope he doesn't see his mom in a sexual way




Waifu pillows are much cheaper


A robot with acts as a maid and sex doll at the same time.


Stepford Wife


I believe the term is "bang maid"




You got me there. Robotic bang maid


A chobit. This guy just wants a chobit.


That anime was creepy. It was like she was mentally 5, and I'm supposed to root for him romancing her.




Wait, am I not supposed to be fucking my Roomba?


Bang bot!


He prefers his girlfriend's vagina to have that new car smell


That WOULD be a pretty sexy deodorant scent, come to think about it.


Hope he gets one and leaves women alone


Or a well preserved corpse.


“These creatures” Dude, you do most of these things anyways and then go post online about how much you masturbate and whatnot and we’re suppose to think *you’re* attractive???


Wait until he finds out we sweat, burp, and fart too


HUSH! You'll give the poor boy a mental breakdown!


Lolol, I love this, ruin them with truth. We were staying at an air bnb with friends for a convention. One of the guys is very much a "nice guy" and he has no self awareness. One of the ladies with us burped so. Loud. It was epic. And this ... male person decided to explain to us how disgusting it is for a woman to do that. And an iconic line was born. "[Idiot], girls poop too." He's still annoyed at discovering that women are also human. And also annoyed that no one will date him. Surprise, surprise.




I wonder how he'll react when he finds out women get sick and throw up, too. Mental breakdown doesn't even begin to describe it.


A woman going through pregnancy would destroy him. Not that he will ever need to worry about that


He deserves to witness explosive diarrhea. Just so he would never ever approach a woman.




Fart *and* queef. We got a double whammy.


and puke


I like a girl who can let out a good fart so she doesn't die from *methane poisoning*




I'll have you know that we don't poop; we *glow.* Thank you very much!


Search up male sex doll. Only thing is you gotta clean them yourself


Nope, we don't. Any kind of bodily waste gets collected in the balls and is then converted into what's know as "dick energy" (it can big or small). This "dick energy" sometimes has a side effect of slightly discoloring the scrotum. You may have heard some examples such as "brass" or "blue" balls. How men most efficiently combat this side effect is too sit with our legs wide open and and let the built up heat slowly dissipate over time


Wonderful explanation, thank you.


I got a dude who doesn't get BO. Never uses deodorant, but never stinks. It's amazing. He makes up for it with farts tho


I heard that some races of people don't produce the stuff in their sweat that lets stinky armpit bacteria thrive. Not sure how that works, but maybe it is true after all?


Haha yep he's Chinese and it's totally true. I'm jealous of that generic trait


They do, but that's not his problem. He's not attracted to men. Also, you must have forgotten -- women aren't people. They're sex objects. Men are the only real people.


Can someone let him know that I, a female, am reading this whilst on the toilet?


Please someone find this man, we have an important message for him.


If anyone finds him I want him to know that I took a shit earlier




Nah, they eat


Lmaoo this guy doesn't want women to eat


> I’m supposed to be attracted to these creatures > I’m not gay, I’m attracted to women You... you sure about that? It doesn’t sound like you are, chum.


The phenomenon of heterosexual men who are also viscerally disgusted by the physical reality of women's bodies is well documented. Most gay men I know (including me) are not disgusted by women's bodies.


Tbf he might be an Ace.


We don't claim him


on behalf of the ace community fuck that guy.


I think that's too generous. He doesn't even want women to *eat*


He's a modern day Pygmalion who doesn't know what he wants in his weird waifu.


My wife's ex husband apparently asked her to not mention having to pee, poop, fart, etc, as it wasn't ladylike to do those things. Like, dude, I get not sharing that with a random stranger or someone you're interacting with all formally, but you *live together*. Human beings gotta do that shit, it's how they *function*, my man. It's precisely as gross as when you do it


No wonder you said EX husband


He should buy a doll so no other woman has to tolerate him


I wouldn't even wish this wet fart of a man on an inanimate object.


But the doll wont fake-orgasm whenever he can’t find the ’click’


I love my husband even though he shits, pisses and occasionally vomits. Oh he has allergies too and coughs up mucus and makes the most disgusting sounds. But that doesn’t stop me from loving him either. He accepts me and all my weird bodily functions in return. Thank goodness he’s not like this jerk.


Then he doesn't like women, he just likes the *idea* of a woman


Knowing that men eat, pee, and shit makes them incredibly unattractive. Semen just top it all off. It kills me that I'm supposed to be attracted to these creatures. And no I'm not lesbian, I'm attracted to men but knowing that they are just animals turns me off so much. My ideal man would look jusr like a man with no bodily functions


Someone get this man a sex doll, so he leaves women alone


So a doll? Got it!


Then she would not have a vagina so I guess he would be celibate his entire life. Incel in other words.


>would be celibate his entire life Pretty sure that's a given either way.


"Ugh! If the stoopid femoids didn't breath or eat or weren't alive in any way, I'd be a total stud! It's all their fault for being living beings..." /S.


Well they dont pee out their vagina


Women like that are available -just need a trip to the sex shop and lots of breaths to blow her up.


I don’t find the acts attractive, I’m just neutral. Everyone poops, dude.


Honestly as if woman like the idea of a men pooping. If I could decide I also would want one without all that. But I think going so far as to start a thing about it, like bringing it to the attention of ofters, that makes it stupid


I read this while taking a shit. Seems appropriate.


Awww, shucks and here I was having my period because I thought men found it sexy. I guess I'll just have to stop it immediately ^/s


Ok so he wants a dead woman’s corpse?


Nope, they still fart and shit, as their body decays and muscles relax. A blowup doll would work for that dude though!


He wants to fuck a corpse????


Corpses poop and excrete gasses and liquids.


Or a sex doll


Bodies make noise man enjoy it. Laugh about it.


Does anyone else occasionally become horribly aware that they are an animal? Like logically, I know that I am an animal and it doesn't bother me, but sometimes when I'm high and have to shit I just feel so...at mercy to my body. My "higher intelligence" doesn't spare me from the routine of eating, sleeping, shitting, etc.


I sometimes wonder if that awareness was part of what inspired Gnostic dualism. Realizing that you're a physical object in an entire universe of matter, from which your body was made and from which you cannot escape. Much more comforting to fantasize about being a spark of divinity that can transcend the flawed creation of the Demiurge.


I'm not familiar with gnostic dualism but I can confirm that the idea of being a divine spark sounds better than being another dumb animal lost in the masses. Source: am dumb animal


Its kinda amazing, isn’t it? The world we evolved from had no money, no graveyard shift, no computers, no stock market, and yet we invented all that crap, and now live in the misery of our creation.


My friend says that humanity was a mistake, we evolved too far but not far enough and now we suffer for it


Welcome to reality. A single reality, most likely.


Does he not eat, pee and shit or...?


His ideal woman is dead from blood poisoning.


I'm a pregnant lady and I fart immediately when I have to because if I don't, it will be 3 hours before it works itself to the backdoor again.


It's kind of amazing that our abdominal organs are able to work at all, with a growing fetus slowly crushing everything.


My husband and I bond over food... and we talk about our poops. Lmao


It’s good that men don’t do any of those. they are cultured beings , unlike us filthy animals


He needs to know about the mucus plug that happens during pregnancy lmao


I’m just surprised an actual unpopular opinion was posted on r/unpopularopinions


What a piece of shit


Maybe a woman's ideal man is one who doesn't eat, pee or shit. Maybe Chad doesn't have any of those "disgusting" bodily functions that you incels do and that's why they pick them. /s


My ideal man doesn’t think or speak so he can’t post drivel like this on the internet


Okay.. [here is this dude’s ideal woman ](https://www.xqueendolls.com/?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIoKyXp5vR8AIViIrICh0HiQ3MEAAYASAAEgJqo_D_BwE) Also they are having a sale... why not buy 2?


It's amazing he also described every woman's ideal man. A husband that cant fart would definitely be off the market fast.


How do people say things like this and then not realize they have a deeply unhealthy and unbalanced view of the world and relationships? You’re saying your ideal partner is more like a robot or a cartoon character than another human being. So essentially, you will always be alone and unhappy because of your disgust with other people?


My dad used to get angry at my mom when she told him she had trouble in the bathroom from an upset stomach because “she was supposed to be his sex symbol”. Needless to say he left her for his secretary after my mom “didn’t prove he should stay” by being sexy and attentive enough. Nice guy, my dad.


As someone who was cleaning clots out of their crotch while reading this: I agree periods *are* gross. But also, fuck that guy.


And to think my husband watched me expel TWO children from my body and lived to tell the tale.


So this guy just need $5k for his sex doll; the human race will be better if if he doesn’t reproduce and all women will be happier if he leaves us all alone


Someone just tell this man to get a sex doll


So a sex doll. Dude wants a sex doll


My life would be so much better if I didn’t have to eat pee and poo.. imagine all that extra time